Nominate a WPYO mascot !!


New member
We need a **** mascot around here... suggestions.. thoughts, ideas ??

I'll start a poll and add names tell we get 5( or so ), then I'll open the poll.

I'll start with My mascot, and I'll throw him into the mix... my cyber dog...





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New member
I found another contestant... Bob's dog






New member

Only because it seems appropriate for this website.

Of course, my puppy Lucky Charms should be put in the vote.


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New member
Well, if we are sticking with the dog theme you could use a picture of cool_guy or Anna. Just a thought.

I'll see if I can find a ****** off kitty cat. There are a lot of those pictures out there.



New member
How about Walter Prescot Younger Ostetter?
View attachment 763
Now THAT I like, anybody second that ?? If there is one that has been mentioned that you like just say so and I'll tally up votes for the ones to go into the poll, I kinda liked Tori's bitchy looking ***** too...uhm... :rolleyes: ..well, you know what I mean..





New member
Phreaks dog and Bobs dog are too cute to be the WYPO mascott. I think that picture of Cool_Dude with the eyebrows would be interesting if Phreak could alter it a bit, make it look a little worse. A stretch I know since its pretty bad as it is...
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