NH GOP: Let all the serious candidates participate


George Dance

Responding to criticism for Ron Paul's exclusion from a televised
candidates' forum on Jan. 6 (two days before the NH primary), the NH
Republican Party has called on Fox News to give all serious candidates
- not just "a select few determined by the media" - equal opportunity
to participate.

Fox News has made no public statement on the matter and, according to
the Paul campaign, will not return calls to the campaign.

On the campaign trail Saturday, Paul called Fox News "war
propagandists", and said he was excluded because the network was
"scared" of his anti-war, bring-home-the-troops message being heard.

Date: December 31, 2007
From: Fergus Cullen, Chairman, New Hampshire Republican Party


CONCORD - New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen
releases the following statement regarding primary weekend debates:

"Limiting the number of candidates who are invited to participate in
debates is not consistent with the tradition of the first in the
nation primary. The level playing field requires that all serious
candidates be given an equal opportunity to participate - not just a
select few determined by the media prior to any votes being cast."

"Therefore, the New Hampshire Republican Party calls upon all media
organizations planning pre-primary debates or forums for both parties
to include all recognized major candidates in their events."

"The New Hampshire Republican Party has notified FOX News of our
position, and we are in ongoing discussions with FOX News about having
as many candidates as possible participate in the forum scheduled for
January 6."

Fergus Cullen

- Courtesy of: http://www.dailypaul.com/