News from Iran on Labor Day in America



IRAN, IRAQ oil swap
Iran is set to swap 150,000 bpd of Iraqi crude for refined products,
ministers told reporters in Tehran.

Three new pipelines across the border between the former deadly
enemies will be required for the project which will be financed and
constructed by Iran.
Iran welcomes free trade with Persian Gulf states

TEHRAN, Sept. 3 (MNA)-- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Mohammad-
Ali Hosseini welcomed on Monday a decision by the foreign ministers of
the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) to accept the Iranian
offer for opening negotiations on a free trade deal.
It is an important step for cooperation in the Persian Gulf region,
Hosseini said.

Persian Gulf Arab states agreed to an Iranian offer to launch talks on
a possible free trade pact, the PGCC secretary general said on

In a reference to the PGCC's call for a peaceful solution of Iran's
nuclear issue the spokesman said, "In light of Iran-IAEA cooperation
and agreements, regional countries are expected to adopt a more
transparent stance in support of such a course of action."

Hosseini expressed regret over the council's repetitious ownership
claims over the triple Iranian islands of Abu Musa and the Greater and
Lesser Tunbs.

He stated that the Islamic Republic's policy is to enhance relations
with Persian Gulf neighboring countries within the framework of a
goodwill and mutual respect with no interference in each other's
internal affairs.
Travel to Persia
IRAN -Glory (23 Day / 22 Night) 2 Pax $2450

3/4 Hotels/ B&B, all domestic flights, all airport transfers, all
entrance fees,guide, car & driver....

Nomadic Tour (15 Day / 14 Night) 2 Pax $1690

One night accommodation in camp with the nomads

Nomadic tour & Camel riding (14 Day / 13 Night) 2 Pax $1750

Two nights accommodation in tent with the nomads, camel riding in

IRAN in a Glance (8 Day / 7 Night) 2 Pax $880

3/4 Hotels/ B&B, all domestic flights, all airport transfers, guide,
all entrance fees, Nomadic Tour, ...

Customized Tours To Iran [American spys welcome].

Damavand Tours (11 Day/10 Night) 4-6 Pax. 1560$

3 hotel in Tehran, driving to Damavand and staying in camp.
Mountaineer English speaking guide.

IRAN-EGYPT (18 Day) 2pax $1985
IRAN-DUBAI (12 Day / 11 Night) 2Pax $1630
Iran will not bow to pressure in nuclear issue: Leader

TEHRAN, Sept. 3 (MNA) -- The Iranian nation resists and will continue
to resist bullying and will not yield to pressure on the nuclear issue
or any other issue, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah
Seyyed Ali Khamenei said here on Monday.
"If a nation desires honor, strength, independence, identity,
security, and wellbeing, it must have scientific capabilities," the
Leader stated in a meeting with ten of the country's leading young
scientific figures.

The scientific movement of the country's youth and their progress are
very promising for greater development, and God willing, their blessed
movement will lay the foundation for the realization of the lofty
goals of the Iranian nation, Ayatollah Khamenei noted.

He called U.S. President George W. Bush's recent remarks despicable,
belligerent, and arrogant, adding, "Iran will defeat these drunken and
arrogant powers using its adept and wise ways."

Iran should aim to attain such a level of scientific progress as to
become a reference point in matters of science, such that scientists
will feel the need to learn the Persian language, the Leader stated.
Iraq IS another Vietnam
TEHRAN, Sept. 2 (MNA) -- Washington, out of despondency, is driven to

On August 21, George W. Bush arrogantly and in violation of a basic
principle of democracy, i.e., respect for the sovereignty of other
nations, alluded to the replacement of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
of Iraq by stating, "The fundamental question is: Will the government
(of Iraq) respond to the demands of the people? And, if the government
doesn't demand -- or respond to the demands of the people, they will
replace the government." Huh?

But then on August 22, when he learned about the cordial meeting in
Damascus between Maliki and Syrian President Bashar al-Ashad, he
hastily abandoned his order of "regime change", and in the presence of
a group of old Korean and Vietnam war veterans asserted "Prime
Minister Maliki is a good guy, a good man and I support him." What a
principled man is the leader of the "free world".

Aside from all the theatrics played by the presidential candidates,
the present animosity between Washington and the rulers of Baghdad and
Kabul reminds us of the countless coups and counter-coups the U.S.
carried out in South Vietnam during the decade and a half period of
its bloody occupation.

