Nigel Brooks Phony Medals (was Re: Phony Hero's and Mental Illness - Is Mental Illness a Defense In



"Nigel Brooks" <> wrote in message
> Most likely not.
> In US V. Clarence V. Jones (DC Criminal No 02-cr-00075)
> Jones sought to have his conviction for VA Benefits fraud
> overturned because he claimed that the trial court
> improperly excluded evidence of his past mental illness.
> The Court of Appeals for the third circuit denied his
> appeal and upheld the trial court's exclusion of his
> mental illness.
> In Fact - If you live in Jeff Sullivan's jurisdiction
> (Jeff is the United States Attorney for the Western
> District of Washington) - and you have fraudulently
> obtained benefits from the Veterans Administration - you
> can be assured that justice will be swift.
> Quote:
> September 21, 2007
> Phony Vets Scam more than $1.4 Million and Damage Image of
> Honorable Veterans
> U.S. Attorney Jeffrey C. Sullivan today announced some of
> the results of "Operation Stolen Valor," a year long
> effort to investigate and prosecute those who lie about
> their military service for financial gain or other
> reasons. Sullivan and Doug Carver, Special Agent in Charge
> of the Veteran's Affairs Office of Inspector General
> detailed eight prosecutions in the Veteran's Affairs
> Northwest Region in 2007.
> "As a Vietnam Veteran, and the father of a decorated Army
> officer currently serving, I feel very keenly the damage
> done by Jesse Macbeth and these other fakes," said Jeff
> Sullivan, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of
> Washington. "Macbeth's lies fueled hostility to our
> servicemen in Iraq and here at home. Those who falsely
> claim medals for heroism, cheapen the recognition of our
> true war heroes."
> "The 'phony war hero phenomenon' plagues the American
> landscape and tarnishes the service of thousands of
> veterans who have served honorably. It strangles VA
> resources from providing critical care and benefits to
> deserving veterans returning from war," said Douglas J.
> Carver, Special Agent in Charge of the VA Office of
> Inspector General, Western Field Office. "It all boils
> downs to this: these phonies submit claims to the VA for
> compensation and medical benefits they are not entitled
> to, and it takes away valuable resources from those who
> are entitled."
> In a dozen cases under investigation in the northwest, the
> fraud totals more than $1.4 million. Eight of the cases
> have been publicly filed and are in various stages of
> being adjudicated:
> Jesse Macbeth, 23, Tacoma, Washington, sentenced today in
> connection with his fraudulent claims of military service.
> Macbeth sought medical benefits claiming to suffer from
> PTSD related to service in Iraq and Afghanistan, in fact,
> Macbeth was discharged from the Army about a month after
> he joined. Macbeth never traveled outside the U.S. with
> the Army. Macbeth duped reporters, claiming to be a
> decorated Army Ranger who had witnessed war crimes.
> Reggie Buddle, 60, Puyallup, Washington, sentenced July
> 30, 2007, for Unlawful Wearing of United States Military
> Medals and Decorations. Buddle posed as a decorated Marine
> Corps Chaplin presiding over weddings, funerals and
> baptisms. Buddle was sentenced to 500 hours of community
> service and two years of probation.
> Larry Lewis Porter, 52, Seattle, Washington, sentenced
> April 19, 2007, for Mail Fraud in connection with a scheme
> to fraudulently obtain disability benefits from Veterans
> Affairs. Porter was sentenced to 37 months in prison.
> Porter claimed he suffered PTSD from experiences in the
> Navy, however investigation revealed the events were
> fabricated. Loss Amount: $134,000
> Roy J. Scott, 71, of Port Angeles, Washington pleaded
> guilty August 31, 2007, to Use of an Altered Military
> Discharge Certificate to obtain VA Compensation and
> Medical Benefits, and Unlawful Wearing of United States
> Military Medals and Decorations. Scott claimed he had
> served in the Marine Corps in Korea, that he was wounded
> in combat in Korea, and that he had been awarded the Korea
> Defense Medal, Korea Star Medal, and a Purple Heart (due
> to alleged gun shot wounds sustained during combat in
> Korea). Scott claimed to be honorably discharged, when in
> fact, he never earned those medals, never served in Korea
> or any foreign country and was Court-Martialed out of the
> Marine Corps. Loss Amount: $21,960.
> Merrick K. Hersey, 64, of Vancouver, Washington, Hersey
> was indicted August 1, 2007, for Use and Possession of
> Forged or Altered Military Discharge Certificate and False
> Statements. Hersey is a fugitive and is being sought by
> law enforcement. Hersey applied for benefits claiming he
> served in 1967-68, was awarded two Purple Hearts (for
> wounds sustained in active combat) and the Bronze Star
> (awarded for heroism). Hersey claimed he suffered from
> PTSD and sought benefits. In fact, Hersey never served in
> the Marine Corps at all. Loss Amount: $2,688.
> Michael D. Heit, 58, of Harrington, Washington, pleaded
> guilty yesterday (September 20, 2007) in U.S. District
> Court in Spokane, Washington to Use and Possession of a
> Forged or Altered Military Discharge Certificate and False
> Claims of Military Medals. Heit claimed he was a Vietnam
> vet who was held as a prisoner of war. He claimed to have
> been awarded three Purple Heart medals and the Silver
> Star. None of that is true. Loss Amount: $3,500
> Elvin J. Swisher, 70, of Idaho, is charged with Wearing
> Unauthorized Military Medals, False Statements, and Theft
> of Government Funds. Swisher falsely claimed he was
> wounded in Korea and that he had been awarded the Silver
> Star, Purple Heart and other medals for valor. Loss
> Amount: $95,000.
> Carlos Riosvalle, 83, of Portland, Oregon, was sentenced
> April 9, 2007, in Multnomah County for multiple counts of
> Theft by Deception. Riosvalle collected benefits claiming
> to have been "shot down while a pilot in World War II." In
> fact Riosvalle never served in the armed forces. Loss
> Amount: $22,818.
> These cases were all investigated by the Veterans Affairs
> Office of Inspector General VA-OIG. The VA Office of the
> Inspector General operates a HOTLINE for the public to
> confidentially and safely report crimes like "Stolen
> Valor" involving VA or its programs. Call 800-488-8244, or
> fax to 202-565-7936, or e-mail to, or
> write to VA OIG HOTLINE, PO Box 50410, Washington, DC
> 20091-0410.
> The cases filed in the Western District of Washington are
> being prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney
> Ronald J. Friedman. For additional information please
> contact Emily Langlie, Public Affairs Officer for the
> United States Attorney's Office, at (206) 553-4110.
> --
> Nigel Brooks

