
(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all of
my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial on
contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said about them in
this post is not true, then I invite them to email me and request
arbitration. The loser will pay for the arbitrator. I also invite
arbitration in respect to me claiming something someone said about me is
untrue. Again, the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined
in this offer will be statements in correct context and representing
original intent, and key omissions of fact will be considered
untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from the American Association
of Arbitrators. This offer exclusively applies to all statements of fact
in this post.

So, far, as of April 16, 2008, we have consulted three such experts, and
their answers are all very similar. We will contact at least five
independent experts in respect to this issue and several other issues we
are preparing for testimony and expert opinion.


The Smear and Fraud Merchants

After you read the background associated with this question you may
rightfully ask why anyone in their right mind would do what I am about
to describe. However, you must simply consider the person perpetrating
all this fraud and smear tactics is someone that has arrogantly claimed
that "he has appointed himself as my Judge" and he has been waging a
smear and fraud campaign against me for months. The tactics he uses to
smear me (and others) are replete with fraud, forgeries, lies and
duperies based upon his claim to be a retired "investigator" (actually
he is a retired custom worker) he also uses gross misrepresentations and
outright fraud in respect to the contents of military records, and
outright and deliberate obloquy. I also believe he holds the
International Internet record for web sites being forced down by web
managers due to his fraud or abuse or deliberate obloquy. (Nigel Brooks
has suffered about eleven web sites forced down so far and counting, and
he is hiding his last one out of fear it too will be removed after an
independent investigation into his false accusations and fraud by the
web managers).

If you can imagine someone holding a word Internet record for losing web
sites due to his publishing abuse or fraud or obloquy on them, this is
the kind of person I have been defending myself against (and his smear
gang) for months.

My first question in respect to this single issue is just one glaring
and outrageous example of this con man/fraud merchant "resurrecting"
typo dead-file (waste basket discarded) posts that were long removed
from Google archives due to errors or typos, and then forging the
context of that long removed dead post, retreived out of a waste basket,
for the purpose of defaming me and inciting threats against me.

If you can also imagine someone so unethical as to resurrect post
elements that contain admitted typos that have already been long removed
from the Google archive, also with the knowledge those typos have been
corrected and he has read the corrections several times, to defame and
smear someone with the long removed typo while hiding or ignoring the
correction, then you have this unethical smear and fraud merchant pegged
to a tee.

Tossing Erred Posts in the Waste Basket

Key Note: Long before this smear merchant said a word about the typo
post in question, it had been long removed from the Google USENET
archive due to a typo that was made by the person that wrote the post -
which was not me but was one of the typists I used at that time to post
information on USENET.

This particular Purple Heart ID Card (that the VA used to issue)
reference post (which will be the key post involved in my first question
to you) and many others that we found from time to time in error or with
typos or that differed from our copyrighted stories due to a typist
error or misstatement, and/or errors or typos that were brought to our
attention by others, were permanently discarded and removed from the
USENET Google archive just like all posts containing errors, typos or
ambiguities are supposed to be removed or discarded in Google's
electronic waste basket.

Google offers an USENET archive removal service (an electronic waste
basket) for posts in which errors are made and are subsequently
detected. These posts can be permanently removed/discarded by the
author, or with permission from the original author. In the case of a
forgery (and there were many posted under the name of our group) no
permission from the author is needed to remove if the forgery can be
proved to Google.

Google has revealed that about 35,000 such erred posts have already been
removed/discarded by USENET authors under the conditions of their
removal service - and many USENET authors have used this service to
correct their typos and errors thousands of times. Google also retains a
copy of the certified reason the author stated the post should be
removed, and typically requires a good reason, and certification to the
reason for removal before Google will remove the flawed post from its

If you can imagine a smear merchant that is so unethical, so immoral, so
dishonest and so desperate and obsessed to smear and defame someone he
would actually try to resurrect, reconstruct and replace a long removed
dead post, removed and thrown into a waste basket due to an admitted
typo error, so he can exploit and distort that error, and fraudulently
insert words into that discarded typo post that contained an admitted
typo error, for the exclusive and deliberate purpose of fabricating a
false accusation he and his smear gang could then use to smear and
defame their target victim - then you will have a perfect image of the
person with the initials of NB that is using such unethical and
fraudulent tactics to smear and defame his target victims, of which I am
one of many.

Key Note: What is most hypocritical about this smear gang is that
members of this Nigel Brooks smear team have removed posts from the
Google archive due to their threats of death and violence against
original target victims being exposed. I believe those threats of death
and violence posts perpetrated or incited by this gang were removed from
the Google archive for the purpose of hiding obvious criminal acts! And
it is clear the gang conspired to remove those posts not because they
were in error like mine, but because they provided evidence of Federal
Criminal acts and they were removed only after that evidence was
compiled and sent to the US Army HHC command. However, which gang
leaders were involved in this alleged obstruction of justice attempt has
still not yet been determined and probably will not be determined until
this issue goes to court.

The hypocritical gang howls about any post removed for error or typo by
others, meanwhile it clandestinely removes its own incriminating posts!

According to the Smear Gang Leader -Everything Posted on Usenet Is
Automatically Being Presented as an "Autobiographical Statement of Fact"

According to this "Nigel Brooks" howling mad smear merchant, ALL ERRORS
AND TYPOS posted on USENET (that do not belong to him or his gang)
including any ambiguous and/or extemporaneous retorts posted during
USENET conversations, are in fact intentional autobiographical
statements of facts of the author, regardless of whether the author
admits to those errors and subsequently removes them from the Google
archives or not. (Believe it or not, this is what this Nigel Brooks
person calls "Honest Investigation").

This is the kind of hypocritical and immoral "self-appointed inquisitor"
I am dealing with in respect to this issue. Someone so psychopathically
obsessed and desperate to defame and smear those that he has chosen to
defame and demonize he actually tries to resurrect and misrepresent dead
posts that have been long discarded and removed from the Google archive
due to an admitted error, typo or ambiguity, and then he misrepresents
all typos that have been thrown into Google's electronic waste basket by
his target victim as an "autobiographical statement of fact" by his
victim. Only Nigel Brooks and his gang would be so unethical as to claim
a discarded typo post that was thrown into the waste basket was an
"autobiographical statement of fact" by the person that discarded the
post - which in many cases were not even written by the person being

The following is the history of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants'
attempt to resurrect a removed waste basket discarded post for error so
as to forge and distort it in a manner as to defame, smear, demonize and
cast the author in a false light:

Question Background

In 2003, while I was pending shoulder and wrist surgery, I could not
type. Consequently, as I had done several times in the past (and
announced several times on USENET that I and we used typists, as the
Google archive in not less than 71 posts will prove which I will send
you) I used a typist to actually compose and write my general and
inexact dictated replies on USENET in respect to conversations I was
having with other posters. (Typically, I would just provide a general
statement reply and she would fill in the rest adding or subtracting
words as she saw fit, and many times I recorded my reply on a tape
recorder and she would simply transcribe the recording onto USENET -
including errors and typos of course as any typist would make during
such transcribing).

In one particular exchange, a person that I was conversing with, a
person by the name of "Chip," wrote that he had a "Purple Heart and
Car(d)." I was driving when my typist called me and read me his reply
USENET statement. Here is the precise key sentence that Chip wrote:

"I have a purple heart and Car" . . .

(Note that I had already said many times on USENET that I did not have a
Purple Heart Medal, yet I had also said that I had been provided a
purple heart ID card by the Veterans Administration).

B. This is a "Purple Heart Card" context reference by me long before the
smear merchant forged the word "Medal" to Chip and my typist's reply
that had nothing to do with medals.

(The Purple Heart Card the VA issued at that time was the only ID card
that designated a service connected disability, regardless of whether
the owner of the card had been awarded the Purple Heart Medal or not.
This ID card was changed starting in 2005 to the new VIC card which DOES
distinguish the difference between a service connected disability and
someone that has received the Order of the Purple Heart Medal due to his
disability. Prior to that 2005 date, all service connected disabilities
were identified by the Purple Heart ID Card. The ID card itself and the
serviceman's records contained a "big Purple V" emblem, hence the slang
reference by people in the VA and Vets "Purple Heart Card." This large
Purple V on the card and on the VA records jacket, at that time, was
supposed to indicate to the VA employees that such a Veteran was to
receive priority care over other veterans with non-service related
disabilities. Note also that my conversation with Chip occurred in 2003,
long before the old Purple Heart ID Card was replaced by the new Veteran's
VIC card.)

KEY NOTE: The URL below provides a sampling the dozens of times I said I
did not have a Purple Heart Medal, including long before Nigel Brooks
forged the term "Medal" into Chip's and my typist's posts. It is
important to note the Nigel Brooks gang avoids mentioning all of the
times I clearly stated I had NOT been awarded the purple heart medal.
They avoid this fact because it contradicts their attempt to
fraudulently insert the term "Medal" into a post that had nothing to do
with medals.

According to my memory, and my typist's notes and her written statement
in respect to this issue, when my typist read me on the telephone what
Chip had said in his USENET reply, she read me the following sentence

"I have a Purple Heart and Card."

Moreover, according to her notes and her sworn statement (a copy of her
2003 notes and her sworn statement will be sent to you) she believed
that Chip's " Car" term in his sentence was simply a reference to my
statements about Purple Heart ID cards that I said were issued by the
Veterans Administration (at that time). So, based upon what she read to
me on the telephone, I told her to respond to Chip with "I have Purple
Heart Card also, and I earned mine in a real war. . . . " (Note my
typist does not have a military background of any kind).

According to her notes and sworn statement in regards to this issue, the
above is precisely what I told her to respond to Chip with. She wrote my
reply in her notes clearly (she has her note books dating all the way
back to 2001). However, when she did actually respond she left out the
term "Card" and simply said; "I have a purple heart also and I earned
mine in a real war. . . . " (I am not sure she really knew the
difference). Then also according to her notes and sworn affidavit she
said she thought she mentioned something about VA cards at the bottom of
the page of her reply. Yet when Chip cut and pasted an element of my
typist's reply to respond to in the next thread, he omitted the entire
bottom of the page including the signature section and any reference my
typist made to VA Cards.

KEY NOTE: About three weeks after my typist's reply was written and
posted on USENET by my typist. Someone that was reading Chip's
incomplete cut and paste of my typist's reply suggested that I was
talking about Purple Heart Medals. I replied to that person with the
following statement as the following URL proves: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC

Regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary and the general
use of USENET by all that use it, the Nigel Brooks smear merchant that
resurrected this long removed erred post from the waste basket
ridiculously claims that everything posted by anyone on USENET
automatically represents an "autobiographical" claim by the author. Yet
I have clearly stated the opposite dozens of times in my posts, and in
respect to the post in question with Chip back in 2003 long before the
smear merchant started his smear campaign against me with forgeries and
fraud, I wrote the following as the above URL will also prove:

KEY NOTE: "Further, people do not post their personal background
information on newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you
and Chirpy will agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my
discharges Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries." (Note
this statement was written subsequent to the Purple Heart Card typo post
in question).

So much for the smear merchant's outright lie that all of my USENET
posts were being presented as an"autobiographical" claim about my
military service. In fact, as my statement above clearly indicates,
nothing could be further from the truth.

As the Google archives prove irrefutably, I stated the exact opposite of
the Nigel Brooks claim that "all USENET statements are meant to be
autobiographical claim" years before the smear merchants started to
forge some of my post fragments and use typos and errors as a means to
fraudulently claim I said something that I clearly did not. The
following post also proves the SteveL anonymous cyberstalker and Nigel
Brooks gang member was also caught in a mid con about this issue:

The smear merchant and his gang members also carefully avoid mentioning
that almost immediately after the ambiguous and incomplete cut and paste
from my typist's reply appeared from Chip in respect to Purple Heart ID
Cards, a person by the name of McCulloch/SteveL asked me (suggested) if
I was referencing a Purple Heart Medal, and I replied with "that is an
idiotic innuendo and a distortion" of what was written. So even back in
2003 when Chip's first incorrect and incomplete cut and paste of my
typist's reply occurred, and LONG BEFORE the smear merchant forged the
false context of "Medals" into this long removed erred post that was
thrown into the waste basket, I said that concluding I was referencing a
Purple Heart "Medal" in my reply to Chip was an "idiotic innuendo and a
complete distortion." (See the above URL for evidence).

I also stated very clearly that I was NOT providing any autobiographical
information about my military service on USENET. How could anyone claim
a person was claiming (in code) that he had earned the Order of the
Purple Heart Medal if he also said in the very same USENET exchange that
he refused to provide any autobiographical information about his
military service? Any such smear merchant misrepresentation, even from
the Nigel Brooks smear merchant, is far beyond even idiotic.

KEY NOTE: (Obviously it is impossible to claim you were awarded a Purple
Heart Medal unless you are also posting your personal autobiographical
military information on USENET, which I clearly stated I was NOT doing).

Smear Merchants Hide Posts that Contradict their Fraudulent Claims

It is also important to mention this unethical Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang all very carefully avoid, duck, hide and never
mention all of those other USENET posts in which I did write, (before
and after the Chip cut and paste post they falsely claim I wrote) which
states I DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal. Why do you suppose the smear
merchants duck, cower, hide from, ignore, lie about and avoid all of the
overwhelming Google archived evidence that directly contradicts their
trumped claims that my typist and I, and Chip, were all talking about
Medals and not ID cards?

Chip Confirms the Context was Cards and Not possibly Medals

I cannot read Chip's mind, but I know for sure my typist and I thought
he was talking about cards and not medals. Moreover, when I contacted
Chip directly via email twice about this issue he said in his first
reply that he had to be talking about Cards and not medals because he
does not possess a Purple Heart Medal! He confirmed that statement in my
second more recent email to him. (I will send a copy of my latest
correspondence with him replete with verification he was never awarded
that medal so he could not have possibly been referencing a Medal in his

KEY NOTE: All three participants in the original USENET conversation in
question (Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true
context of the conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel
Brooks smear merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term
"medals" into the context of this long removed erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had NOT received a purple heart medal.

The preponderance of Evidence Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery.

Of course the smear merchants avoid, hide, cower, duck and dodge all
those posts in which I said I did not have a Purple Heart medal and
DISCARDED AND THEN FORGED ITS CONTEXT) because they know if those other
posts I posted about this issue (which were posts they acknowledged and
responded to) are revealed, then the preponderance of evidence in
respect to this matter proves irrefutably their accusations in respect
to the typo resurrected post issue are not only false, fraudulent and
forged, but also deliberately contrived for the purpose of defamation
and obloquy. (Please see the above URL "Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery"
for a listing of all the posts I posted stating the exact opposite of
the forged context long discarded typo post the smear merchants are
forging out of context).

Also note the many times in the above URL these same smear merchants
agreed that I did not have a purple heart medal, and agreed I never said
I had one. Yet "they completely changed their story" when one of their
gang resurrected a long removed waste basket post removed from the
Google archive due to an admitted typo. And once the gang's forgery was
complete on the post they removed from my waste basket, the gang then
deliberately used their forged and false "Medals" context of the erred
waste basket located typo post for the purpose of lodging false and
defaming accusations for the obvious purpose of deliberate stalking and

Lack of Corroboration Obvious

Moreover, if someone was claiming he had a Purple Heart Medal on USENET
there would be many more USENET posts stating that claim instead of just
a single badly forged copy of an incomplete post written by someone else
and resurrected from a waste basket group of erred posts that Google had
already authorized for removal due to their errors or ambiguities.

The only corroboration of any statement in respect to this issue exists
in the several posts in which I stated the exact opposite of what the
smear gang and con men are claiming! And that is why the smear merchants
always hide those posts I wrote stating I did not have a Purple Heart

Removal of the Ambiguous and Typo PH Card Post from the Google Archive

After I received the question/suggestion from Mr. McCulloch whether my
typist's reply context was about medals, I then took the time to
carefully read Chip's post about this issue and my typist's reply to his
post. It was clear the post my typist composed, wrote and posted could
be misconstrued due to the typist's typo of not clearly stating "card"
after "I have a purple heart also" sentence. I then contacted Chip
directly and asked him if he was talking about Medals or Cards like I
was told? He said that since he DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal he
must have been talking about Cards and not medals. Regardless, my typist's
reply if cut and pasted incomplete like Chip had done, did contain a key
typo. Consequently for that purpose it was removed from the Google
archives (thrown in the electronic waste basket) MONTHS before any Nigel
Brooks smear merchant said a word about it or tried to use that post to
falsely claim I was claiming a Purple Heart Medal I did not have.

(KEY NOTE: The fact the Nigel Brooks and his gang of smear merchants
could not find the Purple Heart Card original post on the Google
archives, and used a cut and paste from Chip who had cut and pasted an
incomplete element of that post in his reply to it, proves irrefutably
and unequivocally the post in question was long removed as an erred post
from the Google archives, and discarded in Google's electronic waste
basket long before any of the smear merchants ever mentioned it.)

When the Nigel Brooks smear merchant in question resurrected my typist's
post that was removed long ago for its typo and then forged the term
"Medal" into the post for the purpose of false accusations and
defamation, I again emailed Chip and confirmed that he was talking about
Cards and not medals. I also have since received confirmation from the
US Army that Chip was telling the truth about him not being awarded any
Purple Heart medals or ever being in combat or earning combat badges.
(If you so require before you render your expert opinion on this matter,
I will send you a copy of my confirmation that Chip was not talking
about medals - and a statement from my typist affirming everything I
told you so far about what she had said and written).

However, even with the said confirmations by Chip that he was NOT
talking about Medals, (simply because he said he did not possess that
medal) my typist's typo still existed in Chip's cut and paste of my
typists' reply. So I contacted Google and asked them if I could modify
that original post to add the missing word. Google said that I could
not, but I could simply remove and discard the entire post in their
electronic waste basket as it clearly contained a typo or error.

Prior to allowing me to discard the post, Google required me to provide
them with a sworn statement as to the reason I was removing the post,
and I replied to Google (long before the Nigel Brooks smear merchants
said a word about this post) that it was being removed because the post
was referencing and talking about Cards and not Medals, and because of
the typo (the missing term "card" after my typist's comments) the post
could be and had been misinterpreted by those with the intent to defame
me over typos. (Google keeps a record of the reasons all posts are
removed from its archives. I removed this post long before the Nigel
Brooks smear merchants attempted to smear me with their forged term
"medals" into that post. My past statement as my reason for the removal
of this post from the Google archive can be requested with my permission
from the Google files. I will immediately provide Google with my
permission to release that reason for removal to you).

Typos and Errors in USENET Posts are Common

Everyone knows that typos, misstatements, errors can be and will be made
in USENET posts especially when typists are being used to post
dictation, and/or extemporaneous retorts are being published, and those
errors should be removed/discarded from the Google archive as soon as
they are identified. Resurrecting an erred dead file post that was long
removed and tossed into the electronic waste basket due to its admitted
typo, and then altering the true intended context of that discarded
erred post by forging into it a new word "medals" which was never used
in the post in any manner, for the purpose of defamation and libel, is,
in my opinion, about as unethical as it gets. Moreover, such acts
clearly, in my opinion, reflects a deliberate and contrived attempt to
use outright fraud and false accusations to defame, smear, harass and
cast in a false light, a targeted smear victim.

We await your written opinions in respect to this issue, and your
answers and opinions in respect to the following questions after you
receive all of the information you required that has been offered in
this background:

Douglas G. Reiman


KEY NOTE: Due to the obvious fact this was a conversation on USENET and
clearly represented extemporaneous comments by all parties involved, had
I simply misspoke or made a mistake myself by omitting the term "Card" I
would readily admit such a common extemporaneous error and put an end to
this issue once and for all. Yet as all the evidence proves, that was
NOT what happened, and the truth will be told regardless of how the
smear merchants attempt to spin and distort it).

Quick summary:

1. The post the smear merchants are attempting to insert words into and
thereby change the intended context for the purpose of using their fraud
to defame, was discarded and removed as a flawed, erred and a post with
an obvious typo from the Google archives long before the smear merchants
ever even mentioned it. The smear merchants are clearly using typos and
errors that have been discarded in an electronic waste basket to smear
and defame.

2. When the post was first posted by my typist, and within a few days
after and when someone asked or suggested we were talking about Purple
Heart Medals and not Purple Heart ID Cards, I clearly responded to that
person with the following statement: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC INNUENDO AND A
COMPLETE DISTORTION of what was written." If I had intended to claim a
Purple Heart Medal I certainly would have confirmed that claim at that
time, and I certainly would not have stated otherwise.

3. Subsequent to the post in question I was also asked to provide
personal information about my past military service on USENET. I
responded with the following:

"Further, people do not post their personal background information on
newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you and Chirpy will
agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my discharges
Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries."

4. Some of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants attempted to claim that I
did not remove the PH Card post in question until after they brought
it up and questioned it. That of course is an outright lie, and the mere
fact the smear merchants did not possess a Google archived copy of the
post and used an incomplete cut and paste of it posted by Chip as
evidence the post originally existed is clear and irrefutable evidence
the PH card post was long discarded and removed as an erred post from
the Google archive. This fact also proves the smear gang used
resurrected dead file removed typo posts, long thrown into the waste
basket due to its errors, as a means to falsely accuse, defame and
smear. (Yes the gang is rummaging around in my electronic waste baskets
to try and find anything long discarded due to error to use to defame
and smear me - as hard as that is to believe as coming from grown men,
it is true).

5. All three participants in the original conversation in question
(Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true context of the
conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term "medals" into
the context of this long discarded waste basket erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had not received a purple heart medal.

6. My typist also wrote at the bottom of her reply something else I
mentioned to her in respect to replying to Chip (which the smear
merchants now admit):

"BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart not received in combat is about as
cowardly as it gets."

This final sentence in her reply clearly indicates the topic was PH ID
cards and NOT MEDALS! Why? Simply due to the fact that we all know
Purple Heart Medals can only be provided during a period of combat.
Consequently, it is clear our impression that Chip was talking about
Purple Heart ID cards which CAN be provided by the VA based upon
non-combat events. If you replace the terms "Purple Heart" with "service
connected disability" you have the correct context of my reply and my
typist's intention. Although poorly worded, it is impossible for me or
anyone else to reference purple heart medals that were not earned in
combat, this sentence alone proves we had to be talking about something
other than medals.

7. All six of these summarized key points can be easily proved by
reviewing the Tiny URL's referencing Google archived post I have
provided in this unmasking of the smear merchants' clearly fraudulent
claims about this issue:

Question # One:

In your expert opinion, and considering the information I have provided
herein, (which I hereby attest to being the truth to the best of my
knowledge) do you believe a person that would resurrect a dead-file post
long discarded into an electronic waste basket due to its typo, via
someone's else's incomplete cut and paste of elements of that old dead
post - and then forge the context of the dead erred post, and insert new
words into that long removed and admittedly flawed and erred post so as
to defame the author, while ignoring the correct context provided by the
author, is an honest investigator that is providing truthful and honest
information about the context intent of the original author of the
resurrected from the waste basket erred post?

(1-1). Yes: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics
described above is an honest and/or competent investigator.

(1-2). No: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics described
above is not an honest and competent investigator.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Two: If you replied extemporaneously to a USENET post, and
then later spotted an error in it in your reply, and realized due to the
typo the context of the post could be misinterpreted and was thereby
somewhat ambiguous, you decided to remove the post and place it in a
erred post dead file (an electronic waste basket) with the Google
archive. Then, months after you discarded and removed that erred post,
and because someone involved in the original extemporaneous USENET
conversation had cut and pasted an incomplete (thereby forged) element
of that long removed post in a cut and paste reply on USENET, a person
then used that incomplete and long discarded cut and paste element for
the purpose of forging words into that post to defame you, would you
believe that person is attempting to smear and defame you by using
forgeries and false accusations?

(2-1). Yes, I would agree any such person that did as you described
above would be attempting to smear and defame with the use of fraud,
false accusations and forgeries:

(2-2). No, the person in question is using an honest and truthful means
of investigation:

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Three: Do you believe that an honest and ethical
"investigator" would ever claim all posts on USENET automatically
represent an "autobiographical statement of fact" by the author, EXCEPT
those posted by the Investigator himself, his friends, and associates,
and only he has the mind reading skills to determine which posts are
meant to be autobiographical facts or simply sarcasm, fiction or
extemporaneous quips?


(3-1). Yes, it is proper for an investigator to claim that all
statements on USENET are autobiographical statements by anyone he
decides are publishing such autobiographical claims via his mind reading
investigative skills.

(3-2). No, an honest, ethical and impartial investigator would NOT claim
that everything written on USENET, including typos and errors, would
represent autobiographical claims by the author.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Four: Considering an impartial and honest investigation of
the facts as I have presented in respect to this above and in my
background information, and the preponderance of evidence involved, do
you believe the true context of my typist's extemporaneous reply to the
Chip post in question was about "Cards" or "Medals?"


(4-1). In my expert opinion, and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your typist's reply to Chip, which was posted
by her based upon your instructions to her, was in context about Purple
Heart ID cards provided by the Veterans Administration and not about

(4-2). In my expert opinion and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your and your typist's reply was about Purple
Heart Medals and not about Purple Heart ID cards.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Five: Recently, one of the smear gang members claimed that
the entire post containing my Typist's reply suddenly reappeared on the
Google Archives because Google allowed it. I contacted Google and they
said that claim was a lie, and it was impossible for that post to
"reappear in their archives after it was removed by them from their
archives." An alleged copy of this long removed post was re-posted on
the Internet by the smear merchants. The article that was posted by the
gang clearly came from a well-doctored personal computer archive, and
NOT from Google! The smear gang also attempted to post this doctored
post with a forged header over a well-doctored personal computer
archived post, and then further fraudulently panned it off as coming
from the Google archive so as to bolster their fraud and false
accusations in respect to this issue. (A copy of this post will be sent
to you).

We all know that anyone can "recreate" a post and doctor it anyway they
wish on their own computer and then fraudulently present it as the
complete post that was originally posted - especially when that post has
been removed from the Google archive so a direct comparison cannot be
compared to the forgery. Please confirm or disagree that it is possible
for a post removed by Google to suddenly reappear on the Google Archive
without the knowledge of Google.


(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Six: Mind reading skills: One of the most questionable claims
by the Nigel Brooks smear merchant (and by some of his gang) is that due
to their mind reading skills and past military experience (one gang
member was a junior officer that spent nine months of duty in Vietnam
helping to guard a lonely outpost, and another was a Sp4 personnel clerk
in Long Binh that took his discharge in Vietnam) they can always
determine the true context of all USENET posts about Vietnam even if the
author of that post disagrees with their imposed and conjured context.
It has been my experience, after spending fifteen months in Vietnam
(2&1/2 tours) that each Vietnam vet has his own version of that war
based upon the time he spent fighting it, the units he was assigned to,
the duties he performed, and the precise years he spent in country. (My
years were 1968-69 with a brief visit to Vietnam in 1963).

In your expert opinion, do you agree that such mind reading skills
exist, and do you agree that anyone with the experience in Vietnam as
indicated above can subjectively determine the true context of anything
written about Vietnam, even if the author disagrees with the imposed new
and opposite context the author states he was trying to convey?


(6-1). Yes, investigators all possess such mind reading skills, and with
the use of those skills and the time served in Vietnam as indicated
above, investigators and former junior officers can determine true
context of anything written about Vietnam even if their imposed context
contradicts that of the author that wrote or composed the writing or
article in question.

(6-2). No, any claim of mind reading skills connected with the Vietnam
experience stated above that can determine the context of anything
written about Vietnam is ridiculous on its face. The only individuals
that could possibly know the true context of anything written are the
persons that actually composed and/or published the writing. Many
articles can be easily misconstrued, especially if the misinterpretation
is deliberate and is being done for the purpose of defaming the author.
This is especially true if the article or writing involves
extemporaneous comments during a USENET conversation.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question Seven:

Here is the verbatim disclaimer I post on the top of my USENET posts.
(Once it is posted I do not repeat it in threads or exchanges involving
the same topic). I also stated very clearly in 2003 that I do not reveal
personal autobiographical information on USENET (who would?)

"(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all
of my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial
on contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Question Seven: Do you believe that a qualified and expert investigator
would, after reading the above disclaimer, claim that whatever the
author ever wrote on USENET represented a autobiographical statement of

(You may add comments if you wish).

