Bill M

Over a thousand different gods are worshipped by man. Any REAL god would
surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the REAL god and all the others
are fakes. He would surely use his unlimited power to EXPOSE AND ELIMINATE
all the fakes.

Following is a list of the major religions of the world. In addition there
are hundreds of different sects and beliefs 'within' the major religions.
For instance, the Christian religion
has the Catholics, the Protestants, the Evangelicals, the Methodists, the
Christian Scientists, the Mormons etc. All with different beliefs.


Chinese traditional religion



African Traditional & Diasporic








Cao Dai








Major religious texts and documents;

Baha'i Sacrid writtings
Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
NO-NADA originals of the old or new testaments exist.
The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
The Analects - Confuscianism
The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome
Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
Qur'an - Islam
Adi Granth and Dasam Granth - canonical scripture of the Sikhs
Tanakh - Jewism
Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong

Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
any, and which are fakes? None of these documents are any objective
evidence. They are all documents written, hand copied, modified and further
recopied, over the centuries, by errant men with their own personal and
selfish motivations. All of these documents. Except the Book of Morman, were
hand written and hand copied over the centuries before the invention of the
printing press. There is no way to determine authenticity or accuracy of any
of these. The objective evidence is that they are a mixture of inaccurate
history, myth, folklore and legends.

There is powerful objective verifiable evidence that no REAL gods exist
except in the imaginations of man.

This all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent designer, would
not create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Earth Quakes,
Wars, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body
malfunctions and starvation, all of which PUNISH PEOPLE INDISCRIMINATELY
regardless of their behavior or religious beliefs. If he did he would not be
an all loving all caring god but a brutal malevolent creature or nothing at
all. There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The reality
is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these
diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly totally

Over two million perfectly innocent children die of starvation and diseases

There is a similar quantity of diseases that punish animals. Why were
animals created to kill and eat other animals? Animals don't sin. Why are
they being punished unnecessarily severely???

There is NO objective verifiable evidence that prayer to ANY god produces
any beneficial result. Everyone is born, lives and dies regardless of their
religious beliefs.

Why is man born helpless and required to be nurtured, protected and trained
by adult parents for up to twenty years and then experience, in old age, a
punishing physical and mental deterioration for approximately twenty years
before death? Is this evidence of a loving caring god???

If God exists, either he can do nothing to stop the most egregious
calamities, or he just does not care. God, therefore, is either impotent,
evil or does not exist. The later is the most logical.

This is all so illogical and ridiculous that it has to be the mythical
creation of men.

Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for. Gods, Devils, Angels, Heavens
and Hells are all the creations of man's imagination.

The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
that man created imaginary gods! (thousands of them!)
"Bill M" <> wrote in message
> Over a thousand different gods are worshipped by man. Any REAL god would
> surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the REAL god and all the

> are fakes. He would surely use his unlimited power to EXPOSE AND

> all the fakes.
> Following is a list of the major religions of the world. In addition there
> are hundreds of different sects and beliefs 'within' the major religions.
> For instance, the Christian religion
> has the Catholics, the Protestants, the Evangelicals, the Methodists, the
> Christian Scientists, the Mormons etc. All with different beliefs.
> Christianity
> Islam
> Hinduism
> Chinese traditional religion
> Buddhism
> primal-indigenous
> African Traditional & Diasporic
> Sikhism
> Juche
> Spiritism
> Judaism
> Baha'i
> Jainism
> Shinto
> Cao Dai
> Zoroastrianism
> Tenrikyo
> Neo-Paganism
> Unitarian-Universalism
> Rastafarianism
> Scientology
> Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist
> Major religious texts and documents;
> Baha'i Sacrid writtings
> Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
> The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
> NO-NADA originals of the old or new testaments exist.
> The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
> The Analects - Confuscianism
> The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
> Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome
> Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
> Qur'an - Islam
> Adi Granth and Dasam Granth - canonical scripture of the Sikhs
> Tanakh - Jewism
> Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
> Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
> Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong
> Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
> any, and which are fakes? None of these documents are any objective
> evidence. They are all documents written, hand copied, modified and

> recopied, over the centuries, by errant men with their own personal and
> selfish motivations. All of these documents. Except the Book of Morman,

> hand written and hand copied over the centuries before the invention of

> printing press. There is no way to determine authenticity or accuracy of

> of these. The objective evidence is that they are a mixture of inaccurate
> history, myth, folklore and legends.
> There is powerful objective verifiable evidence that no REAL gods exist
> except in the imaginations of man.
> This all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent designer,

> not create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Earth Quakes,
> Wars, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body
> malfunctions and starvation, all of which PUNISH PEOPLE INDISCRIMINATELY
> regardless of their behavior or religious beliefs. If he did he would not

> an all loving all caring god but a brutal malevolent creature or nothing

> all. There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The

> is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these
> diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly

