New deal brings 600 MGM movies to Android and YouTube


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Google have come to an agreement to offer 600 movies for rent through YouTube and <a href="">the Google Play marketplace</a> for users in the U.S. and Canada. “Thanks to MGM, you’ll be able to join in this trend and grab its movies online and on the go,” the company said in a blog post on Monday. “From timeless love stories like West Side Story and Moonstruck, to sci-fi action films like The Terminator and Robocop, to modern classics like Rain Man and Rocky, you can now rediscover MGM’s movie-making magic on Google Play and YouTube.” The Mountain View-based company has rental deals in place with five other major Hollywood studios, including <a href="">Paramount</a>, Warner Brothers, Disney, Universal Pictures and Sony Pictures. NewsCorp’s 20th Century Fox remains as one of the few studios that has not yet reached an agreement with the Internet giant. <span id="more-135860"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report