End Seven questions on this topic. Other topics are being prepared and
will be sent to you as soon as they are complete. As we agreed, please
understand that we reserve the right to publish your answers, and use
them as evidence and in a court of law.

Based upon the answers from all three military and law experts
consulted, the following is presented as the "Corrected Copy" containing
the true context of my typist's reply to Chip:


> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

supporting, financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring
> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

shot > fired in anger in your life.
> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

much more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want
to go after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.
That, to me is cowardice.

"Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart Card also, and I received mine in a
real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
received a purple heart card was in Lebanon, and that was not a
shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating
cowering, hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward
around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart card not received in
combat is about as cowardly as it gets."

Note the above post reply that was written and posted by my typist was
originally discarded in Google's "waste basket" because my typist did
not properly place the term "Card" in the three places indicated above.
As the statement from my typist confirms, I was read the above post from
Chip on the telephone, and my typist took his statement above to say "I
have a purple heart and a car" as meaning I have a purple heart card
(meaning a VA purple heart ID card that was a topic of conversation I
had with others before). I told her to respond as the above post
correction indicates. After someone brought her key typo omissions to my
attention, I of course replied to that person (in 2003) that any
representation that my reply was about medals was a "complete distortion
and innuendo of what was written."

However, due to the typo, and because Google offers an "electronic waste
basket" for erred or posts containing such typographical errors, I
removed it from Google, told Google the reason it was being removed, and
Google placed the typo post in its "waste basket" dead file.

However, smear merchants, being what smear merchants are, decided to
retrieve the erred post from the waste basket and then he FORGED the
term "Medals" into the post after the purple heart terms, thereby
fraudulently changing and altering the true context of the long
discarded typo post from "Cards" into "Medals." Then Nigel Brooks and
his gang used their own forgery to claim I was falsely claiming a
"medal" I did not possess. Yet Chip confirmed (in writing) he did not
have a Purple Heart medal and therefore could not have been talking
about medals, my typist confirmed (in writing) she took his purple heart
statement to be about Cards and not Medals, and she also confirmed (in
writing) that my answer to Chip clearly stated Purple Heart Cards three
times. Yet she also said that because she really did not know the
difference she simply mistakenly omitted the term "Card" from the
original reply to Chip. Of course when I replied to the first person
that questioned this post back in 2003 that it did not mean medals, I
spotted the typo, and consequently, threw it in the electronic waste
basket which Google provides for such erred posts.

Yet since the smear merchants have been caught digging around in my
waste basket for erred and typo posts that have been long discarded to
try and find some unethical way to defame me, I have been advised to
provide this explanation and replace the post the way it was originally
intended. (My typist also states that she mentioned the topic was about
cards at the bottom of the post because it was impossible to earn a
purple heart medal in a non-combat situation, which I clearly indicated
Chip had done).

I have submitted this issue to an independent expert on the military and
the law, and he has replied that he agrees with me that the true context
of my typist's reply post was about "Cards" and NOT "Medals" contrary to
the misrepresentations and forgery by Nigel Brooks and his gang.

Any continued forgery of "medals" into this post will be recognized as a
typical Nigel Brooks forgery, just one more of many.

Doug Grant (Tm)
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:44:48 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:


<snip loony evasion>

You keep calling this reposting of your Pruple Heart claim (which your
had deleted from Google) a "fraud".

Please say why again.

And this time don't claim the post has been edited by me or Nigel to
"remove the card context" when you yourself are now blaming your
typist for the "omission".

Both can't be true.

So I ask again.

Please pinpoint exactly where the quote below differs from your
original post.

Or else shut the **** up about "fraud".



From: "DGVREIMAN" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: Al Qaeda Says Saddam an Infidel
Lines: 103
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT
X-Trace: 1045434166
(Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT
Organization: AT&T Worldnet

"Chip C" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

> > financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring terrorists.
> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

> > fired in anger in your life.

> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

> more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want

to go
> after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.

That, to
> me is cowardice.

Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart also, and I received mine in a
real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
received a purple heart was in Lebanon, and that was not a
shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating cowering,
hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward is
around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart not received in
combat is about as cowardly as it gets.
> > If you think this war is about defending ourselves , you
> > > are indeed delusional. If we wanted to defend ourselves by

> > invading
> > > someone, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Pakistan and France (hee

> > hee, why
> > > not?) would be at the top of the list...Iraq ain't ****.

> > are
> > > acting like a panic-stricken wimp...if you are a vet, stand

> > and
> > > show some balls.

> >
> > Doug Says: Let me see, you want to cower, run, hide, whine,

> > appease, and leave Saddam alone, and you call me a
> > "panic-stricken wimp?" Hmmmmm. Saddam is dangerous, and he
> > needs to be removed from power. Once Saddam is gone we will

> > the means and the bases to deal with Iran, which is clearly

> > next target. And yes I am a vet, and clearly you are not.
> >

> Just because you think not going to war tomorrow mean giving

Saddam a
> free ride doesn't make it any more factual. Open your eyes and

> at the entire battlefield instead of just through your narrow

> site. Saddam ain't ****, and puffing him up into some major

> while ignoring the more imminent threats is the sign of a

> coward. I hate to call a vet a coward...but if you wish to be
> considered such, it is of your own choosing.

Doug Says: What you call me is irrelevant as you certainly do
not have the knowledge nor the information to pass judgment, not
to mention make condescending remarks. Saddam is supporting
terrorism, financing it, and arming terrorists. These terrorists
that Saddam is financing and supporting have already murdered
Americans. Now if you think we should attack someone else, then
say so. But right now Saddam is providing a major resource for
Al-Qeada, Haamas and the Islamic Jihad. All three of those
terrorist organizations have murdered Americans. Further, I am
the one advocating the removal of Saddam, you are the one that is
advocating appeasement, so which of us is the coward again?

If you knew anything about this issue you would realize our war
on terrorism and our desire to depose Saddam are interlinked. We
cannot continue to defeat terrorism unless we eliminate the
resources that terrorism is feeding upon, and one of the main
sources is Saddam. Further, you clearly are not aware that
Saddam declared war on the USA, Britain and Israel on December
27,2000 just ten months prior to the 911 massacres. Now even you
should agree that we remove a tyrant that has openly and public
declared war on the USA.

Doug Grant (Tm)
> --
> Chip C
> Personal site:
> Christmas Stories:
> "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."
> -- Emiliano Zapata

So, far, as of April 16, 2008, we have consulted three such experts, and
their answers are all very similar. We will contact at least five
independent experts in respect to this issue and several other issues we
are preparing for testimony and expert opinion.


The Smear and Fraud Merchants

After you read the background associated with this question you may
rightfully ask why anyone in their right mind would do what I am about
to describe. However, you must simply consider the person perpetrating
all this fraud and smear tactics is someone that has arrogantly claimed
that "he has appointed himself as my Judge" and he has been waging a
smear and fraud campaign against me for months. The tactics he uses to
smear me (and others) are replete with fraud, forgeries, lies and
duperies based upon his claim to be a retired "investigator" (actually
he is a retired custom worker) he also uses gross misrepresentations and
outright fraud in respect to the contents of military records, and
outright and deliberate obloquy. I also believe he holds the
International Internet record for web sites being forced down by web
managers due to his fraud or abuse or deliberate obloquy. (Nigel Brooks
has suffered about eleven web sites forced down so far and counting, and
he is hiding his last one out of fear it too will be removed after an
independent investigation into his false accusations and fraud by the
web managers).

If you can imagine someone holding a word Internet record for losing web
sites due to his publishing abuse or fraud or obloquy on them, this is
the kind of person I have been defending myself against (and his smear
gang) for months.

My first question in respect to this single issue is just one glaring
and outrageous example of this con man/fraud merchant "resurrecting"
typo dead-file (waste basket discarded) posts that were long removed
from Google archives due to errors or typos, and then forging the
context of that long removed dead post, retreived out of a waste basket,
for the purpose of defaming me and inciting threats against me.

If you can also imagine someone so unethical as to resurrect post
elements that contain admitted typos that have already been long removed
from the Google archive, also with the knowledge those typos have been
corrected and he has read the corrections several times, to defame and
smear someone with the long removed typo while hiding or ignoring the
correction, then you have this unethical smear and fraud merchant pegged
to a tee.

Tossing Erred Posts in the Waste Basket

Key Note: Long before this smear merchant said a word about the typo
post in question, it had been long removed from the Google USENET
archive due to a typo that was made by the person that wrote the post -
which was not me but was one of the typists I used at that time to post
information on USENET.

This particular Purple Heart ID Card (that the VA used to issue)
reference post (which will be the key post involved in my first question
to you) and many others that we found from time to time in error or with
typos or that differed from our copyrighted stories due to a typist
error or misstatement, and/or errors or typos that were brought to our
attention by others, were permanently discarded and removed from the
USENET Google archive just like all posts containing errors, typos or
ambiguities are supposed to be removed or discarded in Google's
electronic waste basket.

Google offers an USENET archive removal service (an electronic waste
basket) for posts in which errors are made and are subsequently
detected. These posts can be permanently removed/discarded by the
author, or with permission from the original author. In the case of a
forgery (and there were many posted under the name of our group) no
permission from the author is needed to remove if the forgery can be
proved to Google.

Google has revealed that about 35,000 such erred posts have already been
removed/discarded by USENET authors under the conditions of their
removal service - and many USENET authors have used this service to
correct their typos and errors thousands of times. Google also retains a
copy of the certified reason the author stated the post should be
removed, and typically requires a good reason, and certification to the
reason for removal before Google will remove the flawed post from its

If you can imagine a smear merchant that is so unethical, so immoral, so
dishonest and so desperate and obsessed to smear and defame someone he
would actually try to resurrect, reconstruct and replace a long removed
dead post, removed and thrown into a waste basket due to an admitted
typo error, so he can exploit and distort that error, and fraudulently
insert words into that discarded typo post that contained an admitted
typo error, for the exclusive and deliberate purpose of fabricating a
false accusation he and his smear gang could then use to smear and
defame their target victim - then you will have a perfect image of the
person with the initials of NB that is using such unethical and
fraudulent tactics to smear and defame his target victims, of which I am
one of many.

Key Note: What is most hypocritical about this smear gang is that
members of this Nigel Brooks smear team have removed posts from the
Google archive due to their threats of death and violence against
original target victims being exposed. I believe those threats of death
and violence posts perpetrated or incited by this gang were removed from
the Google archive for the purpose of hiding obvious criminal acts! And
it is clear the gang conspired to remove those posts not because they
were in error like mine, but because they provided evidence of Federal
Criminal acts and they were removed only after that evidence was
compiled and sent to the US Army HHC command. However, which gang
leaders were involved in this alleged obstruction of justice attempt has
still not yet been determined and probably will not be determined until
this issue goes to court.

The hypocritical gang howls about any post removed for error or typo by
others, meanwhile it clandestinely removes its own incriminating posts!

According to the Smear Gang Leader -Everything Posted on Usenet Is
Automatically Being Presented as an "Autobiographical Statement of Fact"

According to this "Nigel Brooks" howling mad smear merchant, ALL ERRORS
AND TYPOS posted on USENET (that do not belong to him or his gang)
including any ambiguous and/or extemporaneous retorts posted during
USENET conversations, are in fact intentional autobiographical
statements of facts of the author, regardless of whether the author
admits to those errors and subsequently removes them from the Google
archives or not. (Believe it or not, this is what this Nigel Brooks
person calls "Honest Investigation").

This is the kind of hypocritical and immoral "self-appointed inquisitor"
I am dealing with in respect to this issue. Someone so psychopathically
obsessed and desperate to defame and smear those that he has chosen to
defame and demonize he actually tries to resurrect and misrepresent dead
posts that have been long discarded and removed from the Google archive
due to an admitted error, typo or ambiguity, and then he misrepresents
all typos that have been thrown into Google's electronic waste basket by
his target victim as an "autobiographical statement of fact" by his
victim. Only Nigel Brooks and his gang would be so unethical as to claim
a discarded typo post that was thrown into the waste basket was an
"autobiographical statement of fact" by the person that discarded the
post - which in many cases were not even written by the person being

The following is the history of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants'
attempt to resurrect a removed waste basket discarded post for error so
as to forge and distort it in a manner as to defame, smear, demonize and
cast the author in a false light:

Question Background

In 2003, while I was pending shoulder and wrist surgery, I could not
type. Consequently, as I had done several times in the past (and
announced several times on USENET that I and we used typists, as the
Google archive in not less than 71 posts will prove which I will send
you) I used a typist to actually compose and write my general and
inexact dictated replies on USENET in respect to conversations I was
having with other posters. (Typically, I would just provide a general
statement reply and she would fill in the rest adding or subtracting
words as she saw fit, and many times I recorded my reply on a tape
recorder and she would simply transcribe the recording onto USENET -
including errors and typos of course as any typist would make during
such transcribing).

In one particular exchange, a person that I was conversing with, a
person by the name of "Chip," wrote that he had a "Purple Heart and
Car(d)." I was driving when my typist called me and read me his reply
USENET statement. Here is the precise key sentence that Chip wrote:

"I have a purple heart and Car" . . .

(Note that I had already said many times on USENET that I did not have a
Purple Heart Medal, yet I had also said that I had been provided a
purple heart ID card by the Veterans Administration).

B. This is a "Purple Heart Card" context reference by me long before the
smear merchant forged the word "Medal" to Chip and my typist's reply
that had nothing to do with medals.

(The Purple Heart Card the VA issued at that time was the only ID card
that designated a service connected disability, regardless of whether
the owner of the card had been awarded the Purple Heart Medal or not.
This ID card was changed starting in 2005 to the new VIC card which DOES
distinguish the difference between a service connected disability and
someone that has received the Order of the Purple Heart Medal due to his
disability. Prior to that 2005 date, all service connected disabilities
were identified by the Purple Heart ID Card. The ID card itself and the
serviceman's records contained a "big Purple V" emblem, hence the slang
reference by people in the VA and Vets "Purple Heart Card." This large
Purple V on the card and on the VA records jacket, at that time, was
supposed to indicate to the VA employees that such a Veteran was to
receive priority care over other veterans with non-service related
disabilities. Note also that my conversation with Chip occurred in 2003,
long before the old Purple Heart ID Card was replaced by the new Veteran's
VIC card.)

KEY NOTE: The URL below provides a sampling the dozens of times I said I
did not have a Purple Heart Medal, including long before Nigel Brooks
forged the term "Medal" into Chip's and my typist's posts. It is
important to note the Nigel Brooks gang avoids mentioning all of the
times I clearly stated I had NOT been awarded the purple heart medal.
They avoid this fact because it contradicts their attempt to
fraudulently insert the term "Medal" into a post that had nothing to do
with medals.

According to my memory, and my typist's notes and her written statement
in respect to this issue, when my typist read me on the telephone what
Chip had said in his USENET reply, she read me the following sentence

"I have a Purple Heart and Card."

Moreover, according to her notes and her sworn statement (a copy of her
2003 notes and her sworn statement will be sent to you) she believed
that Chip's " Car" term in his sentence was simply a reference to my
statements about Purple Heart ID cards that I said were issued by the
Veterans Administration (at that time). So, based upon what she read to
me on the telephone, I told her to respond to Chip with "I have Purple
Heart Card also, and I earned mine in a real war. . . . " (Note my
typist does not have a military background of any kind).

According to her notes and sworn statement in regards to this issue, the
above is precisely what I told her to respond to Chip with. She wrote my
reply in her notes clearly (she has her note books dating all the way
back to 2001). However, when she did actually respond she left out the
term "Card" and simply said; "I have a purple heart also and I earned
mine in a real war. . . . " (I am not sure she really knew the
difference). Then also according to her notes and sworn affidavit she
said she thought she mentioned something about VA cards at the bottom of
the page of her reply. Yet when Chip cut and pasted an element of my
typist's reply to respond to in the next thread, he omitted the entire
bottom of the page including the signature section and any reference my
typist made to VA Cards.

KEY NOTE: About three weeks after my typist's reply was written and
posted on USENET by my typist. Someone that was reading Chip's
incomplete cut and paste of my typist's reply suggested that I was
talking about Purple Heart Medals. I replied to that person with the
following statement as the following URL proves: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC

Regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary and the general
use of USENET by all that use it, the Nigel Brooks smear merchant that
resurrected this long removed erred post from the waste basket
ridiculously claims that everything posted by anyone on USENET
automatically represents an "autobiographical" claim by the author. Yet
I have clearly stated the opposite dozens of times in my posts, and in
respect to the post in question with Chip back in 2003 long before the
smear merchant started his smear campaign against me with forgeries and
fraud, I wrote the following as the above URL will also prove:

KEY NOTE: "Further, people do not post their personal background
information on newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you
and Chirpy will agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my
discharges Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries." (Note
this statement was written subsequent to the Purple Heart Card typo post
in question).

So much for the smear merchant's outright lie that all of my USENET
posts were being presented as an"autobiographical" claim about my
military service. In fact, as my statement above clearly indicates,
nothing could be further from the truth.

As the Google archives prove irrefutably, I stated the exact opposite of
the Nigel Brooks claim that "all USENET statements are meant to be
autobiographical claim" years before the smear merchants started to
forge some of my post fragments and use typos and errors as a means to
fraudulently claim I said something that I clearly did not. The
following post also proves the SteveL anonymous cyberstalker and Nigel
Brooks gang member was also caught in a mid con about this issue:

The smear merchant and his gang members also carefully avoid mentioning
that almost immediately after the ambiguous and incomplete cut and paste
from my typist's reply appeared from Chip in respect to Purple Heart ID
Cards, a person by the name of McCulloch/SteveL asked me (suggested) if
I was referencing a Purple Heart Medal, and I replied with "that is an
idiotic innuendo and a distortion" of what was written. So even back in
2003 when Chip's first incorrect and incomplete cut and paste of my
typist's reply occurred, and LONG BEFORE the smear merchant forged the
false context of "Medals" into this long removed erred post that was
thrown into the waste basket, I said that concluding I was referencing a
Purple Heart "Medal" in my reply to Chip was an "idiotic innuendo and a
complete distortion." (See the above URL for evidence).

I also stated very clearly that I was NOT providing any autobiographical
information about my military service on USENET. How could anyone claim
a person was claiming (in code) that he had earned the Order of the
Purple Heart Medal if he also said in the very same USENET exchange that
he refused to provide any autobiographical information about his
military service? Any such smear merchant misrepresentation, even from
the Nigel Brooks smear merchant, is far beyond even idiotic.

KEY NOTE: (Obviously it is impossible to claim you were awarded a Purple
Heart Medal unless you are also posting your personal autobiographical
military information on USENET, which I clearly stated I was NOT doing).

Smear Merchants Hide Posts that Contradict their Fraudulent Claims

It is also important to mention this unethical Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang all very carefully avoid, duck, hide and never
mention all of those other USENET posts in which I did write, (before
and after the Chip cut and paste post they falsely claim I wrote) which
states I DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal. Why do you suppose the smear
merchants duck, cower, hide from, ignore, lie about and avoid all of the
overwhelming Google archived evidence that directly contradicts their
trumped claims that my typist and I, and Chip, were all talking about
Medals and not ID cards?

Chip Confirms the Context was Cards and Not possibly Medals

I cannot read Chip's mind, but I know for sure my typist and I thought
he was talking about cards and not medals. Moreover, when I contacted
Chip directly via email twice about this issue he said in his first
reply that he had to be talking about Cards and not medals because he
does not possess a Purple Heart Medal! He confirmed that statement in my
second more recent email to him. (I will send a copy of my latest
correspondence with him replete with verification he was never awarded
that medal so he could not have possibly been referencing a Medal in his

KEY NOTE: All three participants in the original USENET conversation in
question (Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true
context of the conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel
Brooks smear merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term
"medals" into the context of this long removed erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had NOT received a purple heart medal.

The preponderance of Evidence Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery.

Of course the smear merchants avoid, hide, cower, duck and dodge all
those posts in which I said I did not have a Purple Heart medal and
DISCARDED AND THEN FORGED ITS CONTEXT) because they know if those other
posts I posted about this issue (which were posts they acknowledged and
responded to) are revealed, then the preponderance of evidence in
respect to this matter proves irrefutably their accusations in respect
to the typo resurrected post issue are not only false, fraudulent and
forged, but also deliberately contrived for the purpose of defamation
and obloquy. (Please see the above URL "Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery"
for a listing of all the posts I posted stating the exact opposite of
the forged context long discarded typo post the smear merchants are
forging out of context).

Also note the many times in the above URL these same smear merchants
agreed that I did not have a purple heart medal, and agreed I never said
I had one. Yet "they completely changed their story" when one of their
gang resurrected a long removed waste basket post removed from the
Google archive due to an admitted typo. And once the gang's forgery was
complete on the post they removed from my waste basket, the gang then
deliberately used their forged and false "Medals" context of the erred
waste basket located typo post for the purpose of lodging false and
defaming accusations for the obvious purpose of deliberate stalking and

Lack of Corroboration Obvious

Moreover, if someone was claiming he had a Purple Heart Medal on USENET
there would be many more USENET posts stating that claim instead of just
a single badly forged copy of an incomplete post written by someone else
and resurrected from a waste basket group of erred posts that Google had
already authorized for removal due to their errors or ambiguities.

The only corroboration of any statement in respect to this issue exists
in the several posts in which I stated the exact opposite of what the
smear gang and con men are claiming! And that is why the smear merchants
always hide those posts I wrote stating I did not have a Purple Heart

Removal of the Ambiguous and Typo PH Card Post from the Google Archive

After I received the question/suggestion from Mr. McCulloch whether my
typist's reply context was about medals, I then took the time to
carefully read Chip's post about this issue and my typist's reply to his
post. It was clear the post my typist composed, wrote and posted could
be misconstrued due to the typist's typo of not clearly stating "card"
after "I have a purple heart also" sentence. I then contacted Chip
directly and asked him if he was talking about Medals or Cards like I
was told? He said that since he DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal he
must have been talking about Cards and not medals. Regardless, my typist's
reply if cut and pasted incomplete like Chip had done, did contain a key
typo. Consequently for that purpose it was removed from the Google
archives (thrown in the electronic waste basket) MONTHS before any Nigel
Brooks smear merchant said a word about it or tried to use that post to
falsely claim I was claiming a Purple Heart Medal I did not have.

(KEY NOTE: The fact the Nigel Brooks and his gang of smear merchants
could not find the Purple Heart Card original post on the Google
archives, and used a cut and paste from Chip who had cut and pasted an
incomplete element of that post in his reply to it, proves irrefutably
and unequivocally the post in question was long removed as an erred post
from the Google archives, and discarded in Google's electronic waste
basket long before any of the smear merchants ever mentioned it.)

When the Nigel Brooks smear merchant in question resurrected my typist's
post that was removed long ago for its typo and then forged the term
"Medal" into the post for the purpose of false accusations and
defamation, I again emailed Chip and confirmed that he was talking about
Cards and not medals. I also have since received confirmation from the
US Army that Chip was telling the truth about him not being awarded any
Purple Heart medals or ever being in combat or earning combat badges.
(If you so require before you render your expert opinion on this matter,
I will send you a copy of my confirmation that Chip was not talking
about medals - and a statement from my typist affirming everything I
told you so far about what she had said and written).

However, even with the said confirmations by Chip that he was NOT
talking about Medals, (simply because he said he did not possess that
medal) my typist's typo still existed in Chip's cut and paste of my
typists' reply. So I contacted Google and asked them if I could modify
that original post to add the missing word. Google said that I could
not, but I could simply remove and discard the entire post in their
electronic waste basket as it clearly contained a typo or error.

Prior to allowing me to discard the post, Google required me to provide
them with a sworn statement as to the reason I was removing the post,
and I replied to Google (long before the Nigel Brooks smear merchants
said a word about this post) that it was being removed because the post
was referencing and talking about Cards and not Medals, and because of
the typo (the missing term "card" after my typist's comments) the post
could be and had been misinterpreted by those with the intent to defame
me over typos. (Google keeps a record of the reasons all posts are
removed from its archives. I removed this post long before the Nigel
Brooks smear merchants attempted to smear me with their forged term
"medals" into that post. My past statement as my reason for the removal
of this post from the Google archive can be requested with my permission
from the Google files. I will immediately provide Google with my
permission to release that reason for removal to you).

Typos and Errors in USENET Posts are Common

Everyone knows that typos, misstatements, errors can be and will be made
in USENET posts especially when typists are being used to post
dictation, and/or extemporaneous retorts are being published, and those
errors should be removed/discarded from the Google archive as soon as
they are identified. Resurrecting an erred dead file post that was long
removed and tossed into the electronic waste basket due to its admitted
typo, and then altering the true intended context of that discarded
erred post by forging into it a new word "medals" which was never used
in the post in any manner, for the purpose of defamation and libel, is,
in my opinion, about as unethical as it gets. Moreover, such acts
clearly, in my opinion, reflects a deliberate and contrived attempt to
use outright fraud and false accusations to defame, smear, harass and
cast in a false light, a targeted smear victim.

We await your written opinions in respect to this issue, and your
answers and opinions in respect to the following questions after you
receive all of the information you required that has been offered in
this background:

Douglas G. Reiman


KEY NOTE: Due to the obvious fact this was a conversation on USENET and
clearly represented extemporaneous comments by all parties involved, had
I simply misspoke or made a mistake myself by omitting the term "Card" I
would readily admit such a common extemporaneous error and put an end to
this issue once and for all. Yet as all the evidence proves, that was
NOT what happened, and the truth will be told regardless of how the
smear merchants attempt to spin and distort it).

Quick summary:

1. The post the smear merchants are attempting to insert words into and
thereby change the intended context for the purpose of using their fraud
to defame, was discarded and removed as a flawed, erred and a post with
an obvious typo from the Google archives long before the smear merchants
ever even mentioned it. The smear merchants are clearly using typos and
errors that have been discarded in an electronic waste basket to smear
and defame.

2. When the post was first posted by my typist, and within a few days
after and when someone asked or suggested we were talking about Purple
Heart Medals and not Purple Heart ID Cards, I clearly responded to that
person with the following statement: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC INNUENDO AND A
COMPLETE DISTORTION of what was written." If I had intended to claim a
Purple Heart Medal I certainly would have confirmed that claim at that
time, and I certainly would not have stated otherwise.

3. Subsequent to the post in question I was also asked to provide
personal information about my past military service on USENET. I
responded with the following:

"Further, people do not post their personal background information on
newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you and Chirpy will
agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my discharges
Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries."

4. Some of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants attempted to claim that I
did not remove the PH Card post in question until after they brought
it up and questioned it. That of course is an outright lie, and the mere
fact the smear merchants did not possess a Google archived copy of the
post and used an incomplete cut and paste of it posted by Chip as
evidence the post originally existed is clear and irrefutable evidence
the PH card post was long discarded and removed as an erred post from
the Google archive. This fact also proves the smear gang used
resurrected dead file removed typo posts, long thrown into the waste
basket due to its errors, as a means to falsely accuse, defame and
smear. (Yes the gang is rummaging around in my electronic waste baskets
to try and find anything long discarded due to error to use to defame
and smear me - as hard as that is to believe as coming from grown men,
it is true).

5. All three participants in the original conversation in question
(Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true context of the
conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term "medals" into
the context of this long discarded waste basket erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had not received a purple heart medal.

6. My typist also wrote at the bottom of her reply something else I
mentioned to her in respect to replying to Chip (which the smear
merchants now admit):

"BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart not received in combat is about as
cowardly as it gets."

This final sentence in her reply clearly indicates the topic was PH ID
cards and NOT MEDALS! Why? Simply due to the fact that we all know
Purple Heart Medals can only be provided during a period of combat.
Consequently, it is clear our impression that Chip was talking about
Purple Heart ID cards which CAN be provided by the VA based upon
non-combat events. If you replace the terms "Purple Heart" with "service
connected disability" you have the correct context of my reply and my
typist's intention. Although poorly worded, it is impossible for me or
anyone else to reference purple heart medals that were not earned in
combat, this sentence alone proves we had to be talking about something
other than medals.

7. All six of these summarized key points can be easily proved by
reviewing the Tiny URL's referencing Google archived post I have
provided in this unmasking of the smear merchants' clearly fraudulent
claims about this issue:

Question # One:

In your expert opinion, and considering the information I have provided
herein, (which I hereby attest to being the truth to the best of my
knowledge) do you believe a person that would resurrect a dead-file post
long discarded into an electronic waste basket due to its typo, via
someone's else's incomplete cut and paste of elements of that old dead
post - and then forge the context of the dead erred post, and insert new
words into that long removed and admittedly flawed and erred post so as
to defame the author, while ignoring the correct context provided by the
author, is an honest investigator that is providing truthful and honest
information about the context intent of the original author of the
resurrected from the waste basket erred post?

