News media in my area in conspiracy to keep damages



from pollution away from people while accepting millions to pump lung
centers ( you might not know I know) and meds. They call days like today
beautiful and never mentions for the most part even the level of pollution
that is affecting so many people... This is the biggest conspiracy I have
ever see in my life
except for Cal and Ny mayor most people don't care one iota about people
what has this country become. The news coopted to most wealthy.
Subject: Pm.2.5 reading so far, 122 and guess what our weather people call
> this beautiful. I wonder if I perceive this from the few yeas i smoke or
> added co2 in air or added car exhaust from more cars but whatever it goes
> beyond affecting me. Just when this pollution they wrongly call moderate
> reaches that point, the trees go down, the older people stopped running,
> my asthma is automatic, and tens of companies and lung centers that never
> use to advertise now know harm and advertise while the news companies and
> politicians totally ignore this poisoning. Is this just a coincidence?
> to all who have good air consider yourself lucky, if you don't know how
> your
> air compares, find out ! If you get many days that EPA calls moderate
> Particulate pollution or worse,
> worse, I bet everything i own you will have more chances of getting
> different illnesses faster then those who don't. . There is virtually no
> protection from this . This is forced on people and over time causes harm
> ... much harm is my added assumption . Whats worse is I believe
> the severity of these illnesses are much worse and they are irreversible
> and
> you can't stop it like from deciding to not smoke or eatting better.
> Please tell everyone you know if this makes any sense. I write this
> because I care about people unlike some in power ( is it religion, what
> causes the idea its ok to harm your own people now?) .This
> pollution invades your space in many areas of the country because of wind
> distribution or lack of and because of close promixmiticy of engine and
> diesel and industry exhaust and coal dust from producers as far away as
> next
> state . and from politicians who decide who should be exposed or not
> exposed, while most affected are ignored. The continued poisoning of
> millions of people for status quo, rich profits and energy comes at the
> expense of your lost health sometimes and if your not affected please
> fight for those that are. I ask for your help.

,If anyone wanted to show proof more then the
> dozens of links I have found on the net, I think I can and other could if
> they wanted to.... Look up particulate polltion and your health. I
> can name ten ways to compare the health of people exposed to this compared
> to those in good air,,
> and I assure, you more then I know about life itself people are being
> harmed
> greatly in the name of energy and there doesn't seem like anything to do
> about it unless people move or get your politicians to care. Till then see
> you at the pharamacy.or hospital, ,. Please the media wants you to worry
> about 10k walks for cancer but not who get its and why.. Many of the same
> people who get cancer do so by not having health agencies warn them about
> prolonged exposure to this pollution so help me god. There will never be a
> cure for something that wears down your lungs and every organ in your body
> from pollution NEVER don't buy hype to build hospitals , and don't give
> till they tell you why you need them more and in certain location.s I have
> uncovered the biggest conspiracy in the US .