As long as people like Nigel Brooks do not use outright
fraud to deceive and mislead investigators with false
accusations, and then suffer prosecution for doing so as
their propensity to target victims with malicious
prosecution has been well established, I must say I agree
with turning in anyone that is defrauding the government
about anything, but ESPECIALLY about false VA claims.

I also wonder if any of this applies to Nigel's published
claims that he won three Victoria Crosses in Vietnam, and
his claims of receiving several campaign medals even when
his records show he was long discharged from the US Army
when those medals were awarded? How do civilians earn US
Army campaign medals?

Also, Brooks said he was discharged during the tet
offensive, and that too is a complete lie. Brooks was a
draftee Sp4 personnel clerk (and I suspect a village rat)
stationed at Long Binh, never fired his weapon, and his
claims to participate on Reactionary Force patrols is total
BS and an outright lie, he never went on patrol ever. Brooks
was also discharged long before the 1968 Tet offensive
began. Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
military service, as have many other members of his fraud wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse real
veterans of false statements.

Doug Grant (Tm)

Doug Grant (Tm)
Dougie, being the big soldier and fighting and killing MUST be better
than sex the way you live your life there all the time.
> Also, Brooks said he was discharged during the tet
> offensive, and that too is a complete lie. Brooks was a
> draftee Sp4 personnel clerk (and I suspect a village rat)
> stationed at Long Binh, never fired his weapon, and his
> claims to participate on Reactionary Force patrols is total
> BS and an outright lie, he never went on patrol ever. Brooks
> was also discharged long before the 1968 Tet offensive
> began. Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
> military service, as have many other members of his fraud
> wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse real
> veterans of false statements.
> Doug Grant (Tm)
> Doug Grant (Tm)

On Fri, 05 Oct 2007 15:40:09 GMT, Danzig <> wrote:

>Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
> military service, as have many other members of his fraud
> wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse real
> veterans of false statements.
> Doug Grant (Tm)