(1-1). Yes: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics
described above is an honest and/or competent investigator.

(1-2). No: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics described
above is not an honest and competent investigator.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Two: If you replied extemporaneously to a USENET post, and
then later spotted an error in it in your reply, and realized due to the
typo the context of the post could be misinterpreted and was thereby
somewhat ambiguous, you decided to remove the post and place it in a
erred post dead file (an electronic waste basket) with the Google
archive. Then, months after you discarded and removed that erred post,
and because someone involved in the original extemporaneous USENET
conversation had cut and pasted an incomplete (thereby forged) element
of that long removed post in a cut and paste reply on USENET, a person
then used that incomplete and long discarded cut and paste element for
the purpose of forging words into that post to defame you, would you
believe that person is attempting to smear and defame you by using
forgeries and false accusations?

(2-1). Yes, I would agree any such person that did as you described
above would be attempting to smear and defame with the use of fraud,
false accusations and forgeries:

(2-2). No, the person in question is using an honest and truthful means
of investigation:

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Three: Do you believe that an honest and ethical
"investigator" would ever claim all posts on USENET automatically
represent an "autobiographical statement of fact" by the author, EXCEPT
those posted by the Investigator himself, his friends, and associates,
and only he has the mind reading skills to determine which posts are
meant to be autobiographical facts or simply sarcasm, fiction or
extemporaneous quips?


(3-1). Yes, it is proper for an investigator to claim that all
statements on USENET are autobiographical statements by anyone he
decides are publishing such autobiographical claims via his mind reading
investigative skills.

(3-2). No, an honest, ethical and impartial investigator would NOT claim
that everything written on USENET, including typos and errors, would
represent autobiographical claims by the author.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Four: Considering an impartial and honest investigation of
the facts as I have presented in respect to this above and in my
background information, and the preponderance of evidence involved, do
you believe the true context of my typist's extemporaneous reply to the
Chip post in question was about "Cards" or "Medals?"


(4-1). In my expert opinion, and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your typist's reply to Chip, which was posted
by her based upon your instructions to her, was in context about Purple
Heart ID cards provided by the Veterans Administration and not about

(4-2). In my expert opinion and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your and your typist's reply was about Purple
Heart Medals and not about Purple Heart ID cards.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Five: Recently, one of the smear gang members claimed that
the entire post containing my Typist's reply suddenly reappeared on the
Google Archives because Google allowed it. I contacted Google and they
said that claim was a lie, and it was impossible for that post to
"reappear in their archives after it was removed by them from their
archives." An alleged copy of this long removed post was re-posted on
the Internet by the smear merchants. The article that was posted by the
gang clearly came from a well-doctored personal computer archive, and
NOT from Google! The smear gang also attempted to post this doctored
post with a forged header over a well-doctored personal computer
archived post, and then further fraudulently panned it off as coming
from the Google archive so as to bolster their fraud and false
accusations in respect to this issue. (A copy of this post will be sent
to you).

We all know that anyone can "recreate" a post and doctor it anyway they
wish on their own computer and then fraudulently present it as the
complete post that was originally posted - especially when that post has
been removed from the Google archive so a direct comparison cannot be
compared to the forgery. Please confirm or disagree that it is possible
for a post removed by Google to suddenly reappear on the Google Archive
without the knowledge of Google.


(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Six: Mind reading skills: One of the most questionable claims
by the Nigel Brooks smear merchant (and by some of his gang) is that due
to their mind reading skills and past military experience (one gang
member was a junior officer that spent nine months of duty in Vietnam
helping to guard a lonely outpost, and another was a Sp4 personnel clerk
in Long Binh that took his discharge in Vietnam) they can always
determine the true context of all USENET posts about Vietnam even if the
author of that post disagrees with their imposed and conjured context.
It has been my experience, after spending fifteen months in Vietnam
(2&1/2 tours) that each Vietnam vet has his own version of that war
based upon the time he spent fighting it, the units he was assigned to,
the duties he performed, and the precise years he spent in country. (My
years were 1968-69 with a brief visit to Vietnam in 1963).

In your expert opinion, do you agree that such mind reading skills
exist, and do you agree that anyone with the experience in Vietnam as
indicated above can subjectively determine the true context of anything
written about Vietnam, even if the author disagrees with the imposed new
and opposite context the author states he was trying to convey?


(6-1). Yes, investigators all possess such mind reading skills, and with
the use of those skills and the time served in Vietnam as indicated
above, investigators and former junior officers can determine true
context of anything written about Vietnam even if their imposed context
contradicts that of the author that wrote or composed the writing or
article in question.

(6-2). No, any claim of mind reading skills connected with the Vietnam
experience stated above that can determine the context of anything
written about Vietnam is ridiculous on its face. The only individuals
that could possibly know the true context of anything written are the
persons that actually composed and/or published the writing. Many
articles can be easily misconstrued, especially if the misinterpretation
is deliberate and is being done for the purpose of defaming the author.
This is especially true if the article or writing involves
extemporaneous comments during a USENET conversation.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question Seven:

Here is the verbatim disclaimer I post on the top of my USENET posts.
(Once it is posted I do not repeat it in threads or exchanges involving
the same topic). I also stated very clearly in 2003 that I do not reveal
personal autobiographical information on USENET (who would?)

"(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all
of my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial
on contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Question Seven: Do you believe that a qualified and expert investigator
would, after reading the above disclaimer, claim that whatever the
author ever wrote on USENET represented a autobiographical statement of

(You may add comments if you wish).

End Seven questions on this topic. Other topics are being prepared and
will be sent to you as soon as they are complete. As we agreed, please
understand that we reserve the right to publish your answers, and use
them as evidence and in a court of law.

Based upon the answers from all three military and law experts
consulted, the following is presented as the "Corrected Copy" containing
the true context of my typist's reply to Chip:


> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

supporting, financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring
> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

shot > fired in anger in your life.
> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

much more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want
to go after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.
That, to me is cowardice.

"Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart Card also, and I received mine in a
real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
received a purple heart card was in Lebanon, and that was not a
shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating
cowering, hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward
around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart card not received in
combat is about as cowardly as it gets."

Note the above post reply that was written and posted by my typist was
originally discarded in Google's "waste basket" because my typist did
not properly place the term "Card" in the three places indicated above.
As the statement from my typist confirms, I was read the above post from
Chip on the telephone, and my typist took his statement above to say "I
have a purple heart and a car" as meaning I have a purple heart card
(meaning a VA purple heart ID card that was a topic of conversation I
had with others before). I told her to respond as the above post
correction indicates. After someone brought her key typo omissions to my
attention, I of course replied to that person (in 2003) that any
representation that my reply was about medals was a "complete distortion
and innuendo of what was written."

However, due to the typo, and because Google offers an "electronic waste
basket" for erred or posts containing such typographical errors, I
removed it from Google, told Google the reason it was being removed, and
Google placed the typo post in its "waste basket" dead file.

However, smear merchants, being what smear merchants are, decided to
retrieve the erred post from the waste basket and then he FORGED the
term "Medals" into the post after the purple heart terms, thereby
fraudulently changing and altering the true context of the long
discarded typo post from "Cards" into "Medals." Then Nigel Brooks and
his gang used their own forgery to claim I was falsely claiming a
"medal" I did not possess. Yet Chip confirmed (in writing) he did not
have a Purple Heart medal and therefore could not have been talking
about medals, my typist confirmed (in writing) she took his purple heart
statement to be about Cards and not Medals, and she also confirmed (in
writing) that my answer to Chip clearly stated Purple Heart Cards three
times. Yet she also said that because she really did not know the
difference she simply mistakenly omitted the term "Card" from the
original reply to Chip. Of course when I replied to the first person
that questioned this post back in 2003 that it did not mean medals, I
spotted the typo, and consequently, threw it in the electronic waste
basket which Google provides for such erred posts.

Yet since the smear merchants have been caught digging around in my
waste basket for erred and typo posts that have been long discarded to
try and find some unethical way to defame me, I have been advised to
provide this explanation and replace the post the way it was originally
intended. (My typist also states that she mentioned the topic was about
cards at the bottom of the post because it was impossible to earn a
purple heart medal in a non-combat situation, which I clearly indicated
Chip had done).

I have submitted this issue to an independent expert on the military and
the law, and he has replied that he agrees with me that the true context
of my typist's reply post was about "Cards" and NOT "Medals" contrary to
the misrepresentations and forgery by Nigel Brooks and his gang.

Any continued forgery of "medals" into this post will be recognized as a
typical Nigel Brooks forgery, just one more of many.

Doug Grant (Tm)

"Dai Uy" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote:

> <alt.war.vietnam> provides a great number of independent
> military experts. Their opinion seems to be unanimous.
> I am busy this morning and will simply repost the response
> that you ignored yesterday.
> Steve has reposted your original unambiguous boast
> regarding having a Purple Heart. Add that to the other times
> in which you claim to have been wounded and there is absolutely
> know doubt as to what you meant when you posted, "Doug Says: I
> have a Purple Heart also, and I received mine in a real war,"
> In all seriousness, I honestly believe that you have
> slipped your moorings and that your mental health is
> progressively deteriorating. Take a moment and read your
> recent "Purple Heart Card" defense posted to your cyberstalking
> site and you will agree. If you can't fabricate anything
> better than that, don't bother.

Doug's Rebuttal to the Dai Uy Fraud above:

(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all of
my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial on
contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said about them in
this post is not true, then I invite them to email me and request
arbitration. The loser will pay for the arbitrator. I also invite
arbitration in respect to me claiming something someone said about me is
untrue. Again, the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined
in this offer will be statements in correct context and representing
original intent, and key omissions of fact will be considered
untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from the American Association
of Arbitrators. This offer exclusively applies to all statements of fact
in this post.

Mr. Uy Uy, ALL of the independent military experts I have consulted over
this issue, (and ALL out rank you and have more time in the service than
you) HAVE AGREED the context of my typist's reply to Chip was about
Cards and not Medals. Nigel Brooks and the anonymous cyberstalker
SteveL FORGED the term "Medal" in the post. Moreover, all of the
independent experts agree that Mr. Brooks is not an honest investigator.

Moreover, considering you and SteveL have repeatedly forged and
illegally misused the name of the FBI to forge FOIA information about
me, and you have also forged and distorted and fraudulently presented
dozens of outright false accusations and distortions about me, you
certainly are not qualified to contradict what ALL parties to the Purple
Heart Card conversation says was the true context of the reply to Chip,
and now you are even contradicting independent military experts that I
have never met before in my life and were secured by my lawyer!

I am sorry Mr. Uy Uy, but you have seen the corrected copy of the reply,
this post acknowledges that fact. If you continue to repeat a forgery
for your obvious defamation purposes, you had better have some proof of
your claims, and proof of your absurd claims of "mind reading" and "I
was in Vietnam so I know what all Vietnam vets did and think and say"
utter bullshit that you repeatedly claim.

You are just another member of the Nigel Brooks gang checking in to try
and deflect the truth that you and your gang leaders have been caught
red handed lying about this issue and dozens of others, and now those
lies and fraud are being exposed, and those lies are being verified as
lies and fraud by several independent experts.

In fact, considering the preponderance of evidence in respect to this
issue and presented above in detail, there has not been a single expert
we have consulted that does not agree the context of the conversation
was about Cards and NOT the forged term Medals that SteveL and Nigel and
You forged into the context of my typists' reply. These same experts
have confirmed that I did not write nor post the reply, and in fact, it
was impossible for me to do so as my medical records prove.

Moreover, speaking of medical records, if you claim I was never wounded
(assuming injured means wounded) I suggest you post your proof. If you
are not making that claim then you can wait for the experts to review my
medical records and provide their opinion on that subject, or just
slither back into your hole and try to find some more waste baskets you
and your gang can rumage through to find something you can lie about and
defraud to a degree you can use your fraud to defame and smear.

Moreover, if you disagree with anything I said above, here, then or
ever, keep in mind my offer for binding arbitiatration loser pays
stands. If you really believe what you are lying about, then step up
and take this offer. You talk the talk Rau, but I notice you run and
hide anytime someone suggests you Walk the Walk. I believe you are "Big
Hat No Cattle" - and I am placing your bullshit and Nigel's in front of
REAL military experts that are experts on not only the military but the
law as well. So far all we have consulted agree with me.

Let's start with what you claim is "fabricated" in the above post. Be
specific and I will prove you a liar by posing the question to someone
independent. NOTHING I said was fabricated as the evidence clearly
demonstrates, and if you continue to use forgeries and typos to defame
and smear after you have been advised of the proper context of the
discarded document you found in my waste basket, then that will be
considered de facto evidence that harassing, defaming and stalking are
your deliberate intentions.

The only people that could possibly know the true context of anything
written are the people involved in the composure and posting of the
written material.

Your absurd, biazzare, child-like and idiotic claims to be able to
discern the thoughts of other people is not only outrageous and
preposterous, but also reflective of someone that is living in some kind
of fantasy world. I assure you Mr. Rau, you have failed miserably all
of the mind reading tests I have administered to you over the past
months, and I further assure you that independent experts answered my
mind reading question above, right after they stopped laughing at any
fool that would be dishonest and stupid enough to make such preposterous
claims. For the last time Mr. Rau, YOU CANNOT READ MINDS! I know that
fact must disturb the hell out of you, but you are going to be forced to
face the truth about yourself eventually, and now is a good time to

You have been advised (several times) of the true context (Cards not
Medals) of this long discarded post that you and Nigel and SteveL
retrieved from my error waste basket, and now that true context of the
post has been verified by indepedent experts and a corrected copy has
been posted, I suggest you either provide some proof to the contrary, or
stop lying about this issue to smear me, or be prepared to start
answering questions in a court of law. Moreover, in respect to your
comments about SteveL, you must know by now that law enforcement
officers are looking for him. Why don't you ask SteveL to turn himself
in and we will allow the resulting investigation occur and we can all
have our day in court? I assure you law enforcement will not agree to
your and SteveL's mind reading claims either.

Doug Grant (Tm)
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:27:20 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:



> Moreover, in respect to your
>comments about SteveL, you must know by now that law enforcement
>officers are looking for him.

You absolute ****ing lunatic LIAR!!!!

On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:27:20 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:

Now answer the ****ing question you lying ****:

You keep calling this reposting of your Purple Heart claim (which your
had deleted from Google) a "fraud".

Given that you are now blaming your "typist" for the omitting a "card
context", please point out exactly in this repost where ANY changes
were made from the original.

Or else shut the **** up about "fraud".

And as far as "law enforcement officers are looking for" me.

I seriously suggest you look at yourself here.

You are stepping WAY over the line.

Such false statements are themselves illegal.

You better watch yourself Reiman, or else "law enforcement officers"
will be looking for YOU.



From: "DGVREIMAN" <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: Al Qaeda Says Saddam an Infidel
Lines: 103
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT
X-Trace: 1045434166
(Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT
Organization: AT&T Worldnet

"Chip C" <> wrote in message
> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

> > financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring terrorists.
> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

> > fired in anger in your life.

> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

> more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want

to go
> after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.

That, to
> me is cowardice.

Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart also, and I received mine in a
real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
received a purple heart was in Lebanon, and that was not a
shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating cowering,
hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward is
around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart not received in
combat is about as cowardly as it gets.
> > If you think this war is about defending ourselves , you
> > > are indeed delusional. If we wanted to defend ourselves by

> > invading
> > > someone, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Pakistan and France (hee

> > hee, why
> > > not?) would be at the top of the list...Iraq ain't ****.

> > are
> > > acting like a panic-stricken wimp...if you are a vet, stand

> > and
> > > show some balls.

> >
> > Doug Says: Let me see, you want to cower, run, hide, whine,

> > appease, and leave Saddam alone, and you call me a
> > "panic-stricken wimp?" Hmmmmm. Saddam is dangerous, and he
> > needs to be removed from power. Once Saddam is gone we will

> > the means and the bases to deal with Iran, which is clearly

> > next target. And yes I am a vet, and clearly you are not.
> >

> Just because you think not going to war tomorrow mean giving

Saddam a
> free ride doesn't make it any more factual. Open your eyes and

> at the entire battlefield instead of just through your narrow

> site. Saddam ain't ****, and puffing him up into some major

> while ignoring the more imminent threats is the sign of a

> coward. I hate to call a vet a coward...but if you wish to be
> considered such, it is of your own choosing.

Doug Says: What you call me is irrelevant as you certainly do
not have the knowledge nor the information to pass judgment, not
to mention make condescending remarks. Saddam is supporting
terrorism, financing it, and arming terrorists. These terrorists
that Saddam is financing and supporting have already murdered
Americans. Now if you think we should attack someone else, then
say so. But right now Saddam is providing a major resource for
Al-Qeada, Haamas and the Islamic Jihad. All three of those
terrorist organizations have murdered Americans. Further, I am
the one advocating the removal of Saddam, you are the one that is
advocating appeasement, so which of us is the coward again?

If you knew anything about this issue you would realize our war
on terrorism and our desire to depose Saddam are interlinked. We
cannot continue to defeat terrorism unless we eliminate the
resources that terrorism is feeding upon, and one of the main
sources is Saddam. Further, you clearly are not aware that
Saddam declared war on the USA, Britain and Israel on December
27,2000 just ten months prior to the 911 massacres. Now even you
should agree that we remove a tyrant that has openly and public
declared war on the USA.

Doug Grant (Tm)
> --
> Chip C
> Personal site:
> Christmas Stories:
> "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."
> -- Emiliano Zapata

(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all of
my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial on
contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said about them in
this post is not true, then I invite them to email me and request
arbitration. The loser will pay for the arbitrator. I also invite
arbitration in respect to me claiming something someone said about me is
untrue. Again, the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined
in this offer will be statements in correct context and representing
original intent, and key omissions of fact will be considered
untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from the American Association
of Arbitrators. This offer exclusively applies to all statements of fact
in this post.

So, far, as of April 16, 2008, we have consulted three such experts, and
their answers are all very similar. We will contact at least five
independent experts in respect to this issue and several other issues we
are preparing for testimony and expert opinion.


The Smear and Fraud Merchants

After you read the background associated with this question you may
rightfully ask why anyone in their right mind would do what I am about
to describe. However, you must simply consider the person perpetrating
all this fraud and smear tactics is someone that has arrogantly claimed
that "he has appointed himself as my Judge" and he has been waging a
smear and fraud campaign against me for months. The tactics he uses to
smear me (and others) are replete with fraud, forgeries, lies and
duperies based upon his claim to be a retired "investigator" (actually
he is a retired custom worker) he also uses gross misrepresentations and
outright fraud in respect to the contents of military records, and
outright and deliberate obloquy. I also believe he holds the
International Internet record for web sites being forced down by web
managers due to his fraud or abuse or deliberate obloquy. (Nigel Brooks
has suffered about eleven web sites forced down so far and counting, and
he is hiding his last one out of fear it too will be removed after an
independent investigation into his false accusations and fraud by the
web managers).

If you can imagine someone holding a word Internet record for losing web
sites due to his publishing abuse or fraud or obloquy on them, this is
the kind of person I have been defending myself against (and his smear
gang) for months.

My first question in respect to this single issue is just one glaring
and outrageous example of this con man/fraud merchant "resurrecting"
typo dead-file (waste basket discarded) posts that were long removed
from Google archives due to errors or typos, and then forging the
context of that long removed dead post, retreived out of a waste basket,
for the purpose of defaming me and inciting threats against me.

If you can also imagine someone so unethical as to resurrect post
elements that contain admitted typos that have already been long removed
from the Google archive, also with the knowledge those typos have been
corrected and he has read the corrections several times, to defame and
smear someone with the long removed typo while hiding or ignoring the
correction, then you have this unethical smear and fraud merchant pegged
to a tee.

Tossing Erred Posts in the Waste Basket

Key Note: Long before this smear merchant said a word about the typo
post in question, it had been long removed from the Google USENET
archive due to a typo that was made by the person that wrote the post -
which was not me but was one of the typists I used at that time to post
information on USENET.

This particular Purple Heart ID Card (that the VA used to issue)
reference post (which will be the key post involved in my first question
to you) and many others that we found from time to time in error or with
typos or that differed from our copyrighted stories due to a typist
error or misstatement, and/or errors or typos that were brought to our
attention by others, were permanently discarded and removed from the
USENET Google archive just like all posts containing errors, typos or
ambiguities are supposed to be removed or discarded in Google's
electronic waste basket.

Google offers an USENET archive removal service (an electronic waste
basket) for posts in which errors are made and are subsequently
detected. These posts can be permanently removed/discarded by the
author, or with permission from the original author. In the case of a
forgery (and there were many posted under the name of our group) no
permission from the author is needed to remove if the forgery can be
proved to Google.

Google has revealed that about 35,000 such erred posts have already been
removed/discarded by USENET authors under the conditions of their
removal service - and many USENET authors have used this service to
correct their typos and errors thousands of times. Google also retains a
copy of the certified reason the author stated the post should be
removed, and typically requires a good reason, and certification to the
reason for removal before Google will remove the flawed post from its

If you can imagine a smear merchant that is so unethical, so immoral, so
dishonest and so desperate and obsessed to smear and defame someone he
would actually try to resurrect, reconstruct and replace a long removed
dead post, removed and thrown into a waste basket due to an admitted
typo error, so he can exploit and distort that error, and fraudulently
insert words into that discarded typo post that contained an admitted
typo error, for the exclusive and deliberate purpose of fabricating a
false accusation he and his smear gang could then use to smear and
defame their target victim - then you will have a perfect image of the
person with the initials of NB that is using such unethical and
fraudulent tactics to smear and defame his target victims, of which I am
one of many.

Key Note: What is most hypocritical about this smear gang is that
members of this Nigel Brooks smear team have removed posts from the
Google archive due to their threats of death and violence against
original target victims being exposed. I believe those threats of death
and violence posts perpetrated or incited by this gang were removed from
the Google archive for the purpose of hiding obvious criminal acts! And
it is clear the gang conspired to remove those posts not because they
were in error like mine, but because they provided evidence of Federal
Criminal acts and they were removed only after that evidence was
compiled and sent to the US Army HHC command. However, which gang
leaders were involved in this alleged obstruction of justice attempt has
still not yet been determined and probably will not be determined until
this issue goes to court.

The hypocritical gang howls about any post removed for error or typo by
others, meanwhile it clandestinely removes its own incriminating posts!

According to the Smear Gang Leader -Everything Posted on Usenet Is
Automatically Being Presented as an "Autobiographical Statement of Fact"

According to this "Nigel Brooks" howling mad smear merchant, ALL ERRORS
AND TYPOS posted on USENET (that do not belong to him or his gang)
including any ambiguous and/or extemporaneous retorts posted during
USENET conversations, are in fact intentional autobiographical
statements of facts of the author, regardless of whether the author
admits to those errors and subsequently removes them from the Google
archives or not. (Believe it or not, this is what this Nigel Brooks
person calls "Honest Investigation").

This is the kind of hypocritical and immoral "self-appointed inquisitor"
I am dealing with in respect to this issue. Someone so psychopathically
obsessed and desperate to defame and smear those that he has chosen to
defame and demonize he actually tries to resurrect and misrepresent dead
posts that have been long discarded and removed from the Google archive
due to an admitted error, typo or ambiguity, and then he misrepresents
all typos that have been thrown into Google's electronic waste basket by
his target victim as an "autobiographical statement of fact" by his
victim. Only Nigel Brooks and his gang would be so unethical as to claim
a discarded typo post that was thrown into the waste basket was an
"autobiographical statement of fact" by the person that discarded the
post - which in many cases were not even written by the person being

The following is the history of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants'
attempt to resurrect a removed waste basket discarded post for error so
as to forge and distort it in a manner as to defame, smear, demonize and
cast the author in a false light:

Question Background

In 2003, while I was pending shoulder and wrist surgery, I could not
type. Consequently, as I had done several times in the past (and
announced several times on USENET that I and we used typists, as the
Google archive in not less than 71 posts will prove which I will send
you) I used a typist to actually compose and write my general and
inexact dictated replies on USENET in respect to conversations I was
having with other posters. (Typically, I would just provide a general
statement reply and she would fill in the rest adding or subtracting
words as she saw fit, and many times I recorded my reply on a tape
recorder and she would simply transcribe the recording onto USENET -
including errors and typos of course as any typist would make during
such transcribing).

In one particular exchange, a person that I was conversing with, a
person by the name of "Chip," wrote that he had a "Purple Heart and
Car(d)." I was driving when my typist called me and read me his reply
USENET statement. Here is the precise key sentence that Chip wrote:

"I have a purple heart and Car" . . .

(Note that I had already said many times on USENET that I did not have a
Purple Heart Medal, yet I had also said that I had been provided a
purple heart ID card by the Veterans Administration).

B. This is a "Purple Heart Card" context reference by me long before the
smear merchant forged the word "Medal" to Chip and my typist's reply
that had nothing to do with medals.

(The Purple Heart Card the VA issued at that time was the only ID card
that designated a service connected disability, regardless of whether
the owner of the card had been awarded the Purple Heart Medal or not.
This ID card was changed starting in 2005 to the new VIC card which DOES
distinguish the difference between a service connected disability and
someone that has received the Order of the Purple Heart Medal due to his
disability. Prior to that 2005 date, all service connected disabilities
were identified by the Purple Heart ID Card. The ID card itself and the
serviceman's records contained a "big Purple V" emblem, hence the slang
reference by people in the VA and Vets "Purple Heart Card." This large
Purple V on the card and on the VA records jacket, at that time, was
supposed to indicate to the VA employees that such a Veteran was to
receive priority care over other veterans with non-service related
disabilities. Note also that my conversation with Chip occurred in 2003,
long before the old Purple Heart ID Card was replaced by the new
VIC card.)

KEY NOTE: The URL below provides a sampling the dozens of times I said I
did not have a Purple Heart Medal, including long before Nigel Brooks
forged the term "Medal" into Chip's and my typist's posts. It is
important to note the Nigel Brooks gang avoids mentioning all of the
times I clearly stated I had NOT been awarded the purple heart medal.
They avoid this fact because it contradicts their attempt to
fraudulently insert the term "Medal" into a post that had nothing to do
with medals.

According to my memory, and my typist's notes and her written statement
in respect to this issue, when my typist read me on the telephone what
Chip had said in his USENET reply, she read me the following sentence

"I have a Purple Heart and Card."

Moreover, according to her notes and her sworn statement (a copy of her
2003 notes and her sworn statement will be sent to you) she believed
that Chip's " Car" term in his sentence was simply a reference to my
statements about Purple Heart ID cards that I said were issued by the
Veterans Administration (at that time). So, based upon what she read to
me on the telephone, I told her to respond to Chip with "I have Purple
Heart Card also, and I earned mine in a real war. . . . " (Note my
typist does not have a military background of any kind).

According to her notes and sworn statement in regards to this issue, the
above is precisely what I told her to respond to Chip with. She wrote my
reply in her notes clearly (she has her note books dating all the way
back to 2001). However, when she did actually respond she left out the
term "Card" and simply said; "I have a purple heart also and I earned
mine in a real war. . . . " (I am not sure she really knew the
difference). Then also according to her notes and sworn affidavit she
said she thought she mentioned something about VA cards at the bottom of
the page of her reply. Yet when Chip cut and pasted an element of my
typist's reply to respond to in the next thread, he omitted the entire
bottom of the page including the signature section and any reference my
typist made to VA Cards.

KEY NOTE: About three weeks after my typist's reply was written and
posted on USENET by my typist. Someone that was reading Chip's
incomplete cut and paste of my typist's reply suggested that I was
talking about Purple Heart Medals. I replied to that person with the
following statement as the following URL proves: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC

Regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary and the general
use of USENET by all that use it, the Nigel Brooks smear merchant that
resurrected this long removed erred post from the waste basket
ridiculously claims that everything posted by anyone on USENET
automatically represents an "autobiographical" claim by the author. Yet
I have clearly stated the opposite dozens of times in my posts, and in
respect to the post in question with Chip back in 2003 long before the
smear merchant started his smear campaign against me with forgeries and
fraud, I wrote the following as the above URL will also prove:

KEY NOTE: "Further, people do not post their personal background
information on newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you
and Chirpy will agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my
discharges Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries." (Note
this statement was written subsequent to the Purple Heart Card typo post
in question).

