Tim Bruening
nemo wrote:
> Tim Bruening <tsbrueni@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote in message
> news:3FAB4D25.2E6EBA2C@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us...
> <unsnip>
> > When I used to act, I nevered borrowed other peep holes ties...
> > I always drank my ties...
> >
> And when the part called for the lighting of a paraffin (kerosene)
lamp - I
> always drank my Tilly of a good, strong ale!
> > Cancer: A knight of small metal containers.
> Cantcer: Ditto kniggit but impotent.
> The fur on his shield was even painted upside-down!
Transfer: Hair that moves.
Pen-T-M: Pen that only writes Ms and Ts.
> Tim Bruening <tsbrueni@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us> wrote in message
> news:3FAB4D25.2E6EBA2C@pop.dcn.davis.ca.us...
> <unsnip>
> > When I used to act, I nevered borrowed other peep holes ties...
> > I always drank my ties...
> >
> And when the part called for the lighting of a paraffin (kerosene)
lamp - I
> always drank my Tilly of a good, strong ale!
> > Cancer: A knight of small metal containers.
> Cantcer: Ditto kniggit but impotent.
> The fur on his shield was even painted upside-down!
Transfer: Hair that moves.
Pen-T-M: Pen that only writes Ms and Ts.