Need rare LP songs


New member
First of all - Hi and respekt 2 everybody on the forum.

While looking "around" I found some lyrics 2 - what seemed 2 be - LP song (kinda rare cause I couldn't find them :( ) and I hoping u have them and would like 2 share ( :D pretty pls... :D ) . The songs i'm looking 4 are:

- All That Jazz

- Analsye U

- Anymore

- Did She Ever Loved Me?

- Heartless

- Take From Me

- Wonderful

- Without You ( NOT With you - I have it :thumbsup:

- The Rain ( this one especially )

- Losing Grip

I'm sorry if there 2 many but.... you know how it is being an LP fan... 10x in advance and respekt again.



New member
Spike u're right about Losing Grip ( sorry ) . I didn't say they were "real" ; 10x 4 the STP tip ( I'll look it up )
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