NVme4ever's journel


New member
yo...since evryone is makin 1 idecided 2 make 1 2...........lets see.......dis is gonna be da most borin journal so bare wid me..


since i have holidays no need of gettin up early.....yeah....so i got up at around 11 took a bath and was then chattin wid ppl from here......my bro **** back from skool.........my mom and he hav a fight....i end up feelin sic 2 my stomach.......i wanna say shut up but dont have da guts 2.........anyway......my bro was rite my mom ends up cryin.....i end up cryin secretly.......and den my bro goes 2 his frnds house.........oh ya! and my bro is 17 ........hes elder....wen i was readin over itm sounded as if he were 5....but wateva...so he gos 2 his frnds house and i tell my mom he dint mean 2 talk like dat.....and she started shoutin at me.......i started cryin again......this is alone after loking myself in da room..........den my brother **** bak wid his frnds....and now my mom is talkin on da fone wid my dad abt wat happened.........bad day....and my bros frnds have gon 2 da mall....so im loked upin my room rite now

bad bad day

yeah.....and i posted dis on genral talk first .....by mistake......****....i feel like killin myself...*dies wid embaressment*



New member
LOL mistakes happen! don't kill yourself over it!

I like your journal! It's good to vent, no?

It sounds like your mom is mean to you. why was she yelling at you? *pats back* its okay, don't cry :( it'll be fine *hands bowl ice cream* you do like ice cream, don't you? :D



New member
yeah....i luve ice cream...*snatches the bowl of ice cream* ........my mom is ......yeah....well kida mean 2 me.......see.....the thing is dat......my mom luvs my brother more......ive told her dis but she always disagrees......i no dat she luvs him more kause wateva he wants he gets it and if i want da same my mom says no..........and im da one hoo gets shoutin most of da time......im supposed 2 h8 my brother bekause of dis.....but.....i dont.....i luv him more dan anyone.......he luvs me ...2 .....he tells me all his secrets....i tell him mine.......he consoles me wen im sad hes always dar wid me.............he also bought me an ipod for my birthday.....he is sooooo sweet........but even though my mom and my bro have fites.....i feel sic .....i dont no y...he tells me dat evrything will be fine but i no it will not.....kause my mom has never been soo ******..


New member
*hugs* dw most people get that from their families but....im a only child *big hug*

ur bro is really sweet...most people let their favouritism get to their heads....*looks around*

anyways....*hugs* good luck with that



New member
ok........i dint post for a long time now.....so here r da main events......

1. FIGHT IS OVER!!!!!!(YAY!!!!!)

2. i was supposed 2 have stay over at my house (kall it a slumber party).......but since my frnds couldnt *** so.....i dropped the entire plan......and my friends r really angry wid me...

3. and preperations for my brother.....hes goin 2 collage now......in canda......so well were preparin for dat though its next year....

4. got a new kar......cause are kar is gone for servicein so we have a prado without options and i dont no which year.....

dats dat.......now.......2 day.........and yeasterday........lets see.......

yesterday my bro told me a lot of his secrets which im not allowed 2 put on dis site for public attraction(if dats da rite phrase)

and ........we bought sum new clothes........so dis really really kute guy in da mall

(10 minutes later)

k my mom kame in and was really really ****** kause my room was in a total mess kause i was tryin on clothes......and now my aunt thinks dat she is evrythin in the world.....wateva....

oh ya!! i forgot......well.......one of my bros friend had *** for a stay over at our house........and he is da cutest out of all my brs friends and well i no its dumb but i have da hugest krush on him and it was difficult keepin a straigt face and being normal in front of him........

and nthn happened anyway but my bro was gonna blurt dat i had a krush on him wen i interrupted 2 ask for coffe..........i wasnt happier then i was thenm......i was soooooooooo glad dat i butted in at dat particular moment.......

today again i went shoppin wid my parents ................seriously, if u wanta new method of dyin go wid my parents for shoppin......u die widout pain..........kause u die so fast u yourself wont realize..............and we met sum relatives dere......weird ones. and i went 2 dis shop and dis coustmer thought i was a salse women.....i was embaressed and i felt my face turn red...........

nothin much........im bored now..........lisennin 2 music.......u guys no names of any famous hot guys please tell me



New member
ok........i dint post for a long time now.....so here r da main events......
1. FIGHT IS OVER!!!!!!(YAY!!!!!)

2. i was supposed 2 have stay over at my house (kall it a slumber party).......but since my frnds couldnt *** so.....i dropped the entire plan......and my friends r really angry wid me...

3. and preperations for my brother.....hes goin 2 collage now......in canda......so well were preparin for dat though its next year....

