News360 3.0 now available for iPhone and Android smartphones [updated]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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News360 announced on Tuesday that the second generation of its popular news client is now available for the iPhone and Android smartphones. We are big fans of the app here at BGR and have used News360 2.0 on <a href="">Honeycomb tablets and the iPad</a> for keeping track of our favorite news sites as well as social networks, including Google, Facebook and Twitter. News360 2.0 is capable of pulling in content from Evernote, too, if you use that client for taking notes. Version 2.0 allows users to sync their interest graph, which is automatically generated based on the content you view, with your phone or tablet. “On tablets and on the web, our ‘reverse search engine’ approach that monitors the web for things that might be relevant to you, has helped our users get the stories that matter to them without losing the big picture,” News360 CEO Roman Karachinsky said. “We know you don’t have time to get to everything you want to do. So we’ve made sure you can read what you want, when you want it, no matter what device you are using.” A video of the app in action can be found after the break along with the full press release.
UPDATE: It looks like there was an error in the press release — the new version is 3.0.<span id="more-110589"></span>
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<blockquote> News Gets Personal with News360 2.0, Now for iPhone and Android Smartphones<em> </em>
<em>Popular newsreader brings now on all major platforms</em>
San Francisco, Calif., November 2, 2011 - News360, the popular cross-platform newsreader that looks at the world’s top stories from every angle, today released News360 2.0 for iPhone and Android smartphones. This release introduces News360’s sophisticated content personalization technology to the smartphone experience. With permission, News360 analyzes a user’s activity across social and Web services like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Evernote and Google Reader to build a unique interest graph and uncover persistent reading interests and underlying topic areas.
With the smartphone upgrade, News360 2.0 allows users to save their interest graph and sync it across their mobile phones, tablets and the Web. Users can also share parts of the graph with their friends, allowing them to integrate the results into their own news experience.
News360 2.0 for iPad and Android tablets, released in August, has received a 5-star rating in the App Store across more than 3,000 reviews. The free app is available from the App Store and Android Market, and on the web at <a href=""></a>.
“Users have really responded to the personalization in News260 2.0. On tablets and on the web, our ‘reverse search engine’ approach that monitors the web for things that might be relevant to you, has helped our users get the stories that matter to them without losing the big picture,” says Roman Karachinsky, CEO. “We know you don’t have time to get to everything you want to do. So we’ve made sure you can read what you want, when you want it, no matter what device you are using.”
News360 uses linguistics and semantic analysis to understand more than 700,000 entities and 150,000 unique articles daily, looking at the quality of the writing, tone, subject, source, author and much more. News360 has been downloaded more than 800,000 times. </blockquote>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report