PROJECTING, again, huh Doug Grant?
Remember those stories you tried telling?
Remember how you were challenged?
Remember you many threats of lawsuits, you many efforts at REMOVING
from GOOGLE the posts you made over the years?
The one's about being "wounded" ---but, no Purple Heart?
The one's about killing priests?
The stories about killing 1,800 VC and then feasting upon some of the
Remember you great stories about training ROK, and others?
Remember your stories about your exploits in Latin America?
Remember YOUR story about witnessing that ambulance drive onto the
base and shoot up airplanes ---- but, according to your military
records, you did NOT get to Vietnam until about SIX MONTHS
AND, OF COURSE, I trust you remember your tales about OCS and
about NCO's being called "Butter-Bars".....

Considering the posting history of the NCO "Butter-Bar", the Doug
Grant (von)Reiman, given his cyberstalking antics, given his ongoing
threats, the FORMOSA LAW and also The BENNINGTON RULE is invoked.
---Mac, the Medic
"Mac" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 05 Oct 2007 15:40:09 GMT, Danzig
> <> wrote:
>>Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
>> military service, as have many other members of his fraud
>> wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse
>> real
>> veterans of false statements.
>> Doug Grant (Tm)

> ===============

Rebuttal from Doug:

> PROJECTING, again, huh Doug Grant?
> Remember those stories you tried telling?

Nope. Please post references with headings-but we know you
cannot as you are lying.
> Remember how you were challenged?

Nope: All I remember is Rau and You and Brooks and others
creating outright forgeries of what you all claimed I said,
then attempting to use your own forgeries as representative
of statements you claimed I made. All I remember is the
fraud you and your gang posted thousands of times.

> Remember you many threats of lawsuits, you many efforts at
> from GOOGLE the posts you made over the years?

Doug Says: Posts that were not written by me and/or were
incorrect, misleading or contained typos were removed long
before you and your gang incited threats of death and
violence against me, and crossed state lines to do so.

> The one's about being "wounded" ---but, no Purple Heart?

Doug Says: Your own gang member Bear said he also was
wounded but never pandered for a Purple Heart. Since you
were a Ward Attendant, you would not know about those men
that felt pandering for medals was dishonorable. I to this
day refuse to pander for medals, and you not understanding
that, as a Ward Attendant is quite understandable.

> The one's about killing priests?

Doug Says: A lie. Reference please or admit you are lying.

> The stories about killing 1,800 VC and then feasting upon
> some of the
> bodies?

Doug Says: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What utter nonsense!
REFERENCING PLEASE or are you just making up this fraud as
you go along? Absolutely nutty fruitcake.

> Remember you great stories about training ROK, and
> others?

References Please....but I do remember training ROK troops.

> Remember your stories about your exploits in Latin
> America?

Doug Says: When I was a civilain working for companies that
sent me there, yes.

> Remember YOUR story about witnessing that ambulance
> drive onto the
> base and shoot up airplanes ---- but, according to your
> military
> records, you did NOT get to Vietnam until about SIX
> LATER...?

Doug Says: Utter fraud. Even your gang leader admitted I
was stationed in Can Tho when the January 13, 1969 attacks
occured. I arrived in Vietnam in February 1968 as my
records clearly state and your gang leader Nigel Brooks has
confirmed. The attacks on Can Tho that I witnessed did not
occur until about 11 months later you moron! My God you
cannot even calculate time! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

> Remember??
> AND, OF COURSE, I trust you remember your tales about
> OCS and
> about NCO's being called "Butter-Bars".....

Doug Says: More outright fraud from Dennis McDonnell,
references please. I said I attended OCS but did not
graduate, and I never said NCO's were called Butter Bars,
that is an outright lie, as usual.

sidering the posting history of the NCO "Butter-Bar", the
> Grant (von)Reiman, given his cyberstalking antics, given
> his ongoing
> threats, the FORMOSA LAW and also The BENNINGTON RULE
> is invoked.
> ---Mac, the Medic

Considering the outrageous fraud, false accusations and
forgeries posted by Mr. Dennis McDonnell in this post alone,
and his desire to create threats of death and violence
against me when he visits third parties like Muslim Mosques
for the express purpose to spread hate against me with the
use of just some of the fraud and forgeries he has posted
herein, I must believe I am dealing with a complete and
total crackpot, or someone with a very diseased mind.

