New Lung-Dissolving MRSA Germ Loose - So Why Hasn't CNN Said Anything ?




Deadly new form of MRSA emerges

The new strain can lead to blood poisoning

A deadly strain of the superbug MRSA which can lead to a flesh-eating
form of pneumonia has emerged.

Research suggests it may be more prevalent among the gay community -
the gay San Francisco district of Castro appears to have been hardest

So far only two cases of the new form of the USA300 strain of the bug
have been recorded in the UK.

It is not usually contracted in hospitals, but in the community -
often by casual contact.

The new strain is resistant to treatment by many front-line

It causes large boils on the skin, and in severe cases can lead to
fatal blood poisoning or necrotising pneumonia, which eats away at the

Researchers say the bug has so far been 13 times more prevalent in gay
men in San Francisco than in other people.

In the Castro district - where more gay people live than anywhere else
in the US - about one in 588 people are carrying the bug.

In the general San Francisco community the figure was around one in

Sex link

Researcher Dr Binh Diep, from San Francisco General Hospital Medical
Centre, said: "These multi-drug resistant infections often affect gay
men at body sites in which skin-to-skin contact occurs during sexual

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Marvelous ... a germ that causes huge boils and dissolves
your lungs overnight !

Ok ... yet another reason to never kiss a gay guy :)

How come I didn't hear this from CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC ... ?
Afraid of being called "homophobes" or something ? The
CNN health page ... "Should I sue my doctor ?" instead
of "Lung-dissolving bacteria you can catch by touching
people !". Anyone who gets the germ oughtta sue CNN
for failing to inform them about a clear and present
danger .......

And gay guys ... geez ... it doesn't matter HOW sharp
he dresses - if he's got giant boils all over his tush
then DON'T TOUCH ! Doesn't take a genius IQ to figure
that out .......
B1ackwater wrote:

> Marvelous ... a germ that causes huge boils and dissolves
> your lungs overnight !
> Ok ... yet another reason to never kiss a gay guy :)

I wonder the percentage of wide-stance republicans affected.
On Tue, 15 Jan 2008 07:14:19 -0600, Jeff Morgan <nope@novalid.address>

>B1ackwater wrote:
>> Marvelous ... a germ that causes huge boils and dissolves
>> your lungs overnight !
>> Ok ... yet another reason to never kiss a gay guy :)

>I wonder the percentage of wide-stance republicans affected.

They may be nailing shut the doors to their log cabins. :)

I kinda feel bad for gay guys. They qualify as a "sentinel"
population epidemiologically speaking ... a group you
watch if you're looking for new and emerging diseases.
They don't "deserve" it, but there it is.

But my REAL concern here is that the major US news
sources seem to be HIDING things ... and that could
mean a LOT of pain and death for a LOT of people.
Lung-melting MRSA won't STAY concentrated with gay
men, it's going to move outwards quickly unless
people and physicians are aware and measures are
taken to detect and squash the bug quickly.

But I had to get info about a US disease problem
that's obviously not new from the bloody BBC.
I think US media are terrified of saying anything
that might "stain" gay people. I'm suprised they
mentioned AIDS. Well, like AIDS, ignorance = death
when it comes to some of these MRSA strains. Indeed
more people died last year of MRSA than HIV. With
this more aggressive strain, what's THIS year
gonna look like ???

If US media have been hiding the truth, then I
blame them for everyone who suffers or dies
from this disease.