New Album (MTM) Breakdown


The Honourable
Nov 10, 2004
I had just finished listening to the album "Minutes to Midnight" and I have a few things to say. I am now listening to the full album for the fifth time seeing if it changes or influences what I think about it. Anyways, I will discuss each track seperately, the album as a whole, and finally the band and their seemingly new direction.

Track 1) Wake

The beginning sounds very serene, like a character in a movie is about to embark on a great journey, when I hear this track I can not help but look up. That is until 1:03, when the beat starts and I start slightly head banging. A nice instrumental by the band, but it makes me wonder if Joe Hahn still has a job. I miss tracks like Cure for the Itch and Session. This album has no such track, so I am kind of sad.

Track 2) Given Up

It is tracks like these that reassure LP fans that the "sound" of the group is not entirely lost. Grungy guitars, crashing drums and Chester's vocals. A track like this could use a Hahn solo and maybe a verse or two of Mike rapping. I like it, do not get me wrong, it is something I could work out to, I just can not shake the feeling that LP is looking to become more harmonic and melodic, like they care about singing, moreso than producing an edgy track. They are growing in terms of lyrics, but they are not singers.

Track 3) Leave Out All The Rest

A light, rockish song. No major tiffs with this song. Songs like the albums "My December". It has the lilting piano in the background and a very melodic Chester. My only reservation about a track like this, and subsequently the whole album - it sounds like everything else on the radio. In years past when an LP track hit the airways, you knew it was LP. I feel as though new LP will be confused with the likes of Hinder, or Snow Patrol or My Chemical Romance or Theory of a Deadman. Granted, if you know those bands, you would not make that confusion, but the idea still stands.

Track 4) Bleed It Out

Has the same flow and clapping, surging sound as they cover they did for Nine Inch Nails "Wish". You know, now that I think about it, they should have covered "Wish" again on an album. This track definitely has classic Rob and Phoenix performances, but again, no Hahn breaks or Mike rap verses.

Track 5) Shadow Of The Day

The beginning of the track is definitely something that I find easy to have my head bob along to. The Chester verses are light and melodic. Easy to sing along with. Sounds very much like an early 90's song about lost love. That is, before the drum breaks in. The beat is very reminiscent of "Every Breath You Take". This is a song I could cuddle with a girl, not have a work out session or a fit on a punching bag, much like what old LP was good for. The guitar break in the bridge and the rest of the song is amazing though, props on that.

Track 6) What I've Done

The most in-tune track with old LP. The lilting piano brings back memories of Numb, Breaking the Habit, My December etc. I was super excited when I heard this for the very first time. The Chester verses are fitting for the beat and the flow is hype. Something you can sing along with, and lyrics that get stuck in your head. It really surprised me that Mike did not get a rap break in this track - so in my mind, this track is incomplete in that sense. Anything Mike could put into this track would be better than the "na na nana" he does at the end. This is the track I think, of the whole album I would be happiest to play loudest.

Track 7) Hands Held High

Makes me think of "Like Toy Soldier" or "'Till I Collapse" by Eminem or "Close To Home" by Sweatshop Union. I like the snare bit, it is something you can follow, and sounds like a military drum march. It moves the song forward and makes you think of a logical, lyrical progression. It surges the track with a vocal purpose. The chorus is simply beautiful and Mike rapping the whole track makes me think of Fort Minor. In many ways, this could have been the track after "Where'd You Go?". It sounds nice, almost heartbreaking. Both tracks have Mike rapping, with lyrical choruses, swearing (that was a new one for me - especially on an LP album) and it feels like Rising Tied. Not complaining by any means. I absolutely love the track. Just not LP. It is the forgotten Rising Tied track that was swung into Minutes to Midnight.

Track 8) No More Sorrow

Guitars and drums make this song. No arguement, no debate. This song is very moody and it sounds like something that would be played in the background of a level of "DOOM" of "Wolfenstein 3D" or "Halo". I know you know what I mean. The lyrics are haunting and make the track edgy and grungy and they get your attention. This song makes me want to boot up an old PC shooter game and just start raping alien forces. The Chester scream into the bridge and the time change = very cool. *Grabs alien buster 9000 and goes hunting*

Track 9) Valentine's Day

This song makes me wonder where the inspiration for this track came from. Moving, intelligent and lyrical. Not heavy by any means. This is something that could be in a movie where a heartbroken lover sits in front of a window and watches the rain and reflects on their love life. The bridge is beautiful and the last chorus definitely catches attention. Stops to abruptly for my tastes, but a good track nonetheless.