So much for the smear merchant's outright lie that all of my USENET
posts were being presented as an"autobiographical" claim about my
military service. In fact, as my statement above clearly indicates,
nothing could be further from the truth.

As the Google archives prove irrefutably, I stated the exact opposite of
the Nigel Brooks claim that "all USENET statements are meant to be
autobiographical claim" years before the smear merchants started to
forge some of my post fragments and use typos and errors as a means to
fraudulently claim I said something that I clearly did not. The
following post also proves the SteveL anonymous cyberstalker and Nigel
Brooks gang member was also caught in a mid con about this issue:

The smear merchant and his gang members also carefully avoid mentioning
that almost immediately after the ambiguous and incomplete cut and paste
from my typist's reply appeared from Chip in respect to Purple Heart ID
Cards, a person by the name of McCulloch/SteveL asked me (suggested) if
I was referencing a Purple Heart Medal, and I replied with "that is an
idiotic innuendo and a distortion" of what was written. So even back in
2003 when Chip's first incorrect and incomplete cut and paste of my
typist's reply occurred, and LONG BEFORE the smear merchant forged the
false context of "Medals" into this long removed erred post that was
thrown into the waste basket, I said that concluding I was referencing a
Purple Heart "Medal" in my reply to Chip was an "idiotic innuendo and a
complete distortion." (See the above URL for evidence).

I also stated very clearly that I was NOT providing any autobiographical
information about my military service on USENET. How could anyone claim
a person was claiming (in code) that he had earned the Order of the
Purple Heart Medal if he also said in the very same USENET exchange that
he refused to provide any autobiographical information about his
military service? Any such smear merchant misrepresentation, even from
the Nigel Brooks smear merchant, is far beyond even idiotic.

KEY NOTE: (Obviously it is impossible to claim you were awarded a Purple
Heart Medal unless you are also posting your personal autobiographical
military information on USENET, which I clearly stated I was NOT doing).

Smear Merchants Hide Posts that Contradict their Fraudulent Claims

It is also important to mention this unethical Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang all very carefully avoid, duck, hide and never
mention all of those other USENET posts in which I did write, (before
and after the Chip cut and paste post they falsely claim I wrote) which
states I DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal. Why do you suppose the smear
merchants duck, cower, hide from, ignore, lie about and avoid all of the
overwhelming Google archived evidence that directly contradicts their
trumped claims that my typist and I, and Chip, were all talking about
Medals and not ID cards?

Chip Confirms the Context was Cards and Not possibly Medals

I cannot read Chip's mind, but I know for sure my typist and I thought
he was talking about cards and not medals. Moreover, when I contacted
Chip directly via email twice about this issue he said in his first
reply that he had to be talking about Cards and not medals because he
does not possess a Purple Heart Medal! He confirmed that statement in my
second more recent email to him. (I will send a copy of my latest
correspondence with him replete with verification he was never awarded
that medal so he could not have possibly been referencing a Medal in his

KEY NOTE: All three participants in the original USENET conversation in
question (Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true
context of the conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel
Brooks smear merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term
"medals" into the context of this long removed erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had NOT received a purple heart medal.

The preponderance of Evidence Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery.

Of course the smear merchants avoid, hide, cower, duck and dodge all
those posts in which I said I did not have a Purple Heart medal and
DISCARDED AND THEN FORGED ITS CONTEXT) because they know if those other
posts I posted about this issue (which were posts they acknowledged and
responded to) are revealed, then the preponderance of evidence in
respect to this matter proves irrefutably their accusations in respect
to the typo resurrected post issue are not only false, fraudulent and
forged, but also deliberately contrived for the purpose of defamation
and obloquy. (Please see the above URL "Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery"
for a listing of all the posts I posted stating the exact opposite of
the forged context long discarded typo post the smear merchants are
forging out of context).

Also note the many times in the above URL these same smear merchants
agreed that I did not have a purple heart medal, and agreed I never said
I had one. Yet "they completely changed their story" when one of their
gang resurrected a long removed waste basket post removed from the
Google archive due to an admitted typo. And once the gang's forgery was
complete on the post they removed from my waste basket, the gang then
deliberately used their forged and false "Medals" context of the erred
waste basket located typo post for the purpose of lodging false and
defaming accusations for the obvious purpose of deliberate stalking and

Lack of Corroboration Obvious

Moreover, if someone was claiming he had a Purple Heart Medal on USENET
there would be many more USENET posts stating that claim instead of just
a single badly forged copy of an incomplete post written by someone else
and resurrected from a waste basket group of erred posts that Google had
already authorized for removal due to their errors or ambiguities.

The only corroboration of any statement in respect to this issue exists
in the several posts in which I stated the exact opposite of what the
smear gang and con men are claiming! And that is why the smear merchants
always hide those posts I wrote stating I did not have a Purple Heart

Removal of the Ambiguous and Typo PH Card Post from the Google Archive

After I received the question/suggestion from Mr. McCulloch whether my
typist's reply context was about medals, I then took the time to
carefully read Chip's post about this issue and my typist's reply to his
post. It was clear the post my typist composed, wrote and posted could
be misconstrued due to the typist's typo of not clearly stating "card"
after "I have a purple heart also" sentence. I then contacted Chip
directly and asked him if he was talking about Medals or Cards like I
was told? He said that since he DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal he
must have been talking about Cards and not medals. Regardless, my
reply if cut and pasted incomplete like Chip had done, did contain a key
typo. Consequently for that purpose it was removed from the Google
archives (thrown in the electronic waste basket) MONTHS before any Nigel
Brooks smear merchant said a word about it or tried to use that post to
falsely claim I was claiming a Purple Heart Medal I did not have.

(KEY NOTE: The fact the Nigel Brooks and his gang of smear merchants
could not find the Purple Heart Card original post on the Google
archives, and used a cut and paste from Chip who had cut and pasted an
incomplete element of that post in his reply to it, proves irrefutably
and unequivocally the post in question was long removed as an erred post
from the Google archives, and discarded in Google's electronic waste
basket long before any of the smear merchants ever mentioned it.)

When the Nigel Brooks smear merchant in question resurrected my typist's
post that was removed long ago for its typo and then forged the term
"Medal" into the post for the purpose of false accusations and
defamation, I again emailed Chip and confirmed that he was talking about
Cards and not medals. I also have since received confirmation from the
US Army that Chip was telling the truth about him not being awarded any
Purple Heart medals or ever being in combat or earning combat badges.
(If you so require before you render your expert opinion on this matter,
I will send you a copy of my confirmation that Chip was not talking
about medals - and a statement from my typist affirming everything I
told you so far about what she had said and written).

However, even with the said confirmations by Chip that he was NOT
talking about Medals, (simply because he said he did not possess that
medal) my typist's typo still existed in Chip's cut and paste of my
typists' reply. So I contacted Google and asked them if I could modify
that original post to add the missing word. Google said that I could
not, but I could simply remove and discard the entire post in their
electronic waste basket as it clearly contained a typo or error.

Prior to allowing me to discard the post, Google required me to provide
them with a sworn statement as to the reason I was removing the post,
and I replied to Google (long before the Nigel Brooks smear merchants
said a word about this post) that it was being removed because the post
was referencing and talking about Cards and not Medals, and because of
the typo (the missing term "card" after my typist's comments) the post
could be and had been misinterpreted by those with the intent to defame
me over typos. (Google keeps a record of the reasons all posts are
removed from its archives. I removed this post long before the Nigel
Brooks smear merchants attempted to smear me with their forged term
"medals" into that post. My past statement as my reason for the removal
of this post from the Google archive can be requested with my permission
from the Google files. I will immediately provide Google with my
permission to release that reason for removal to you).

Typos and Errors in USENET Posts are Common

Everyone knows that typos, misstatements, errors can be and will be made
in USENET posts especially when typists are being used to post
dictation, and/or extemporaneous retorts are being published, and those
errors should be removed/discarded from the Google archive as soon as
they are identified. Resurrecting an erred dead file post that was long
removed and tossed into the electronic waste basket due to its admitted
typo, and then altering the true intended context of that discarded
erred post by forging into it a new word "medals" which was never used
in the post in any manner, for the purpose of defamation and libel, is,
in my opinion, about as unethical as it gets. Moreover, such acts
clearly, in my opinion, reflects a deliberate and contrived attempt to
use outright fraud and false accusations to defame, smear, harass and
cast in a false light, a targeted smear victim.

We await your written opinions in respect to this issue, and your
answers and opinions in respect to the following questions after you
receive all of the information you required that has been offered in
this background:

Douglas G. Reiman


KEY NOTE: Due to the obvious fact this was a conversation on USENET and
clearly represented extemporaneous comments by all parties involved, had
I simply misspoke or made a mistake myself by omitting the term "Card" I
would readily admit such a common extemporaneous error and put an end to
this issue once and for all. Yet as all the evidence proves, that was
NOT what happened, and the truth will be told regardless of how the
smear merchants attempt to spin and distort it).

Quick summary:

1. The post the smear merchants are attempting to insert words into and
thereby change the intended context for the purpose of using their fraud
to defame, was discarded and removed as a flawed, erred and a post with
an obvious typo from the Google archives long before the smear merchants
ever even mentioned it. The smear merchants are clearly using typos and
errors that have been discarded in an electronic waste basket to smear
and defame.

2. When the post was first posted by my typist, and within a few days
after and when someone asked or suggested we were talking about Purple
Heart Medals and not Purple Heart ID Cards, I clearly responded to that
person with the following statement: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC INNUENDO AND A
COMPLETE DISTORTION of what was written." If I had intended to claim a
Purple Heart Medal I certainly would have confirmed that claim at that
time, and I certainly would not have stated otherwise.

3. Subsequent to the post in question I was also asked to provide
personal information about my past military service on USENET. I
responded with the following:

"Further, people do not post their personal background information on
newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you and Chirpy will
agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my discharges
Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries."

4. Some of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants attempted to claim that I
did not remove the PH Card post in question until after they brought
it up and questioned it. That of course is an outright lie, and the mere
fact the smear merchants did not possess a Google archived copy of the
post and used an incomplete cut and paste of it posted by Chip as
evidence the post originally existed is clear and irrefutable evidence
the PH card post was long discarded and removed as an erred post from
the Google archive. This fact also proves the smear gang used
resurrected dead file removed typo posts, long thrown into the waste
basket due to its errors, as a means to falsely accuse, defame and
smear. (Yes the gang is rummaging around in my electronic waste baskets
to try and find anything long discarded due to error to use to defame
and smear me - as hard as that is to believe as coming from grown men,
it is true).

5. All three participants in the original conversation in question
(Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true context of the
conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term "medals" into
the context of this long discarded waste basket erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had not received a purple heart medal.

6. My typist also wrote at the bottom of her reply something else I
mentioned to her in respect to replying to Chip (which the smear
merchants now admit):

"BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart not received in combat is about as
cowardly as it gets."

This final sentence in her reply clearly indicates the topic was PH ID
cards and NOT MEDALS! Why? Simply due to the fact that we all know
Purple Heart Medals can only be provided during a period of combat.
Consequently, it is clear our impression that Chip was talking about
Purple Heart ID cards which CAN be provided by the VA based upon
non-combat events. If you replace the terms "Purple Heart" with "service
connected disability" you have the correct context of my reply and my
typist's intention. Although poorly worded, it is impossible for me or
anyone else to reference purple heart medals that were not earned in
combat, this sentence alone proves we had to be talking about something
other than medals.

7. All six of these summarized key points can be easily proved by
reviewing the Tiny URL's referencing Google archived post I have
provided in this unmasking of the smear merchants' clearly fraudulent
claims about this issue:

Question # One:

In your expert opinion, and considering the information I have provided
herein, (which I hereby attest to being the truth to the best of my
knowledge) do you believe a person that would resurrect a dead-file post
long discarded into an electronic waste basket due to its typo, via
someone's else's incomplete cut and paste of elements of that old dead
post - and then forge the context of the dead erred post, and insert new
words into that long removed and admittedly flawed and erred post so as
to defame the author, while ignoring the correct context provided by the
author, is an honest investigator that is providing truthful and honest
information about the context intent of the original author of the
resurrected from the waste basket erred post?

(1-1). Yes: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics
described above is an honest and/or competent investigator.

(1-2). No: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics described
above is not an honest and competent investigator.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Two: If you replied extemporaneously to a USENET post, and
then later spotted an error in it in your reply, and realized due to the
typo the context of the post could be misinterpreted and was thereby
somewhat ambiguous, you decided to remove the post and place it in a
erred post dead file (an electronic waste basket) with the Google
archive. Then, months after you discarded and removed that erred post,
and because someone involved in the original extemporaneous USENET
conversation had cut and pasted an incomplete (thereby forged) element
of that long removed post in a cut and paste reply on USENET, a person
then used that incomplete and long discarded cut and paste element for
the purpose of forging words into that post to defame you, would you
believe that person is attempting to smear and defame you by using
forgeries and false accusations?

(2-1). Yes, I would agree any such person that did as you described
above would be attempting to smear and defame with the use of fraud,
false accusations and forgeries:

(2-2). No, the person in question is using an honest and truthful means
of investigation:

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Three: Do you believe that an honest and ethical
"investigator" would ever claim all posts on USENET automatically
represent an "autobiographical statement of fact" by the author, EXCEPT
those posted by the Investigator himself, his friends, and associates,
and only he has the mind reading skills to determine which posts are
meant to be autobiographical facts or simply sarcasm, fiction or
extemporaneous quips?


(3-1). Yes, it is proper for an investigator to claim that all
statements on USENET are autobiographical statements by anyone he
decides are publishing such autobiographical claims via his mind reading
investigative skills.

(3-2). No, an honest, ethical and impartial investigator would NOT claim
that everything written on USENET, including typos and errors, would
represent autobiographical claims by the author.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Four: Considering an impartial and honest investigation of
the facts as I have presented in respect to this above and in my
background information, and the preponderance of evidence involved, do
you believe the true context of my typist's extemporaneous reply to the
Chip post in question was about "Cards" or "Medals?"


(4-1). In my expert opinion, and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your typist's reply to Chip, which was posted
by her based upon your instructions to her, was in context about Purple
Heart ID cards provided by the Veterans Administration and not about

(4-2). In my expert opinion and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your and your typist's reply was about Purple
Heart Medals and not about Purple Heart ID cards.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Five: Recently, one of the smear gang members claimed that
the entire post containing my Typist's reply suddenly reappeared on the
Google Archives because Google allowed it. I contacted Google and they
said that claim was a lie, and it was impossible for that post to
"reappear in their archives after it was removed by them from their
archives." An alleged copy of this long removed post was re-posted on
the Internet by the smear merchants. The article that was posted by the
gang clearly came from a well-doctored personal computer archive, and
NOT from Google! The smear gang also attempted to post this doctored
post with a forged header over a well-doctored personal computer
archived post, and then further fraudulently panned it off as coming
from the Google archive so as to bolster their fraud and false
accusations in respect to this issue. (A copy of this post will be sent
to you).

We all know that anyone can "recreate" a post and doctor it anyway they
wish on their own computer and then fraudulently present it as the
complete post that was originally posted - especially when that post has
been removed from the Google archive so a direct comparison cannot be
compared to the forgery. Please confirm or disagree that it is possible
for a post removed by Google to suddenly reappear on the Google Archive
without the knowledge of Google.


(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Six: Mind reading skills: One of the most questionable claims
by the Nigel Brooks smear merchant (and by some of his gang) is that due
to their mind reading skills and past military experience (one gang
member was a junior officer that spent nine months of duty in Vietnam
helping to guard a lonely outpost, and another was a Sp4 personnel clerk
in Long Binh that took his discharge in Vietnam) they can always
determine the true context of all USENET posts about Vietnam even if the
author of that post disagrees with their imposed and conjured context.
It has been my experience, after spending fifteen months in Vietnam
(2&1/2 tours) that each Vietnam vet has his own version of that war
based upon the time he spent fighting it, the units he was assigned to,
the duties he performed, and the precise years he spent in country. (My
years were 1968-69 with a brief visit to Vietnam in 1963).

In your expert opinion, do you agree that such mind reading skills
exist, and do you agree that anyone with the experience in Vietnam as
indicated above can subjectively determine the true context of anything
written about Vietnam, even if the author disagrees with the imposed new
and opposite context the author states he was trying to convey?


(6-1). Yes, investigators all possess such mind reading skills, and with
the use of those skills and the time served in Vietnam as indicated
above, investigators and former junior officers can determine true
context of anything written about Vietnam even if their imposed context
contradicts that of the author that wrote or composed the writing or
article in question.

(6-2). No, any claim of mind reading skills connected with the Vietnam
experience stated above that can determine the context of anything
written about Vietnam is ridiculous on its face. The only individuals
that could possibly know the true context of anything written are the
persons that actually composed and/or published the writing. Many
articles can be easily misconstrued, especially if the misinterpretation
is deliberate and is being done for the purpose of defaming the author.
This is especially true if the article or writing involves
extemporaneous comments during a USENET conversation.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question Seven:

Here is the verbatim disclaimer I post on the top of my USENET posts.
(Once it is posted I do not repeat it in threads or exchanges involving
the same topic). I also stated very clearly in 2003 that I do not reveal
personal autobiographical information on USENET (who would?)

"(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all
of my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial
on contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Question Seven: Do you believe that a qualified and expert investigator
would, after reading the above disclaimer, claim that whatever the
author ever wrote on USENET represented a autobiographical statement of

(You may add comments if you wish).

End Seven questions on this topic. Other topics are being prepared and
will be sent to you as soon as they are complete. As we agreed, please
understand that we reserve the right to publish your answers, and use
them as evidence and in a court of law.

Based upon the answers from all three military and law experts
consulted, the following is presented as the "Corrected Copy" containing
the true context of my typist's reply to Chip:


> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

supporting, financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring
> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

shot > fired in anger in your life.
> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

much more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want
to go after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.
That, to me is cowardice.

"Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart Card also, and I received mine in a
real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
received a purple heart card was in Lebanon, and that was not a
shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating
cowering, hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward
around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart card not received in
combat is about as cowardly as it gets."

Note the above post reply that was written and posted by my typist was
originally discarded in Google's "waste basket" because my typist did
not properly place the term "Card" in the three places indicated above.
As the statement from my typist confirms, I was read the above post from
Chip on the telephone, and my typist took his statement above to say "I
have a purple heart and a car" as meaning I have a purple heart card
(meaning a VA purple heart ID card that was a topic of conversation I
had with others before). I told her to respond as the above post
correction indicates. After someone brought her key typo omissions to my
attention, I of course replied to that person (in 2003) that any
representation that my reply was about medals was a "complete distortion
and innuendo of what was written."

However, due to the typo, and because Google offers an "electronic waste
basket" for erred or posts containing such typographical errors, I
removed it from Google, told Google the reason it was being removed, and
Google placed the typo post in its "waste basket" dead file.

However, smear merchants, being what smear merchants are, decided to
retrieve the erred post from the waste basket and then he FORGED the
term "Medals" into the post after the purple heart terms, thereby
fraudulently changing and altering the true context of the long
discarded typo post from "Cards" into "Medals." Then Nigel Brooks and
his gang used their own forgery to claim I was falsely claiming a
"medal" I did not possess. Yet Chip confirmed (in writing) he did not
have a Purple Heart medal and therefore could not have been talking
about medals, my typist confirmed (in writing) she took his purple heart
statement to be about Cards and not Medals, and she also confirmed (in
writing) that my answer to Chip clearly stated Purple Heart Cards three
times. Yet she also said that because she really did not know the
difference she simply mistakenly omitted the term "Card" from the
original reply to Chip. Of course when I replied to the first person
that questioned this post back in 2003 that it did not mean medals, I
spotted the typo, and consequently, threw it in the electronic waste
basket which Google provides for such erred posts.

Yet since the smear merchants have been caught digging around in my
waste basket for erred and typo posts that have been long discarded to
try and find some unethical way to defame me, I have been advised to
provide this explanation and replace the post the way it was originally
intended. (My typist also states that she mentioned the topic was about
cards at the bottom of the post because it was impossible to earn a
purple heart medal in a non-combat situation, which I clearly indicated
Chip had done).

I have submitted this issue to an independent expert on the military and
the law, and he has replied that he agrees with me that the true context
of my typist's reply post was about "Cards" and NOT "Medals" contrary to
the misrepresentations and forgery by Nigel Brooks and his gang.

Any continued forgery of "medals" into this post will be recognized as a
typical Nigel Brooks forgery, just one more of many.

Doug Grant (Tm)

"SteveL" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:44:48 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
> <> wrote:

> You keep calling this reposting of your Pruple Heart claim (which your
> had deleted from Google) a "fraud".
> Please say why again.
> And this time don't claim the post has been edited by me or Nigel to
> "remove the card context" when you yourself are now blaming your
> typist for the "omission".
> Both can't be true.
> So I ask again.
> Please pinpoint exactly where the quote below differs from your
> original post.
> Or else shut the **** up about "fraud".

Doug's Rebuttal: This is not a copyrighted article so I will reply
directly to this Nigel Brooks gang member with my best advice.

Mr. SteveL, will you please turn yourself in to law enforcement so they
know who you are? You do realize that misusing the FBI's name to post
FBI forgeries (especially for the purpose of extortion) is a crime? And
you must by now also realize that anonymous cyberstalking is also a
crime? You also must know that inciting threats of death and violence,
and reposting them, if you are working with a gang, is the same as
actually posting those threats of death and violence? I strongly urge
you to hire a lawyer and have your lawyer contact mine.

Moreover, the original reply post to Chip was not written nor posted by
me, claiming otherwise is clearly fraudulent. Also, your lying about
the context of the post is also fraudulent. My typist also says that
she wrote something at the bottom of the post that is missing from your
screen shot archived version (you are not still claiming that your
forgery suddenly reappeared on the Google archive are you)??BWHAHAHAHA).
I believe you also forged a message ID on top of your screen shot.
Considering that you and your gang refuse to provide access to where
that screen shot forgery came from, I can only assume you took it off of
your or one of your gang's computers - after of course you removed the
statement from my typist from the post.

Here is the definition of Fraud in the context I am using it:
fraud (fr
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:53:42 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:


>> You keep calling this reposting of your Pruple Heart claim (which your
>> had deleted from Google) a "fraud".
>> Please say why again.
>> And this time don't claim the post has been edited by me or Nigel to
>> "remove the card context" when you yourself are now blaming your
>> typist for the "omission".
>> Both can't be true.
>> So I ask again.
>> Please pinpoint exactly where the quote below differs from your
>> original post.
>> Or else shut the **** up about "fraud".


So you're the one altering the original post, not me or Nigel.

Thanks for admitting the real fraud going on here.

As for accusing me of committing a criminal offence and that "law
enforcement officers" are "looking for" me because I posted this
parody about you:

You'd better watch out Doogie.

The only one committing a crime here is you.

Take your pills and maybe you'll see before it's too late.

In the meantime:

Lines: 233
From: rustybl...@aol.comBATSPAM (Rusty Martin)
Newsgroups: rec.gambling.blackjack
Date: 10 Apr 2001 16:26:03 GMT
Organization: AOL
Subject: Doogie and the FBI (Was: Cyberstalking ..more)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Message-ID: <>

In article
<hNRz6.14333$> the
Doogie-monster, Doug Grant wrote:

>Moreover, I have already spoken with the FBI, they
>are telling me things very different from what you are claiming.

Due to a successful FOIA request, I was able to secure a transcript of
this conversation. I present below the official transcript of
Doogie's conversation with the FBI:

FBI: "Good afternoon, FBI Seattle, Special Agent Johnson speaking,
no, the other one"

Doogie: "Hello, my name is Doug Grant, and I want to discuss with you
a case of cyberstalking"

FBI: "Okay, Doug Grant, G-R-A-N-T"

Doogie: "Well, actually my name is Doug Reiman."

FBI: "Oh, I see. Reiman. R-E-I-M-A-N"

Doogie: "But I use the name Doug Grant"

FBI: "Okay Mr. Grant"

Doogie: "But you have to use 'TM' after my name, because it's a
trademarked name"

FBI: "So you're saying you want me to call you Mr. Grant-tm?"

Doogie: "You don't have to call me that, you should just make a note
of it next to my name."

FBI: "Grant-tm. Got it. How may your government be of service to
you today?"

Doogie: "I would like to you investigate, arrest and prosecute a
whole bunch of people who are cyberstalking me."

FBI: "I see Mr. Grant-tm, how are these people cyberstalking you?"

Doogie: "Well first off, they sent me kiddie porn. Well, actually,
they sent me an e-mail that said 'Hot young teen babes - CLICK HERE!!'

FBI: "And you consider this cyberstalking, Mr. Grant-tm? Actually,
this is getting a little tedious, I think I'll just call you Mr. TM.
And you believe it is cyberstalking?"

Doogie: "Of course it is!! Haven't you read the statutes I've posted
at least a thousand times regarding cyberstalking?"

FBI: "Posted? What have you posted, and to where?"

Doogie: "I've posted it to rec.gambling.blackjack. It's the place
where all the con men and the hucksters prey on innocent people,
perpetrating egregious frauds on unsuspecting newbies."

FBI: "Con men and hucksters?"

Doogie: "Yes, I've already proved this in court you moron. There are
thousands and thousands of con men hucksters and they're all
cyberstalking me on rec.gambling.blackjack. But I already proved this
beyond a shadow of a doubt in court."

FBI: "Well Mr. TM, if you've already proved it in court, why do you
need the FBI to be involved?"

Doogie: "That's part of the conspiracy you moron!! The con men
hucksters managed to arrange through nefarious means (this is part of
what I need you to investigate) for the Federal Judge (who no doubt is
in on the conspiracy) to throw out my complaint! Then, in an
incredible shake of pure hucksterism the 3 Judges on the Federal
Appeals court PROVED that they are part of the same conspiracy!! They
dismissed my claims! And everyone involved is cyberstalking me!!!"

FBI: So let me get this straight, you say you're being cyberstalked
by a massive conspiracy that includes thousands and thousands of con
men and hucksters and 4 Federal Judges. Ahem. I see Mr. TM, and
aside from this text-only kiddie porn that they've sent to you, have
they threatened you in any way?"

Doogie: "Of course they have! One guy was claiming that I didn't
have a registered trademark, and posted that my status was DEAD! That
was clearly a veiled death threat."

FBI: Your status is dead?

Doogie: No you idiot! The status of my trademark is dead! Not me!
That's why it was clearly a death threat!

FBI: "Mr. TM, your trademark is dead? Then why are you insisting I
call you Mr. TM Mr. Grant?"

Doogie: "You will recognize my trademark, because I claim common law
trademark rights! Don't you know anything you blithering fool!?"

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant no-tm, please continue about the death threats."

Doogie: "Another group of people all threatened to put me in their
kill files! Clearly, they intend to cause me harm."

FBI: "Killfile you?"

Doogie: "Yes. This is clearly a threat from the con men hucksters."

FBI: "Don't forget the Federal Judges."

Doogie: "I haven't even gotten to the best part yet."

FBI: "And that is?"

Doogie: "All of these con men and hucksters are really the same

FBI: "They are?"

Doogie: "Yes, his name is Bingo Billy Rusty BillyRubin Abdul Solinas
Mizz Tie"

FBI: "That's one hell of a name."

Doogie: "Yes, they are using dozens and dozens of AOL accounts to
stalk me. Believe me, I know how it works. I once created 150 AOL
accounts in order to defeat one of their nefarious plans."

FBI: "You defeated their nefarious plans by creating 150 AOL

Doogie: "Well, no, I didn't actually defeat them. The USENET
Volunteer Votetaker turned out to be another member of the conspiracy,
and she through out all of my fake votes as frauds!!"

FBI: "So these people are all one person posting from AOL accounts."

Doogie: "Oh no, it's much worse than that. They have a magical way
of making their posts look like they're not coming from AOL. They use
aol,, web-tv, paxentertainment and hundreds of other


FBI: "Clearly, eh? Okay."

Doogie: "The most sinister part of it all involves Mizz Tie."

FBI: "Mizz Tie?"

Doogie: "Yes. You see, she claims to work for a casino. But it's
obvious that all of the con men hucksters are liars, so she obviously
doesn't work for a casino."

