NEW ALBUM?? CAn any one tell me if there any speculations or facts)

Yeah in some interview Mike said to they're strating to work on new album...but it will take some times they're not in studio right now....
Friðbjörn said:
that's alright, meteora was written on the tour bus, so...

Yeah and that's ****ing crazy amazing fact!!! :eek:

What you guys respect from new LP album?
Will it be better than Meteora?
I'm sure it will...
After amazing Hybrid Theory we got perfect Meteora...
What's coming next?
Something BIG i'm sure........
They started making riffs for it in October, but then a few weeks later started working on some Colaberations with different artists. So they should continue working on it soon. It will be released late 2005 or early 2006.

I hope that helps.....
FanSince1999 said:
I think they are not doing anythin, I mean, I cant believe they just finished a very tiring tour all around the world, and inmediatly went back to work, no no, no possible, they must be havin some rest, let them produce new ideas :)
i don't know, they're really hard working and dedicated to making music
FanSince1999 said:
I think they are not doing anythin, I mean, I cant believe they just finished a very tiring tour all around the world, and inmediatly went back to work, no no, no possible, they must be havin some rest, let them produce new ideas :)

In some recent interview, the band said that they want to take a break in 2005. Mike and Joe specifically have several non-LP related projects they will be picking up, presumbly collaberations for Mike and directing work for Joe.
They plan on starting work on the new album in 2006, and looking at a 2006 or 2007 release.
But now I'm confused because that interview contradicts what others have posted...
i'll buy their next album whenever it comes, i'd like it to come soon tho, but not if that effects the quality of it. let lp take their time, they deserve it