New Polish prime minister to cut the Bush umbilical cord


Harry Hope

From The Guardian, 11/24/07:,,2216369,00.html

New Polish prime minister to loosen ties with US

Kate Connolly
The Guardian

Poland's newly elected prime minister moved yesterday to distance his
country from America, raising questions about plans to site a US
missile defence system on Polish soil and announcing the withdrawal of
Polish troops from Iraq next year.

"In a year's time I will tell you here in this chamber that our
military mission in Iraq is over," Donald Tusk said in his inaugural
speech to the Sejm or Polish parliament.

"We have taken the decision - as far as the government powers go - to
make 2008 the year when the pullout of Poland's military mission is
started and completed."

The pullout had formed part of his election campaign and has the
support of the majority of Poles.

The Polish military has had a presence in Iraq since the summer of
2003 and currently has 900 troops based in southern Iraq near
Diwaniya, 125 miles south of Baghdad.