FBI: "And this is sinister….how?"

Doogie: "Because it's all part of the conspiracy! You see, because
she is a con man huckster and a liar, it's obvious that she's SECRETLY

FBI: "I thought you said that she SAID she worked for a casino."

Doogie: "I did! Don't you see now how deep and sinister this plot
really is?"

FBI: "I see Mr. no-tm. And do you feel as though you're in any

Doogie: "No, I'm not in any danger. I was in Vietnam as a Navy Seal.
I've killed many many times. I am not afraid of those con men

FBI: "You were a Navy Seal?"

Doogie: "Well, no. I was actually a seamstress. I stitched ID seals
and insignia on to uniforms for the Navy. It was a killer job, that's
what I meant."

FBI: "So let's see if I got this straight. You are being
cyberstalked by one guy on AOL who posts under thousands of aliases
and 4 Federal Judges, who sent you spam e-mail, told you your
trademark status was dead and they threatened to killfile you. You
don't feel threatened by any of this and you believe that this
qualifies as cyberstalking."

Doogie: "Of course you moron! I've posted the cyberstalking statutes
a thousand times. This is clearly proof!"

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant. Anything else?"

Doogie: "Yes. They called me a maroon."

FBI: "A maroon?"

Doogie: "Yes, they say: 'What a maroon' whenever I post"

FBI: "Oh, I get it!! Like Bugs Bunny! "What a maroon!"

Doogie: "No you blithering fool!! It's racist!! They are using
racist slurs
to intimidate me!!"

FBI: "Oh, Mr. Grant. I didn't realize you were black"

Doogie: "I'M NOT BLACK, YOU IDIOT!!! This is all part of the
cyberstalking! They use racist slurs against me to stalk me and
threaten me!!"

FBI: "Well Mr. Maroon, uh, Grant, eh Reiman. I have no doubt that
you are
being cyberstalked, and we'll get to the bottom of it right away.

"How can we reach you?"

Doogie: "Well, I live in the State of Washington now, but I don't
actually live in the State of Washington, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada.
But you can reach me at my Washington phone number which forwards to
my home in Las Vegas where I have hundreds of supporters who answer
the phone and say it's me."

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant no-tm, we'll get on this right away"

Doogie: "The cyberstalking must end!!!"

FBI: "Yes, Mr. Grant."

[ sound of telephone hanging up ]

FBI: "What a maroon."

Copyright 2001 - Rusty Martin
Freely distributable throughout the internet so long as attribution is

Rusty Martin

"Indeed, we are satisfied that the appellants have mischaracterized
the facts." "...the reshuffle is hardly secret as the dealer does it
openly in the view of the players."--3rd Circuit Court of Appeals,
Justice Greenberg [Well duh! Doug]

Google Home - Terms of Use - Privacy Policy - Jobs, Press, & Help
"DGVREIMAN" <> wrote in message

> Mr. Uy Uy, ALL of the independent military experts I have consulted over
> this issue, (and ALL out rank you and have more time in the service than
> you) HAVE AGREED the context of my typist's reply to Chip was about Cards
> and not Medals. Nigel Brooks and the anonymous cyberstalker SteveL FORGED
> the term "Medal" in the post. Moreover, all of the independent experts
> agree that Mr. Brooks is not an honest investigator.

Actually Mr. Reiman, I am an honest investigator and I have the credentials,
commendations, and awards to prove it.

> Moreover, speaking of medical records, if you claim I was never wounded
> (assuming injured means wounded) I suggest you post your proof. If you
> are not making that claim then you can wait for the experts to review my
> medical records and provide their opinion on that subject, or just slither
> back into your hole and try to find some more waste baskets you and your
> gang can rumage through to find something you can lie about and defraud to
> a degree you can use your fraud to defame and smear.

"assuming injured means wounded" - I can see where this one's going. Gonna
use the same strategy as in your "butter bar" explanation?

> You have been advised (several times) of the true context (Cards not
> Medals) of this long discarded post that you and Nigel and SteveL
> retrieved from my error waste basket, and now that true context of the
> post has been verified by indepedent experts and a corrected copy has been
> posted, I suggest you either provide some proof to the contrary, or stop
> lying about this issue to smear me, or be prepared to start answering
> questions in a court of law. Moreover, in respect to your comments about
> SteveL, you must know by now that law enforcement officers are looking for
> him. Why don't you ask SteveL to turn himself in and we will allow the
> resulting investigation occur and we can all have our day in court? I
> assure you law enforcement will not agree to your and SteveL's mind
> reading claims either.

Law Enforcement Officers are looking for SteveL?

Why don't you have them contact me Mr. Reiman. I was a federal law
enforcement officer for over 30 years (as you well know). If in fact what
you say is true - I believe that I have a responsibility to provide
assistance to them. How about appending the name of the "Law Enforcement
Agency" and the case agent to this response. I'll be happy to contact them
directly and provide whatever assistance they need.

Nigel Brooks
"SteveL" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:27:20 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
> <> wrote:
> Now answer the ****ing question you lying ****:
> You keep calling this reposting of your Purple Heart claim (which your
> had deleted from Google) a "fraud".
> Given that you are now blaming your "typist" for the omitting a "card
> context", please point out exactly in this repost where ANY changes
> were made from the original.
> Or else shut the **** up about "fraud".

The entire issue of any "card" being mentioned in that original thread is
itself a fraudulent smokescreen. The mention of ".....Purple Heart and
CAR......" refers to a Purple Heart Medal and Combat Action Ribbon.
There was no mention of any type of ID card until Duh-g got himself
backed into a corner with no wiggle-room.
Compare to the latest rewrite from Doug's Shrine to Sir Nigel.
Good for a chuckle any time.
In article <>, says...

> absurd, biazzare, child-like and idiotic claims

Yes, your's are...


"Oh Norman, listen! The loons are calling!"
- Katherine Hepburn, "On Golden Pond"
In article <>, says...

> So, far, as of April 16, 2008, we have consulted three such experts, and
> their answers are all very similar. We will contact at least five
> independent experts in respect to this issue and several other issues we
> are preparing for testimony and expert opinion.

And the experts are ????

"Oh Norman, listen! The loons are calling!"
- Katherine Hepburn, "On Golden Pond"
In article <>, says...

> So, far, as of April 16, 2008, we have consulted three such experts, and
> their answers are all very similar. We will contact at least five
> independent experts in respect to this issue and several other issues we
> are preparing for testimony and expert opinion.

Do you find these experts the same place you get your legal coach
expertise ?

in your head ?????


"Oh Norman, listen! The loons are calling!"
- Katherine Hepburn, "On Golden Pond"
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 05:44:48 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:



And exactly "who" are your "independent military experts"?
Is one of them going to be Mr. Dietz ??

Why don't you use the V.F.W. or the D.A.V. ?
You can furnish the person's name at their offices in either
Vancouver, Washington or Portland, Oregon and let them check your
records and then Nigel Brooks might contact them and furnish copies of
what your posted on the UseNet over the years and they can verify your
claims and compare with your military records...
That should be easy...?
And, no, you don't have to thank me for the suggestion.
---Mac, the Medic

So, far, as of April 16, 2008, we have consulted three such experts, and
their answers are all very similar. We will contact at least five
independent experts in respect to this issue and several other issues we
are preparing for testimony and expert opinion.


The Smear and Fraud Merchants

After you read the background associated with this question you may
rightfully ask why anyone in their right mind would do what I am about
to describe. However, you must simply consider the person perpetrating
all this fraud and smear tactics is someone that has arrogantly claimed
that "he has appointed himself as my Judge" and he has been waging a
smear and fraud campaign against me for months. The tactics he uses to
smear me (and others) are replete with fraud, forgeries, lies and
duperies based upon his claim to be a retired "investigator" (actually
he is a retired custom worker) he also uses gross misrepresentations and
outright fraud in respect to the contents of military records, and
outright and deliberate obloquy. I also believe he holds the
International Internet record for web sites being forced down by web
managers due to his fraud or abuse or deliberate obloquy. (Nigel Brooks
has suffered about eleven web sites forced down so far and counting, and
he is hiding his last one out of fear it too will be removed after an
independent investigation into his false accusations and fraud by the
web managers).

If you can imagine someone holding a word Internet record for losing web
sites due to his publishing abuse or fraud or obloquy on them, this is
the kind of person I have been defending myself against (and his smear
gang) for months.

My first question in respect to this single issue is just one glaring
and outrageous example of this con man/fraud merchant "resurrecting"
typo dead-file (waste basket discarded) posts that were long removed
from Google archives due to errors or typos, and then forging the
context of that long removed dead post, retreived out of a waste basket,
for the purpose of defaming me and inciting threats against me.

If you can also imagine someone so unethical as to resurrect post
elements that contain admitted typos that have already been long removed
from the Google archive, also with the knowledge those typos have been
corrected and he has read the corrections several times, to defame and
smear someone with the long removed typo while hiding or ignoring the
correction, then you have this unethical smear and fraud merchant pegged
to a tee.

Tossing Erred Posts in the Waste Basket

Key Note: Long before this smear merchant said a word about the typo
post in question, it had been long removed from the Google USENET
archive due to a typo that was made by the person that wrote the post -
which was not me but was one of the typists I used at that time to post
information on USENET.

This particular Purple Heart ID Card (that the VA used to issue)
reference post (which will be the key post involved in my first question
to you) and many others that we found from time to time in error or with
typos or that differed from our copyrighted stories due to a typist
error or misstatement, and/or errors or typos that were brought to our
attention by others, were permanently discarded and removed from the
USENET Google archive just like all posts containing errors, typos or
ambiguities are supposed to be removed or discarded in Google's
electronic waste basket.

Google offers an USENET archive removal service (an electronic waste
basket) for posts in which errors are made and are subsequently
detected. These posts can be permanently removed/discarded by the
author, or with permission from the original author. In the case of a
forgery (and there were many posted under the name of our group) no
permission from the author is needed to remove if the forgery can be
proved to Google.

Google has revealed that about 35,000 such erred posts have already been
removed/discarded by USENET authors under the conditions of their
removal service - and many USENET authors have used this service to
correct their typos and errors thousands of times. Google also retains a
copy of the certified reason the author stated the post should be
removed, and typically requires a good reason, and certification to the
reason for removal before Google will remove the flawed post from its

If you can imagine a smear merchant that is so unethical, so immoral, so
dishonest and so desperate and obsessed to smear and defame someone he
would actually try to resurrect, reconstruct and replace a long removed
dead post, removed and thrown into a waste basket due to an admitted
typo error, so he can exploit and distort that error, and fraudulently
insert words into that discarded typo post that contained an admitted
typo error, for the exclusive and deliberate purpose of fabricating a
false accusation he and his smear gang could then use to smear and
defame their target victim - then you will have a perfect image of the
person with the initials of NB that is using such unethical and
fraudulent tactics to smear and defame his target victims, of which I am
one of many.

Key Note: What is most hypocritical about this smear gang is that
members of this Nigel Brooks smear team have removed posts from the
Google archive due to their threats of death and violence against
original target victims being exposed. I believe those threats of death
and violence posts perpetrated or incited by this gang were removed from
the Google archive for the purpose of hiding obvious criminal acts! And
it is clear the gang conspired to remove those posts not because they
were in error like mine, but because they provided evidence of Federal
Criminal acts and they were removed only after that evidence was
compiled and sent to the US Army HHC command. However, which gang
leaders were involved in this alleged obstruction of justice attempt has
still not yet been determined and probably will not be determined until
this issue goes to court.

The hypocritical gang howls about any post removed for error or typo by
others, meanwhile it clandestinely removes its own incriminating posts!

According to the Smear Gang Leader -Everything Posted on Usenet Is
Automatically Being Presented as an "Autobiographical Statement of Fact"

According to this "Nigel Brooks" howling mad smear merchant, ALL ERRORS
AND TYPOS posted on USENET (that do not belong to him or his gang)
including any ambiguous and/or extemporaneous retorts posted during
USENET conversations, are in fact intentional autobiographical
statements of facts of the author, regardless of whether the author
admits to those errors and subsequently removes them from the Google
archives or not. (Believe it or not, this is what this Nigel Brooks
person calls "Honest Investigation").

This is the kind of hypocritical and immoral "self-appointed inquisitor"
I am dealing with in respect to this issue. Someone so psychopathically
obsessed and desperate to defame and smear those that he has chosen to
defame and demonize he actually tries to resurrect and misrepresent dead
posts that have been long discarded and removed from the Google archive
due to an admitted error, typo or ambiguity, and then he misrepresents
all typos that have been thrown into Google's electronic waste basket by
his target victim as an "autobiographical statement of fact" by his
victim. Only Nigel Brooks and his gang would be so unethical as to claim
a discarded typo post that was thrown into the waste basket was an
"autobiographical statement of fact" by the person that discarded the
post - which in many cases were not even written by the person being

The following is the history of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants'
attempt to resurrect a removed waste basket discarded post for error so
as to forge and distort it in a manner as to defame, smear, demonize and
cast the author in a false light:

Question Background

In 2003, while I was pending shoulder and wrist surgery, I could not
type. Consequently, as I had done several times in the past (and
announced several times on USENET that I and we used typists, as the
Google archive in not less than 71 posts will prove which I will send
you) I used a typist to actually compose and write my general and
inexact dictated replies on USENET in respect to conversations I was
having with other posters. (Typically, I would just provide a general
statement reply and she would fill in the rest adding or subtracting
words as she saw fit, and many times I recorded my reply on a tape
recorder and she would simply transcribe the recording onto USENET -
including errors and typos of course as any typist would make during
such transcribing).

In one particular exchange, a person that I was conversing with, a
person by the name of "Chip," wrote that he had a "Purple Heart and
Car(d)." I was driving when my typist called me and read me his reply
USENET statement. Here is the precise key sentence that Chip wrote:

"I have a purple heart and Car" . . .

(Note that I had already said many times on USENET that I did not have a
Purple Heart Medal, yet I had also said that I had been provided a
purple heart ID card by the Veterans Administration).

B. This is a "Purple Heart Card" context reference by me long before the
smear merchant forged the word "Medal" to Chip and my typist's reply
that had nothing to do with medals.

(The Purple Heart Card the VA issued at that time was the only ID card
that designated a service connected disability, regardless of whether
the owner of the card had been awarded the Purple Heart Medal or not.
This ID card was changed starting in 2005 to the new VIC card which DOES
distinguish the difference between a service connected disability and
someone that has received the Order of the Purple Heart Medal due to his
disability. Prior to that 2005 date, all service connected disabilities
were identified by the Purple Heart ID Card. The ID card itself and the
serviceman's records contained a "big Purple V" emblem, hence the slang
reference by people in the VA and Vets "Purple Heart Card." This large
Purple V on the card and on the VA records jacket, at that time, was
supposed to indicate to the VA employees that such a Veteran was to
receive priority care over other veterans with non-service related
disabilities. Note also that my conversation with Chip occurred in 2003,
long before the old Purple Heart ID Card was replaced by the new
VIC card.)

KEY NOTE: The URL below provides a sampling the dozens of times I said I
did not have a Purple Heart Medal, including long before Nigel Brooks
forged the term "Medal" into Chip's and my typist's posts. It is
important to note the Nigel Brooks gang avoids mentioning all of the
times I clearly stated I had NOT been awarded the purple heart medal.
They avoid this fact because it contradicts their attempt to
fraudulently insert the term "Medal" into a post that had nothing to do
with medals.

According to my memory, and my typist's notes and her written statement
in respect to this issue, when my typist read me on the telephone what
Chip had said in his USENET reply, she read me the following sentence

"I have a Purple Heart and Card."

Moreover, according to her notes and her sworn statement (a copy of her
2003 notes and her sworn statement will be sent to you) she believed
that Chip's " Car" term in his sentence was simply a reference to my
statements about Purple Heart ID cards that I said were issued by the
Veterans Administration (at that time). So, based upon what she read to
me on the telephone, I told her to respond to Chip with "I have Purple
Heart Card also, and I earned mine in a real war. . . . " (Note my
typist does not have a military background of any kind).

According to her notes and sworn statement in regards to this issue, the
above is precisely what I told her to respond to Chip with. She wrote my
reply in her notes clearly (she has her note books dating all the way
back to 2001). However, when she did actually respond she left out the
term "Card" and simply said; "I have a purple heart also and I earned
mine in a real war. . . . " (I am not sure she really knew the
difference). Then also according to her notes and sworn affidavit she
said she thought she mentioned something about VA cards at the bottom of
the page of her reply. Yet when Chip cut and pasted an element of my
typist's reply to respond to in the next thread, he omitted the entire
bottom of the page including the signature section and any reference my
typist made to VA Cards.

KEY NOTE: About three weeks after my typist's reply was written and
posted on USENET by my typist. Someone that was reading Chip's
incomplete cut and paste of my typist's reply suggested that I was
talking about Purple Heart Medals. I replied to that person with the
following statement as the following URL proves: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC

Regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary and the general
use of USENET by all that use it, the Nigel Brooks smear merchant that
resurrected this long removed erred post from the waste basket
ridiculously claims that everything posted by anyone on USENET
automatically represents an "autobiographical" claim by the author. Yet
I have clearly stated the opposite dozens of times in my posts, and in
respect to the post in question with Chip back in 2003 long before the
smear merchant started his smear campaign against me with forgeries and
fraud, I wrote the following as the above URL will also prove:

KEY NOTE: "Further, people do not post their personal background
information on newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you
and Chirpy will agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my
discharges Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries." (Note
this statement was written subsequent to the Purple Heart Card typo post
in question).

So much for the smear merchant's outright lie that all of my USENET
posts were being presented as an"autobiographical" claim about my
military service. In fact, as my statement above clearly indicates,
nothing could be further from the truth.

As the Google archives prove irrefutably, I stated the exact opposite of
the Nigel Brooks claim that "all USENET statements are meant to be
autobiographical claim" years before the smear merchants started to
forge some of my post fragments and use typos and errors as a means to
fraudulently claim I said something that I clearly did not. The
following post also proves the SteveL anonymous cyberstalker and Nigel
Brooks gang member was also caught in a mid con about this issue:

The smear merchant and his gang members also carefully avoid mentioning
that almost immediately after the ambiguous and incomplete cut and paste
from my typist's reply appeared from Chip in respect to Purple Heart ID
Cards, a person by the name of McCulloch/SteveL asked me (suggested) if
I was referencing a Purple Heart Medal, and I replied with "that is an
idiotic innuendo and a distortion" of what was written. So even back in
2003 when Chip's first incorrect and incomplete cut and paste of my
typist's reply occurred, and LONG BEFORE the smear merchant forged the
false context of "Medals" into this long removed erred post that was
thrown into the waste basket, I said that concluding I was referencing a
Purple Heart "Medal" in my reply to Chip was an "idiotic innuendo and a
complete distortion." (See the above URL for evidence).

I also stated very clearly that I was NOT providing any autobiographical
information about my military service on USENET. How could anyone claim
a person was claiming (in code) that he had earned the Order of the
Purple Heart Medal if he also said in the very same USENET exchange that
he refused to provide any autobiographical information about his
military service? Any such smear merchant misrepresentation, even from
the Nigel Brooks smear merchant, is far beyond even idiotic.

KEY NOTE: (Obviously it is impossible to claim you were awarded a Purple
Heart Medal unless you are also posting your personal autobiographical
military information on USENET, which I clearly stated I was NOT doing).

Smear Merchants Hide Posts that Contradict their Fraudulent Claims

It is also important to mention this unethical Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang all very carefully avoid, duck, hide and never
mention all of those other USENET posts in which I did write, (before
and after the Chip cut and paste post they falsely claim I wrote) which
states I DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal. Why do you suppose the smear
merchants duck, cower, hide from, ignore, lie about and avoid all of the
overwhelming Google archived evidence that directly contradicts their
trumped claims that my typist and I, and Chip, were all talking about
Medals and not ID cards?

Chip Confirms the Context was Cards and Not possibly Medals

I cannot read Chip's mind, but I know for sure my typist and I thought
he was talking about cards and not medals. Moreover, when I contacted
Chip directly via email twice about this issue he said in his first
reply that he had to be talking about Cards and not medals because he
does not possess a Purple Heart Medal! He confirmed that statement in my
second more recent email to him. (I will send a copy of my latest
correspondence with him replete with verification he was never awarded
that medal so he could not have possibly been referencing a Medal in his

KEY NOTE: All three participants in the original USENET conversation in
question (Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true
context of the conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel
Brooks smear merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term
"medals" into the context of this long removed erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had NOT received a purple heart medal.

The preponderance of Evidence Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery.

Of course the smear merchants avoid, hide, cower, duck and dodge all
those posts in which I said I did not have a Purple Heart medal and
DISCARDED AND THEN FORGED ITS CONTEXT) because they know if those other
posts I posted about this issue (which were posts they acknowledged and
responded to) are revealed, then the preponderance of evidence in
respect to this matter proves irrefutably their accusations in respect
to the typo resurrected post issue are not only false, fraudulent and
forged, but also deliberately contrived for the purpose of defamation
and obloquy. (Please see the above URL "Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery"
for a listing of all the posts I posted stating the exact opposite of
the forged context long discarded typo post the smear merchants are
forging out of context).

Also note the many times in the above URL these same smear merchants
agreed that I did not have a purple heart medal, and agreed I never said
I had one. Yet "they completely changed their story" when one of their
gang resurrected a long removed waste basket post removed from the
Google archive due to an admitted typo. And once the gang's forgery was
complete on the post they removed from my waste basket, the gang then
deliberately used their forged and false "Medals" context of the erred
waste basket located typo post for the purpose of lodging false and
defaming accusations for the obvious purpose of deliberate stalking and

Lack of Corroboration Obvious

Moreover, if someone was claiming he had a Purple Heart Medal on USENET
there would be many more USENET posts stating that claim instead of just
a single badly forged copy of an incomplete post written by someone else
and resurrected from a waste basket group of erred posts that Google had
already authorized for removal due to their errors or ambiguities.

The only corroboration of any statement in respect to this issue exists
in the several posts in which I stated the exact opposite of what the
smear gang and con men are claiming! And that is why the smear merchants
always hide those posts I wrote stating I did not have a Purple Heart

Removal of the Ambiguous and Typo PH Card Post from the Google Archive

After I received the question/suggestion from Mr. McCulloch whether my
typist's reply context was about medals, I then took the time to
carefully read Chip's post about this issue and my typist's reply to his
post. It was clear the post my typist composed, wrote and posted could
be misconstrued due to the typist's typo of not clearly stating "card"
after "I have a purple heart also" sentence. I then contacted Chip
directly and asked him if he was talking about Medals or Cards like I
was told? He said that since he DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal he
must have been talking about Cards and not medals. Regardless, my
reply if cut and pasted incomplete like Chip had done, did contain a key
typo. Consequently for that purpose it was removed from the Google
archives (thrown in the electronic waste basket) MONTHS before any Nigel
Brooks smear merchant said a word about it or tried to use that post to
falsely claim I was claiming a Purple Heart Medal I did not have.

(KEY NOTE: The fact the Nigel Brooks and his gang of smear merchants
could not find the Purple Heart Card original post on the Google
archives, and used a cut and paste from Chip who had cut and pasted an
incomplete element of that post in his reply to it, proves irrefutably
and unequivocally the post in question was long removed as an erred post
from the Google archives, and discarded in Google's electronic waste
basket long before any of the smear merchants ever mentioned it.)

When the Nigel Brooks smear merchant in question resurrected my typist's
post that was removed long ago for its typo and then forged the term
"Medal" into the post for the purpose of false accusations and
defamation, I again emailed Chip and confirmed that he was talking about
Cards and not medals. I also have since received confirmation from the
US Army that Chip was telling the truth about him not being awarded any
Purple Heart medals or ever being in combat or earning combat badges.
(If you so require before you render your expert opinion on this matter,
I will send you a copy of my confirmation that Chip was not talking
about medals - and a statement from my typist affirming everything I
told you so far about what she had said and written).

However, even with the said confirmations by Chip that he was NOT
talking about Medals, (simply because he said he did not possess that
medal) my typist's typo still existed in Chip's cut and paste of my
typists' reply. So I contacted Google and asked them if I could modify
that original post to add the missing word. Google said that I could
not, but I could simply remove and discard the entire post in their
electronic waste basket as it clearly contained a typo or error.

Prior to allowing me to discard the post, Google required me to provide
them with a sworn statement as to the reason I was removing the post,
and I replied to Google (long before the Nigel Brooks smear merchants
said a word about this post) that it was being removed because the post
was referencing and talking about Cards and not Medals, and because of
the typo (the missing term "card" after my typist's comments) the post
could be and had been misinterpreted by those with the intent to defame
me over typos. (Google keeps a record of the reasons all posts are
removed from its archives. I removed this post long before the Nigel
Brooks smear merchants attempted to smear me with their forged term
"medals" into that post. My past statement as my reason for the removal
of this post from the Google archive can be requested with my permission
from the Google files. I will immediately provide Google with my
permission to release that reason for removal to you).

Typos and Errors in USENET Posts are Common

Everyone knows that typos, misstatements, errors can be and will be made
in USENET posts especially when typists are being used to post
dictation, and/or extemporaneous retorts are being published, and those
errors should be removed/discarded from the Google archive as soon as
they are identified. Resurrecting an erred dead file post that was long
removed and tossed into the electronic waste basket due to its admitted
typo, and then altering the true intended context of that discarded
erred post by forging into it a new word "medals" which was never used
in the post in any manner, for the purpose of defamation and libel, is,
in my opinion, about as unethical as it gets. Moreover, such acts
clearly, in my opinion, reflects a deliberate and contrived attempt to
use outright fraud and false accusations to defame, smear, harass and
cast in a false light, a targeted smear victim.

We await your written opinions in respect to this issue, and your
answers and opinions in respect to the following questions after you
receive all of the information you required that has been offered in
this background:

Douglas G. Reiman


KEY NOTE: Due to the obvious fact this was a conversation on USENET and
clearly represented extemporaneous comments by all parties involved, had
I simply misspoke or made a mistake myself by omitting the term "Card" I
would readily admit such a common extemporaneous error and put an end to
this issue once and for all. Yet as all the evidence proves, that was
NOT what happened, and the truth will be told regardless of how the
smear merchants attempt to spin and distort it).

Quick summary:

1. The post the smear merchants are attempting to insert words into and
thereby change the intended context for the purpose of using their fraud
to defame, was discarded and removed as a flawed, erred and a post with
an obvious typo from the Google archives long before the smear merchants
ever even mentioned it. The smear merchants are clearly using typos and
errors that have been discarded in an electronic waste basket to smear
and defame.

2. When the post was first posted by my typist, and within a few days
after and when someone asked or suggested we were talking about Purple
Heart Medals and not Purple Heart ID Cards, I clearly responded to that
person with the following statement: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC INNUENDO AND A
COMPLETE DISTORTION of what was written." If I had intended to claim a
Purple Heart Medal I certainly would have confirmed that claim at that
time, and I certainly would not have stated otherwise.

3. Subsequent to the post in question I was also asked to provide
personal information about my past military service on USENET. I
responded with the following:

"Further, people do not post their personal background information on
newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you and Chirpy will
agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my discharges
Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries."

4. Some of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants attempted to claim that I
did not remove the PH Card post in question until after they brought
it up and questioned it. That of course is an outright lie, and the mere
fact the smear merchants did not possess a Google archived copy of the
post and used an incomplete cut and paste of it posted by Chip as
evidence the post originally existed is clear and irrefutable evidence
the PH card post was long discarded and removed as an erred post from
the Google archive. This fact also proves the smear gang used
resurrected dead file removed typo posts, long thrown into the waste
basket due to its errors, as a means to falsely accuse, defame and
smear. (Yes the gang is rummaging around in my electronic waste baskets
to try and find anything long discarded due to error to use to defame
and smear me - as hard as that is to believe as coming from grown men,
it is true).

5. All three participants in the original conversation in question
(Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true context of the
conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term "medals" into
the context of this long discarded waste basket erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had not received a purple heart medal.

6. My typist also wrote at the bottom of her reply something else I
mentioned to her in respect to replying to Chip (which the smear
merchants now admit):

"BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart not received in combat is about as
cowardly as it gets."