If your in my area,,,,expect no team in your area to win any championships.
> Even though there are 5 million population and thousands of temas... for
> the most part have not won anything for years)see
> people unhappy. see people paying more money for this energy only to then
> have to pay for healthcare after they are poisoned . See the least amount
> of people graduating college or high school . see the most asthma, see the
> most respirtory deaths and most prescriptions see, the most days we get
> moderate particulate pollution...see higher morbidity and cancer... Thats
> if your lucky to
> get healthcare. In case you don't believe, there are ways to compare
> health
> stat, like morbidity by age, cancers by age and sex, hospital admission by
> year and sex, 10k results with people who lived here for over 30 years ( I
> did that and was astounded with results),
> comparing health of people near idling cars living near shopping centers
> and on crowded streets to clean
> air places and all in all , you can lose up to 16 years of life or good
> health. I know people who are 86 but never had any good health since 60.
> choose to get you or your family out of harms way and pressure your
> politicians, I expect some don't care one iota . Why did the Pres make a
> rule you can't sue these people. Why can't I sue if this is exactly what
> causes my disability?
> right now our particulate pollution has shut down my system to breathe
> easy,
> gasping for breath and one reason the pollution levels reach moderate or
> worse every time.., get me out of it and
> I can breathe, Its imposed torture and please believe cause it don't
> affect
> you the same way it won't in other ways. My tests say it does, no one
> escapes the damages if comparisons are met. Epa constantly warns people in
> this air not to exeercise if sensitive. BS, do they warn them they might
> die
> or have this pollution lodge in their system to cause heart disease or
> respiratory disease? If so why not stop it. My life is basically thinking
> how to get out of harms way without losing everything i own and being on
> the
> street. There is no intent to work cause the air don't make concentration
> too worthy after long time. I just want to vent and explain how people are
> allowed to get poisoned, and tens of pharmacies and lung centers advertise
> in my polluted areas, and a new media never warns or tells its citizens
> why
> they need so many meds and hospitals. Akin to paid poisoning where you
> lose
> everything you own to this poisoning is ongoing. What I said is real. In
> addition I am sure, people sleep less good in this so called moderate
> poisoning, infants cry more ( thats just my assumption from what I have
> seen) and quality of life is worse. I think everything is comparomised
> for
> people who are exposed to this consistently. Politicians say they care but
> don't do practical things to stop it faster. In my area I am more likely
> to
> see ten reports on ear and chin rennovation then the horrific damages from
> constant soot and particulate pollution Finally if you dont' believe that
> constant particulate pollution don't kill or sicken I invite anyone
> objective to test my air filters and then compare that to the air 9/11
> got.
> or damage from smoking.
>> gorgeous.
>> After you read how people die from dust, try to understand thats the same
>> pollution although probably less intense that people downwind from
>> pollution
>> get for much longer periods of time. People have to demand that damage
>> that
>> is provable must be allowed in court in much the same way the people who
>> got
>> damaged from WTC dust are. just because no one had any desire to prove
>> consequences before don't mean the damages are not there Why are ceratin
>> people protected and certain
>> people not protected. The people with the most asthma and respiratory
>> deaths
>> and prescription then every city in the nation show damage
>> conclusions.People downwind no matter where they are
>> and often have the most consistent pollution should be able to sue to
>> stop
>> this madness and have the same rights of those non smokers and people
>> harmed
>> from too much dust from industry or 9/11.
>> We already know that damage from pollution is a known entity why doesn't
>> damage that shows two air filters getting black be compared with air
>> filters
>> in clean air city and compare hospital admissions, rates for asthma and
>> cancer , stress tests etc? I have done some comparisons and its
>> outrageous
>> that people in worse areas have to absorb this while being included in
>> graphs to show cleaner area with rest of nation without ways to seperate
>> those who are most affected. There is no way to single
>> out people like me who have their bodies shut down from this pollution
>> and
>> why?. What
>> the fk is going on that we only have lung centers to go to and pay for
>> after
>> we are poisoned!!!! murderers!!!!!

In article <o006i.256$4S5.170@trndny01>, "mcs" <> wrote:

> from pollution away from people while accepting millions to pump lung
> centers ( you might not know I know) and meds. They call days like today
> beautiful and never mentions for the most part even the level of pollution
> that is affecting so many people... This is the biggest conspiracy I have
> ever see in my life
> except for Cal and Ny mayor most people don't care one iota about people
> what has this country become. The news coopted to most wealthy.
> Subject: Pm.2.5 reading so far, 122 and guess what our weather people call
> > this beautiful. I wonder if I perceive this from the few yeas i smoke or
> > added co2 in air or added car exhaust from more cars but whatever it goes
> > beyond affecting me. Just when this pollution they wrongly call moderate
> > reaches that point, the trees go down, the older people stopped running,
> > my asthma is automatic, and tens of companies and lung centers that never
> > use to advertise now know harm and advertise while the news companies and
> > politicians totally ignore this poisoning. Is this just a coincidence?
> > to all who have good air consider yourself lucky, if you don't know how
> > your
> > air compares, find out ! If you get many days that EPA calls moderate
> > Particulate pollution or worse,
> > worse, I bet everything i own you will have more chances of getting
> > different illnesses faster then those who don't. . There is virtually no
> > protection from this . This is forced on people and over time causes harm
> > ... much harm is my added assumption . Whats worse is I believe
> > the severity of these illnesses are much worse and they are irreversible
> > and
> > you can't stop it like from deciding to not smoke or eatting better.
> > Please tell everyone you know if this makes any sense. I write this
> > because I care about people unlike some in power ( is it religion, what
> > causes the idea its ok to harm your own people now?) .This
> > pollution invades your space in many areas of the country because of wind
> > distribution or lack of and because of close promixmiticy of engine and
> > diesel and industry exhaust and coal dust from producers as far away as
> > next
> > state . and from politicians who decide who should be exposed or not
> > exposed, while most affected are ignored. The continued poisoning of
> > millions of people for status quo, rich profits and energy comes at the
> > expense of your lost health sometimes and if your not affected please
> > fight for those that are. I ask for your help.

> ,If anyone wanted to show proof more then the
> > dozens of links I have found on the net, I think I can and other could if
> > they wanted to.... Look up particulate polltion and your health. I
> > can name ten ways to compare the health of people exposed to this compared
> > to those in good air,,
> > and I assure, you more then I know about life itself people are being
> > harmed
> > greatly in the name of energy and there doesn't seem like anything to do
> > about it unless people move or get your politicians to care. Till then see
> > you at the pharamacy.or hospital, ,. Please the media wants you to worry
> > about 10k walks for cancer but not who get its and why.. Many of the same
> > people who get cancer do so by not having health agencies warn them about
> > prolonged exposure to this pollution so help me god. There will never be a
> > cure for something that wears down your lungs and every organ in your body
> > from pollution NEVER don't buy hype to build hospitals , and don't give
> > till they tell you why you need them more and in certain location.s I have
> > uncovered the biggest conspiracy in the US .