> Over two million perfectly innocent children die of starvation and

> There is a similar quantity of diseases that punish animals. Why were
> animals created to kill and eat other animals? Animals don't sin. Why are
> they being punished unnecessarily severely???
> There is NO objective verifiable evidence that prayer to ANY god produces
> any beneficial result. Everyone is born, lives and dies regardless of

> religious beliefs.
> Why is man born helpless and required to be nurtured, protected and

> by adult parents for up to twenty years and then experience, in old age, a
> punishing physical and mental deterioration for approximately twenty years
> before death? Is this evidence of a loving caring god???
> If God exists, either he can do nothing to stop the most egregious
> calamities, or he just does not care. God, therefore, is either impotent,
> evil or does not exist. The later is the most logical.
> This is all so illogical and ridiculous that it has to be the mythical
> creation of men.
> Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
> seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for. Gods, Devils, Angels,

> and Hells are all the creations of man's imagination.
> The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
> that man created imaginary gods! (thousands of them!)

Explanation: we each see things differently. That is because we each have a
unique perspective.

Each religion is a translation of reality for a different culture.

Different strokes for different folks.
On Jul 16, 9:36 pm, "Mark Earnest" <> wrote:
> "Bill M" <> wrote in message
> news:zIPmi.9384$
> > Over a thousand different gods are worshipped by man. Any REAL god would
> > surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the REAL god and all the

> others
> > are fakes. He would surely use his unlimited power to EXPOSE AND

> > all the fakes.

> > Following is a list of the major religions of the world. In addition there
> > are hundreds of different sects and beliefs 'within' the major religions.
> > For instance, the Christian religion
> > has the Catholics, the Protestants, the Evangelicals, the Methodists, the
> > Christian Scientists, the Mormons etc. All with different beliefs.

> > Christianity
> > Islam

> > Hinduism
> > Chinese traditional religion

> > Buddhism

> > primal-indigenous

> > African Traditional & Diasporic

> > Sikhism

> > Juche

> > Spiritism

> > Judaism

> > Baha'i

> > Jainism

> > Shinto

> > Cao Dai

> > Zoroastrianism

> > Tenrikyo

> > Neo-Paganism

> > Unitarian-Universalism

> > Rastafarianism

> > Scientology

> > Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist

> > Major religious texts and documents;

> > Baha'i Sacrid writtings
> > Life of Buddha - Dhammapada - Pali cannon
> > The Bible - Christian religious documents - 18 English versions alone.
> > NO-NADA originals of the old or new testaments exist.
> > The Book of Mormon - Church of Latter Day Saints
> > The Analects - Confuscianism
> > The Eddas and Sagas - Icelandic beliefs
> > Wicca - Neo paganism of Greece and Rome
> > Bhagavgita and Rig Veda - Hinduism
> > Qur'an - Islam
> > Adi Granth and Dasam Granth - canonical scripture of the Sikhs
> > Tanakh - Jewism
> > Tao-Te-Ching - Taoism
> > Nag Hammadi - Gnostics
> > Zhuan Falun - Falun Gong

> > Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
> > any, and which are fakes? None of these documents are any objective
> > evidence. They are all documents written, hand copied, modified and

> further
> > recopied, over the centuries, by errant men with their own personal and
> > selfish motivations. All of these documents. Except the Book of Morman,

> were
> > hand written and hand copied over the centuries before the invention of

> the
> > printing press. There is no way to determine authenticity or accuracy of

> any
> > of these. The objective evidence is that they are a mixture of inaccurate
> > history, myth, folklore and legends.

> > There is powerful objective verifiable evidence that no REAL gods exist
> > except in the imaginations of man.

> > This all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent designer,

> would
> > not create Plagues, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, Volcanic Eruptions, Earth Quakes,
> > Wars, Cancers and hundreds of debilitating diseases, serious body
> > malfunctions and starvation, all of which PUNISH PEOPLE INDISCRIMINATELY
> > regardless of their behavior or religious beliefs. If he did he would not

> be
> > an all loving all caring god but a brutal malevolent creature or nothing

> at
> > all. There are 12,000 known diseases that torture and kill man. The

> reality
> > is that no all loving and all powerful god would create or permit these
> > diseases to punish men of all religious persuasion and particularly

> totally

> > Over two million perfectly innocent children die of starvation and

> diseases

> > There is a similar quantity of diseases that punish animals. Why were
> > animals created to kill and eat other animals? Animals don't sin. Why are
> > they being punished unnecessarily severely???

> > There is NO objective verifiable evidence that prayer to ANY god produces
> > any beneficial result. Everyone is born, lives and dies regardless of

> their
> > religious beliefs.

> > Why is man born helpless and required to be nurtured, protected and

> trained
> > by adult parents for up to twenty years and then experience, in old age, a
> > punishing physical and mental deterioration for approximately twenty years
> > before death? Is this evidence of a loving caring god???

> > If God exists, either he can do nothing to stop the most egregious
> > calamities, or he just does not care. God, therefore, is either impotent,
> > evil or does not exist. The later is the most logical.

