NH GOP withdraws from Fox News Forum over Paul & Hunter exclusion


George Dance

Earlier today, Washington political blog Big Head DC broke the story
that the
NH Republican Party has pulled out of co-sponsoring the Fox News GOP
candidates formum in NH this Saturday. Fox has invited only Mitt
Romney, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, and Fred Thompson -
the "Fox News Five" - but did not invite Ron Paul or Duncan Hunter.

Paul beat Giuliani in the IA caucuses, and is polling higher than
Thompson in NH.

In a staff story, BHDC reports: "Big Head DC hears that Fergus Cullen,
head of the New Hampshire GOP, has caved to demands to include Ron
Paul and Duncan Hunter in FOX News Channel's Sunday evening forum, and
has therefore withdrawn from the partnership the state Republican
Party had previously secured with the network.

"Big Head DC contacted FOX News to find out whether the forum was
still in play and we're told it will continue as scheduled with
Huckabee, Romney, McCain, Giuliani and Thompson, serving as the last
exchange between the candidates before Tuesday's New Hampshire

See Below:
"George Dance" <georgedance04@yahoo.ca> wrote in message
> Earlier today, Washington political blog Big Head DC broke the story
> that the
> NH Republican Party has pulled out of co-sponsoring the Fox News GOP
> candidates formum in NH this Saturday. Fox has invited only Mitt
> Romney, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, and Fred Thompson -
> the "Fox News Five" - but did not invite Ron Paul or Duncan Hunter.
> Paul beat Giuliani in the IA caucuses, and is polling higher than
> Thompson in NH.
> In a staff story, BHDC reports: "Big Head DC hears that Fergus Cullen,
> head of the New Hampshire GOP, has caved to demands to include Ron
> Paul and Duncan Hunter in FOX News Channel's Sunday evening forum, and
> has therefore withdrawn from the partnership the state Republican
> Party had previously secured with the network.
> "Big Head DC contacted FOX News to find out whether the forum was
> still in play and we're told it will continue as scheduled with
> Huckabee, Romney, McCain, Giuliani and Thompson, serving as the last
> exchange between the candidates before Tuesday's New Hampshire
> primary."
> http://bigheaddc.com/2008/01/05/exclusive-fox-news-breaks-up-with-new...

Good for the New Hampshire Republican Party!!

The Fox exclusion of Dr. Paul makes one think about the whole concept of
"Dual Citizenship" (an oxymoron) once again. It is because we have allowed
such an absurd concept to take hold, that an over-reaching foreigner is able
to dominate more and more of the American media. Is it acceptable that he
try to dictate who may even be heard in our Presidential debates?


The Presidency of the United States is a job created by our written
Constitution. Its functions are defined by our written Constitution. It
has no powers but those granted in our written Constitution. The procedures
for the election of a President are spelled out in our written Constitution.
The terms of Office are set out in our written Constitution, as are the
qualifications and oath of Office of the President.

Yet only one of the candidates for President, in either Party, regularly
discusses the Constitution and its specific provisions! That candidate, of
course, is Ron Paul. Voting for one of the candidates who does not feel it
necessary to discuss the Constitution or his specific stands on
Constitutional issues would be like hiring a Doctor who refuses to discuss
your symptoms; or hiring a lawyer who will not discuss your case, or look at
a Contract, you hire him to defend; or attending a Church, where the
Preacher has never read the Bible.

Obviously, the choice of the intelligent voter; the choice of the voter to
whom personal honor and integrity matters, is Ron Paul.

Or let us look at the War On Terror. We face an enemy that has no fixed
base, no standing army, navy or air force; no industrial base; no large
population. All that enemy has, in reality, is a proven ability to recruit
people willing to commit suicide trying to hurt us. That is their asset;
that is their strength. And yet only Ron Paul is willing to discuss how
that enemy recruits!! The other candidates act as though it is some sort of
"Macho" thing to refuse to even discuss the reason that those committing
suicide to injure us, have stated as their reason for doing so!

Teddy Roosevelt said, of foreign affairs, we should "Speak softly, but carry
a Big Stick." We are being undermined, today, by men who shout hysterically
or babble incoherently, but do not even understand what Teddy was talking
about. Ron Paul does. We dare not elect anyone who does not.