(I should also mention that Mr. McDonnell snipped out all
the information that was about how Nigel Brooks claimed
phony medals and other false claims....which of course he
does not is McDonnell trying to hide the truth
about his smear gang leader, of course.

But for all, here is what he is trying to hide:

As long as people like Nigel Brooks do not use outright
fraud to deceive and mislead investigators with false
accusations, and then suffer prosecution for doing so as
their propensity to target victims with malicious
prosecution has been well established, I must say I agree
with turning in anyone that is defrauding the government
about anything, but ESPECIALLY about false VA claims.

I also wonder if any of this applies to Nigel's published
claims that he won three Victoria Crosses in Vietnam, and
his claims of receiving several campaign medals even when
his records show he was long discharged from the US Army
when those medals were awarded? How do civilians earn US
Army campaign medals?

Also, Brooks said he was discharged during the tet
offensive, and that too is a complete lie. Brooks was a
draftee Sp4 personnel clerk (and I suspect a village rat)
stationed at Long Binh, never fired his weapon, and his
claims to participate on Reactionary Force patrols is total
BS and an outright lie, he never went on patrol ever. Brooks
was also discharged long before the 1968 Tet offensive
began. Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
military service, as have many other members of his fraud wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse real
veterans of false statements.

Doug Grant (Tm)

Doug Grant (Tm)

Doug Grant (Tm)
"Nigel Brooks" <> wrote in message
> "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote in message
>> "Mac" <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 05 Oct 2007 15:40:09 GMT, Danzig
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
>>>> military service, as have many other members of his
>>>> fraud
>>>> wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse
>>>> real
>>>> veterans of false statements.
>>>> Doug Grant (Tm)
>>> ===============

>> Rebuttal from Doug:
>>> PROJECTING, again, huh Doug Grant?
>>> Remember those stories you tried telling?

>> Nope. Please post references with headings-but we know
>> you cannot as you are lying.
>>> Remember how you were challenged?

>> Nope: All I remember is Rau and You and Brooks and
>> others creating outright forgeries of what you all
>> claimed I said, then attempting to use your own forgeries
>> as representative of statements you claimed I made. All
>> I remember is the fraud you and your gang posted
>> thousands of times.
>>> Remember you many threats of lawsuits, you many efforts
>>> from GOOGLE the posts you made over the years?

>> Doug Says: Posts that were not written by me and/or were
>> incorrect, misleading or contained typos were removed
>> long before you and your gang incited threats of death
>> and violence against me, and crossed state lines to do
>> so.
>>> The one's about being "wounded" ---but, no Purple Heart?

>> Doug Says: Your own gang member Bear said he also was
>> wounded but never pandered for a Purple Heart. Since you
>> were a Ward Attendant, you would not know about those men
>> that felt pandering for medals was dishonorable. I to
>> this day refuse to pander for medals, and you not
>> understanding that, as a Ward Attendant is quite
>> understandable.

> Ward Attendant?
> Can you actually stoop any lower Mr. Reiman?
> This is what the "Ward Attendant" did. (and you know that
> because you have a copy of his citation via the FOIA you
> filed)
> Awarded: Silver Star
> Date of action: 31 January 1968
> Theater: Republic of Vietnam
> Authority: By direction of the President, under the
> provisions of the Act of Congress, approved 9 July 1918.
> Reason: For gallantry in action while engaged in military
> operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force
> in the Republic of Vietnam: Private First Class McDonnell
> distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions
> while serving as a medical aidman in support of the United
> States Army Headquarters Area Command reaction force.
> When a truck transporting military policemen was ambushed
> in an alley in the Gia Dinh sector of Saigon, the reaction
> force immediately rushed to assist the severely wounded
> survivors. Snipers all around the tiny street where the
> vehicle had been attacked unleashed continuous volleys of
> automatic rifle and grenade fire making an approach to the
> scene extremely perilous. Time and time again the
> reaction force was driven back by the strafing fusillade.
> Ultimately two officers prepared to attempt the rescue,
> and Private McDonnell, although completely unarmed,
> volunteered to accompany them. As soon as the three
> reached the stalled vehicle, the scattered Viet Cong
> snipers opened fire. Private McDonnell had immediately
> begun administering medical aid to the wounded lying
> around the truck when a grenade exploded nearby, wounding
> him and throwing him to the ground. He managed to crawl
> under the truck as the two officers fought their way out
> of the alley. For more than five hours, Private McDonnell
> lay trapped under the vehicle, yet he did what he could to
> treat those whom he could reach. Finally the officers
> succeeded in leading the reaction force into the alley,
> driving the snipers away and evacuating the casualties
> including the wounded medic.
> Private First Class McDonnell's gallantry in action was in
> keeping with the highest traditions of the military
> service and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit,
> and the United States Army.
> And guess what - until your sorry ass came along with your
> bullshit Vietnam stories - no-one ever knew what Mac did.
> He never bragged about. He never claimed anything other
> than he was a CO Medic in Vietnam. That's right Mr.
> Reiman a CO - who followed his beliefs, served his
> country, and was awarded for heroism.
> You on the other hand sought to embellish your time in the
> service with braggadocio and got caught in the process.
> No-one has ever belittled your service in personnel or
> other administrative positions - I'm sure that you
> performed you duties to the best of your ability.
>>> The one's about killing priests?