4. got a new kar......cause are kar is gone for servicein so we have a prado without options and i dont no which year.....

dats dat.......now.......2 day.........and yeasterday........lets see.......

yesterday my bro told me a lot of his secrets which im not allowed 2 put on dis site for public attraction(if dats da rite phrase)

and ........we bought sum new clothes........so dis really really kute guy in da mall

(10 minutes later)

k my mom kame in and was really really ****** kause my room was in a total mess kause i was tryin on clothes......and now my aunt thinks dat she is evrythin in the world.....wateva....

oh ya!! i forgot......well.......one of my bros friend had *** for a stay over at our house........and he is da cutest out of all my brs friends and well i no its dumb but i have da hugest krush on him and it was difficult keepin a straigt face and being normal in front of him........

and nthn happened anyway but my bro was gonna blurt dat i had a krush on him wen i interrupted 2 ask for coffe..........i wasnt happier then i was thenm......i was soooooooooo glad dat i butted in at dat particular moment.......

today again i went shoppin wid my parents ................seriously, if u wanta new method of dyin go wid my parents for shoppin......u die widout pain..........kause u die so fast u yourself wont realize..............and we met sum relatives dere......weird ones. and i went 2 dis shop and dis coustmer thought i was a salse women.....i was embaressed and i felt my face turn red...........

nothin much........im bored now..........lisennin 2 music.......u guys no names of any famous hot guys please tell me
hehehe, your brother sounds nice! :D

LOL, that part where you butted in was funny, you sly devil! ;)

I'll keep that painless death in mind, hah ha lol



New member
lol yeah usually i **** in when my friends are about to swear n there is a teacher near by they will b like fu....n im like FUDGE!!! WHERE!?

i wish i could bump into my relatives...



New member
dere goes

another fite\


i fell like kryin now..........its enough......now i jus feel like tellin my mom 2 shut up if she does not no anythin............

(4 years ago)

k..........so now dere is this guy hoo is my brother hoo likes my brother(as a best frnd and nothin more........dey r not gay.) a lot...u kan say he dots on him..........and once he called home and my mom piked up................ so dis guys name is abraar.... and she said dat sheel give the fonte 2 my brother......she gave the other line(cordless).....2 my brother and she was lisennin from the other line.........so now he starts talkin about girls and dere email addresses and which girl looks hot and so is my bro talk in

(my mom doesnt like my brother talkin 2 girls or talkin abt dem and if she finds out sheel literaly kill him(ok shout at him like krazy) and if she finds out dat i no wat *** is and wat other things r sheel lock me up in a dark room wid nothin in it so i dont get 2 no anythin more..........in short she is against talkin wid boys talkin 2 girls and girls talkin 2 guys and against havin boyfriends and girlfriends......sheel kill me and my brother if she ever gets 2 no we have 1 though we both dont and she thinks that da ppl hoo have 1 r bad company)

yeah.....so he starts talkin about hot girls .....now.....wen dey put down the fone my bursts into the room and says dat abraar is bad company he is a bad guy and she does not want any fone kalls from him nor does she want him 2 speak 2 him kause hes bad company

..my brother took sum time 2 tell him not 2 kall anymore..... he really liked abraar and thought of him as his best friend......how kud he do dis but sumhow he gave an excuse and he stopped kallin but he dint brake frend ship wid him and my mom new dat but she didnt mind........

dere gos 4 years i said..


so now my brother and he r goin 2 da sam kollage so he jus kalls home 2 talk 2 him he kalls a lot so now my mom got ****** she says dat wat is his problem.......y does he keep kallin..........and she and my brohad a fit 2 day bak bekause dey were goin 2 play pool and den my brother is a computer freak and any problems u have he kan solve it.....so he asked if he kould fix a new video kard for him as he did it for my comp.....so my bro say fine and asks my mom if he kud go n my mom goes nuts.....she hates him 2 death......but it was fine than after sumtime.........so now my mom thinks my brother has started lying about evrythin she thinks dat wen my bro says he is goin out wid him he is goin elsewere n not tellin her......today my brother had a party were all his friends including all girls from skool were cummin.....my bro dint tell her abt da girls kause he new she wud get ******.......

he told her 2 drop him at abraars house.....now she says y ?/....y cant she drop him 2 da venue of da party n he says kause dey r goin 2 play fooseball........which is true....and my mom says dat he went yesterday y couldnt he play den.......he says bekause dey dint want 2 yesterday.........so now she thinks dat dy r not goin 2 play foose ball but dey r goin sumwere else .....2 pick up girls or sumthin which is sooooooooo not true.......and dey were supposed 2 2gether 2 da party and she thinks dat dere is no party at all........dat he is goin sumwere else.....without tellin her.......which is not true....i new about the party much before she new......i no much more dan she dus........and she got sooooo ****** at my brother....

1... kause he is goin wid abraar and she feels dat my bro is difying her

2 kause ....i dont no.....

i have never seen her more ****** dan she was today

dere goes da rest of my and my bros life

im happy dat my bro is goin im happy he is gettin away from dis livin **** in 1 year

he is goin 2 collage

im happy he is goin 2 canada and i always told him not 2 go kause ill miss him but now im tellin him 2 go even though i no ill cry

and now about me....

1. im bored

2 one more week before skool starts..

3. i went wid my friend 2 a place like disneland n we had fun .......we sat in da most scariest rides.....never sat in rides like those...

i had lots of fun.....i was supposed 2 stayover at her house but "guess hoo sad NO!!"

anyway dat was dat....so im tryin 2 enjoy life rite now



New member
here goes.......................the most boring day of my life..............im soooooooo bored now................i have nothin 2 do.......nothin at all................

so YAY!!!!!...................



New member
ur mum sound kind mean, ur bro sounds really nice.. umm.. mabe could u not write in so much slang cuz its hard to read.


New member
k............so rite now my bro is tellin my mom evrythin .....and tellin her sorry

and now!!!..........YAY!!!

dey hugged

and now dey r gud........................

so dat fite is over.............now im kinda bored................i have nuthin to do............krap

im bored..................nuthin special............

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