What do you think about Collision course and when do you think anew album comes out


New member
they are worth it though...

there is only one song on it that i dont like and its bigpimpin/papercut

papercut is a great song to :)



New member
when i first heard about jay-z and linkin park i thought it was freakin gay but the numb one sounds ok but for the other songs i dont like it


New member
I could be the biggest Linkin Park fan out there' date=' but I really hated their new CD with Jay-Z. It's not that I hate rap, but I really, really hope they never make this type of music again. Please, stay with what got you where you are today.[/quote']
I agree completely! When I first heard LP was going to collaborate with Jay-z I thought, "Huh, that might be kinda cool." But then I listened to it and I was very disappointed. They just chopped up some of their songs and taped them back together again with Jay-Z tape. I guess I'm glad they want to experiment, but I really really hope they never do that again. Ever.


New member
I actually heard that it wasn't LP's idea to do this,but some guy's idea from NY. MTV heard about it and got LP and JZ together. i read it somewhere i think.


New member
I didn't think CC sucked, i think it could be better. i didn't like the jigga-faint one. To be honest i didn't like the amount of swearing.


New member
that's Jay-z for ya.
LOL....that is Jay-Z for you. Any way I think CC could have been alot better. When my brother likes something I listen to than something is wrong- the guy likes classical things.



New member
CC is an awesome CD, all of the songs are great. Actually the only song i don't really like is Big Pimpin'/Papercut. DOYS/LFY, 99 Problems/Points of Authority/One Step Closer are my favorite. Numb/Encore & Jigga What/Faint are very good. Izzo/In The End is ok.

I love watching the DVD of CC.

And im not too sure what to say about there new CD coming out, im just going to say, i have a feeling its going to be awesome.



New member
Big Pimpin/Papercut was ruined by the Big Pimpin beat all the way through the song. I think LP did a good job with it, but should have changed the beats around like on Jigga What/Faint. "The sun goes down" verse was also needed badly...it would have made the song longer and better.

That's my opinion and Papercut is my favorite song >_<



New member
Collision Course was an interesting album showing some of LP's tastes... and showing off others. Overall decent album.. maybe just a tad bit to much of the Hip Hop and JayZ then I'd prefer...


New member
collision course...not good enough

hey,linkin park is the best and the best album is HYBRID THEORY.

what can i say bout c.c? well,is not enough ...they are able to do more.

liknin park are very talented guys,and the new album not represents them...

i'd like to think that hte future album will be more their tipe!

but i think the wrong stuff on the c.c. is JAY-Z.i hate him!!!!!!!



New member
Collision course was ****. Jay-z made LP swear too much it was like

mutherfu$$az are fu$$$ng s$$t Yo yo yo, fo shizzle my fu$$$ng nizzle mutherfu$$$ng s$$thead, yo yo yo

rubbish if you ask me


#1.. CC wasnt an album, just a project

#2.. The cd was really good!

#3.. There were only some parts that LP sweared with Jay-Z.

and #4.. Jay-z doesnt suck. How dare you guys say "**** jay-z". He is a really good rapper. The only way you can say something like that is if you only listen to LP and anytime you hear anything you would be like "Oh this **** sucks" Well guess what.. there is a lot of great music out there. We all know LP rocks but there are others who rock too..

Just my opinion!!!!



New member
Agreed. LP wouldn't have done this with Jay-Z if they didn't respect him and didn't respect his music. He is a great rapper and is well known because of that.


New member
Agreed. LP wouldn't have done this with Jay-Z if they didn't respect him and didn't respect his music. He is a great rapper and is well known because of that.
i like linkin park,but i really don't caire of what they think bout jay-z.i'm ok with their decission to work on a project with him,but i'm not ok with how the album sounds.

even if i'm a truelly fan of lp i don't wanna be a person who think acts like linkin park or agrees with everything they do.

everybody has a diffrent opinion and usually every member of LPF has to express the personal thought bout lp's music.

it seems fair to me.

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