>> Doug Says: A lie. Reference please or admit you are
>> lying.
>>> The stories about killing 1,800 VC and then feasting
>>> upon some of the
>>> bodies?

>> Doug Says: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What utter nonsense!
>> REFERENCING PLEASE or are you just making up this fraud
>> as you go along? Absolutely nutty fruitcake.
>>> Remember you great stories about training ROK, and
>>> others?

>> References Please....but I do remember training ROK
>> troops.
>>> Remember your stories about your exploits in Latin
>>> America?

>> Doug Says: When I was a civilain working for companies
>> that sent me there, yes.
>>> Remember YOUR story about witnessing that ambulance
>>> drive onto the
>>> base and shoot up airplanes ---- but, according to your
>>> military
>>> records, you did NOT get to Vietnam until about SIX
>>> LATER...?

>> Doug Says: Utter fraud. Even your gang leader admitted
>> I was stationed in Can Tho when the January 13, 1969
>> attacks occured. I arrived in Vietnam in February 1968
>> as my records clearly state and your gang leader Nigel
>> Brooks has confirmed. The attacks on Can Tho that I
>> witnessed did not occur until about 11 months later you
>> moron! My God you cannot even calculate time!
>>> Remember??
>>> AND, OF COURSE, I trust you remember your tales about
>>> OCS and
>>> about NCO's being called "Butter-Bars".....

>> Doug Says: More outright fraud from Dennis McDonnell,
>> references please. I said I attended OCS but did not
>> graduate, and I never said NCO's were called Butter Bars,
>> that is an outright lie, as usual.
>> sidering the posting history of the NCO "Butter-Bar", the
>> Doug
>>> Grant (von)Reiman, given his cyberstalking antics,
>>> given his ongoing
>>> threats, the FORMOSA LAW and also The BENNINGTON
>>> RULE is invoked.
>>> ---Mac, the Medic

>> Considering the outrageous fraud, false accusations and
>> forgeries posted by Mr. Dennis McDonnell in this post
>> alone, and his desire to create threats of death and
>> violence against me when he visits third parties like
>> Muslim Mosques for the express purpose to spread hate
>> against me with the use of just some of the fraud and
>> forgeries he has posted herein, I must believe I am
>> dealing with a complete and total crackpot, or someone
>> with a very diseased mind.
>> (I should also mention that Mr. McDonnell snipped out all
>> the information that was about how Nigel Brooks claimed
>> phony medals and other false claims....which of course he
>> does not is McDonnell trying to hide the truth
>> about his smear gang leader, of course.
>> But for all, here is what he is trying to hide:
>> As long as people like Nigel Brooks do not use outright
>> fraud to deceive and mislead investigators with false
>> accusations, and then suffer prosecution for doing so as
>> their propensity to target victims with malicious
>> prosecution has been well established, I must say I agree
>> with turning in anyone that is defrauding the government
>> about anything, but ESPECIALLY about false VA claims.
>> I also wonder if any of this applies to Nigel's
>> published
>> claims that he won three Victoria Crosses in Vietnam, and
>> his claims of receiving several campaign medals even when
>> his records show he was long discharged from the US Army
>> when those medals were awarded? How do civilians earn US
>> Army campaign medals?
>> Also, Brooks said he was discharged during the tet
>> offensive, and that too is a complete lie. Brooks was a
>> draftee Sp4 personnel clerk (and I suspect a village rat)
>> stationed at Long Binh, never fired his weapon, and his
>> claims to participate on Reactionary Force patrols is
>> total
>> BS and an outright lie, he never went on patrol ever.
>> Brooks
>> was also discharged long before the 1968 Tet offensive
>> began. Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
>> military service, as have many other members of his fraud
>> wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse
>> real
>> veterans of false statements.

