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"What I've Done" - April 2

(The other Header was too bright)

Well, today we have been hit with a ton of new info about the new LP album. There are things posted all over the place and it can be quite confusing if you have just logged on. So the point of this thread is not to discuss the new information, but rather to help redirect you to the correct discussion threads that already exist and to state the new information that we already know.

So, in list form, heres what we know....

Album Title: Minutes to Midnight

Release Date: May 15th (US), May 14th (International)

Complete?: Pretty much. They are supposedly still whittling down a list of 17 songs for the final tracklist.


First single: What I've Done

Single Release: April 2nd

Music Video: A video has been shot in the California desert for the single, directed by Mr. Hahn.


New Song Titles:

  • "What I've Done" - CONFIRMED

  • "The Little Things Give You Away"

  • "Bleed It Out"

  • "When My Time Comes" / "Leave Out All the Rest" - WORKING TITLES (Same song)
Website: has a new enterance page with a countown until the new album. (In minutes of course.)


Is the new logo legit?: Yes, it has been confirmed that the new LP logo that popped up a few days ago is indeed legit. It is currently the background for the new intro to


Projekt Revolution: Chaz confirmed it will happen this summer.



Now for some links on where to discuss everything!

Discussion about the new album and its name.

Discussion about the new single and its release.

Discussion about the two new interveiws.

(Which discuss the new songs, album name, and overall new style of the band.)

Discussion about the new enterance to (Merged from two threads.)

Discussion about the new LP Picture that popped up and their new official logo.


Alright, I think that covers most everything. If I have missed something significant, feel free to send me a PM with any new info, Ill gladly add it in. Hopefully this helps you keep up with everything that has popped up today. Feel free to rep me if this helped you, lol.

- Unhinged / Dave

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