No hope.


New member
This is a really great aussie developing band for people who love punk music or really sweet music to chill too.

LP186 is a member from the band..

so yeah check them out if you would like the song just say so in this thread or pm me.

They are deffinately worth your time.


This song is called wonder, it is latest work by the band

if you are interested in more stuff just contact lp186,mikes_shadow or i.



New member
best aussie band I know!

You should know I like them.. my account name on the coldplay forum is "DrivingViaStreetlight" lol..

Have you met Sean yet, fi?

*EDIT* 1,300th post!



New member
thanks everyone :)

we've only recorded 3 songs, so if u want them plz PM me

im writing a song as we speak and its will be done in a few weeks, i hope

again thanks SS1, MS and everyone for ur support



New member
Sam: (Lead Vocals/Guitar)

Me: (Lead Guitar/Back-up Vocals)

Sean: (Drums)

Luke: (Bass)

may i recommend Driving Via Street Light

it doesnt sound like any of our other stuff

its like My December to Linkin Park, something different

if u want it, please PM me :)



New member
I just listened to "Driving Via Streetlight". It's really good. Kinda slow but that makes it sound emotional.

"So im going light speed, jacked up on caffeine"

haha, i love that part.



New member
may i recommend Driving Via Street Light

it doesnt sound like any of our other stuff

its like My December to Linkin Park, something different
First time I heard it I was like "Omg it's colplay!"




New member
as i said a while ago, me and the boys r working on a new song

i just finished writing the lyrics and we're working on the music

i think we'll get it done in a few weeks :)



New member
i wish you all the best with that. you guys should have fun, alright? don't let it get too stressing and stuff. take it easy :)
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