Need Major Help With An Annoying Toolbar


New member
hey guyz

im in a bit of a bother about this annoying toolbar i have managed to get, i cant turn it off, i have no idea what its called so i cant delete it, i cant do anything to get rid of it, and it stays on top of my screen the whole time, even as im typing this, it only comes on when i use IE, but once its open it never turns off until i restart

please please please help me

here is a pic of it


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New member
u try uninstalling it?go to controlpanel..Then add or remove progs.....then uninstall the toolbar...note that that bar may cuase trojans spyware or viruses if not removed


New member
yer, tried that, i couldnt find anything that shouldnt be there, ive tried all those spyware/adware/hijacker removal tools, but nothing has worked.

this toolbar also changes your "Page Not Found" page and it changes your homepage frequently, and it also adds a bunch of icons to your desktop advertising casinos, mobiles etc

i have no idea how ive got the **** thing, ive had it previously but i used to be able to close it, but it wont do that anymore




New member
mm, try removing all toolbars in add/remove programs. and then reinstallt he ones you use?


New member
firefox is the only browser i've ever used other than IE. mozilla = makers of firefox. netscape = makers of mozilla. XD

i love the tabs tho, does avant whatever have tabs josh?



Active Members
I use firefox as my regular browser. As far as the tool bar, find out the name of it, and just google "how to remove (name) toolbar." If you use the search, it should take you to a site that will be responsible for the tool bar and you can look around for removal info.


New member
thanx azem, that program is legendary, not only did it remove that toolbar, it removed heaps of other annoying problems i had :D
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