! NRA executive Wayne LaPierre blasts Obama, Clinton in visit to Kingsport


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NRA executive Wayne LaPierre blasts Obama, Clinton in visit to Kingsport

KINGSPORT - National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne
LaPierre took aim Friday night at Democratic presidential candidate Barack
Obama's recent comment that people in small-town America are "bitter about
their lives and that's why they cling to their guns and their religion."

LaPierre, speaking to about 200 people at an event organized by the
Tennessee Conservative Political Action Committee, claimed Obama's remark
was a peek into how "the elites" think about people.

"It was and sounded like an arrogant statement from an out-of-touch
elitist," LaPierre said. "Senator Obama opposes people having guns in their
homes for self-defense while he and his family enjoy armed professional
security around the clock."

The other Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, is just as bad
as Obama, but "she's been bad a whole lot longer," LaPierre charged.

"No matter how much she tries to tell her story right now ... Hillary
Clinton was the most anti-gun first lady in the most anti-Second Amendment
administration in American history," said LaPierre.

Both Obama and Clinton refused to sign friend-of-the-court papers asking the
U.S. Supreme Court to support the Second Amendment in its consideration of
the ban on firearms in Washington, D.C., LaPierre said.

"They weren't friends of the court then, and they are enemies of the Second
Amendment now," LaPierre said of Obama and Clinton. "I believe a candidate's
position on firearms freedom is the single most reliable predictor of their
conviction about all of our other American freedoms."

LaPierre was also critical of New Orleans law enforcement officials
confiscating legal firearms out of homes after Hurricane Katrina hit.

"Never again let anyone tell you that honest citizens don't need firearms
because the government is always going to be there to protect you," he told
the crowd at the MeadowView Conference Resort and Convention Center.

He added the United Nations has declared "there is no human right" to
self-defense and that any nation condoning gun rights is committing a human
rights violation.

LaPierre said the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the 30-year
Washington, D.C., gun ban could be a milestone for the Second Amendment
which states: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of
a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be

"I think the Supreme Court will be on our side," LaPierre predicted.

LaPierre stressed that as a result of the NRA's efforts, 40 states have
right-to-carry arms permits.

"Our Second Amendment says what it means and means what it says," he said.

U.S. Rep. David Davis, who spoke before LaPierre, said that even with the
gun ban there's a murder every 50 hours in Washington, D.C.

"That tells me that gun bans don't work," said Davis, R-1st District.

Both LaPierre and Republican Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey of Blountville were also
critical of Tennessee Democratic House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh's anti-gun

Ramsey said Naifeh, D-Covington, has been instrumental in killing bills to
allow gun permit holders to carry firearms into state parks and places where
alcohol is sold.

Legislation to keep newspapers from publishing the names of gun permit
holders, said Ramsey, also died in the Democrat-controlled House.

"There's no public good that comes from publishing that in the newspaper,"
Ramsey pointed out.

There are now about 200,000 gun permit holders in Tennessee, Ramsey noted.

"You know how much trouble we've had with them - zero," said Ramsey.