> Actually Mr. Reiman really don't give a toss what you
> think about the nature or length of my service in the
> United States Army, or my nearly thirty years service as a
> criminal investigator with the United States Government.
> Quite frankly - you can kiss my ass.
> Hope this helps
> Nigel Brooks
> Superfluous groups removed

Doug Says: First Mr. Brooks, the groups you are trying to
hide from are not superfluous. You posted your fraud and
lies on those newsgroups, and I am going to post my lawful
and legitimate rebuttals on them as well. Many people are
watching you and your gang lose all credibility, and they
are realizing what a fraud and smear merchant you and your
gang are...and they expect me to respond to all of your
fraud each time you post it. (Understand Brooks I have
prevented people from joining me in my rebuttals, if I had
not then you would be inundated with the kind of truths and
facts I post. Look at RGB as an example. If that is what
you want however, it can happen, but when it does you will
need to find a new newsgroup. I for one believe you and
your gang are destroying this newsgroup with your perpetual
fraud, forgeries and false accusations about me and
others...learn how to honestly debate and this newsgroup
could be a winner).

BTW, I would love to see some Google Archives of the Ph.d.
post you attributed to me. You do have one don't you? Or
were you lying again?

And when are you going to take my Arbitration challenge to
prove you can "Walk the Walk" in respect to all of your
fraudulent and false accusations? Still hiding?

You also claim to be a "criminal investigator" and I say
that is about the biggest fraud you have posted yet. The
way you investigate, (1) no conformation of anything,
including intent and context (2) continuing to use forgeries
and fraud displaying context and intent COMPLETELY OPPOSITE
of what the author of the quip told you was his intent and
context, (2) assuming everything written on USENET is meant
to be factual or an autobiographical fact, (3) falsely
presenting slanted and misrepresented military record
details, (4) showing only one side of an issue while
deliberately ignoring the other side, (5) fraudulently
claiming a Judge was addressing a person that was not even a
Plaintiff nor involved in the element of the case the Judge
was opining about, (6) claiming your smear victim wrote or
posted forgeries you have created for the obvious and
deliberate purpose to defame and cast your victim in a false
light, etc, etc...

I would say the above "investigative skills" are more akin
to Inspector Cluso, and his faithful friend Kato (a.k.a. Tom
Rau) than anyone that actually worked for the US Government.
And if such a person actually did work for the US
Government, then I say all of the cases he was involved with
should be re-investigated due to his penchant for creating
outright fraud of evidence this person has often displayed

However, I do appreciate that you "do not care what I think
about you." Hard to file a counterclaim when you have
already admitted you do not care about the truth that is
being posted about you. If you do not care, then you cannot
be bothered with these facts. Water off a Ducks back, or
better said, Water off a Fraud Merchants back.

But we all know that you told "whoppers" not only about your
military service, but also your service with the Custom
Service, and those details have all yet to come out. Maybe
we can get to them when you agree to my quid pro quo offer
on "answering questions?" You keep asking me to answer
yours, so are we going to exchange answers or not, or have
you suddenly decided you do not want me to answer any more

Doug Grant (Tm)

On Sat, 6 Oct 2007 14:05:46 -0700, "DGVREIMAN" <>

>"Mac" <> wrote in message
>> On Fri, 05 Oct 2007 15:40:09 GMT, Danzig
>> <> wrote:
>>>Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
>>> military service, as have many other members of his fraud
>>> wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse
>>> real
>>> veterans of false statements.
>>> Doug Grant (Tm)

>> ===============


>Rebuttal from Doug:
>> PROJECTING, again, huh Doug Grant?
>> Remember those stories you tried telling?

>Nope. Please post references with headings-but we know you
>cannot as you are lying.
>> Remember how you were challenged?

>Nope: All I remember is Rau and You and Brooks and others
>creating outright forgeries of what you all claimed I said,
>then attempting to use your own forgeries as representative
>of statements you claimed I made. All I remember is the
>fraud you and your gang posted thousands of times.
>> Remember you many threats of lawsuits, you many efforts at
>> from GOOGLE the posts you made over the years?

