Nixon Was Right, Ford Wrong!


Active Member
May 7, 2005
Has anybody noticed what is wrong in this country of ours?
Vietnam has invaded us thanks to then President Ford. He
felt that this nation owed a big appology for what was done.
What did we do? Tried to fix what the French could not do!
President Nixon wanted to Nuke the basterds but congress
would not let him! Enter Ford... Now the Rodents are here
amoung us. Free money! Free education! No % home loans!
Plus the first 4 years they are here they don't have to work!
They get $2,000 tax free each month! Free housing! Free
food! (nightly visits into our backyards killing and eating our
Doggies and Kitties)
Has anybody noticed that they can't even drive a car? Yes... it is serious, day 1 you see the little rodents at a bus
stop. Why? They are off to get they're free Toyota Camry.
White guy, married to a American Mexican woman for as of
June 9 for 26 years! I believe in Equallity for every one of
us, be what ever nationality you were. Now you are like
every American, a American. But the V.C. are not like us.
Has anybody noticed that they still refer to us all as the
Americans! Think about it......................................
What Ford did was he let a still hostile "Enemy" come
and rome amoung us and RAPE are Great Country, and
destroy our system.
I'm done for now. But.... I have alot of insite on these
rodents and they're continuing "WAR" that is here, NOW!
Has anybody noticed what is wrong in this country of ours?
Vietnam has invaded us thanks to then President Ford. He
felt that this nation owed a big appology for what was done.
What did we do? Tried to fix what the French could not do!
President Nixon wanted to Nuke the basterds but congress
would not let him! Enter Ford... Now the Rodents are here
amoung us. Free money! Free education! No % home loans!
Plus the first 4 years they are here they don't have to work!
They get $2,000 tax free each month! Free housing! Free
food! (nightly visits into our backyards killing and eating our
Doggies and Kitties)
Has anybody noticed that they can't even drive a car? Yes... it is serious, day 1 you see the little rodents at a bus
stop. Why? They are off to get they're free Toyota Camry.
White guy, married to a American Mexican woman for as of
June 9 for 26 years! I believe in Equallity for every one of
us, be what ever nationality you were. Now you are like
every American, a American. But the V.C. are not like us.
Has anybody noticed that they still refer to us all as the
Americans! Think about it......................................
What Ford did was he let a still hostile "Enemy" come
and rome amoung us and RAPE are Great Country, and
destroy our system.
I'm done for now. But.... I have alot of insite on these
rodents and they're continuing "WAR" that is here, NOW!

Goddamn, charlie! Charlie everywhere... call in an airstrike.
Now the Rodents are here
amoung us. Free money! Free education! No % home loans!
Plus the first 4 years they are here they don't have to work!
They get $2,000 tax free each month! Free housing! Free
food! (nightly visits into our backyards killing and eating our
Doggies and Kitties)


You need professional help. Post traumatic stress syndrome? :mad:

Also, your claims are complete falsehoods. (That's my nice way of saying "lies") :p

I've never met anyone who has claimed their dog or cat were captured by the neighborhood Vietnamese and BBQ'd... :confused:


I have been to Vietnam, and met people who's entire family, village, farms, etc were BBQ'd by the United States. :eek:

It's amazing to me how forgivefull they were in general, and gracious they were to me as an American.

Get some help...
Cogito Ergo Sum said:

You need professional help. Post traumatic stress syndrome? :mad:

Also, your claims are complete falsehoods. (That's my nice way of saying "lies") :p

I've never met anyone who has claimed their dog or cat were captured by the neighborhood Vietnamese and BBQ'd... :confused:


I have been to Vietnam, and met people who's entire family, village, farms, etc were BBQ'd by the United States. :eek:

It's amazing to me how forgivefull they were in general, and gracious they were to me as an American.

Get some help...

Most of the people of Vietnam are quiet citizens who exist solely to farm their land or work in their family's profession. From the stories of my VFW friends that fought in 'Nam, the villagers and such were proud to see Americans arive. Alot of them did not agree with the V.C., but did not have the power to fight back. Especially since their young men were ripped from their homes and forced to serve in the military.

It was the fanatical leadership of some platoons and regiments that caused the so called "rape" of that land. And I can agree that, war makes you do crazy things. That said, my VFW friends told me that the VC look alike and are often dressed as farmers and civilians and would randomly attack American soldiers as they carried on their business. They snared the jungle with boobie traps, dug pits with tigers in the bottom, landmines, dirty bombs, and most of all wired little boys and girls with explosives and sent them to a cluster of American soldiers while in a city. If it was me and I'm getting eaten up by bugs in the jungle and these slope-eyed bastards are killing my friends, yes... I'd shoot everything in sight.

Looking back, I'm positive that most regret what they did over in 'Nam. Most were just following orders, those that were giving orders are in power in Congress and the Senate.