By now what is crystal clear is that the strategy of the troop surge
that began more than six months ago has met with dismal failure in its
primary mission to pacify Iraq's insurgency. The current recurring
enmity between Washington and Baghdad is a direct product of the
United States' failing strategies.

Entirely engulfed and bewildered in the maze of its construction, the
U.S. out of desperation is now trying to internationalize its Iraq
crisis by pushing yet another resolution through the United Nations
Security Council. UN Resolution 1770 is another attempt by the U.S.
administration to reduce the unilateral nature of its criminal
involvement in Iraq.

Another novelty of the "commander-in-chief" has been his recent
reference to the war in Vietnam. All along, during the last four and a
half years of the U.S. war on Iraq, every shade of conservative
ideologue with roots in oil, the arms industry and financial capital,
particularly those currently occupying the White House and Capitol
Hill, despised the idea of drawing a parallel between the Iraq of
today and the Vietnam of 35 years ago. For them, Vietnam carried with
it the stigma of the U.S. defeat at the hands of a socialist country.
Every effort was made to show that the war was lost because the
American public and world public opinion tied up the hands of the
U.S., preventing them from continuing the war beyond a decade and a
half or using every kind of weapon in their arsenal.

They all frowned at the suggestion that "Iraq is another Vietnam." But
to everyone's astonishment, on August 22, Mr. Bush, following in the
footsteps of the cold warriors and the Evangelical Church of Christ,
turned into a politico-money machine, claimed that the U.S. could have
won the war in Vietnam if the total control, the timetable, and the
use of every tool at their disposal (atomic weapons) were left to the
generals. What Bush and the White House conveniently ignored is the
fact that the U.S. armed forces did not willfully withdraw from
Vietnam but were driven out in a massive defeat measured by any

The history of British-U.S. aggressive interference in the internal
affairs of the countries of the Middle East goes back to the
nineteenth century. The nations of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon,
and Palestine have been the targets of invasions, coups, military
threats, and designs for dismemberment. The sovereign peoples of these
countries have had common enemies residing in Washington and London.
The future economic, political and territorial emancipation of any one
of them depends upon the liberation of the others from the yoke of
imperialist control and containment.

Therefore, the peace movements around the world, but especially in the
belly of the beast, cannot stand neutral between the forces of empire
and the people who struggle to secure their nation's sovereignty,
independence, and progress. We cannot claim that we are against the
war in Iraq, but keep quiet about the U.S. aggression in Afghanistan
and its threats against Iran and Syria, and Israel's daily assaults
against the Palestinian people. The governments of the U.S. and
Britain have used terror against the Afghan people, have occupied
Iraq, and threaten Iran, sanction Syria, and starve to death the
people of Palestine. It is our responsibility in the peace movement to
stand on the side of justice and liberty and defend the resistance
movements and the democratically elected governments of Iran and

The U.S. 'democrats' talk of security and peace in the region but plan
to dump $63 billion worth of weapons of mass destruction into the
hands of the most undemocratic and U.S.-dependent regimes of the
Middle East. One-half of the total budget for these weapons is to be
handed to Israel, from which Israel is allowed to spend 26.3% of the
U.S. allotment on arms manufactured by Israel's huge military
industry. The U.S. and Israeli authorities called the $30 billion in
weapons of war and destruction a symbol of long-term peace and
security! The truth is that no amount of arms and cruel methods of
occupation and oppression will bring peace and stability to the Jews,
Muslims, and Christians in Palestine and Lebanon. No doubt, in the
vocabulary of Washington, war and aggression against other nations is
sadistically called "signs of peace".

(Sept. 3 Tehran Times Opinion Column, by Ardeshir Ommani)

No decision on fresh Iran-U.S. talks: official
TEHRAN, Sept. 3 (MNA) -- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi
said here on Monday that no decision has been made on a new round of
talks with the United States over security crisis in Iraq.
"Iran has not yet taken any decision for the next round of talks with
the U.S. on Iraqi issues," Araqchi told the Mehr News Agency.

Araqchi did not rule out the possibility that Iran would call off the
new round of negotiations due to Washington's mounting threats against
the Islamic Republic.

The U.S. and Iranian ambassadors to Iraq met on August 6 for their
third round of security talks in just over two months.

The first and second rounds of their talks ware held in Baghdad on May
28 and July 24 respectively.

On the country's nuclear issue, Araqchi said even though Washington is
seeking new sanctions on the Islamic Republic the international
community has realized that pressure and sanctions could not make Iran
retreat from its nuclear stance.