new tattoo, give me your opinion.


New member
i have 2 already so i kinda like them. everyone is gonna tell me not to get andys name but we have been together 3 years and are getting married next year.


New member
well i hope the best for you two :)

and goodluck with the tattoo, hope it doesent hurt too much



New member
Aww thats well cute!

Hah I've just realised, my names also Allie and my brother's name is Andy.. weird, hah, not quite the same relationship though like xD



New member
I like it, very nice, tho if it was me i'd make it a bit more, erm, Personal? Dunno how to put it. *shurg* Don't get me wrong, it's awesome!


Active Members
I like the design...but honestly(even if you heard it before) I would never get a name of my partner tattooed
looks really awesome! if you both are sure to be together forever you can do it... but like some said before there is some kinda risk with partners names as tattoos...


New member
**** yeah!!
get it, andy and you are pretty solid!
sygy knows me well. me and andy are not like other couples, we hate being seperated and we have been together 3 years and not had one argument.

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