This final sentence in her reply clearly indicates the topic was PH ID
cards and NOT MEDALS! Why? Simply due to the fact that we all know
Purple Heart Medals can only be provided during a period of combat.
Consequently, it is clear our impression that Chip was talking about
Purple Heart ID cards which CAN be provided by the VA based upon
non-combat events. If you replace the terms "Purple Heart" with "service
connected disability" you have the correct context of my reply and my
typist's intention. Although poorly worded, it is impossible for me or
anyone else to reference purple heart medals that were not earned in
combat, this sentence alone proves we had to be talking about something
other than medals.

7. All six of these summarized key points can be easily proved by
reviewing the Tiny URL's referencing Google archived post I have
provided in this unmasking of the smear merchants' clearly fraudulent
claims about this issue:

Question # One:

In your expert opinion, and considering the information I have provided
herein, (which I hereby attest to being the truth to the best of my
knowledge) do you believe a person that would resurrect a dead-file post
long discarded into an electronic waste basket due to its typo, via
someone's else's incomplete cut and paste of elements of that old dead
post - and then forge the context of the dead erred post, and insert new
words into that long removed and admittedly flawed and erred post so as
to defame the author, while ignoring the correct context provided by the
author, is an honest investigator that is providing truthful and honest
information about the context intent of the original author of the
resurrected from the waste basket erred post?

(1-1). Yes: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics
described above is an honest and/or competent investigator.

(1-2). No: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics described
above is not an honest and competent investigator.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Two: If you replied extemporaneously to a USENET post, and
then later spotted an error in it in your reply, and realized due to the
typo the context of the post could be misinterpreted and was thereby
somewhat ambiguous, you decided to remove the post and place it in a
erred post dead file (an electronic waste basket) with the Google
archive. Then, months after you discarded and removed that erred post,
and because someone involved in the original extemporaneous USENET
conversation had cut and pasted an incomplete (thereby forged) element
of that long removed post in a cut and paste reply on USENET, a person
then used that incomplete and long discarded cut and paste element for
the purpose of forging words into that post to defame you, would you
believe that person is attempting to smear and defame you by using
forgeries and false accusations?

(2-1). Yes, I would agree any such person that did as you described
above would be attempting to smear and defame with the use of fraud,
false accusations and forgeries:

(2-2). No, the person in question is using an honest and truthful means
of investigation:

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Three: Do you believe that an honest and ethical
"investigator" would ever claim all posts on USENET automatically
represent an "autobiographical statement of fact" by the author, EXCEPT
those posted by the Investigator himself, his friends, and associates,
and only he has the mind reading skills to determine which posts are
meant to be autobiographical facts or simply sarcasm, fiction or
extemporaneous quips?


(3-1). Yes, it is proper for an investigator to claim that all
statements on USENET are autobiographical statements by anyone he
decides are publishing such autobiographical claims via his mind reading
investigative skills.

(3-2). No, an honest, ethical and impartial investigator would NOT claim
that everything written on USENET, including typos and errors, would
represent autobiographical claims by the author.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Four: Considering an impartial and honest investigation of
the facts as I have presented in respect to this above and in my
background information, and the preponderance of evidence involved, do
you believe the true context of my typist's extemporaneous reply to the
Chip post in question was about "Cards" or "Medals?"


(4-1). In my expert opinion, and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your typist's reply to Chip, which was posted
by her based upon your instructions to her, was in context about Purple
Heart ID cards provided by the Veterans Administration and not about

(4-2). In my expert opinion and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your and your typist's reply was about Purple
Heart Medals and not about Purple Heart ID cards.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Five: Recently, one of the smear gang members claimed that
the entire post containing my Typist's reply suddenly reappeared on the
Google Archives because Google allowed it. I contacted Google and they
said that claim was a lie, and it was impossible for that post to
"reappear in their archives after it was removed by them from their
archives." An alleged copy of this long removed post was re-posted on
the Internet by the smear merchants. The article that was posted by the
gang clearly came from a well-doctored personal computer archive, and
NOT from Google! The smear gang also attempted to post this doctored
post with a forged header over a well-doctored personal computer
archived post, and then further fraudulently panned it off as coming
from the Google archive so as to bolster their fraud and false
accusations in respect to this issue. (A copy of this post will be sent
to you).

We all know that anyone can "recreate" a post and doctor it anyway they
wish on their own computer and then fraudulently present it as the
complete post that was originally posted - especially when that post has
been removed from the Google archive so a direct comparison cannot be
compared to the forgery. Please confirm or disagree that it is possible
for a post removed by Google to suddenly reappear on the Google Archive
without the knowledge of Google.


(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Six: Mind reading skills: One of the most questionable claims
by the Nigel Brooks smear merchant (and by some of his gang) is that due
to their mind reading skills and past military experience (one gang
member was a junior officer that spent nine months of duty in Vietnam
helping to guard a lonely outpost, and another was a Sp4 personnel clerk
in Long Binh that took his discharge in Vietnam) they can always
determine the true context of all USENET posts about Vietnam even if the
author of that post disagrees with their imposed and conjured context.
It has been my experience, after spending fifteen months in Vietnam
(2&1/2 tours) that each Vietnam vet has his own version of that war
based upon the time he spent fighting it, the units he was assigned to,
the duties he performed, and the precise years he spent in country. (My
years were 1968-69 with a brief visit to Vietnam in 1963).

In your expert opinion, do you agree that such mind reading skills
exist, and do you agree that anyone with the experience in Vietnam as
indicated above can subjectively determine the true context of anything
written about Vietnam, even if the author disagrees with the imposed new
and opposite context the author states he was trying to convey?


(6-1). Yes, investigators all possess such mind reading skills, and with
the use of those skills and the time served in Vietnam as indicated
above, investigators and former junior officers can determine true
context of anything written about Vietnam even if their imposed context
contradicts that of the author that wrote or composed the writing or
article in question.

(6-2). No, any claim of mind reading skills connected with the Vietnam
experience stated above that can determine the context of anything
written about Vietnam is ridiculous on its face. The only individuals
that could possibly know the true context of anything written are the
persons that actually composed and/or published the writing. Many
articles can be easily misconstrued, especially if the misinterpretation
is deliberate and is being done for the purpose of defaming the author.
This is especially true if the article or writing involves
extemporaneous comments during a USENET conversation.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question Seven:

Here is the verbatim disclaimer I post on the top of my USENET posts.
(Once it is posted I do not repeat it in threads or exchanges involving
the same topic). I also stated very clearly in 2003 that I do not reveal
personal autobiographical information on USENET (who would?)

"(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all
of my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial
on contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Question Seven: Do you believe that a qualified and expert investigator
would, after reading the above disclaimer, claim that whatever the
author ever wrote on USENET represented a autobiographical statement of

(You may add comments if you wish).

End Seven questions on this topic. Other topics are being prepared and
will be sent to you as soon as they are complete. As we agreed, please
understand that we reserve the right to publish your answers, and use
them as evidence and in a court of law.

Based upon the answers from all three military and law experts
consulted, the following is presented as the "Corrected Copy" containing
the true context of my typist's reply to Chip:


> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

supporting, financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring
> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

shot > fired in anger in your life.
> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

much more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want
to go after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.
That, to me is cowardice.

"Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart Card also, and I received mine in a
real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
received a purple heart card was in Lebanon, and that was not a
shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating
cowering, hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward
around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart card not received in
combat is about as cowardly as it gets."

Note the above post reply that was written and posted by my typist was
originally discarded in Google's "waste basket" because my typist did
not properly place the term "Card" in the three places indicated above.
As the statement from my typist confirms, I was read the above post from
Chip on the telephone, and my typist took his statement above to say "I
have a purple heart and a car" as meaning I have a purple heart card
(meaning a VA purple heart ID card that was a topic of conversation I
had with others before). I told her to respond as the above post
correction indicates. After someone brought her key typo omissions to my
attention, I of course replied to that person (in 2003) that any
representation that my reply was about medals was a "complete distortion
and innuendo of what was written."

However, due to the typo, and because Google offers an "electronic waste
basket" for erred or posts containing such typographical errors, I
removed it from Google, told Google the reason it was being removed, and
Google placed the typo post in its "waste basket" dead file.

However, smear merchants, being what smear merchants are, decided to
retrieve the erred post from the waste basket and then he FORGED the
term "Medals" into the post after the purple heart terms, thereby
fraudulently changing and altering the true context of the long
discarded typo post from "Cards" into "Medals." Then Nigel Brooks and
his gang used their own forgery to claim I was falsely claiming a
"medal" I did not possess. Yet Chip confirmed (in writing) he did not
have a Purple Heart medal and therefore could not have been talking
about medals, my typist confirmed (in writing) she took his purple heart
statement to be about Cards and not Medals, and she also confirmed (in
writing) that my answer to Chip clearly stated Purple Heart Cards three
times. Yet she also said that because she really did not know the
difference she simply mistakenly omitted the term "Card" from the
original reply to Chip. Of course when I replied to the first person
that questioned this post back in 2003 that it did not mean medals, I
spotted the typo, and consequently, threw it in the electronic waste
basket which Google provides for such erred posts.

Yet since the smear merchants have been caught digging around in my
waste basket for erred and typo posts that have been long discarded to
try and find some unethical way to defame me, I have been advised to
provide this explanation and replace the post the way it was originally
intended. (My typist also states that she mentioned the topic was about
cards at the bottom of the post because it was impossible to earn a
purple heart medal in a non-combat situation, which I clearly indicated
Chip had done).

I have submitted this issue to an independent expert on the military and
the law, and he has replied that he agrees with me that the true context
of my typist's reply post was about "Cards" and NOT "Medals" contrary to
the misrepresentations and forgery by Nigel Brooks and his gang.

Any continued forgery of "medals" into this post will be recognized as a
typical Nigel Brooks forgery, just one more of many.

Doug Grant (Tm)

"Dai Uy" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote:

> <alt.war.vietnam> provides a great number of independent
> military experts. Their opinion seems to be unanimous.
> I am busy this morning and will simply repost the response
> that you ignored yesterday.
> Steve has reposted your original unambiguous boast
> regarding having a Purple Heart. Add that to the other times
> in which you claim to have been wounded and there is absolutely
> know doubt as to what you meant when you posted, "Doug Says: I
> have a Purple Heart also, and I received mine in a real war,"
> In all seriousness, I honestly believe that you have
> slipped your moorings and that your mental health is
> progressively deteriorating. Take a moment and read your
> recent "Purple Heart Card" defense posted to your cyberstalking
> site and you will agree. If you can't fabricate anything
> better than that, don't bother.

Doug's Rebuttal to the Dai Uy Fraud above:

(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all of
my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial on
contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said about them in
this post is not true, then I invite them to email me and request
arbitration. The loser will pay for the arbitrator. I also invite
arbitration in respect to me claiming something someone said about me is
untrue. Again, the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined
in this offer will be statements in correct context and representing
original intent, and key omissions of fact will be considered
untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from the American Association
of Arbitrators. This offer exclusively applies to all statements of fact
in this post.

Mr. Uy Uy, ALL of the independent military experts I have consulted over
this issue, (and ALL out rank you and have more time in the service than
you) HAVE AGREED the context of my typist's reply to Chip was about
Cards and not Medals. Nigel Brooks and the anonymous cyberstalker
SteveL FORGED the term "Medal" in the post. Moreover, all of the
independent experts agree that Mr. Brooks is not an honest investigator.

Moreover, considering you and SteveL have repeatedly forged and
illegally misused the name of the FBI to forge FOIA information about
me, and you have also forged and distorted and fraudulently presented
dozens of outright false accusations and distortions about me, you
certainly are not qualified to contradict what ALL parties to the Purple
Heart Card conversation says was the true context of the reply to Chip,
and now you are even contradicting independent military experts that I
have never met before in my life and were secured by my lawyer!

I am sorry Mr. Uy Uy, but you have seen the corrected copy of the reply,
this post acknowledges that fact. If you continue to repeat a forgery
for your obvious defamation purposes, you had better have some proof of
your claims, and proof of your absurd claims of "mind reading" and "I
was in Vietnam so I know what all Vietnam vets did and think and say"
utter bullshit that you repeatedly claim.

You are just another member of the Nigel Brooks gang checking in to try
and deflect the truth that you and your gang leaders have been caught
red handed lying about this issue and dozens of others, and now those
lies and fraud are being exposed, and those lies are being verified as
lies and fraud by several independent experts.

In fact, considering the preponderance of evidence in respect to this
issue and presented above in detail, there has not been a single expert
we have consulted that does not agree the context of the conversation
was about Cards and NOT the forged term Medals that SteveL and Nigel and
You forged into the context of my typists' reply. These same experts
have confirmed that I did not write nor post the reply, and in fact, it
was impossible for me to do so as my medical records prove.

Moreover, speaking of medical records, if you claim I was never wounded
(assuming injured means wounded) I suggest you post your proof. If you
are not making that claim then you can wait for the experts to review my
medical records and provide their opinion on that subject, or just
slither back into your hole and try to find some more waste baskets you
and your gang can rumage through to find something you can lie about and
defraud to a degree you can use your fraud to defame and smear.

Moreover, if you disagree with anything I said above, here, then or
ever, keep in mind my offer for binding arbitiatration loser pays
stands. If you really believe what you are lying about, then step up
and take this offer. You talk the talk Rau, but I notice you run and
hide anytime someone suggests you Walk the Walk. I believe you are "Big
Hat No Cattle" - and I am placing your bullshit and Nigel's in front of
REAL military experts that are experts on not only the military but the
law as well. So far all we have consulted agree with me.

Let's start with what you claim is "fabricated" in the above post. Be
specific and I will prove you a liar by posing the question to someone
independent. NOTHING I said was fabricated as the evidence clearly
demonstrates, and if you continue to use forgeries and typos to defame
and smear after you have been advised of the proper context of the
discarded document you found in my waste basket, then that will be
considered de facto evidence that harassing, defaming and stalking are
your deliberate intentions.

The only people that could possibly know the true context of anything
written are the people involved in the composure and posting of the
written material.

Your absurd, biazzare, child-like and idiotic claims to be able to
discern the thoughts of other people is not only outrageous and
preposterous, but also reflective of someone that is living in some kind
of fantasy world. I assure you Mr. Rau, you have failed miserably all
of the mind reading tests I have administered to you over the past
months, and I further assure you that independent experts answered my
mind reading question above, right after they stopped laughing at any
fool that would be dishonest and stupid enough to make such preposterous
claims. For the last time Mr. Rau, YOU CANNOT READ MINDS! I know that
fact must disturb the hell out of you, but you are going to be forced to
face the truth about yourself eventually, and now is a good time to

You have been advised (several times) of the true context (Cards not
Medals) of this long discarded post that you and Nigel and SteveL
retrieved from my error waste basket, and now that true context of the
post has been verified by indepedent experts and a corrected copy has
been posted, I suggest you either provide some proof to the contrary, or
stop lying about this issue to smear me, or be prepared to start
answering questions in a court of law. Moreover, in respect to your
comments about SteveL, you must know by now that law enforcement
officers are looking for him. Why don't you ask SteveL to turn himself
in and we will allow the resulting investigation occur and we can all
have our day in court? I assure you law enforcement will not agree to
your and SteveL's mind reading claims either.

Doug Grant (Tm)

"SteveL" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:27:20 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
> <> wrote:

> <snip>
>> Moreover, in respect to your
>>comments about SteveL, you must know by now that law enforcement
>>officers are looking for him.

> You absolute ****ing lunatic LIAR!!!!


Doug Says: No, I am not lying. Would you like to turn yourself in so
law enforcement can determine your true identity?

Doug Grant (Tm)

So, far, as of April 16, 2008, we have consulted three such experts, and
their answers are all very similar. We will contact at least five
independent experts in respect to this issue and several other issues we
are preparing for testimony and expert opinion.


The Smear and Fraud Merchants

After you read the background associated with this question you may
rightfully ask why anyone in their right mind would do what I am about
to describe. However, you must simply consider the person perpetrating
all this fraud and smear tactics is someone that has arrogantly claimed
that "he has appointed himself as my Judge" and he has been waging a
smear and fraud campaign against me for months. The tactics he uses to
smear me (and others) are replete with fraud, forgeries, lies and
duperies based upon his claim to be a retired "investigator" (actually
he is a retired custom worker) he also uses gross misrepresentations and
outright fraud in respect to the contents of military records, and
outright and deliberate obloquy. I also believe he holds the
International Internet record for web sites being forced down by web
managers due to his fraud or abuse or deliberate obloquy. (Nigel Brooks
has suffered about eleven web sites forced down so far and counting, and
he is hiding his last one out of fear it too will be removed after an
independent investigation into his false accusations and fraud by the
web managers).

If you can imagine someone holding a word Internet record for losing web
sites due to his publishing abuse or fraud or obloquy on them, this is
the kind of person I have been defending myself against (and his smear
gang) for months.

My first question in respect to this single issue is just one glaring
and outrageous example of this con man/fraud merchant "resurrecting"
typo dead-file (waste basket discarded) posts that were long removed
from Google archives due to errors or typos, and then forging the
context of that long removed dead post, retreived out of a waste basket,
for the purpose of defaming me and inciting threats against me.

If you can also imagine someone so unethical as to resurrect post
elements that contain admitted typos that have already been long removed
from the Google archive, also with the knowledge those typos have been
corrected and he has read the corrections several times, to defame and
smear someone with the long removed typo while hiding or ignoring the
correction, then you have this unethical smear and fraud merchant pegged
to a tee.

Tossing Erred Posts in the Waste Basket

Key Note: Long before this smear merchant said a word about the typo
post in question, it had been long removed from the Google USENET
archive due to a typo that was made by the person that wrote the post -
which was not me but was one of the typists I used at that time to post
information on USENET.

This particular Purple Heart ID Card (that the VA used to issue)
reference post (which will be the key post involved in my first question
to you) and many others that we found from time to time in error or with
typos or that differed from our copyrighted stories due to a typist
error or misstatement, and/or errors or typos that were brought to our
attention by others, were permanently discarded and removed from the
USENET Google archive just like all posts containing errors, typos or
ambiguities are supposed to be removed or discarded in Google's
electronic waste basket.

Google offers an USENET archive removal service (an electronic waste
basket) for posts in which errors are made and are subsequently
detected. These posts can be permanently removed/discarded by the
author, or with permission from the original author. In the case of a
forgery (and there were many posted under the name of our group) no
permission from the author is needed to remove if the forgery can be
proved to Google.

Google has revealed that about 35,000 such erred posts have already been
removed/discarded by USENET authors under the conditions of their
removal service - and many USENET authors have used this service to
correct their typos and errors thousands of times. Google also retains a
copy of the certified reason the author stated the post should be
removed, and typically requires a good reason, and certification to the
reason for removal before Google will remove the flawed post from its

If you can imagine a smear merchant that is so unethical, so immoral, so
dishonest and so desperate and obsessed to smear and defame someone he
would actually try to resurrect, reconstruct and replace a long removed
dead post, removed and thrown into a waste basket due to an admitted
typo error, so he can exploit and distort that error, and fraudulently
insert words into that discarded typo post that contained an admitted
typo error, for the exclusive and deliberate purpose of fabricating a
false accusation he and his smear gang could then use to smear and
defame their target victim - then you will have a perfect image of the
person with the initials of NB that is using such unethical and
fraudulent tactics to smear and defame his target victims, of which I am
one of many.

Key Note: What is most hypocritical about this smear gang is that
members of this Nigel Brooks smear team have removed posts from the
Google archive due to their threats of death and violence against
original target victims being exposed. I believe those threats of death
and violence posts perpetrated or incited by this gang were removed from
the Google archive for the purpose of hiding obvious criminal acts! And
it is clear the gang conspired to remove those posts not because they
were in error like mine, but because they provided evidence of Federal
Criminal acts and they were removed only after that evidence was
compiled and sent to the US Army HHC command. However, which gang
leaders were involved in this alleged obstruction of justice attempt has
still not yet been determined and probably will not be determined until
this issue goes to court.

The hypocritical gang howls about any post removed for error or typo by
others, meanwhile it clandestinely removes its own incriminating posts!

According to the Smear Gang Leader -Everything Posted on Usenet Is
Automatically Being Presented as an "Autobiographical Statement of Fact"

According to this "Nigel Brooks" howling mad smear merchant, ALL ERRORS
AND TYPOS posted on USENET (that do not belong to him or his gang)
including any ambiguous and/or extemporaneous retorts posted during
USENET conversations, are in fact intentional autobiographical
statements of facts of the author, regardless of whether the author
admits to those errors and subsequently removes them from the Google
archives or not. (Believe it or not, this is what this Nigel Brooks
person calls "Honest Investigation").

This is the kind of hypocritical and immoral "self-appointed inquisitor"
I am dealing with in respect to this issue. Someone so psychopathically
obsessed and desperate to defame and smear those that he has chosen to
defame and demonize he actually tries to resurrect and misrepresent dead
posts that have been long discarded and removed from the Google archive
due to an admitted error, typo or ambiguity, and then he misrepresents
all typos that have been thrown into Google's electronic waste basket by
his target victim as an "autobiographical statement of fact" by his
victim. Only Nigel Brooks and his gang would be so unethical as to claim
a discarded typo post that was thrown into the waste basket was an
"autobiographical statement of fact" by the person that discarded the
post - which in many cases were not even written by the person being

The following is the history of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants'
attempt to resurrect a removed waste basket discarded post for error so
as to forge and distort it in a manner as to defame, smear, demonize and
cast the author in a false light:

Question Background

In 2003, while I was pending shoulder and wrist surgery, I could not
type. Consequently, as I had done several times in the past (and
announced several times on USENET that I and we used typists, as the
Google archive in not less than 71 posts will prove which I will send
you) I used a typist to actually compose and write my general and
inexact dictated replies on USENET in respect to conversations I was
having with other posters. (Typically, I would just provide a general
statement reply and she would fill in the rest adding or subtracting
words as she saw fit, and many times I recorded my reply on a tape
recorder and she would simply transcribe the recording onto USENET -
including errors and typos of course as any typist would make during
such transcribing).

In one particular exchange, a person that I was conversing with, a
person by the name of "Chip," wrote that he had a "Purple Heart and
Car(d)." I was driving when my typist called me and read me his reply
USENET statement. Here is the precise key sentence that Chip wrote:

"I have a purple heart and Car" . . .

(Note that I had already said many times on USENET that I did not have a
Purple Heart Medal, yet I had also said that I had been provided a
purple heart ID card by the Veterans Administration).

B. This is a "Purple Heart Card" context reference by me long before the
smear merchant forged the word "Medal" to Chip and my typist's reply
that had nothing to do with medals.

(The Purple Heart Card the VA issued at that time was the only ID card
that designated a service connected disability, regardless of whether
the owner of the card had been awarded the Purple Heart Medal or not.
This ID card was changed starting in 2005 to the new VIC card which DOES
distinguish the difference between a service connected disability and
someone that has received the Order of the Purple Heart Medal due to his
disability. Prior to that 2005 date, all service connected disabilities
were identified by the Purple Heart ID Card. The ID card itself and the
serviceman's records contained a "big Purple V" emblem, hence the slang
reference by people in the VA and Vets "Purple Heart Card." This large
Purple V on the card and on the VA records jacket, at that time, was
supposed to indicate to the VA employees that such a Veteran was to
receive priority care over other veterans with non-service related
disabilities. Note also that my conversation with Chip occurred in 2003,
long before the old Purple Heart ID Card was replaced by the new
VIC card.)

KEY NOTE: The URL below provides a sampling the dozens of times I said I
did not have a Purple Heart Medal, including long before Nigel Brooks
forged the term "Medal" into Chip's and my typist's posts. It is
important to note the Nigel Brooks gang avoids mentioning all of the
times I clearly stated I had NOT been awarded the purple heart medal.
They avoid this fact because it contradicts their attempt to
fraudulently insert the term "Medal" into a post that had nothing to do
with medals.

According to my memory, and my typist's notes and her written statement
in respect to this issue, when my typist read me on the telephone what
Chip had said in his USENET reply, she read me the following sentence

"I have a Purple Heart and Card."

Moreover, according to her notes and her sworn statement (a copy of her
2003 notes and her sworn statement will be sent to you) she believed
that Chip's " Car" term in his sentence was simply a reference to my
statements about Purple Heart ID cards that I said were issued by the
Veterans Administration (at that time). So, based upon what she read to
me on the telephone, I told her to respond to Chip with "I have Purple
Heart Card also, and I earned mine in a real war. . . . " (Note my
typist does not have a military background of any kind).

According to her notes and sworn statement in regards to this issue, the
above is precisely what I told her to respond to Chip with. She wrote my
reply in her notes clearly (she has her note books dating all the way
back to 2001). However, when she did actually respond she left out the
term "Card" and simply said; "I have a purple heart also and I earned
mine in a real war. . . . " (I am not sure she really knew the
difference). Then also according to her notes and sworn affidavit she
said she thought she mentioned something about VA cards at the bottom of
the page of her reply. Yet when Chip cut and pasted an element of my
typist's reply to respond to in the next thread, he omitted the entire
bottom of the page including the signature section and any reference my
typist made to VA Cards.

KEY NOTE: About three weeks after my typist's reply was written and
posted on USENET by my typist. Someone that was reading Chip's
incomplete cut and paste of my typist's reply suggested that I was
talking about Purple Heart Medals. I replied to that person with the
following statement as the following URL proves: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC

Regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary and the general
use of USENET by all that use it, the Nigel Brooks smear merchant that
resurrected this long removed erred post from the waste basket
ridiculously claims that everything posted by anyone on USENET
automatically represents an "autobiographical" claim by the author. Yet
I have clearly stated the opposite dozens of times in my posts, and in
respect to the post in question with Chip back in 2003 long before the
smear merchant started his smear campaign against me with forgeries and
fraud, I wrote the following as the above URL will also prove:

KEY NOTE: "Further, people do not post their personal background
information on newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you
and Chirpy will agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my
discharges Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries." (Note
this statement was written subsequent to the Purple Heart Card typo post
in question).

So much for the smear merchant's outright lie that all of my USENET
posts were being presented as an"autobiographical" claim about my
military service. In fact, as my statement above clearly indicates,
nothing could be further from the truth.

As the Google archives prove irrefutably, I stated the exact opposite of
the Nigel Brooks claim that "all USENET statements are meant to be
autobiographical claim" years before the smear merchants started to
forge some of my post fragments and use typos and errors as a means to
fraudulently claim I said something that I clearly did not. The
following post also proves the SteveL anonymous cyberstalker and Nigel
Brooks gang member was also caught in a mid con about this issue:

The smear merchant and his gang members also carefully avoid mentioning
that almost immediately after the ambiguous and incomplete cut and paste
from my typist's reply appeared from Chip in respect to Purple Heart ID
Cards, a person by the name of McCulloch/SteveL asked me (suggested) if
I was referencing a Purple Heart Medal, and I replied with "that is an
idiotic innuendo and a distortion" of what was written. So even back in
2003 when Chip's first incorrect and incomplete cut and paste of my
typist's reply occurred, and LONG BEFORE the smear merchant forged the
false context of "Medals" into this long removed erred post that was
thrown into the waste basket, I said that concluding I was referencing a
Purple Heart "Medal" in my reply to Chip was an "idiotic innuendo and a
complete distortion." (See the above URL for evidence).

I also stated very clearly that I was NOT providing any autobiographical
information about my military service on USENET. How could anyone claim
a person was claiming (in code) that he had earned the Order of the
Purple Heart Medal if he also said in the very same USENET exchange that
he refused to provide any autobiographical information about his
military service? Any such smear merchant misrepresentation, even from
the Nigel Brooks smear merchant, is far beyond even idiotic.

KEY NOTE: (Obviously it is impossible to claim you were awarded a Purple
Heart Medal unless you are also posting your personal autobiographical
military information on USENET, which I clearly stated I was NOT doing).

Smear Merchants Hide Posts that Contradict their Fraudulent Claims

It is also important to mention this unethical Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang all very carefully avoid, duck, hide and never
mention all of those other USENET posts in which I did write, (before
and after the Chip cut and paste post they falsely claim I wrote) which
states I DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal. Why do you suppose the smear
merchants duck, cower, hide from, ignore, lie about and avoid all of the
overwhelming Google archived evidence that directly contradicts their
trumped claims that my typist and I, and Chip, were all talking about
Medals and not ID cards?

