Newb from Southwestern Pa


New member
Well come over from the Org like most I see. Also new to the R. Was a Yamaha guy when I was on a bike, went to Suzuki when I traded my 2 wheels for four, now in what will be my second year racing I made my way to Honda. Looks to be some great info and discussions here and hope to get some good info as well as give some. A pic of my R as it did now but will be rapidly be changing as it gets closer to the start of the season.


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New member
Thanks guys, I'm looking to start getting it ready for this gp and xc season. Any suggestions on what I should do with it, in open ears. (Especially suspension, rebuild vs new) that would be great. Don't know if I have to start a new thread for this or not, if so please let me know.


Active Members
Welcome... for racing, you'll need nerf bars, tether, and ditch those heavy cast wheels.

There are tons of things that will be recommended, but I would definitely start with suspension.

That being said, it will all depend on your budget on which way to go.



New member
Thanks, I definitely will give a call and give some updates. And Burke I appreciate the comments and the wheels are the first thing to go for sure.
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