Finally, only Ron Paul has been willing to discuss, in depth, what is
happening to the American Dollar, and why! Anyone who cares about the value
of their savings, accounts receivable, insurance policies; or simply their
ability to make decisions based upon predictable economic factors, should
see the necessity of electing the one candidate, who actually understands
what factors control the value of our money. Again, that candidate is Ron

For more discussion, in depth:

William Flax
414 Walnut Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
William Flax wrote:

> See Below:
> "George Dance" <georgedance04@yahoo.ca> wrote in message
> news:4555253b-6091-41b7-90ec-f9a77a78e259@c23g2000hsa.googlegroups.com...
>>Earlier today, Washington political blog Big Head DC broke the story
>>that the
>>NH Republican Party has pulled out of co-sponsoring the Fox News GOP
>>candidates formum in NH this Saturday. Fox has invited only Mitt
>>Romney, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, and Fred Thompson -
>>the "Fox News Five" - but did not invite Ron Paul or Duncan Hunter.
>>Paul beat Giuliani in the IA caucuses, and is polling higher than
>>Thompson in NH.
>>In a staff story, BHDC reports: "Big Head DC hears that Fergus Cullen,
>>head of the New Hampshire GOP, has caved to demands to include Ron
>>Paul and Duncan Hunter in FOX News Channel's Sunday evening forum, and
>>has therefore withdrawn from the partnership the state Republican
>>Party had previously secured with the network.
>>"Big Head DC contacted FOX News to find out whether the forum was
>>still in play and we're told it will continue as scheduled with
>>Huckabee, Romney, McCain, Giuliani and Thompson, serving as the last
>>exchange between the candidates before Tuesday's New Hampshire

> Good for the New Hampshire Republican Party!!
> The Fox exclusion of Dr. Paul makes one think about the whole concept of
> "Dual Citizenship" (an oxymoron) once again. It is because we have allowed
> such an absurd concept to take hold, that an over-reaching foreigner is able
> to dominate more and more of the American media. Is it acceptable that he
> try to dictate who may even be heard in our Presidential debates?
> Consider:
> The Presidency of the United States is a job created by our written
> Constitution. Its functions are defined by our written Constitution. It
> has no powers but those granted in our written Constitution. The procedures
> for the election of a President are spelled out in our written Constitution.
> The terms of Office are set out in our written Constitution, as are the
> qualifications and oath of Office of the President.
> Yet only one of the candidates for President, in either Party, regularly
> discusses the Constitution and its specific provisions!

Close, but no cigar. Bill Moyers interviewed both Paul and Kucinich
Friday night. Both talked extensively about the Constitution. Kucinich
specifically said he serves in Congress to protect and defend the
Constitution and that this is why he has introduced articles of
impeachment against Cheney. Has Paul signed on to co-sponsor yet? I
honestly don't know.

Don't you think it's time for people who really want to see a change in
our military/foreign policy and restoration of the Constitution stopped
calling one or another "fascist" or "passive racist" on the one hand or
"socialist" on the other? I agree with Kucinich more on the issues than
I do Paul, but if Paul gets the Republican nod I would vote for him over
any of the 3 Democratic front-runners. My dream ticket would be

> That candidate, of
> course, is Ron Paul. Voting for one of the candidates who does not feel it
> necessary to discuss the Constitution or his specific stands on
> Constitutional issues would be like hiring a Doctor who refuses to discuss
> your symptoms; or hiring a lawyer who will not discuss your case, or look at
> a Contract, you hire him to defend; or attending a Church, where the
> Preacher has never read the Bible.
> Obviously, the choice of the intelligent voter; the choice of the voter to
> whom personal honor and integrity matters, is Ron Paul.
> Or let us look at the War On Terror. We face an enemy that has no fixed
> base, no standing army, navy or air force; no industrial base; no large
> population. All that enemy has, in reality, is a proven ability to recruit
> people willing to commit suicide trying to hurt us. That is their asset;
> that is their strength. And yet only Ron Paul is willing to discuss how
> that enemy recruits!! The other candidates act as though it is some sort of
> "Macho" thing to refuse to even discuss the reason that those committing
> suicide to injure us, have stated as their reason for doing so!
> Teddy Roosevelt said, of foreign affairs, we should "Speak softly, but carry
> a Big Stick." We are being undermined, today, by men who shout hysterically
> or babble incoherently, but do not even understand what Teddy was talking
> about. Ron Paul does. We dare not elect anyone who does not.
> Finally, only Ron Paul has been willing to discuss, in depth, what is
> happening to the American Dollar, and why! Anyone who cares about the value
> of their savings, accounts receivable, insurance policies; or simply their
> ability to make decisions based upon predictable economic factors, should
> see the necessity of electing the one candidate, who actually understands
> what factors control the value of our money. Again, that candidate is Ron
> Paul.
> For more discussion, in depth:
> http://pages.prodigy.net/krtq73aa/Paul3.htm
> http://pages.prodigy.net/krtq73aa/Paul.htm
> http://pages.prodigy.net/krtq73aa/Paul2.htm
> William Flax
> 414 Walnut Street
> Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

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