Chip Confirms the Context was Cards and Not possibly Medals

I cannot read Chip's mind, but I know for sure my typist and I thought
he was talking about cards and not medals. Moreover, when I contacted
Chip directly via email twice about this issue he said in his first
reply that he had to be talking about Cards and not medals because he
does not possess a Purple Heart Medal! He confirmed that statement in my
second more recent email to him. (I will send a copy of my latest
correspondence with him replete with verification he was never awarded
that medal so he could not have possibly been referencing a Medal in his

KEY NOTE: All three participants in the original USENET conversation in
question (Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true
context of the conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel
Brooks smear merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term
"medals" into the context of this long removed erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had NOT received a purple heart medal.

The preponderance of Evidence Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery.

Of course the smear merchants avoid, hide, cower, duck and dodge all
those posts in which I said I did not have a Purple Heart medal and
DISCARDED AND THEN FORGED ITS CONTEXT) because they know if those other
posts I posted about this issue (which were posts they acknowledged and
responded to) are revealed, then the preponderance of evidence in
respect to this matter proves irrefutably their accusations in respect
to the typo resurrected post issue are not only false, fraudulent and
forged, but also deliberately contrived for the purpose of defamation
and obloquy. (Please see the above URL "Nigel Brooks PH Medal Forgery"
for a listing of all the posts I posted stating the exact opposite of
the forged context long discarded typo post the smear merchants are
forging out of context).

Also note the many times in the above URL these same smear merchants
agreed that I did not have a purple heart medal, and agreed I never said
I had one. Yet "they completely changed their story" when one of their
gang resurrected a long removed waste basket post removed from the
Google archive due to an admitted typo. And once the gang's forgery was
complete on the post they removed from my waste basket, the gang then
deliberately used their forged and false "Medals" context of the erred
waste basket located typo post for the purpose of lodging false and
defaming accusations for the obvious purpose of deliberate stalking and

Lack of Corroboration Obvious

Moreover, if someone was claiming he had a Purple Heart Medal on USENET
there would be many more USENET posts stating that claim instead of just
a single badly forged copy of an incomplete post written by someone else
and resurrected from a waste basket group of erred posts that Google had
already authorized for removal due to their errors or ambiguities.

The only corroboration of any statement in respect to this issue exists
in the several posts in which I stated the exact opposite of what the
smear gang and con men are claiming! And that is why the smear merchants
always hide those posts I wrote stating I did not have a Purple Heart

Removal of the Ambiguous and Typo PH Card Post from the Google Archive

After I received the question/suggestion from Mr. McCulloch whether my
typist's reply context was about medals, I then took the time to
carefully read Chip's post about this issue and my typist's reply to his
post. It was clear the post my typist composed, wrote and posted could
be misconstrued due to the typist's typo of not clearly stating "card"
after "I have a purple heart also" sentence. I then contacted Chip
directly and asked him if he was talking about Medals or Cards like I
was told? He said that since he DID NOT have a Purple Heart Medal he
must have been talking about Cards and not medals. Regardless, my
reply if cut and pasted incomplete like Chip had done, did contain a key
typo. Consequently for that purpose it was removed from the Google
archives (thrown in the electronic waste basket) MONTHS before any Nigel
Brooks smear merchant said a word about it or tried to use that post to
falsely claim I was claiming a Purple Heart Medal I did not have.

(KEY NOTE: The fact the Nigel Brooks and his gang of smear merchants
could not find the Purple Heart Card original post on the Google
archives, and used a cut and paste from Chip who had cut and pasted an
incomplete element of that post in his reply to it, proves irrefutably
and unequivocally the post in question was long removed as an erred post
from the Google archives, and discarded in Google's electronic waste
basket long before any of the smear merchants ever mentioned it.)

When the Nigel Brooks smear merchant in question resurrected my typist's
post that was removed long ago for its typo and then forged the term
"Medal" into the post for the purpose of false accusations and
defamation, I again emailed Chip and confirmed that he was talking about
Cards and not medals. I also have since received confirmation from the
US Army that Chip was telling the truth about him not being awarded any
Purple Heart medals or ever being in combat or earning combat badges.
(If you so require before you render your expert opinion on this matter,
I will send you a copy of my confirmation that Chip was not talking
about medals - and a statement from my typist affirming everything I
told you so far about what she had said and written).

However, even with the said confirmations by Chip that he was NOT
talking about Medals, (simply because he said he did not possess that
medal) my typist's typo still existed in Chip's cut and paste of my
typists' reply. So I contacted Google and asked them if I could modify
that original post to add the missing word. Google said that I could
not, but I could simply remove and discard the entire post in their
electronic waste basket as it clearly contained a typo or error.

Prior to allowing me to discard the post, Google required me to provide
them with a sworn statement as to the reason I was removing the post,
and I replied to Google (long before the Nigel Brooks smear merchants
said a word about this post) that it was being removed because the post
was referencing and talking about Cards and not Medals, and because of
the typo (the missing term "card" after my typist's comments) the post
could be and had been misinterpreted by those with the intent to defame
me over typos. (Google keeps a record of the reasons all posts are
removed from its archives. I removed this post long before the Nigel
Brooks smear merchants attempted to smear me with their forged term
"medals" into that post. My past statement as my reason for the removal
of this post from the Google archive can be requested with my permission
from the Google files. I will immediately provide Google with my
permission to release that reason for removal to you).

Typos and Errors in USENET Posts are Common

Everyone knows that typos, misstatements, errors can be and will be made
in USENET posts especially when typists are being used to post
dictation, and/or extemporaneous retorts are being published, and those
errors should be removed/discarded from the Google archive as soon as
they are identified. Resurrecting an erred dead file post that was long
removed and tossed into the electronic waste basket due to its admitted
typo, and then altering the true intended context of that discarded
erred post by forging into it a new word "medals" which was never used
in the post in any manner, for the purpose of defamation and libel, is,
in my opinion, about as unethical as it gets. Moreover, such acts
clearly, in my opinion, reflects a deliberate and contrived attempt to
use outright fraud and false accusations to defame, smear, harass and
cast in a false light, a targeted smear victim.

We await your written opinions in respect to this issue, and your
answers and opinions in respect to the following questions after you
receive all of the information you required that has been offered in
this background:

Douglas G. Reiman


KEY NOTE: Due to the obvious fact this was a conversation on USENET and
clearly represented extemporaneous comments by all parties involved, had
I simply misspoke or made a mistake myself by omitting the term "Card" I
would readily admit such a common extemporaneous error and put an end to
this issue once and for all. Yet as all the evidence proves, that was
NOT what happened, and the truth will be told regardless of how the
smear merchants attempt to spin and distort it).

Quick summary:

1. The post the smear merchants are attempting to insert words into and
thereby change the intended context for the purpose of using their fraud
to defame, was discarded and removed as a flawed, erred and a post with
an obvious typo from the Google archives long before the smear merchants
ever even mentioned it. The smear merchants are clearly using typos and
errors that have been discarded in an electronic waste basket to smear
and defame.

2. When the post was first posted by my typist, and within a few days
after and when someone asked or suggested we were talking about Purple
Heart Medals and not Purple Heart ID Cards, I clearly responded to that
person with the following statement: "THAT IS AN IDIOTIC INNUENDO AND A
COMPLETE DISTORTION of what was written." If I had intended to claim a
Purple Heart Medal I certainly would have confirmed that claim at that
time, and I certainly would not have stated otherwise.

3. Subsequent to the post in question I was also asked to provide
personal information about my past military service on USENET. I
responded with the following:

"Further, people do not post their personal background information on
newsgroups. I have no intention of doing so unless you and Chirpy will
agree to do the same. Further, when I offered to post my discharges
Chirpy said that if I did they would be forgeries."

4. Some of the Nigel Brooks smear merchants attempted to claim that I
did not remove the PH Card post in question until after they brought
it up and questioned it. That of course is an outright lie, and the mere
fact the smear merchants did not possess a Google archived copy of the
post and used an incomplete cut and paste of it posted by Chip as
evidence the post originally existed is clear and irrefutable evidence
the PH card post was long discarded and removed as an erred post from
the Google archive. This fact also proves the smear gang used
resurrected dead file removed typo posts, long thrown into the waste
basket due to its errors, as a means to falsely accuse, defame and
smear. (Yes the gang is rummaging around in my electronic waste baskets
to try and find anything long discarded due to error to use to defame
and smear me - as hard as that is to believe as coming from grown men,
it is true).

5. All three participants in the original conversation in question
(Chip, my typist and I) ALL have confirmed that the true context of the
conversation was "Cards" and NOT "Medals." Yet the Nigel Brooks smear
merchant and his gang "inserted" "forged" "added" the term "medals" into
the context of this long discarded waste basket erred post for the
purpose of fabricating a means to claim that I was claiming a purple
heart medal that I had not earned - while deliberately hiding and
ignoring the half dozen times or so I had stated unequivocally that I
had not received a purple heart medal.

6. My typist also wrote at the bottom of her reply something else I
mentioned to her in respect to replying to Chip (which the smear
merchants now admit):

"BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart not received in combat is about as
cowardly as it gets."

This final sentence in her reply clearly indicates the topic was PH ID
cards and NOT MEDALS! Why? Simply due to the fact that we all know
Purple Heart Medals can only be provided during a period of combat.
Consequently, it is clear our impression that Chip was talking about
Purple Heart ID cards which CAN be provided by the VA based upon
non-combat events. If you replace the terms "Purple Heart" with "service
connected disability" you have the correct context of my reply and my
typist's intention. Although poorly worded, it is impossible for me or
anyone else to reference purple heart medals that were not earned in
combat, this sentence alone proves we had to be talking about something
other than medals.

7. All six of these summarized key points can be easily proved by
reviewing the Tiny URL's referencing Google archived post I have
provided in this unmasking of the smear merchants' clearly fraudulent
claims about this issue:

Question # One:

In your expert opinion, and considering the information I have provided
herein, (which I hereby attest to being the truth to the best of my
knowledge) do you believe a person that would resurrect a dead-file post
long discarded into an electronic waste basket due to its typo, via
someone's else's incomplete cut and paste of elements of that old dead
post - and then forge the context of the dead erred post, and insert new
words into that long removed and admittedly flawed and erred post so as
to defame the author, while ignoring the correct context provided by the
author, is an honest investigator that is providing truthful and honest
information about the context intent of the original author of the
resurrected from the waste basket erred post?

(1-1). Yes: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics
described above is an honest and/or competent investigator.

(1-2). No: In my opinion any person that would use the tactics described
above is not an honest and competent investigator.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Two: If you replied extemporaneously to a USENET post, and
then later spotted an error in it in your reply, and realized due to the
typo the context of the post could be misinterpreted and was thereby
somewhat ambiguous, you decided to remove the post and place it in a
erred post dead file (an electronic waste basket) with the Google
archive. Then, months after you discarded and removed that erred post,
and because someone involved in the original extemporaneous USENET
conversation had cut and pasted an incomplete (thereby forged) element
of that long removed post in a cut and paste reply on USENET, a person
then used that incomplete and long discarded cut and paste element for
the purpose of forging words into that post to defame you, would you
believe that person is attempting to smear and defame you by using
forgeries and false accusations?

(2-1). Yes, I would agree any such person that did as you described
above would be attempting to smear and defame with the use of fraud,
false accusations and forgeries:

(2-2). No, the person in question is using an honest and truthful means
of investigation:

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Three: Do you believe that an honest and ethical
"investigator" would ever claim all posts on USENET automatically
represent an "autobiographical statement of fact" by the author, EXCEPT
those posted by the Investigator himself, his friends, and associates,
and only he has the mind reading skills to determine which posts are
meant to be autobiographical facts or simply sarcasm, fiction or
extemporaneous quips?


(3-1). Yes, it is proper for an investigator to claim that all
statements on USENET are autobiographical statements by anyone he
decides are publishing such autobiographical claims via his mind reading
investigative skills.

(3-2). No, an honest, ethical and impartial investigator would NOT claim
that everything written on USENET, including typos and errors, would
represent autobiographical claims by the author.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Four: Considering an impartial and honest investigation of
the facts as I have presented in respect to this above and in my
background information, and the preponderance of evidence involved, do
you believe the true context of my typist's extemporaneous reply to the
Chip post in question was about "Cards" or "Medals?"


(4-1). In my expert opinion, and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your typist's reply to Chip, which was posted
by her based upon your instructions to her, was in context about Purple
Heart ID cards provided by the Veterans Administration and not about

(4-2). In my expert opinion and based upon the evidence you have
provided herein, I believe your and your typist's reply was about Purple
Heart Medals and not about Purple Heart ID cards.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Five: Recently, one of the smear gang members claimed that
the entire post containing my Typist's reply suddenly reappeared on the
Google Archives because Google allowed it. I contacted Google and they
said that claim was a lie, and it was impossible for that post to
"reappear in their archives after it was removed by them from their
archives." An alleged copy of this long removed post was re-posted on
the Internet by the smear merchants. The article that was posted by the
gang clearly came from a well-doctored personal computer archive, and
NOT from Google! The smear gang also attempted to post this doctored
post with a forged header over a well-doctored personal computer
archived post, and then further fraudulently panned it off as coming
from the Google archive so as to bolster their fraud and false
accusations in respect to this issue. (A copy of this post will be sent
to you).

We all know that anyone can "recreate" a post and doctor it anyway they
wish on their own computer and then fraudulently present it as the
complete post that was originally posted - especially when that post has
been removed from the Google archive so a direct comparison cannot be
compared to the forgery. Please confirm or disagree that it is possible
for a post removed by Google to suddenly reappear on the Google Archive
without the knowledge of Google.


(You may add comments if you wish).

Question # Six: Mind reading skills: One of the most questionable claims
by the Nigel Brooks smear merchant (and by some of his gang) is that due
to their mind reading skills and past military experience (one gang
member was a junior officer that spent nine months of duty in Vietnam
helping to guard a lonely outpost, and another was a Sp4 personnel clerk
in Long Binh that took his discharge in Vietnam) they can always
determine the true context of all USENET posts about Vietnam even if the
author of that post disagrees with their imposed and conjured context.
It has been my experience, after spending fifteen months in Vietnam
(2&1/2 tours) that each Vietnam vet has his own version of that war
based upon the time he spent fighting it, the units he was assigned to,
the duties he performed, and the precise years he spent in country. (My
years were 1968-69 with a brief visit to Vietnam in 1963).

In your expert opinion, do you agree that such mind reading skills
exist, and do you agree that anyone with the experience in Vietnam as
indicated above can subjectively determine the true context of anything
written about Vietnam, even if the author disagrees with the imposed new
and opposite context the author states he was trying to convey?


(6-1). Yes, investigators all possess such mind reading skills, and with
the use of those skills and the time served in Vietnam as indicated
above, investigators and former junior officers can determine true
context of anything written about Vietnam even if their imposed context
contradicts that of the author that wrote or composed the writing or
article in question.

(6-2). No, any claim of mind reading skills connected with the Vietnam
experience stated above that can determine the context of anything
written about Vietnam is ridiculous on its face. The only individuals
that could possibly know the true context of anything written are the
persons that actually composed and/or published the writing. Many
articles can be easily misconstrued, especially if the misinterpretation
is deliberate and is being done for the purpose of defaming the author.
This is especially true if the article or writing involves
extemporaneous comments during a USENET conversation.

(You may add comments if you wish).

Question Seven:

Here is the verbatim disclaimer I post on the top of my USENET posts.
(Once it is posted I do not repeat it in threads or exchanges involving
the same topic). I also stated very clearly in 2003 that I do not reveal
personal autobiographical information on USENET (who would?)

"(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all
of my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial
on contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Question Seven: Do you believe that a qualified and expert investigator
would, after reading the above disclaimer, claim that whatever the
author ever wrote on USENET represented a autobiographical statement of

(You may add comments if you wish).

End Seven questions on this topic. Other topics are being prepared and
will be sent to you as soon as they are complete. As we agreed, please
understand that we reserve the right to publish your answers, and use
them as evidence and in a court of law.

Based upon the answers from all three military and law experts
consulted, the following is presented as the "Corrected Copy" containing
the true context of my typist's reply to Chip:


> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

supporting, financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring
> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

shot > fired in anger in your life.
> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

much more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want
to go after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.
That, to me is cowardice.

"Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart Card also, and I received mine in a
real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
received a purple heart card was in Lebanon, and that was not a
shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating
cowering, hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward
around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart card not received in
combat is about as cowardly as it gets."

Note the above post reply that was written and posted by my typist was
originally discarded in Google's "waste basket" because my typist did
not properly place the term "Card" in the three places indicated above.
As the statement from my typist confirms, I was read the above post from
Chip on the telephone, and my typist took his statement above to say "I
have a purple heart and a car" as meaning I have a purple heart card
(meaning a VA purple heart ID card that was a topic of conversation I
had with others before). I told her to respond as the above post
correction indicates. After someone brought her key typo omissions to my
attention, I of course replied to that person (in 2003) that any
representation that my reply was about medals was a "complete distortion
and innuendo of what was written."

However, due to the typo, and because Google offers an "electronic waste
basket" for erred or posts containing such typographical errors, I
removed it from Google, told Google the reason it was being removed, and
Google placed the typo post in its "waste basket" dead file.

However, smear merchants, being what smear merchants are, decided to
retrieve the erred post from the waste basket and then he FORGED the
term "Medals" into the post after the purple heart terms, thereby
fraudulently changing and altering the true context of the long
discarded typo post from "Cards" into "Medals." Then Nigel Brooks and
his gang used their own forgery to claim I was falsely claiming a
"medal" I did not possess. Yet Chip confirmed (in writing) he did not
have a Purple Heart medal and therefore could not have been talking
about medals, my typist confirmed (in writing) she took his purple heart
statement to be about Cards and not Medals, and she also confirmed (in
writing) that my answer to Chip clearly stated Purple Heart Cards three
times. Yet she also said that because she really did not know the
difference she simply mistakenly omitted the term "Card" from the
original reply to Chip. Of course when I replied to the first person
that questioned this post back in 2003 that it did not mean medals, I
spotted the typo, and consequently, threw it in the electronic waste
basket which Google provides for such erred posts.

Yet since the smear merchants have been caught digging around in my
waste basket for erred and typo posts that have been long discarded to
try and find some unethical way to defame me, I have been advised to
provide this explanation and replace the post the way it was originally
intended. (My typist also states that she mentioned the topic was about
cards at the bottom of the post because it was impossible to earn a
purple heart medal in a non-combat situation, which I clearly indicated
Chip had done).

I have submitted this issue to an independent expert on the military and
the law, and he has replied that he agrees with me that the true context
of my typist's reply post was about "Cards" and NOT "Medals" contrary to
the misrepresentations and forgery by Nigel Brooks and his gang.

Any continued forgery of "medals" into this post will be recognized as a
typical Nigel Brooks forgery, just one more of many.

Doug Grant (Tm)

"Dai Uy" <> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> "DGVREIMAN" <> wrote:

> <alt.war.vietnam> provides a great number of independent
> military experts. Their opinion seems to be unanimous.
> I am busy this morning and will simply repost the response
> that you ignored yesterday.
> Steve has reposted your original unambiguous boast
> regarding having a Purple Heart. Add that to the other times
> in which you claim to have been wounded and there is absolutely
> know doubt as to what you meant when you posted, "Doug Says: I
> have a Purple Heart also, and I received mine in a real war,"
> In all seriousness, I honestly believe that you have
> slipped your moorings and that your mental health is
> progressively deteriorating. Take a moment and read your
> recent "Purple Heart Card" defense posted to your cyberstalking
> site and you will agree. If you can't fabricate anything
> better than that, don't bother.

Doug's Rebuttal to the Dai Uy Fraud above:

(Smear Merchant Disclaimer: Please note this article (the same as all of
my past articles and exchanges with posters) represents an editorial on
contemporary issues and events - my opinion. Nothing in this article
represents in any manner any asseveration of biographical fact, nor is
about, directed toward or against any particular person - other than
those specifically mentioned herein. This article is being posted for
entertainment purposes only. If any person finds this post personally
annoying, abusive, defaming or otherwise disturbing, please notify me of
your specific reasons for annoyance via email at
If we find your detailed objections reasonable (considering the
"reasonable person" doctrine and case law) we will then remove this
post, or the offending passages contained therein, from the Google
archive, publicly apologize and retract. My intent is to entertain, and
to present articles to USENET readers prior to publication to determine
interest, and not to annoy, abuse, humiliate, or in any way cause anyone
emotional harm by posting on USENET or elsewhere. Please note that
defending myself from harassment and obloquy with rebuttal posts has
been deemed a "lawful and legitimate" publication by my legal counsel.
If I am not attacked, defamed or harassed, or my copyrighted articles
not interrupted nor infringed upon, I clearly do not have a reason to
respond with a rebuttal. Please also note that I intend to notify any
and all ISP's and web hosts of any annoying or calumnious post, web site
or other similar entity about me after I give the offender an
opportunity to retract, apologize and remove said post from the Google

Arbitration Notice: If any person claims something I said about them in
this post is not true, then I invite them to email me and request
arbitration. The loser will pay for the arbitrator. I also invite
arbitration in respect to me claiming something someone said about me is
untrue. Again, the loser will pay for the arbitration. Truth as defined
in this offer will be statements in correct context and representing
original intent, and key omissions of fact will be considered
untruthful. Arbitrators will be selected from the American Association
of Arbitrators. This offer exclusively applies to all statements of fact
in this post.

Mr. Uy Uy, ALL of the independent military experts I have consulted over
this issue, (and ALL out rank you and have more time in the service than
you) HAVE AGREED the context of my typist's reply to Chip was about
Cards and not Medals. Nigel Brooks and the anonymous cyberstalker
SteveL FORGED the term "Medal" in the post. Moreover, all of the
independent experts agree that Mr. Brooks is not an honest investigator.

Moreover, considering you and SteveL have repeatedly forged and
illegally misused the name of the FBI to forge FOIA information about
me, and you have also forged and distorted and fraudulently presented
dozens of outright false accusations and distortions about me, you
certainly are not qualified to contradict what ALL parties to the Purple
Heart Card conversation says was the true context of the reply to Chip,
and now you are even contradicting independent military experts that I
have never met before in my life and were secured by my lawyer!

I am sorry Mr. Uy Uy, but you have seen the corrected copy of the reply,
this post acknowledges that fact. If you continue to repeat a forgery
for your obvious defamation purposes, you had better have some proof of
your claims, and proof of your absurd claims of "mind reading" and "I
was in Vietnam so I know what all Vietnam vets did and think and say"
utter bullshit that you repeatedly claim.

You are just another member of the Nigel Brooks gang checking in to try
and deflect the truth that you and your gang leaders have been caught
red handed lying about this issue and dozens of others, and now those
lies and fraud are being exposed, and those lies are being verified as
lies and fraud by several independent experts.

In fact, considering the preponderance of evidence in respect to this
issue and presented above in detail, there has not been a single expert
we have consulted that does not agree the context of the conversation
was about Cards and NOT the forged term Medals that SteveL and Nigel and
You forged into the context of my typists' reply. These same experts
have confirmed that I did not write nor post the reply, and in fact, it
was impossible for me to do so as my medical records prove.

Moreover, speaking of medical records, if you claim I was never wounded
(assuming injured means wounded) I suggest you post your proof. If you
are not making that claim then you can wait for the experts to review my
medical records and provide their opinion on that subject, or just
slither back into your hole and try to find some more waste baskets you
and your gang can rumage through to find something you can lie about and
defraud to a degree you can use your fraud to defame and smear.

Moreover, if you disagree with anything I said above, here, then or
ever, keep in mind my offer for binding arbitiatration loser pays
stands. If you really believe what you are lying about, then step up
and take this offer. You talk the talk Rau, but I notice you run and
hide anytime someone suggests you Walk the Walk. I believe you are "Big
Hat No Cattle" - and I am placing your bullshit and Nigel's in front of
REAL military experts that are experts on not only the military but the
law as well. So far all we have consulted agree with me.

Let's start with what you claim is "fabricated" in the above post. Be
specific and I will prove you a liar by posing the question to someone
independent. NOTHING I said was fabricated as the evidence clearly
demonstrates, and if you continue to use forgeries and typos to defame
and smear after you have been advised of the proper context of the
discarded document you found in my waste basket, then that will be
considered de facto evidence that harassing, defaming and stalking are
your deliberate intentions.

The only people that could possibly know the true context of anything
written are the people involved in the composure and posting of the
written material.

Your absurd, biazzare, child-like and idiotic claims to be able to
discern the thoughts of other people is not only outrageous and
preposterous, but also reflective of someone that is living in some kind
of fantasy world. I assure you Mr. Rau, you have failed miserably all
of the mind reading tests I have administered to you over the past
months, and I further assure you that independent experts answered my
mind reading question above, right after they stopped laughing at any
fool that would be dishonest and stupid enough to make such preposterous
claims. For the last time Mr. Rau, YOU CANNOT READ MINDS! I know that
fact must disturb the hell out of you, but you are going to be forced to
face the truth about yourself eventually, and now is a good time to

You have been advised (several times) of the true context (Cards not
Medals) of this long discarded post that you and Nigel and SteveL
retrieved from my error waste basket, and now that true context of the
post has been verified by indepedent experts and a corrected copy has
been posted, I suggest you either provide some proof to the contrary, or
stop lying about this issue to smear me, or be prepared to start
answering questions in a court of law. Moreover, in respect to your
comments about SteveL, you must know by now that law enforcement
officers are looking for him. Why don't you ask SteveL to turn himself
in and we will allow the resulting investigation occur and we can all
have our day in court? I assure you law enforcement will not agree to
your and SteveL's mind reading claims either.

Doug Grant (Tm)
"SteveL" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 09:27:20 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
> <> wrote:
> Now answer the ****ing question you lying ****:
> You keep calling this reposting of your Purple Heart claim (which your
> had deleted from Google) a "fraud".

Doug Says: I answered that question, asked and answered. I have no
reason to keep answering your idiotic and repeated questions. Moreover,
you keep posting my typist's reply that contained a typo and was
discarded for that reason. I have provided you with a corrected copy,
and you keep ignoring it, ergo, I will again adjust it for you. Try to
post the correct copy the next time, not unless you want to appear as if
you rummaged around my waste basket to find discarded errors so you can
use them to fraudulently accuse and use for your cyberstalking?

> And as far as "law enforcement officers are looking for" me.
> I seriously suggest you look at yourself here.
> You are stepping WAY over the line.
> Such false statements are themselves illegal.
> You better watch yourself Reiman, or else "law enforcement officers"
> will be looking for YOU.

Mr. Anonymous cyberstalker SteveL. I doubt if you have a law degree, and
I know you do not have a lawyer so your legal opinions mean very little
to me. I have filed a complaint against you with law enforcment, and
more complaints are being prepared. If you would like to contact that
law enforcement agency and reveal your true name, I will be glad to
arrange it. I do not know who you really are, therefore all of my
statements in rebuttal to your attacks apply to someone named SteveL -
do you have another name? If you reveal your true name then I can then
determine if law enforcment is truly looking for you under your real
name, but I assure you they want to know who you are under the name of

There is no doubt they will determine your real identity soon, or when
the federal charges are filed, I am sure Federal Law enforcement can and
will determine your true identity and reveal that information to my

At this point you should hire a lawyer and have your lawyer contact law
enforcement or my lawyer. My lawyer and I have asked you several times
to (1) stop cyberstalking and harassing me, (2) stop misusing the FBI's
name to forge FBI reports about me, and (3) stop threating me, (4) stop
trying to incite threats of death and violence against me, (5) stop
trying to blackmail me with the threat of reposting forged FBI threats
unless I stop posting on Alt.politics. You have also refused to cease
and desist your anonymous cyberstalking which you know violates a
Federal Statute. You have further libeled and defamed me at every
opportunity with your fraud and false accusations, and if you disagree
then I would look forward to meeting you in a legal arena, any legal
arena, civil or criminal, which I assure you is inevitable.

I have corrected your post below, please use the correct copy from now
on, as to refuse to do so would be yet another fraudulent act designed
to falsely defame and smear me which you then for your cyberstalking
campaign against me. The final sentence of your own post below proves
the context was about Cards and not your forged term "medals."

BTW, you said before you were posting from the UK, is that true or is it
just another one of your lies?

