New CDs


Active Members
Are there any other bands (besides LP) that you are anxiously waiting to get a new CD from?

I'll make my list later.. there are a couple bands I want to come out with a new Cd..



New member
well, a lot of my fav. bands just have a new cd out, but obviously im waiting for the new LP, also Nightwish i hope will make a new one too. The Rasmus is one im looking forward to too..not a very long list.. :p

Edit: I forgot evanescence!! how could I forget! :p



New member
ooo so many, but I have not the money!


-Karma in Effect

-*With Teeth*

-Hypnotize (I got it for my friend, and I sooo want to iopen it rigfht now :) )




Z-trip-Shifting Gears,

Breaking Benjamin,

The Bravery,

and alot more......


Hybrid Soldier

New member
-The Rising tied


-hannicap circus(bizarre)

-statlanta(stat quo)

-Searching for jerry garcia(proof)

-Id love a new slipknot album

-Id love a new LP album



New member
The Rasmus 'Hide From The Sun'

FFAF 'Hours' (Not long now!!)


Would also like new Ash, Lostprophets and Muse albums but I don't know wether any of them are making any... and if they are it will be a while yet

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