need some parts for a 2005 , 450r

Edgardo Cogles

New member
Ok guys I just got a 05 and I need some parts to make it look decent . I was recomended here by EM USMC . I pretty much need all the plastics. Front genders are the priority. Then a set of nerf bars, so my feet doesn't get cougth on something. Thanks for the help


New member
Keep your eyes on the classified sections. When it comes to nerfs you will want to decide whether you want heel guard style nerfs or the nerfs without heelguards.

the full nerfs with heel guards are usually more expensive, but they are much more sturdy and protective.


Phantom Z

First off, Welcome to the HQ and secondly like RR said watch the classifieds and also check out our sponsors sites. A lot of them offer a discount just for being a member here!! :thumb:


New member
go for the nerfs with the heel guards built in. like was said above. much more solid and they look alot better than having the stock heelguards and cheap nerfs.
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