> > This is all so illogical and ridiculous that it has to be the mythical
> > creation of men.

> > Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven. Science is things
> > seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for. Gods, Devils, Angels,

> Heavens
> > and Hells are all the creations of man's imagination.

> > The objective evidence is that no gods created man but quite the opposite;
> > that man created imaginary gods! (thousands of them!)

> Explanation: we each see things differently. That is because we each have a
> unique perspective.

It's an elephant's arse, stupid.
One fine day in alt.atheism, "Mark Earnest" <> bloodied
us up with this:

> Different strokes for different folks.

I truly wish you'd obey your own creedo and forget about trying to convert
atheists in an atheist newsgroup, Mark.

Uncle Vic
aa Atheist #2011
Supervisor, EAC Department of little adhesive-backed "L" shaped
chrome-plastic doo-dads to add feet to Jesus fish department.
Convicted by Earthquack.
Uncle Vic wrote:
> One fine day in alt.atheism, "Mark Earnest"
> <> bloodied us up with this:
>> Different strokes for different folks.

> I truly wish you'd obey your own creedo and forget about
> trying to convert atheists in an atheist newsgroup, Mark.

But how else will he make extra points with his god? Also by
trolling this NG while copying it to other NGs, he believes he is
looked up to by the christians in those groups.

"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
On Mon, 16 Jul 2007 15:32:08 -0400, "Bill M" <>

>Over a thousand different gods are worshipped by man. Any REAL god would
>surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the REAL god and all the others
>are fakes. He would surely use his unlimited power to EXPOSE AND ELIMINATE
>all the fakes.

Are you telling me that Bacchus is not real??

Michael Gray wrote:
> Are you telling me that Bacchus is not real??

I always thought that Bacchus would get along with the guys in

"Sacred cows make the best hamburger." Mark Twain.
In article <>,
"David V." <> writes:
> Michael Gray wrote:
>> Are you telling me that Bacchus is not real??

> I always thought that Bacchus would get along with the guys in
> Valhalla.

So long as the wine didn't run out...

Bobby Bryant
Reno, Nevada

Remove your hat to reply by e-mail.
In article <zIPmi.9384$>,
"Bill M" <> writes:

> Over a thousand different gods are worshipped by man. Any REAL god
> would surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the REAL god and
> all the others are fakes. He would surely use his unlimited power
> to EXPOSE AND ELIMINATE all the fakes.

Unless of course it was a mentally stable god who didn't care a fig
what people believe.

There's something wrong with a divinity who is capable of speaking
universes into being and yet feels the need for mere mortals to
constantly acknowledge his existence and the nobility of his traits.

Bobby Bryant
Reno, Nevada

Remove your hat to reply by e-mail.
On Jul 17, 5:32 am, "Bill M" <> wrote:
> Over a thousand different gods are worshipped by man. Any REAL god would
> surely make it abundantly clear, that he is the REAL god and all the others
> are fakes.

That rather depends - maybe the real god just doesnt care.
The Emperor Augustus didn't mind there being other gods to worship -
in fact he was probably a bit embarrassed at the idea of being a god -
which is why he was not officially deified till after his death.

He would surely use his unlimited power

Not all gods have unlimited power.

> all the fakes.

Not all non-real gods are fakes.
Fake gods are rather rare things - most god belief is genuine.


> Of all these different Gods and belief systems which is the true one, if
> any, and which are fakes?

No one religion is totally true and none is completely false.
Fake religions?
Scientology probably started as a fake religion - but its founder is
now dead and the living followers are convinced its real.
They are not faking.

> None of these documents are any objective
> evidence.

What is it with you and "objective evidence"?
I don't care if a god objectively exists I will not freely worship it.
The people that do worship gods dont care a toss for objective
So what is the point of going on and on and on and on about it?
Can you tell me?

>They are all documents written, hand copied, modified and further
> recopied,

Documents are not beliefs - beliefs are not documents.
Documents are not relevant.

> There is powerful objective verifiable evidence that no REAL gods exist
> except in the imaginations of man.

By the definition of "real" - real gods must exist outside of the
imagination - the ones that exist only in the imagination are not

> This all powerful creator, all loving and caring intelligent designer,

You on about that one again?
Get over "Him" already - he is just one of tens of thousands of
imaginary gods.
You are obsessed with an imaginary Boogie Man!

> Religion is things hoped for but not yet seen or proven.

Religion is that which a people hold sacred - its the beliefs and
practices and stories which describe a peoples most cherished ideals
and hopes and defines their (emotional/ethical/intentional)
relationship with the rest of existence.
It often involves beliefs in gods and other supernatural thingumagigs.

> Science is things
> seen and proven but not necessarily hoped for.

Science is two things -
(1) a process of gaining knowledge of the real world by observing,
formulating hypothesis to explain those observations - and then
testing the validity of those hypothesis by carrying out further
experimentation and observation.
(2) the collection of knowledge obtained by process (1).
