Nokia to undercut Android prices to gain U.S. market share


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<p style="text-align: center;"><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-91810 aligncenter" title="nokia-n8-windows-phone" src="" alt="" width="550" height="511" /></a>
Nokia’s head of North American sales Chris Weber sat down in an interview <em>Business Insider</em> recently and explained how the Finnish company will regain its market share in the United States by writing “one of the greatest turnaround stories in history.” Weber said that Nokia will release a number of new smartphone models running Microsoft’s Windows Phone Mango operating system and will compete with Android by pricing several of them lower than the cheapest Android models. Weber reconfirmed that Nokia is still <a href="">on track to release its first Windows Phone handset this year</a>, likely the <a href="">SeaRay device</a> we’ve seen <em>leaked</em>, but said the majority of its phones will begin to land next year. <em>Business Insider </em>also said that Nokia is deeply integrated with Microsoft’s plans for a complete tablet, PC and mobile phone ecosystem, which loosely suggests Nokia may have a tablet in the works, too.<span id="more-100046"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report