Track 10) In Between

Strings have to go. Only real first thought. The back beat - a Hahn production is definitely hot. Mike singing not rapping, no Chester screaming breaks, no heavy grungy guitars or smashing drums freestyles makes this track I think my least favourite. If I was feeling emo, I would put this on first and cry my eyes out, but you and I both know I do not do that.

Track 11) In Pieces

A similar beat to "In Between" with the auxilliary percussion. Except this time, it is Chester singing, not screaming with no Mike rapping verses. Sounds very poppish. Not much I can offer, it holds up as a filler track.

Track 12) The Little Things You Give Away

The beginning sounds like an orchestra getting ready to head into a grand and epic track. That is until the acoustic kicks in. I have no idea what spawned the need for acoustic and a singing Chester in an octave above his normal range. Sounds like another en masse radio track used as filler between hits. I could see this track being performed acoustically as an LP encore live in concert, outside of that, if it was never played in the body of a concert I would not lose sleep. This song would set the tone and mood of an LP concert off and their audience to sleep.

The Album) Minutes to Midnight

Even the album name makes me wonder. Why are we counting down until midnight? What happens at midnight that we need to be awake in hopes of seeing something happen? The album as a whole was a bit of a let down with the direction of the band wanting to sound too mainstream. The reason they were the best circa Hybrid Theory was because they did not sound like every other band out there. The had a mastermind like Joe Hahn spinning out beats, crazy screaming choruses by Chester and tightly wound rap verses spit by Mike. That alone was enough to get attention. You add in a killer guitar, smashing drums (which I still think Rob still has) and a bassist who makes you just want to get up, jump, throw stuff and have a good time. Now, in an effort to grow lyrically and as artists, LP lost what it meant to be LP. In most tracks, there is no real hint of the old school magic that originally brought me to listen to them in the first place. I imagine a concert of new LP with the band sitting on big, puffy, coloured silk pillows and singing about their feelings rather than the 6 of them running around shirtless, kicking stuff and screaming about the agonies of being a person. I like that rock, edgy, heavy and almost dark music LP spun. Let us look at what we have so far.

Hybrid Theory - absolute magic

Reanimation - wicked remixes (was super happy to hear Aaron Lewis on KRWLNG)

Meteora - the pinnacle of grunge and lyrics, LP mastered the LP genre and ran with it

Live In Texas - good to hear live tracks and hear the fans sing along - but this is not an album

Collision Course - a what? 6 tracks? some beats were totally hot, but nothing new. It was a rap remix album for their past work. I think of it as Jay-Z covering Reanimation 2.

Minutes to Midnight - the only saving grace in my mind = LP was AWOL for 4 years writing material, so that mean in my mind it will not be 4 more years before an album comes out.

Band -> New Direction) Stick with what you know

The band became famous for having such a unique sound that no one could imitate or capture it, so when an LP track hit the soundwaves, you knew it was LP and you rocked out. Now, for whatever reason, LP sounds like every other generic band in the genre. Sad day for LPites when the band who basically invented the genre needs to follow in someone elses less capable shoes. Do not get me wrong, there are hot tracks on this album, but to me it is not LP. It is more the Chester and Mike lost loves album. SANS HAHN! I wanted a Hahn track!!!

I am putting Hybrid Theory on and am going to download more Battlestar Galactica.

Good day,


Yet another person that never actually realised how stagment and predictable LP's sound actually got...... The Little Things Give U Away is easily the most magical thing they have ever written and I dont even like the band much.... Hybrid Theory is one or 2 songs repeated 5 or 6 times
Aye aye aye, have you listened to the album a few times in a row? And what the hell! Bleed It Out was all Mike! I honest to god think you just skipped around the album, and didn't listen to it straight through. True LP is not LP of the HT sense. But they are the LP of the now. If you don't like the album, no one ever said you had to, go get some Alkaline Trio, or replay the same song over and over by LP, and there is your edgy track.
