Dr. Jai Maharaj

Obama blames 'ethic of greed' for economy [while at a
fundraiser in the Manhattan headquarters...]

Obama blames 'ethic of greed' for economy

By Jeanne Cummings
The Politico
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Barack Obama went to New York Thursday and blamed
lobbyists, greedy businessmen and complacent Washington
politicians for creating "an ethic of greed" that led to
today's foreclosure crisis.

Not long after he left the stage, the Democratic
presidential hopeful attended a fundraiser held by his
campaign in a room in the Manhattan headquarters of Credit
Suisse, one of the major investment companies caught up in
the subprime lending mess.

While the fundraiser was not sponsored by the mortgage
lender, Obama's dual appearances highlight a challenge for
all three of the remaining presidential candidates:
convincing ordinary citizens they have the right formula
for fixing the economy and enough independence from the
nation's financial mandarins to push it through Washington.

Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign pounced on the mixed
images evoked by Obama's New York schedule.

"According to the standard set by the Obama campaign, it
looks like Sen. Obama will have a hard time cracking down
on the practices that caused the credit and housing
crises," said Phil Singer, the Clinton campaign spokesman.

But Bill Burton, an Obama spokesman, fired right back.

"Today's event was a general fundraiser in a room paid for
by our campaign and attended by people from varied
backgrounds who are committed to changing the tone of our
politics -- and rejecting the kind of tactics that the
Clinton campaign is now embracing. Any suggestion that this
was a fundraiser hosted by the mortgage industry is
laughable," he said.

In truth, all of the candidates have made multiple trips to
New York's financial district -- including the big
investment firms now caught up in the mortgage meltdown --
to collect cash for their campaigns in the past two years.

More at:

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1 Posted on 3/27/2008 4:29:58 PM PDT by Sub-Driver

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