Neo-colonial bombing wars in Asia: 1860 Afghans and Iraqis bombed todeath in the first 5 days of 200

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Death from Above
Invader/occupiers keep bombing Afghanistan and Iraq:
You would never know it from the mass media:

Jan. 5 airpower summary: Invader B1-B conducts precision
killer strikes on resistance fighters
19+50 = 69 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

Jan. 4 airpower summary: Invader A-10s support
invader/occupier ground forces
34+58 = 92 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

Jan. 3 airpower summary: Invader C-17s keep
colonial war supplies moving
40+63 = 103 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

Jan. 2 airpower summary: Invader unmanned Predators on
the brutal prowl in colonized countries
42+62 = 104 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

Jan. 1 airpower summary: Invader A-10 Thunderbolt II
delivers weapons in order to kill more Muslim partisans
41+57 = 98 bombing raids on Afghans and Iraqis today

69+92+103+104+98=465 bombing raids in the first 5 days
of 2008 x an average of 4 dead per raid (a very
conservative estimate) = 1860 Afghans and Iraqis
bombed to death in their own countries.

And this bombing and killing continues
day in, day out, with no end in sight. Since
October 2001 = now over 6 years in Afghanistan!
And since March 2003 = now over 4.5 years in Iraq!

A rough estimate of 2500 dead per week gives a gruesome
total death toll of over 130,000 resistance fighters
bombed to death in Afghanistan and Iraq
----- EVERY YEAR ------------- !

This slaughter is much worse than the Russian slaughter
in their invasion/occupation in the eighties. With the 'modern'
and now much more lethal firepower the scale of the mass
killing is at least triple. And all that in two illegal immoral
and shameful Western neo-colonial resource wars.

Last week's lies and distortions from the BBC:
Musa Qala - Calm after fight for Afghan town

And what really happened: The British bombing an Afghan town
with mortars and driving the people out, and that will win the
hearts and minds? It is clear the invaders have learned nothing
in more than 6 years.

British 'success' under siege in Afghanistan

The war on Afghanistan is illegal; the attack, invasion and
6-year occupation are all illegal under international law
and totally out of proportion with the WTC mass murder
by stateless terrorists. There were no Afghans on the
airplanes on 9/11. The attack and permanent
occupation and continuous bombing of this dirt-poor
country is total overkill. Punishment yes, 6 years
of occupation, conquest and bombing is immoral,
illegal and ill-conceived as it will never win
the hearts and minds of a proud and fiercely
independent Asian nation. So the Western conquerors
will bleed and bleed, a small trickle at a time,
but finally the invaders will not be able to stomach the hate,
the dead and the cost any longer.

Around a 100 bombing raids per day, day in, day out.
It is never even mentioned in the mass media. Every day
we are told about sectarian violence or suicide bombings
by Afghans or Iraqis. Never about the much larger killing we do
every day. So the masses are kept ignorant and so have no
idea of the daily human carnage and the wide-spread destruction
by our aircraft and bombers.

Did you notice we never see the bodies, never the effects of
our bombs, never the real horrors of war, never the destroyed
cities, never the destroyed houses, never the wounded,
never anything caused by our own gory and immoral violence?

Of course the Pentagon has thousands of photographs,
records and satellite pictures, but none of them will ever be
shown by the always collaborating corporate mass media.

The number of dead does not even include the many
resistance fighters and civilians killed each day by other occupier
violence, such as by cannon fire or missiles from helicopters,
by helicopter gunships, by mortars, by machine guns and snipers,
and maybe even by the always ongoing torture in prisons.

Of course one must always claim these are thugs and terrorists, one
can never call them resistance fighters or partisans (who have every
right to throw the conquering Western invader/occupiers out).

It is their land, it is as simple as that.

2. 60,000 Iraqi resistance fighters - men, women and children - now
in US concentration camps in Iraq ('Guantanamos' in Iraq itself):

This does not even include all the ones in Iraqi-controlled jails, in
US camps in Afghanistan, and in Afghan-controlled jails.

3. A remarkable article about bombing non-Christian people
to smithereens in their own countries:
From Dresden and Tokyo to Hanoi, and now Iraq's Baquba
and Afghanistan's tribal villages, the US military has been

That addiction will only grow stronger as US ground troops
gradually withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, increasingly
leaving civilians to continue to take the heat.
- by Tom Engelhardt (Jul 11, '07)
4. A FALLACY that BOMBS - literally
US and Israeli reliance on air power to fight urban guerilla warfare
has unintended consequences. Dead civilians, decimated homes,
schools and hospitals strengthen and unify opponents and portend
an ominous future for US geopolitical goals.
By Khody Akhavi (Jul 11, '07)
Losing the 'other war' in Afghanistan?
By Karl F. Inderfurth
Published: May 29, 2007
Controversy rages over the war in Iraq, but what about the so-called
other war in Afghanistan, for which there is immoral bipartisan
support in the United States and in the international community?
Is there a danger of losing in Afghanistan? The answer is yes.
My question: A 'danger'? That's silliness:

It is not a 'danger', it already is a fact:
This colonial war was lost a long time ago. As it was never about
winning the hearts and minds, but always about oil and gas and
pipelines and new military bases and access to Central Asia's
resources, i.e., about geo-political power and greed.

It is just a matter of time and the Western colonial invaders can no
longer sustain the slow but permanent and persistent bleeding in
money and casualties and will be forced to leave.

First, however, I'm sure they will kill many tens of thousands more.
We have seen immoral bombing wars and millions of dead before:
In Vietnam, another ill-conceived, immoral and illegal colonial
bombing war on darker skinned non-Christians in their own country.
3 - 4 million perished in the American orgy of colonial violence
in Asia. And a new horrible and racist orgy of violence by western
nations is happening again, now even in two countries in Asia

There is no question whatsoever who or what the real
'axis of evil' is:

American and European, so-called 'Christian', nations attacking,
then illegally occupying two dirt-poor foreign Muslim countries
in Asia, 10,000 miles away from our shores.

Invaders who after more than 6 years of bombing Afghanistan and
more than 4.5 years of bombing Iraq still continue to bomb more
Muslim people to smithereens in their own countries.

And we know why.


When will we finally stop visiting so much horror on Iraq
and Afghanistan? A horror of now up to one million dead,
333 times the number of dead on 9/11; 9/11 being the
liars' fabricated excuse for these two senseless, illegal
and immoral neo-colonial resource wars.
Michael McKinley - USA
serebel wrote:
> Better them than us dude.

That may be true DUDE but what the **** are we even doing out there.
This isn't my vision. Nobody in the world is even ****ing backing us
soo doesn't that tell you something. I am not afraid of anything but
terrorists HERE, the terrorists groups out there can all drink camel
piss for all I ****ing care and it won't affect my day one ****ing bit
here. But when we are out there killing humans that does affect me. We
have killed many innocents while we have been out there, so what has
changed about that? Whaqt are we trying to
accomplish? Do you even think Bush really gives a **** about what
happens with all of this in the
end?? I don't ****ing see it.