new LP album?

I heard they were taking a break and probably were not going to release another album until like 2006...

This thread seems kinda pointless like so many other threads nowadays... :rolleyes:
Chester said the last thing he is thinking about is making a new album!
look:Local newspapers, the Straits Times, Life section has a report on the event and this quote from Chester, "I can't even imagine working on a new album as what we are focused on now is helping these people." And The New Paper reports tthat Chester refused to discuss anything other than Music For Relief. He told the press backstage: "We just want to give back to the people who have given us so much. We have amazing fans in Asia, and when this sort of thing happens, it's second nature to reach out and do all we can." When asked about the progress of the new album, he said, "The last thing on my mind is making a record. I don't feel like a member of Linkin Park anymore, I feel like a member of Music For Relief." The paper then asked him what's playing in his iPod, to which he replied uncomfortably, "'I don't mean to be rude, but I only want to talk about Music For Relief. This question is too extreme."
....i got this from
"I don't feel like a member of Linkin Park anymore, I feel like a member of Music For Relief."
What does he mean by that?!?!

I REALLY want a new album from them. They havent had a new Cd(with new lyrics) in 2 years :(
I think it´s really great that Chazy and the guys are still helping those poor ppl,that makes me feel happy about them,may be they won´t start recording a new album till they finishe with Music For Relief.
As I was talking to Ozzy on msn,I was telling her about what XrockinfreakX posted.
This is what I told Ozzy:

Basmah .*~ Yabbadoochimamas; Soo much homework!! says:
Did you read that thing XrockinfreakX posted?
"I´m adicted 2 Chester,that´s the problem"<--by spike minoda lmfao |LP ROCKS | I u guys ^_^!!! says:
on the new album thread?
~*. Basmah .*~ Yabbadoochimamas; Soo much homework!! says:
"I´m adicted 2 Chester,that´s the problem"<--by spike minoda lmfao |LP ROCKS | I u guys ^_^!!! says:
i´m on it
~*. Basmah .*~ Yabbadoochimamas; Soo much homework!! says:
"I´m adicted 2 Chester,that´s the problem"<--by spike minoda lmfao |LP ROCKS | I u guys ^_^!!! says:
so that means that since they are helping those poor ppl,chaz will leave lp 4ever and he will become into a music for relief member??*shocked*

~*. Basmah .*~ Yabbadoochimamas; Soo much homework!! says:
"I´m adicted 2 Chester,that´s the problem"<--by spike minoda lmfao |LP ROCKS | I u guys ^_^!!! says:
i don´t want that!
~*. Basmah .*~ Yabbadoochimamas; Soo much homework!! says:
I hope not
"I´m adicted 2 Chester,that´s the problem"<--by spike minoda lmfao |LP ROCKS | I u guys ^_^!!! says:
~*. Basmah .*~ Yabbadoochimamas; Soo much homework!! says:
!!! NOOO
"I´m adicted 2 Chester,that´s the problem"<--by spike minoda lmfao |LP ROCKS | I u guys ^_^!!! says:

So my question is still the same,will Chester leave LP 4ever to become a Music for Relief Member????!!o_O*Shocked,cries*
session0677 said:
well they said that they would be making one this year, but no realease date yet, there has been no other word on the album due to the fact that they are doing benefit shows for the tsunami victams.

I think that is great that they are helping!!! And I don't think he meant he was quitting Linkin Park, cause i'm sure they'd tell us in a better way,and it just sounds like he meant for the moment, he doesn't want people seeing him as someone from Linkin Park, asking him about the band. He wants to be seen as someone from Music for Relief, being asked about what they are doing to help the tsunami victims and stuff. That is his number 1 priority at the moment. That is just what i think... anyone agree?
LinkinPark4Ever said:

I think that is great that they are helping!!! And I don't think he meant he was quitting Linkin Park, cause i'm sure they'd tell us in a better way,and it just sounds like he meant for the moment, he doesn't want people seeing him as someone from Linkin Park, asking him about the band. He wants to be seen as someone from Music for Relief, being asked about what they are doing to help the tsunami victims and stuff. That is his number 1 priority at the moment. That is just what i think... anyone agree?

I agree with you bro.
LinkinPark4Ever said:

I think that is great that they are helping!!! And I don't think he meant he was quitting Linkin Park, cause i'm sure they'd tell us in a better way,and it just sounds like he meant for the moment, he doesn't want people seeing him as someone from Linkin Park, asking him about the band. He wants to be seen as someone from Music for Relief, being asked about what they are doing to help the tsunami victims and stuff. That is his number 1 priority at the moment. That is just what i think... anyone agree?

Also agreed... :thumbsup:
LinkinPark4Ever said:

I think that is great that they are helping!!! And I don't think he meant he was quitting Linkin Park, cause i'm sure they'd tell us in a better way,and it just sounds like he meant for the moment, he doesn't want people seeing him as someone from Linkin Park, asking him about the band. He wants to be seen as someone from Music for Relief, being asked about what they are doing to help the tsunami victims and stuff. That is his number 1 priority at the moment. That is just what i think... anyone agree?

Yes I totally agree!
Kudos to Chester for taking this relief effort so seriously. Many celebrities say they care, maybe donate a little money (little by thier standards) and then forget about it. Most do it as an image thing, but I like the fact Linkin park is doing it because they truly care. Right on guys, right on! :thumbsup:
Clogz said:
Kudos to Chester for taking this relief effort so seriously. Many celebrities say they care, maybe donate a little money (little by thier standards) and then forget about it. Most do it as an image thing, but I like the fact Linkin park is doing it because they truly care. Right on guys, right on! :thumbsup:
exactly... when chester says he doesn't feel like a member of LP anymore, it doesn't mean he's leaving LP. it just means that right now he cares more about Music For Relief and helping the tsunami victims than working with the band. and i admire him for saying that, and i totally support all that LP is doing to help. i want a new album as much as all of you do, but it can wait. right now, there are ppl suffering because of lost ones, some with no food or no home. and i think that helping those ppl is more important than a new album any day...