Not to "steal" the oil. To stop the oil being traded in anything other than petrodollars. Simply bomb the nation into the dark ages, why else would schools, hospitals, power plants be bombed?/then prop up a fledging "democracy" and start the whole process again.
Your not making any sense, nobody has waged any war over how they sell their oil, I have no idea where your trying to go now, what were we talking about?
Are we talking about Iran? Because you seem determined to keep directing attention away from the fact that all of this is caused by Iran developing nuclear weapons, how about we keep to the fact instead of unproven conspiracy theories created by a lot of paranoid people?
And I point out why they don't, and you ignore the facts. They did, and now they don't. And the reasons why they don't are historical fact, rather than propaganda.
Wait a second, there you go again, you said:
It's the Iranians who should never ever have anything to do with the US of A again. Never sell them oil for starters.
That implied that Iran was selling America oil so I corrected you then after I showed you that America does not buy oil from Iran suddenly your trying to talk about what currency they sell oil for, none of that has anything to do with their nuclear weapon program Buildre, how about we talk about that, it is sort of the topic of the thread.
The world isn't concerned. You are. Remove the petrodollar from world oil trade, and your baseless US dollar will plummet, along with the massive holding of US bonds held by the Chinese, the Japanese, and any other nation who was conned into receiving them in lieu of real money.
Again, I have nothign to do with any of it, it is the international comunity and independent groups who all agree Iran is developing weapons and most of those people don't care what currency oil is sold at so your conspiracy theory does not hold water.
But while your so high on your horse looking down your nose at America remember that the entire world is connected to each other, when the Euro was in trouble recently and the US markets were hurting the entire world felt the pain, we are connected so while your wishinf evil on America remember that your also wishing evil on yourself and your loved ones at the same time.
North Korea is another hit and run war victim of US foreign policy. They've learned how to manipulate the situation to suit themselves. If they were a real threat, or had any real assets, they would be up for regime change too.
But we are still working and always have been dealing with sanctions on North Korea for their nuclear program, just like Iran, but North Kore is not trying to sell oil for a different currency, so again, there goes your crackpot theory of conspiracy right out the window. What does North Korea have that America wants?
Nothing, and yet we are working just as hard on them so obviously it is about nuclear weapons and the damage they can do, not oil.
So what is the issue? The fact that a formerly advancing economic and democratic nation got fukked over by your See Eye Yay, and sent back to the dark ages, emerging as an islamic threat? They have their own agenda, and your gov has no control over them any more. Boohoo,.
More than America is scared of Iran having nukes.
This has nothing to do with economics or oil, Iran is a speck of sand on the beach, they are insignificant in every way on the world stage but they have a leader who believes he is going to bring in the age of the 12th imam, and nuclear weapons are just one of the tools he needs for that.
So they should. Israel wants to bomb them into oblivion, and so does every redneck arsehole in your misguided redneck enclave. Sixty years ago, Iran was a hugely successful developing democracy. The actions of your gov sent them back to the dark ages. Wear the consequences.
If Israel wanted to drop a bomb on them they would already have done it. Think about something though Builder, really think about this, up to now Israel has held their hand, but once Iran has the ability to follow through with their threat to wipe Israel off the map, suddenly they have a decision to make, do they let Iran attack them with their nuclear weapon or should they strike first?
I think I saw you say you were a parent, if you had to make that choice to let your children possibly die or to strike first, what would you decide?
Me, I would hate to make that decision, but I would not let them kill my family and fellow countrymen and do nothing.
They'll have them. They'll use them like every other nation that has them. People in glass houses don't throw stones.
Like every other Nation that has them?
Help me out with that one, other then America, what Countries currently that have nukes have attacked someone with them?
Your right about one thing, if Iran gets them they will use them, through passing them to someone else most likely, and that is what will seperate them from everyone else, those who currently have them know mutual destruction is the only real result to their use but radicals like Iran will not be restrained from their use.
Off topic. We have the technology to keep satelites orbiting the earth for a century without oil. Out infrastructure is set up to process, store, distribute, and profit from, oil. Until we break that grip, by promoting and investing in, alternatives, we will be warring over the black sh t for a while yet.
We also have huge systems for the fast food industry, why? Because that is what people want, even the most vocal advocate for alternatives is himself burning up fossil fules flying his private plane all over the world (Al Gore), this man uses more fossil fules than 100 average Americans all by himself but he at the same time preaches how "everyone else" should cut back.
Man caused global warming is a hoax designed to make the few elite like him a lot of money and give certain groups political power.
But, no matter what direction we take from today, we cannot get away from oil overnight and we have to admit the one basic fact that if Governments force this to happen outside of free markets, it will be the poor who will suffer the most from their unnatural change.
Listen to yourself, buddy. Radical liberals have a name? or names? Or are they a physical wall of people with placards and chants?
In America they are liberals, in europe they would be called socialists, the general theme is they want to stifle free markets, punnish success, and ask for the Government to live their lives for them. These liberals are now wanting to reduce oil production in America when our population explosion is increasing our need for oil so what does logic tell us?
Logic tells us that if we need more, we will be getting that extra oil from other sources, making us weaker to foreign oil concerns. I like the idea of alternatives, but not at the expense of severely hurting the poor just to buy political clout and make a few elitists like Al Gore richer.
You're backpedalling. Your gov wages war for oil, which you deny, but you don't want to send rigs to other countries. You want that dirty oil washing up on your pristine wetlands regardless of the risks.
We don't wage war for oil, it is out there for sale and we buy it, most of it from Canada so why would we need to wage oil for something we can easily obtain?
As far as oil washing up, sure it happens, hard to make paper without cutting down a tree. We will get through this like we get through everything, almost all great inventions are the result of great need, this will not be an exception, good things will fly out of these ashes, the pain will be dealt with and the people of America will go on, we always do.
Man, I can understand why you end up talking to just wez here. Tell me you read what you type, please. :blink:
lol, no need for the sideways shots, I mostly ignore Wez because most of the time he ruins a good point he is wanting to make with crazy stuff.........kind of like your attempt to try and make the Iran sanctions all about oil sales, it really does not make sense to try and ignore the reality and instead try and insert stuff that has no real basis in fact.
I will say this to both of you guys, yes, America was involved in some things that could be seen as bad with Iran, but that does not give them the right to create and distribute nuclear weapons all over the world as revenge. Any nuclear weapons that are produced will be used in the usual terrorist targets, innocent children will die and not my children, they even if they get a weapon into America they would never waste it on a small city like Gainesville, Florida, no they will hit a big city and get maximum damage if they can but the most likely first targets will be against Israel, Europe, even Australia would be a prime target as punnishment for their help in Iraq and other things, no, America will not be the biggest to be hurt.
Once nuclear weapons are unleashed, look for a whole new world to emerge, Hitler was ignored and pacified and we see what happened with ignoring the threat he represented, sticking your head in the sand will not solve anything.
Wez, most of your post was rehashing already covered stuff or more attempts to flame and start a fight but let me offer you one point:
An adult can legally dring booze, a child can't. An adult can take a test to drive a car, a child can't. An adult can join the military, a child can't.
Different rules for different levels of ability or maturity, not hypocrisy. Even Builder just admitted that Iran is now stuck in the dark ages, they do not possess the maturity and self control to be allowed to possess nuclear weapons. We do stand on the high ground, some of that ground is built up on the dead bodies of our mistakes, I admit that, but what is the alternative? Do we stand frozen with inaction, refusing to do the right thing just because someone can point their finger at us for some long past mistake?
We can't live in the past Wez, we have made mistakes but letting those mistakes tear us down would be an even bigger mistake.