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Zogby: Obama Pulls Away in National Poll

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Illinois Sen. Barack Obama has opened up a gaping 14-point lead over
Democratic rival Hillary Clinton in a national presidential preference
telephone survey conducted by Zogby International for Reuters news service.

And while Obama leads Republican John McCain in a national general election
match-up, McCain, the likely GOP presidential nominee from Arizona, would
handily defeat Clinton in a head-to-head contest, the poll shows.

In the national Democratic primary race, Obama not only wins big among
younger voters, but has also made significant inroads and now leads Clinton
among those likely voters ages 50 to 64 - the heart of the Baby Boomers - by
a stunning 57% to 29% margin. This is a group of which Clinton and her
husband, former President Bill Clinton, are members. Clinton had shown
strength in that age demographic group in earlier surveys.

Obama, the first African-American ever to enjoy a serious opportunity to
capture a major party nomination and the White House, also leads Clinton,
the first woman with the same opportunities, among women. Having erased
Clinton's advantage among female voters, the two are deadlocked at 44%.
Among men, Obama leads by a 61% to 32% margin.

Obama's advantage spans most of the ideological spectrum - he leads by 23
points among progressives at the far left end of the political scale; by 16
points among mainline liberals; and by eight points among moderates. Only
among the small percentage of likely Democratic voters who consider
themselves conservatives does Clinton hold a lead over Obama - leading him
by 14 points.

In the Republican primary race, the latest Reuters/Zogby poll shows that
McCain enjoys a big 47% to 32% lead over rival Mike Huckabee of Arkansas.
But despite a big lead in the delegate race and many endorsements from
top-drawer GOP leaders, a significant chunk of conservatives do not yet
appear ready to jump on to the McCain bandwagon. Among mainline
conservatives, McCain leads Huckabee, 48% to 33%. Another 16% of
conservatives said they either favored another candidate or were uncertain
about whom to support, while Congressman Ron Paul won 3% backing from

Among those who described themselves as "very conservative," Huckabee leads
McCain by a 51% to 29% margin.

About 17% of the sample consisted of very conservative likely voters,
compared to 50% who considered themselves mainline conservatives. McCain
leads by a wide margin among moderate Republicans.

Obama's advantage over McCain in a prospective general election contest
stems from his strong support among voters under age 65, among women and
independents. Among African Americans, Obama leads McCain 80% to 3% with 18%
undecided or favoring someone else, but McCain leads among white voters by a
47% to 41% margin, with 12% undecided or favoring someone else.

In a prospective McCain/Clinton match-up, McCain wins easily, 50% to 38%.
His lead is based upon a 59% to 32% advantage among men, compared to
Clinton's narrow 44% to 41% edge among women. While McCain trails Obama
among every age group under 65, he leads Clinton in all age groups - his
biggest advantage coming among those ages 30-49, where he enjoys a 53% to
35% edge.

Among African Americans, Clinton wins just 58% support against McCain, who
wins 18% backing. Among whites, McCain leads Clinton by a 57% to 32% edge.