Doug Grant (Tm)
> Path:
> From: "DGVREIMAN" <>
> Newsgroups:
> References: <>
> <>
> <_Ov2a.33487$>
> <>
> <>
> <>
> <ygx3a.37490$>
> <>
> <n1S3a.38684$>
> <>
> Subject: Re: Al Qaeda Says Saddam an Infidel
> Lines: 103
> X-Priority: 3
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2600.0000
> Message-ID:
> <WaU3a.38894$>
> Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT
> NNTP-Posting-Host:
> X-Complaints-To:
> X-Trace: 1045434166
> (Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT)
> NNTP-Posting-Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:22:46 GMT
> Organization: AT&T Worldnet
> "Chip C" <> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 19:56:03 GMT, DGVREIMAN allegedly wrote...
>> > Doug Says: We declared war on terrorism. Saddam is

> supporting,
>> > financing, arming, training, aiding and harboring terrorists.
>> > Duh. I suspect that you do not have clue about what you are
>> > talking about, and I further suspect you have never seen a

> shot
>> > fired in anger in your life.

>> I have a Purple Heart and a CAR that proves you wrong, Dougie.
>> There are other countries, some that are our allies, who are

> much
>> more active in supporting and arming terrorists...yet you want

> to go
>> after Iraq because you don't have the will to go after them.

> That, to
>> me is cowardice.

> Doug Says: I have a Purple Heart Card also, and I received mine in a
> real war, I can't imagine where you got yours since you have
> never fought in a war. About the only place you could have
> received a purple heart card was in Lebanon, and that was not a
> shooting war, just a bombing due to the ineptitude of a gang of
> Marine officers. In respect to deposing Saddam, I am the one
> advocating removing Saddam, you are the one advocating cowering,
> hiding, and doing nothing. It is pretty clear who the coward is
> around here. BTW, bragging about a Purple Heart Card not received in
> combat is about as cowardly as it gets.
>> > If you think this war is about defending ourselves , you
>> > > are indeed delusional. If we wanted to defend ourselves by
>> > invading
>> > > someone, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Pakistan and France (hee
>> > hee, why
>> > > not?) would be at the top of the list...Iraq ain't ****.

> You
>> > are
>> > > acting like a panic-stricken wimp...if you are a vet, stand

> up
>> > and
>> > > show some balls.
>> >
>> > Doug Says: Let me see, you want to cower, run, hide, whine,

> cry,
>> > appease, and leave Saddam alone, and you call me a
>> > "panic-stricken wimp?" Hmmmmm. Saddam is dangerous, and he
>> > needs to be removed from power. Once Saddam is gone we will

> have
>> > the means and the bases to deal with Iran, which is clearly

> our
>> > next target. And yes I am a vet, and clearly you are not.
>> >

>> Just because you think not going to war tomorrow mean giving

> Saddam a
>> free ride doesn't make it any more factual. Open your eyes and

> look
>> at the entire battlefield instead of just through your narrow

> gun-
>> site. Saddam ain't ****, and puffing him up into some major

> threat
>> while ignoring the more imminent threats is the sign of a

> cowering
>> coward. I hate to call a vet a coward...but if you wish to be
>> considered such, it is of your own choosing.

> Doug Says: What you call me is irrelevant as you certainly do
> not have the knowledge nor the information to pass judgment, not
> to mention make condescending remarks. Saddam is supporting
> terrorism, financing it, and arming terrorists. These terrorists
> that Saddam is financing and supporting have already murdered
> Americans. Now if you think we should attack someone else, then
> say so. But right now Saddam is providing a major resource for
> Al-Qeada, Haamas and the Islamic Jihad. All three of those
> terrorist organizations have murdered Americans. Further, I am
> the one advocating the removal of Saddam, you are the one that is
> advocating appeasement, so which of us is the coward again?
> If you knew anything about this issue you would realize our war
> on terrorism and our desire to depose Saddam are interlinked. We
> cannot continue to defeat terrorism unless we eliminate the
> resources that terrorism is feeding upon, and one of the main
> sources is Saddam. Further, you clearly are not aware that
> Saddam declared war on the USA, Britain and Israel on December
> 27,2000 just ten months prior to the 911 massacres. Now even you
> should agree that we remove a tyrant that has openly and public
> declared war on the USA.
> Doug Grant (Tm)
>> --
>> Chip C
>> Personal site:
>> Christmas Stories:
>> "It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees."
>> -- Emiliano Zapata

On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:16:19 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:


>> And as far as "law enforcement officers are looking for" me.
>> I seriously suggest you look at yourself here.
>> You are stepping WAY over the line.
>> Such false statements are themselves illegal.
>> You better watch yourself Reiman, or else "law enforcement officers"
>> will be looking for YOU.

>Mr. Anonymous cyberstalker SteveL. I doubt if you have a law degree, and
>I know you do not have a lawyer so your legal opinions mean very little
>to me.

And your legal opinions mean nothing to me.

Either "law enforcement officers" are after a person or not.

Why do you think you need a law degree to make that determination? And
since you don't have one yourself why are you pontificating on the

> I have filed a complaint against you with law enforcment, and
>more complaints are being prepared.

So what? You're a repeat offender litigious kook.

False filing is nothing new to you.

> If you would like to contact that
>law enforcement agency and reveal your true name, I will be glad to
>arrange it. I do not know who you really are, therefore all of my
>statements in rebuttal to your attacks apply to someone named SteveL -
>do you have another name?

Well duh.

> If you reveal your true name then I can then
>determine if law enforcment is truly looking for you under your real

What are you. Three years old?

>but I assure you they want to know who you are under the name of

Good. Give me their contact details or tell them they can email me.

Be warned though. I will set them straight about you.

Count on it.

So beware Doug. If you have actually been crazy enough to file a
complaint, I'm sure that they've already figured you out as a
relatively harmless kook.

Once they find out that you've parlayed that kook complaint into a
public smear that a citizen is being actively sought by law
enforcement, I'm fairly sure that will rebound on your head.

I will certainly do my best to ensure that happens.

You trust "law enforcement" to see through lies and make the right
calls don't you?

So lets's have their contact details or tell them they can email me.

>There is no doubt they will determine your real identity soon, or when
>the federal charges are filed, I am sure Federal Law enforcement can and
>will determine your true identity and reveal that information to my

Let's see if that happens.

I suspect in six months you'll still be complaining about the
"anonymous cyberstalker" whenever I take apart on of your lies.

And when we ask you what happened to the complaint, you'll whine about
being falsely accused of losing another battle with the law.

>At this point you should hire a lawyer and have your lawyer contact law
>enforcement or my lawyer. My lawyer and I have asked you several times
>to (1) stop cyberstalking and harassing me

Never done it. However, that is what you are admitting you're doing to
me above.

>(2) stop misusing the FBI's name to forge FBI reports about me

LOL! Oh yes!!! Please tell me that the Doogie parody is the basis of
that complaint. LOL!!!!!!! Did you give them a copy? Of course not.

On the assumption they're monitoring this news group I'll quote it yet
again at the bottom of this post.

Or better yet. I'll send them a copy when you give me their contact

Then they'll have the "evidence", so what's stopping you?

>, and (3) stop threating me

I have never threatened you Doogie. You however....

>, (4) stop
>trying to incite threats of death and violence against me


I'll be happy to discuss that with them too.

>, (5) stop
>trying to blackmail me with the threat of reposting forged FBI threats
>unless I stop posting on Alt.politics.

I have never asked you to stop posting. I merely point out that if you
don't like critical replies to your posts it's in your interests to
find somewhere that doesn't have the right of reply built in to the
very fabric of the medium.

Better that than to rail against the very concept of Usenet by
claiming "copyright" over your posts, and claiming that people need
your permssion to reply to your posts.

> You have also refused to cease
>and desist your anonymous cyberstalking which you know violates a
>Federal Statute.

> You have further libeled and defamed me at every
>opportunity with your fraud and false accusations, and if you disagree
>then I would look forward to meeting you in a legal arena, any legal
>arena, civil or criminal, which I assure you is inevitable.
>I have corrected your post below, please use the correct copy from now
>on, as to refuse to do so would be yet another fraudulent act designed
>to falsely defame and smear me which you then for your cyberstalking
>campaign against me. The final sentence of your own post below proves
>the context was about Cards and not your forged term "medals."

The term "medal" is not and never was present in that post!!

Plain as day.


OK Law Enforcement. If you're reading. Here you go.

This is what Doug Reiman aka Doug Grant aka Doogie says is a "forged
FBI document".

(Oh and if you're reading. Feel free to email).

Lines: 233
From: rustybl...@aol.comBATSPAM (Rusty Martin)
Newsgroups: rec.gambling.blackjack
Date: 10 Apr 2001 16:26:03 GMT
Organization: AOL
Subject: Doogie and the FBI (Was: Cyberstalking ..more)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Message-ID: <>

In article
<hNRz6.14333$> the
Doogie-monster, Doug Grant wrote:

>Moreover, I have already spoken with the FBI, they
>are telling me things very different from what you are claiming.

Due to a successful FOIA request, I was able to secure a transcript of
this conversation. I present below the official transcript of
Doogie's conversation with the FBI:

FBI: "Good afternoon, FBI Seattle, Special Agent Johnson speaking,
no, the other one"

Doogie: "Hello, my name is Doug Grant, and I want to discuss with you
a case of cyberstalking"

FBI: "Okay, Doug Grant, G-R-A-N-T"

Doogie: "Well, actually my name is Doug Reiman."

FBI: "Oh, I see. Reiman. R-E-I-M-A-N"

Doogie: "But I use the name Doug Grant"

FBI: "Okay Mr. Grant"

Doogie: "But you have to use 'TM' after my name, because it's a
trademarked name"

FBI: "So you're saying you want me to call you Mr. Grant-tm?"

Doogie: "You don't have to call me that, you should just make a note
of it next to my name."

FBI: "Grant-tm. Got it. How may your government be of service to
you today?"

Doogie: "I would like to you investigate, arrest and prosecute a
whole bunch of people who are cyberstalking me."

FBI: "I see Mr. Grant-tm, how are these people cyberstalking you?"

Doogie: "Well first off, they sent me kiddie porn. Well, actually,
they sent me an e-mail that said 'Hot young teen babes - CLICK HERE!!'

FBI: "And you consider this cyberstalking, Mr. Grant-tm? Actually,
this is getting a little tedious, I think I'll just call you Mr. TM.
And you believe it is cyberstalking?"

Doogie: "Of course it is!! Haven't you read the statutes I've posted
at least a thousand times regarding cyberstalking?"

FBI: "Posted? What have you posted, and to where?"

Doogie: "I've posted it to rec.gambling.blackjack. It's the place
where all the con men and the hucksters prey on innocent people,
perpetrating egregious frauds on unsuspecting newbies."

FBI: "Con men and hucksters?"

Doogie: "Yes, I've already proved this in court you moron. There are
thousands and thousands of con men hucksters and they're all
cyberstalking me on rec.gambling.blackjack. But I already proved this
beyond a shadow of a doubt in court."

FBI: "Well Mr. TM, if you've already proved it in court, why do you
need the FBI to be involved?"

Doogie: "That's part of the conspiracy you moron!! The con men
hucksters managed to arrange through nefarious means (this is part of
what I need you to investigate) for the Federal Judge (who no doubt is
in on the conspiracy) to throw out my complaint! Then, in an
incredible shake of pure hucksterism the 3 Judges on the Federal
Appeals court PROVED that they are part of the same conspiracy!! They
dismissed my claims! And everyone involved is cyberstalking me!!!"

FBI: So let me get this straight, you say you're being cyberstalked
by a massive conspiracy that includes thousands and thousands of con
men and hucksters and 4 Federal Judges. Ahem. I see Mr. TM, and
aside from this text-only kiddie porn that they've sent to you, have
they threatened you in any way?"

Doogie: "Of course they have! One guy was claiming that I didn't
have a registered trademark, and posted that my status was DEAD! That
was clearly a veiled death threat."

FBI: Your status is dead?

Doogie: No you idiot! The status of my trademark is dead! Not me!
That's why it was clearly a death threat!

FBI: "Mr. TM, your trademark is dead? Then why are you insisting I
call you Mr. TM Mr. Grant?"

Doogie: "You will recognize my trademark, because I claim common law
trademark rights! Don't you know anything you blithering fool!?"

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant no-tm, please continue about the death threats."

Doogie: "Another group of people all threatened to put me in their
kill files! Clearly, they intend to cause me harm."

FBI: "Killfile you?"

Doogie: "Yes. This is clearly a threat from the con men hucksters."

FBI: "Don't forget the Federal Judges."

Doogie: "I haven't even gotten to the best part yet."

FBI: "And that is?"

Doogie: "All of these con men and hucksters are really the same

FBI: "They are?"

Doogie: "Yes, his name is Bingo Billy Rusty BillyRubin Abdul Solinas
Mizz Tie"

FBI: "That's one hell of a name."

Doogie: "Yes, they are using dozens and dozens of AOL accounts to
stalk me. Believe me, I know how it works. I once created 150 AOL
accounts in order to defeat one of their nefarious plans."

FBI: "You defeated their nefarious plans by creating 150 AOL

Doogie: "Well, no, I didn't actually defeat them. The USENET
Volunteer Votetaker turned out to be another member of the conspiracy,
and she through out all of my fake votes as frauds!!"

FBI: "So these people are all one person posting from AOL accounts."

Doogie: "Oh no, it's much worse than that. They have a magical way
of making their posts look like they're not coming from AOL. They use
aol,, web-tv, paxentertainment and hundreds of other


FBI: "Clearly, eh? Okay."

Doogie: "The most sinister part of it all involves Mizz Tie."

FBI: "Mizz Tie?"

Doogie: "Yes. You see, she claims to work for a casino. But it's
obvious that all of the con men hucksters are liars, so she obviously
doesn't work for a casino."

FBI: "And this is sinister….how?"

Doogie: "Because it's all part of the conspiracy! You see, because
she is a con man huckster and a liar, it's obvious that she's SECRETLY

FBI: "I thought you said that she SAID she worked for a casino."

Doogie: "I did! Don't you see now how deep and sinister this plot
really is?"

FBI: "I see Mr. no-tm. And do you feel as though you're in any

Doogie: "No, I'm not in any danger. I was in Vietnam as a Navy Seal.
I've killed many many times. I am not afraid of those con men

FBI: "You were a Navy Seal?"

Doogie: "Well, no. I was actually a seamstress. I stitched ID seals
and insignia on to uniforms for the Navy. It was a killer job, that's
what I meant."

FBI: "So let's see if I got this straight. You are being
cyberstalked by one guy on AOL who posts under thousands of aliases
and 4 Federal Judges, who sent you spam e-mail, told you your
trademark status was dead and they threatened to killfile you. You
don't feel threatened by any of this and you believe that this
qualifies as cyberstalking."

Doogie: "Of course you moron! I've posted the cyberstalking statutes
a thousand times. This is clearly proof!"

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant. Anything else?"

Doogie: "Yes. They called me a maroon."

FBI: "A maroon?"

Doogie: "Yes, they say: 'What a maroon' whenever I post"

FBI: "Oh, I get it!! Like Bugs Bunny! "What a maroon!"

Doogie: "No you blithering fool!! It's racist!! They are using
racist slurs
to intimidate me!!"

FBI: "Oh, Mr. Grant. I didn't realize you were black"

Doogie: "I'M NOT BLACK, YOU IDIOT!!! This is all part of the
cyberstalking! They use racist slurs against me to stalk me and
threaten me!!"

FBI: "Well Mr. Maroon, uh, Grant, eh Reiman. I have no doubt that
you are
being cyberstalked, and we'll get to the bottom of it right away.

"How can we reach you?"

Doogie: "Well, I live in the State of Washington now, but I don't
actually live in the State of Washington, I live in Las Vegas, Nevada.
But you can reach me at my Washington phone number which forwards to
my home in Las Vegas where I have hundreds of supporters who answer
the phone and say it's me."

FBI: "Yes Mr. Grant no-tm, we'll get on this right away"

Doogie: "The cyberstalking must end!!!"

FBI: "Yes, Mr. Grant."

[ sound of telephone hanging up ]

FBI: "What a maroon."

Copyright 2001 - Rusty Martin
Freely distributable throughout the internet so long as attribution is
In article <>, says...

> I have filed a complaint against you with law enforcment, and
> more complaints are being prepared.

Do you know the penialties for filing false statements Doug ?


"Oh Norman, listen! The loons are calling!"
- Katherine Hepburn, "On Golden Pond"
On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 13:54:09 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
<> wrote:


>> <snip>
>>> Moreover, in respect to your
>>>comments about SteveL, you must know by now that law enforcement
>>>officers are looking for him.

>> You absolute ****ing lunatic LIAR!!!!


>Doug Says: No, I am not lying.
> Would you like to turn yourself in so
>law enforcement can determine your true identity?

Tell them to email me.

I'll gladly give them all the evidence they need.

Better yet. Who's in charge of the "case"? I'll email him personally
about it if you wish.

I'm sure he'd like to see the "forged FBI document" you say is the nub
of your complaint.

I predict a false filing charge will be waiting for you.

Want to bet I'm wrong?
"DGVREIMAN" <> wrote in message
> So, far, as of April 16, 2008, we have consulted three such experts, and
> their answers are all very similar. We will contact at least five
> independent experts in respect to this issue and several other issues we
> are preparing for testimony and expert opinion.

My expert opinion is that you have more than a couple of screws loose.
Get a grip, and stop crying for heaven's sake.
NNTP-Posting-Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 17:01:42 -0500
From: SteveL <>
Date: Sat, 19 Apr 2008 23:01:36 +0100
References: <>
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X-Abuse-and-DMCA-Info: Otherwise we will be unable to process your
complaint properly
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Bytes: 15897
Xref: alt.war.vietnam:705218 alt.politics:3885506 alt.military:381094

"SteveL" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 14:16:19 -0700, "DGVREIMAN"
> <> wrote:
> <snip
>>> And as far as "law enforcement officers are looking for" me.
>>> I seriously suggest you look at yourself here.
>>> You are stepping WAY over the line.
>>> Such false statements are themselves illegal.
>>> You better watch yourself Reiman, or else "law enforcement officers"
>>> will be looking for YOU.

>>Mr. Anonymous cyberstalker SteveL. I doubt if you have a law degree,
>>I know you do not have a lawyer so your legal opinions mean very
>>to me.

> And your legal opinions mean nothing to me.
> Either "law enforcement officers" are after a person or not.
> Why do you think you need a law degree to make that determination? And
> since you don't have one yourself why are you pontificating on the
> matter?
>> I have filed a complaint against you with law enforcment, and
>>more complaints are being prepared.

> So what? You're a repeat offender litigious kook.

Doug Says: No, that is just one of your false and fraudulent
accusations, as usual.

> False filing is nothing new to you.

Doug Says: Please provide where I false filed anything - more lies and
desperation surfacing. The fact is that I have filed a criminal
complaint against you, but they cannot proceed until (1) they determine
jurisdiction, and (2) they find out who you are. That will happen,
albeit slowly, but why wait?
>> If you would like to contact that
>>law enforcement agency and reveal your true name, I will be glad to
>>arrange it. I do not know who you really are, therefore all of my
>>statements in rebuttal to your attacks apply to someone named SteveL -
>>do you have another name?

> Well duh.
>> If you reveal your true name then I can then
>>determine if law enforcment is truly looking for you under your real

> What are you. Three years old?

Doug Says: Was that too hard for you to understand? The only name I
have is the and I have filed a complaint against
that anonymous name, and when I find out who is behind that name I will
file more complaints.
>>but I assure you they want to know who you are under the name of

> Good. Give me their contact details or tell them they can email me.

> Be warned though. I will set them straight about you.
> Count on it.
> So beware Doug. If you have actually been crazy enough to file a
> complaint, I'm sure that they've already figured you out as a
> relatively harmless kook.

Once they find out that you've parlayed that kook complaint into a
> public smear that a citizen is being actively sought by law
> enforcement, I'm fairly sure that will rebound on your head.

Doug Says: More threats from SteveL, and yet another FBI forgery
below, how quaint, and how typical. And his promise to lie to law
enforcement about me is making me giddy. However, let me be clear on
this issue. If I provide you with the law enforcement contact you are
saying you will contact them yourself and reveal your true identity to
them? Moreover, if I file a complaint against SteveLon@ntlworld, then
you can bet the law enforcement officer is looking for that person to
determine (1) jurisdiction, (2) his real name, and (3) his side of the
story. It is called an "investigation" and you can bet that is going on
and will continue at every level necessary until you are brought into
court and a Judge gets to listen to all of your lies, fraud and
cyberstalking, replete with all the past evidence.
> I will certainly do my best to ensure that happens.

Doug Says: I have absolutely no doubt you will continue your
cyberstalking, lies, fraud and forgeries, not to mention your false
accusations directly to law enforcement, in fact, I am counting on it.
Please do, PLEASE do.
> You trust "law enforcement" to see through lies and make the right
> calls don't you?
> So lets's have their contact details or tell them they can email me.

Doug Says: I agree completely, but why do you want the contact details?
Are you going to contact them and reveal your true name, or just more
anonymous cyberstalking replete with your forgeries, fraud and lies, in
a desperate hope they will believe your hype and fraud? Moreover, they
are not going to deal with you via email while you remain anonymous,
they are trying to determine if they have any jurisdiction over you, or
if I need to file complaints with other law enforcement, such as the FBI
or even Interpol since you claim to be posting in the UK and therefore
are subject to the 1967 UK anti-harassment act.

This sounds like when you promised to have your lawyer contact my lawyer
when my lawyer emailed you. Of course you lied about that issue. Now
if you can verify through your lawyer that you will provide your true
name to law enforcement then you can bet I will provide the details of
my offical complaint, and the name of the law enforcement officer that
is presently investigating that complaint to your lawyer within five
minutes after my lawyer receives contact from him. If you refuse this
offer, then you are clearly lying again, I will just wait for inevitable
revealing of your true identity.
>>There is no doubt they will determine your real identity soon, or when
>>the federal charges are filed, I am sure Federal Law enforcement can
>>will determine your true identity and reveal that information to my

> Let's see if that happens.
> I suspect in six months you'll still be complaining about the
> "anonymous cyberstalker" whenever I take apart on of your lies.
> And when we ask you what happened to the complaint, you'll whine about
> being falsely accused of losing another battle with the law.

Doug Says: What battle did I lose with the law? You again are lying,
conning and using false accusations. Don't you realize you will be
required to prove all of your false accusations and cyberstalking
defamation in a court of law? You just flip from one outrageous fraud
to the next as if they are rolling off your tongue in your make believe
world. I actually am starting to believe that you convince yourself of
your own fraud and outrageous false accusations - and I am starting to
believe that regardless, you will not seek help until you are brought to
>>At this point you should hire a lawyer and have your lawyer contact
>>enforcement or my lawyer. My lawyer and I have asked you several
>>to (1) stop cyberstalking and harassing me

> Never done it. However, that is what you are admitting you're doing to
> me above.

Doug Says: Not only did my lawyer contact you with a cease and desist
demand in respect to your harassment and cyberstalking, you replied to
him with a load of your typical false accusations and outright fraud in
a failed attempt to prejudice him against me, which you are now
threatening to do with law enforcement, and this time I pray you are
stupid enough to do precisely that.

I am again repeating a notice to you to cease and desist your personal
attacks on me, cease and desist your harassment, lies, fraud, false
accusations and forgeries, not to mention your forging of the context of
posts you have found in my electronic waste basket. Cease and desist at
once or face further legal action. Now since I have several records of
that cease and desist notice being addressed to you, and you replying to
the post, your claim above that you never received one is typical
SteveL, utter fraud.
>>(2) stop misusing the FBI's name to forge FBI reports about me

> LOL! Oh yes!!! Please tell me that the Doogie parody is the basis of
> that complaint. LOL!!!!!!! Did you give them a copy? Of course not.
> On the assumption they're monitoring this news group I'll quote it yet
> again at the bottom of this post.
> Or better yet. I'll send them a copy when you give me their contact
> details.

Doug Says: Your sudden claim that your use of the FBI name to
blackmail, extort, and cyberstalking is a "parody" I do not believe will
sell very well to the FBI, or to a Judge, especially considering the
statutes that forbid the use of that name for any reason not
specifically authorized by the FBI. Yet you have already posted it
about thirty times, and if you are not forging something under the name
of the FBI, then why are you using that name? Moreover, if you already
know your FBI post is a forgery, why have you repeatedly posted it more
than thirty times, and used it as a threat an equal amount of time? To
unlawfully harass? To cyberstalk? Or to use the name of the FBI to do
both? These are hard questions that you will be required to answer, and
I cannot wait for your answer. (You might want to take the 5th on this
one becuase either way you go, you will be confessing to a crime).
Presenting something as an "offical transcript" from the FBI is hardly a
> Then they'll have the "evidence", so what's stopping you?
>>, and (3) stop threating me

> I have never threatened you Doogie. You however....

Doug Says: You have threatened me several times, and you have incited
>>, (4) stop
>>trying to incite threats of death and violence against me

> What?
> I'll be happy to discuss that with them too.

Doug Says: I cannot wait for you to discuss everything you have ever
said about me with them.
>>, (5) stop
>>trying to blackmail me with the threat of reposting forged FBI threats
>>unless I stop posting on Alt.politics.

> I have never asked you to stop posting. I merely point out that if you
> don't like critical replies to your posts it's in your interests to
> find somewhere that doesn't have the right of reply built in to the
> very fabric of the medium.

Doug Says: You are lying, I have the posts. I am beginning to
seriously believe something is very wrong with you. You lie so much and
so often that you remind me precisely of someone I sued in the past that
even lied about his own children posting the smears and libel he
repeatedly posted. He wanted his kids to take the rap for him - and for
some reason you remind me precisely of that person.
> Better that than to rail against the very concept of Usenet by
> claiming "copyright" over your posts, and claiming that people need
> your permssion to reply to your posts.

Doug Says: I do not copyright every post I post, only the ones that are
destined for a book. I have consulted lawyers and other copyright
experts on this issue. They roll over laughing at the premise that
USENET Faq's take presidence over Federal Law. Your copyright
violations are obvious.
>> You have also refused to cease
>>and desist your anonymous cyberstalking which you know violates a
>>Federal Statute.

>> You have further libeled and defamed me at every
>>opportunity with your fraud and false accusations, and if you disagree
>>then I would look forward to meeting you in a legal arena, any legal
>>arena, civil or criminal, which I assure you is inevitable.
>>I have corrected your post below, please use the correct copy from now
>>on, as to refuse to do so would be yet another fraudulent act designed
>>to falsely defame and smear me which you then for your cyberstalking
>>campaign against me. The final sentence of your own post below proves
>>the context was about Cards and not your forged term "medals."

> The term "medal" is not and never was present in that post!!
> Plain as day.

Doug Says: More fraud. The term does not exist in the post and does
not exist even in your snap shot copy that you took from your own or
someone else's computer.
> Sheesh.
> OK Law Enforcement. If you're reading. Here you go.
> This is what Doug Reiman aka Doug Grant aka Doogie says is a "forged
> FBI document".
> (Oh and if you're reading. Feel free to email).

Doug Says: Law enforcement does not email anonymous cyberstalkers.
They cannot deal with someone they do not know, there are jurisdiction
issues, and rules they must follow. But if you are willing to trust law
enforcement to intervene on this issue and you can tell them all of your
lies, er, stories, please have your lawyer contact mine and your lawyer
will be provided the contact information, if you refuse, then just wait,
they will catch up to you eventually.

This is the last response on this issue you will receive from me,
however, I will continue to download your posts as evidence against you.
I will however provide you with additional cease and desist notices from
several sources.

>> Path:>!sn-xit-03!!!!!!Cidera!!!not-for-mail> Lines: 233> X-Admin:> From: rustybl...@aol.comBATSPAM (Rusty Martin)> Newsgroups: rec.gambling.blackjack> Date: 10 Apr 2001 16:26:03 GMT> References:> <hNRz6.14333$>> Organization: AOL> Subject: Doogie and the FBI (Was: Cyberstalking ..more)> Mime-Version: 1.0> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit> Message-ID: <>>> In article> <hNRz6.14333$> the> Doogie-monster, Doug Grant wrote:>>>Moreover, I have already spoken with the FBI, they>>are telling me things very different from what you are claiming.>>> Due to a successful FOIA request, I was able to secure a transcript of> this conversation. I present below the official transcript of> Doogie's conversation with the FBI:>> Snip forged FBI report fraudulently presented as an "officialtranscript of my conversation with the FBI."