I'd like to think that I could control myself in a situation such as that, but I indeed failed... however I did see myself through a point of no return situation. During the Gulf War, I shot a man running out of a crude hut wielding a snubbed AK-47. His intention was to kill me, or any of those in my squad, but at the moment of truth his gun jammed and I returned fire with my M-16. He died instantly and not a day that goes by I don't think about what happened or the grimace on that man's face as he stared off into the sky.
Well you have met one now! About 2 years ago my next door
neighbors who just happen to be V.C. kept throwing cigarette butts
STILL lit over the fence, fresh struck matches over the fence, and
chewing gum too! I politely asked them not to litter my yard. But
the denied everything! I don't smoke anything! So how did this
happen? It gets better. That very next morning I find a ****ing
CRACK PIPE busted up in my side yard. Not near the gate, but
directly half way along the fence line. A few hours later I'm in my
garage cutting panels for the kitchen cabinets that I designed and
am building when all of sudden I here their funking squanking
language by the front of the garage. This gets my attention and as I shut off my table saw to look and see what the commotion is
this ****er named Yyn throws a lit smoke into the front of my garage just as I came around the corner! You should have sen the
look in his eyes caught red handed, and his hand still in the motion of the cigerette flick! I then said enough and got in his
face and nicely explained to him that if I ever find another ****ing
piece of his GOOK litter in my yard that I will call the cops and file
a complaint for attempting to burn my house down! I'm a pretty
big dude and know how to take care of myself if needed. He is
about 5, 10 and about 90 pounds from all the crack he smokes
and just pissed his pants in fright as his uncle amd aunt stepped
in to save me from hurting his feelings any further.
To get back to the reason I know about there culinery dishes,
about a week later my beloved doggie, Molly started behaving
very baddly and started barfing and bumping into the walls. I took her to the Vets office and upon an exam her liver was extremly inflamed and kidneys the size of a softball! The doctor
said that the only thing that could do this was ether a severe beating to the frontal chest area or poisoning. Well for that kind of
severe beating the dog would have deffinetly suffered many broken ribs and heavy blood bruises. Well she had none of that.
Instead he found heavy traces of raw steak and antifeeze in her
blood! I spent a huge amount of money for him to save my pup.
Oh yeah just so happens that ****er Yyn was looking through
our garbage can the next pick-up day early in front of our house.
Hmmmm. Does this sound like post tramatic stress syndrome
or a person who first hand saw and is still living in this V.C. state
of "California", or shall I say "Calbodia" to be more exact.
I say again, Nixon was right, Ford was wrong! and the result is
the rodents are amoung us. I can't wait to sell this house "probably to a rich Gook" and move to Arizona where Gooks don't
venture to.
I wish Peace, Happiness, and Soulful living to every different culture. But I would like to see the rodents die in a cloud
of vaporization.
Best regards, Scott on the edge
This is a reply to C.E.S.
California is much, much worse off now here in San Jose.
My message is Peace, Love and Happiness to all. But some are
not applicable to my wish. Arizona here we come.
On a liner note...

Did you happen to see the video of the police shootout in Compton a few days ago? It's on

The officers were so stressed out, and the fool was trying to ram them in a white SUV, so, the officers started unloading their guns. Bullets everywhere. What a ****ing 3 ring circus.

Unbelievably, the guy survived with 4 wounds.

California is a filthy ****ing SEWER and only getting worse by the minute. Why anyone would want to live there is beyond me. Sunshine? ****, I have sunshine too even here in Ohio. I for one, will never set foot in that cesspool again.
I saw that shoot out......kinda fuzzy but it looked like they just unloaded on that truck unneccessarily(sp) do you know the skinny? I am a bit curious. :confused:The whole ramming the cop car thing looked more like he lost controle of the vehicle (at a pretty LOW speed due to a sudden attack of lead poisoning) details please! more news at 11:00........
NazzNegg[font=System said:
Anyways you get the drift. The radio Host ended the show by making some jokes about; well the people sounded awfully nice from Laredo, but they seemed a little hesitant about talking about the towns culture and things to do, maybe Laredo is a nice place to go rent a cheap room and then travel to other areas..(Laughs)[/font]

The issue in America is not one of color, it is one of Culture. Immigrants are not assimilating anymore they are setting up little communities and then expanding them, there is no longer any incentive to assimilate into the American culture. Why should they when it is much easier to keep the culture they came with, America allows this and encourages it. Whole regions of the nation are being segmented by language, culture and customs gaps and it is getting more so each year.

Have you noticed that racism seems to be on the rise? Blacks, Whites, Hispanic, Asian etc.. it is my belief that in order for peoples of different cultures and back grounds to get along they have to conform to a common language, common culture and common customs. The trend in multi-culturalisim in America will end with the ethical, political and moral division of the entire nation.

Been there, it's true.
What you see is what you get here in "Calbodia". That is why the Wife and I are leaving. It's in the water, it's in the food, and you top it all of with druged out cops doing their bi-monthly slaughter.
I tell you all what is at the heart of the problem..........
The damn V.C. All this crap of division and barriers started with the arrival of the rodents in their boats. I could go on and on about things here in San Jose being as screwed up as they are,
but I could sum it up fast by saying the origin is from Vietnam.
We have the cowards from the south that leach of us still today
and we have the cowards from the north who blend in and slither
up and down our streets while hiding behind fake smiles and tell-
ing lie after lie to cover up their evil ways. I remember working
as a young man of 18 yrs and remember how my leadman would
show me his photo album's from the war. I never understood
until a couple years ago why those brave guys fought the way they did. I say it now and wish I could say it to him also, Rich, I
do understand now and I really enjoy those moments you shared
with me trying to make me understand about Truth, Honor, and
fighting for the freedom of the suppressed world. I also remember
what the symbolism of those necklace you and your buddys all
had. I think I could appreciate one for myself now these days.
Scott on the Edge