New idiot on the loose


New member
Who the **** is daddybear and why does he feel as if he runs this place? His posts don't ever make sense and arguments are as dull as watching cable tv with over 250 channels but nothing good on. I say we start off by giving him 3 days in the idiot box to see if he gets his thoughts together. Wha'cha think?


New member
He needs to go through a withdrawal period. He normally posts on The Democratic Underground and is used to that writing style , like calling Bush and other things that are the norm of posters coming from that forum.

He is a lost Democrat unused to the Republican perspective being thrown at him without it coming from a Liberal... personally, the guy cracks me up... torture on !!




Anna Perenna

New member
Great. We'll send him to your house. You can stick him in the basement.
My basement is more of a crawl space with a little green door only a leprechaun could fit through, but sure, send him over.

One week down there and he'll come out a Republican.



New member
I think he's a total idiot. I was happy at first to see a lib around here to debate. Little did I know that he was just a parrot and I think we've all got his message about a dozen times over. I say box him for the rest of the year.

I don't like to advocate banning but if he keeps on spamming all the posts with his one and only message, I would certainly vote for it.



New member
I think he's a total idiot. I was happy at first to see a lib around here to debate. Little did I know that he was just a parrot and I think we've all got his message about a dozen times over. I say box him for the rest of the year.
I don't like to advocate banning but if he keeps on spamming all the posts with his one and only message, I would certainly vote for it.
I second that notion, daddybear's agenda is ******* annoying beyond belief.


New member
I just looked up Crystal Light on google - I knew Kraft were evil, but I didn't think they'd go that far.
I'll stick with vegemite.
I just Google'd Vegemite, did you know they actually grind up kittens and puppies to make that ****?



New member
Just because it is the best solution to the situation doesn't mean she wants to partake in it. :p
You think?

Destroyer of Morons, take a long hard look at what **** you posted and apologize.

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