>Doug Says: Posts that were not written by me and/or were
>incorrect, misleading or contained typos were removed long
>before you and your gang incited threats of death and
>violence against me, and crossed state lines to do so.
>> The one's about being "wounded" ---but, no Purple Heart?

>Doug Says: Your own gang member Bear said he also was
>wounded but never pandered for a Purple Heart. Since you
>were a Ward Attendant, you would not know about those men
>that felt pandering for medals was dishonorable. I to this
>day refuse to pander for medals, and you not understanding
>that, as a Ward Attendant is quite understandable.
>> The one's about killing priests?

>Doug Says: A lie. Reference please or admit you are lying.
>> The stories about killing 1,800 VC and then feasting upon
>> some of the
>> bodies?

>Doug Says: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What utter nonsense!
>REFERENCING PLEASE or are you just making up this fraud as
>you go along? Absolutely nutty fruitcake.
>> Remember you great stories about training ROK, and
>> others?

>References Please....but I do remember training ROK troops.
>> Remember your stories about your exploits in Latin
>> America?

>Doug Says: When I was a civilain working for companies that
>sent me there, yes.
>> Remember YOUR story about witnessing that ambulance
>> drive onto the
>> base and shoot up airplanes ---- but, according to your
>> military
>> records, you did NOT get to Vietnam until about SIX
>> LATER...?

>Doug Says: Utter fraud. Even your gang leader admitted I
>was stationed in Can Tho when the January 13, 1969 attacks
>occured. I arrived in Vietnam in February 1968 as my
>records clearly state and your gang leader Nigel Brooks has
>confirmed. The attacks on Can Tho that I witnessed did not
>occur until about 11 months later you moron! My God you
>cannot even calculate time! BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
>> Remember??
>> AND, OF COURSE, I trust you remember your tales about
>> OCS and
>> about NCO's being called "Butter-Bars".....

>Doug Says: More outright fraud from Dennis McDonnell,
>references please. I said I attended OCS but did not
>graduate, and I never said NCO's were called Butter Bars,
>that is an outright lie, as usual.
>sidering the posting history of the NCO "Butter-Bar", the
>> Grant (von)Reiman, given his cyberstalking antics, given
>> his ongoing
>> threats, the FORMOSA LAW and also The BENNINGTON RULE
>> is invoked.
>> ---Mac, the Medic

>Considering the outrageous fraud, false accusations and
>forgeries posted by Mr. Dennis McDonnell in this post alone,
>and his desire to create threats of death and violence
>against me when he visits third parties like Muslim Mosques
>for the express purpose to spread hate against me with the
>use of just some of the fraud and forgeries he has posted
>herein, I must believe I am dealing with a complete and
>total crackpot, or someone with a very diseased mind.
>(I should also mention that Mr. McDonnell snipped out all
>the information that was about how Nigel Brooks claimed
>phony medals and other false claims....which of course he
>does not is McDonnell trying to hide the truth
>about his smear gang leader, of course.
>But for all, here is what he is trying to hide:
>As long as people like Nigel Brooks do not use outright
>fraud to deceive and mislead investigators with false
>accusations, and then suffer prosecution for doing so as
>their propensity to target victims with malicious
>prosecution has been well established, I must say I agree
>with turning in anyone that is defrauding the government
>about anything, but ESPECIALLY about false VA claims.
>I also wonder if any of this applies to Nigel's published
>claims that he won three Victoria Crosses in Vietnam, and
>his claims of receiving several campaign medals even when
>his records show he was long discharged from the US Army
>when those medals were awarded? How do civilians earn US
>Army campaign medals?
>Also, Brooks said he was discharged during the tet
>offensive, and that too is a complete lie. Brooks was a
>draftee Sp4 personnel clerk (and I suspect a village rat)
>stationed at Long Binh, never fired his weapon, and his
>claims to participate on Reactionary Force patrols is total
>BS and an outright lie, he never went on patrol ever. Brooks
>was also discharged long before the 1968 Tet offensive
>began. Brooks has really told some "whoppers" about his
>military service, as have many other members of his fraud
> wonder they are so ashamed and try to accuse real
>veterans of false statements.
>Doug Grant (Tm)
>Doug Grant (Tm)

>Doug Grant (Tm)