> If your in my area,,,,expect no team in your area to win any championships.
> > Even though there are 5 million population and thousands of temas... for
> > the most part have not won anything for years)see
> > people unhappy. see people paying more money for this energy only to then
> > have to pay for healthcare after they are poisoned . See the least amount
> > of people graduating college or high school . see the most asthma, see the
> > most respirtory deaths and most prescriptions see, the most days we get
> > moderate particulate pollution...see higher morbidity and cancer... Thats
> > if your lucky to
> > get healthcare. In case you don't believe, there are ways to compare
> > health
> > stat, like morbidity by age, cancers by age and sex, hospital admission by
> > year and sex, 10k results with people who lived here for over 30 years ( I
> > did that and was astounded with results),
> > comparing health of people near idling cars living near shopping centers
> > and on crowded streets to clean
> > air places and all in all , you can lose up to 16 years of life or good
> > health. I know people who are 86 but never had any good health since 60.
> > choose to get you or your family out of harms way and pressure your
> > politicians, I expect some don't care one iota . Why did the Pres make a
> > rule you can't sue these people. Why can't I sue if this is exactly what
> > causes my disability?
> > right now our particulate pollution has shut down my system to breathe
> > easy,
> > gasping for breath and one reason the pollution levels reach moderate or
> > worse every time.., get me out of it and
> > I can breathe, Its imposed torture and please believe cause it don't
> > affect
> > you the same way it won't in other ways. My tests say it does, no one
> > escapes the damages if comparisons are met. Epa constantly warns people in
> > this air not to exeercise if sensitive. BS, do they warn them they might
> > die
> > or have this pollution lodge in their system to cause heart disease or
> > respiratory disease? If so why not stop it. My life is basically thinking
> > how to get out of harms way without losing everything i own and being on
> > the
> > street. There is no intent to work cause the air don't make concentration
> > too worthy after long time. I just want to vent and explain how people are
> > allowed to get poisoned, and tens of pharmacies and lung centers advertise
> > in my polluted areas, and a new media never warns or tells its citizens
> > why
> > they need so many meds and hospitals. Akin to paid poisoning where you
> > lose
> > everything you own to this poisoning is ongoing. What I said is real. In
> > addition I am sure, people sleep less good in this so called moderate
> > poisoning, infants cry more ( thats just my assumption from what I have
> > seen) and quality of life is worse. I think everything is comparomised
> > for
> > people who are exposed to this consistently. Politicians say they care but
> > don't do practical things to stop it faster. In my area I am more likely
> > to
> > see ten reports on ear and chin rennovation then the horrific damages from
> > constant soot and particulate pollution Finally if you dont' believe that
> > constant particulate pollution don't kill or sicken I invite anyone
> > objective to test my air filters and then compare that to the air 9/11
> > got.
> > or damage from smoking.
> >
> >> gorgeous.
> >>
> >>
> >> After you read how people die from dust, try to understand thats the same
> >> pollution although probably less intense that people downwind from
> >> pollution
> >> get for much longer periods of time. People have to demand that damage
> >> that
> >> is provable must be allowed in court in much the same way the people who
> >> got
> >> damaged from WTC dust are. just because no one had any desire to prove
> >> consequences before don't mean the damages are not there Why are ceratin
> >> people protected and certain
> >> people not protected. The people with the most asthma and respiratory
> >> deaths
> >> and prescription then every city in the nation show damage
> >> conclusions.People downwind no matter where they are
> >> and often have the most consistent pollution should be able to sue to
> >> stop
> >> this madness and have the same rights of those non smokers and people
> >> harmed
> >> from too much dust from industry or 9/11.
> >> We already know that damage from pollution is a known entity why doesn't
> >> damage that shows two air filters getting black be compared with air
> >> filters
> >> in clean air city and compare hospital admissions, rates for asthma and
> >> cancer , stress tests etc? I have done some comparisons and its
> >> outrageous
> >> that people in worse areas have to absorb this while being included in
> >> graphs to show cleaner area with rest of nation without ways to seperate
> >> those who are most affected. There is no way to single
> >> out people like me who have their bodies shut down from this pollution
> >> and
> >> why?. What
> >> the fk is going on that we only have lung centers to go to and pay for
> >> after
> >> we are poisoned!!!! murderers!!!!!
> >>
> >>
> >>

> >

So where do you meet?

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America