New Orleans ****** Mayor Nagin Abandons NOPD, Police Want Federal Troops to Stay


Patriot Games


N.O. Police Want Federal Troops to Stay

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

NEW ORLEANS -- The city's police chief wants the Louisiana National Guard to
stay past its mid-January pullout date to help bring down a soaring crime
rate, but Gov. Kathleen Blanco does not have the authority to keep the
troops in place after she leaves office.

A new governor takes office Jan. 15, the day after the troops are scheduled
to leave.

"I would like to see them stay, at least long enough for us to get one more
group through the academy," Police Superintendent Warren Riley said
Wednesday as he left a legislative hearing on crime.

Violent crime has been a major concern in New Orleans as it slowly recovers
from Hurricane Katrina, which flooded 80 percent of the city in August 2005.
An estimated 273,000 people live in the city, which had a pre-Katrina
population of 455,000.

The 300 guardsmen, who have been helping patrol the city since June 21,
2006, are in the least-populated areas. The troops free up police officers
to work the areas of the city with the most people.

The city earned the title of murder capital of the nation in 2006, when 162
people were killed. This year the count stands at 163 with 2 1/2 months

Riley said he was working on an exit strategy in the event that troops leave
as scheduled.

The city recently allocated $4 million for overtime pay to put uniformed New
Orleans police officers on duty 12 hours a day across most of the city. The
mandatory overtime shifts are scheduled to run until the end of the year.

The department has also beefed up recruitment efforts, and pay has been
bolstered to shore up the police department's ranks. The force now has 1,382
officers, down from 1,668 pre-Katrina, Riley said.

The state has spent $30.4 million to keep National Guard troops and state
police in New Orleans.

There are four major candidates vying to succeed Blanco, who is not seeking
re-election, on Saturday's ballot and a Nov. 17 runoff may be needed.
On Oct 18, 2:32 pm, "Patriot Games" <> wrote:
> N.O. Police Want Federal Troops to Stay
> Wednesday, October 17, 2007
> NEW ORLEANS -- The city's police chief wants the Louisiana National Guard to
> stay past its mid-January pullout date to help bring down a soaring crime
> rate, but Gov. Kathleen Blanco does not have the authority to keep the
> troops in place after she leaves office.
> A new governor takes office Jan. 15, the day after the troops are scheduled
> to leave.
> "I would like to see them stay, at least long enough for us to get one more
> group through the academy," Police Superintendent Warren Riley said
> Wednesday as he left a legislative hearing on crime.
> Violent crime has been a major concern in New Orleans as it slowly recovers
> from Hurricane Katrina, which flooded 80 percent of the city in August 2005.
> An estimated 273,000 people live in the city, which had a pre-Katrina
> population of 455,000.
> The 300 guardsmen, who have been helping patrol the city since June 21,
> 2006, are in the least-populated areas. The troops free up police officers
> to work the areas of the city with the most people.
> The city earned the title of murder capital of the nation in 2006, when 162
> people were killed. This year the count stands at 163 with 2 1/2 months
> remaining.
> Riley said he was working on an exit strategy in the event that troops leave
> as scheduled.
> The city recently allocated $4 million for overtime pay to put uniformed New
> Orleans police officers on duty 12 hours a day across most of the city. The
> mandatory overtime shifts are scheduled to run until the end of the year.
> The department has also beefed up recruitment efforts, and pay has been
> bolstered to shore up the police department's ranks. The force now has 1,382
> officers, down from 1,668 pre-Katrina, Riley said.
> The state has spent $30.4 million to keep National Guard troops and state
> police in New Orleans.
> There are four major candidates vying to succeed Blanco, who is not seeking
> re-election, on Saturday's ballot and a Nov. 17 runoff may be needed.

When the blacks left after Katrina, the crime rate was almost nothing,
but the crime rate in the cities where they went to went up. Now that
the blacks are coming back to NO, the crime rate is skyrocketing
again. What else is to be expected?