NFL: Early retirements over health fears may have ripple effect


Sports News

The NFL has endured a tumultuous season dealing with domestic abuse cases, a murder trial and a probe into possible cheating, but it is a spate of early retirements that may have the longest lasting impact. Chris Borland, a 24-year-old linebacker who led the San Francisco 49ers in tackles as a rookie last season, became the fourth player in a week aged 30 or younger to retire, calling it quits over concerns about the long-term effects of repetitive head trauma. "This is the most serious challenge for the NFL in the short run and the long run," Smith College economics professor and sports business author Andrew Zimbalist told Reuters in a telephone interview on Tuesday. Borland's surprise announcement on Monday followed the retirements of quarterback Jake Locker (26) and linebackers Jason Worilds (27) and Patrick Willis (30).

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