November 28 Puns


Tim Bruening

Konker: Dog belonging to a giant ape that climbs skyscrapers.

Pamper: Price of a cooking spray.

Parapet: Domestic animal from the 5th dimension.

Pesky: Annoying object that undoes locks.

Skit: Young cat in a short play.

Skittish: Young scardy cat.

Velvet: Cloth that fought in a war.



"Tim Bruening" <> wrote in message


> Konker: Dog belonging to a giant ape that climbs skyscrapers.


> Pamper: Price of a cooking spray.


> Parapet: Domestic animal from the 5th dimension.


> Pesky: Annoying object that undoes locks.


> Skit: Young cat in a short play.


> Skittish: Young scardy cat.


> Velvet: Cloth that fought in a war.

Unvelvet: Ein animal doctor who vas sick in bed all ssrough ze var!

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