Nine Inch Nails

Omg, I love them!
I have The Fragile, its like, one of the best Cd's!
I have the downward spiral too:D
twilightcrimson7 said:
I love their new single, "The hand that Feeds"
if you havn't heard it yet, do listen to it now!!!!
I had it stuck in my head cuz it's so addictive!!

thats a ****in awsome song rock on trent reznor \ _ /
YES! I saw them in Brisbane in 2001 for the Big Day Out concert along with RHCP and Green Day! Yay! I got caught up in the mosh pit *virgin mosh* and thought I was gonna die, but I was so close to Trent he could have spat on me *eww!* Anyway, he looked major sexy in black leather pants and a black net shirt... awesome. His voice is incredible. The whole band rocked. Was one of the best days of my life!
Just had to share that... :D

But With Teeth the album seriously rocks... The title song, love it!
Trent was my original rock god when I was at high school... now I'm older and he's the same, but the music is still as addictive and awe-inspiring as it was way back in the day. The Downward Spiral though would have to be my fav. NIN album... yup.