'No reconciliation' after UN court rejects Balkan war claims


World News

Zagreb (AFP) - "There is no reconciliation here," said a former Croatian prisoner of war after a landmark ruling Tuesday that rejected rival claims of genocide by Croatia and Serbia stemming from their 1990s war. We (Croatians) cannot forget those who were killed and they (Serbs) consider that they are not guilty of that," Danijel Rehak told AFP. "I feel horrible, we all feel horrible, although in a way we were expecting such a ruling," said Manda Patko, from the eastern town of Vukovar, the scene of one of the darkest chapters of the 1990s war. Earlier Tuesday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) dismissed Croatia's claim that Serb forces committed genocide during the country's 1991-1995 war of independence, which claimed 20,000 lives.

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