New from Indiana

New here got an invite from a car forum I hang at. Ive been riding bikes and or quads in the dirt since 1977. I live 45 minutes from Badlands off road park. I am also into drag racing cars and spend a lot of time doing that too. Ive got a Yamaha YFZ 450R , my sons got an LT 400 Suzuki, and my wife has a Polaris 330 Sport. My car is a 1923 T Altered SBC powered, runs an 8.50 @ 160 in the 1/4 mile. Also been playing drums, guitar and bass for about 25 years too, Its hard to balance hobbies but I cant narrow it down to one.

Phantom Z

Welcome to the HQ!! If you're makin it with all those different hobbies than no need to narrow your choices!! Post up some pics of your toys when you get some time!!
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