Obama Car Czar Replaced, Already?


New member
It seems that Steven Rattner, is being replaced as "Car Czar" possibly because he hasn't done enough to destroy the auto industry enough by letting the UAW own a large share of GM and Chrysler, the Obama administration decided that a steelworkers union executive should have a shot at destroying these companies some more...

Steve Rattner, the former New York investment banker who had overseen President Obama?s auto task force, is leaving his post and will be replaced by Ron Bloom, a former union official.
An administration official said Rattner was leaving on his own.

?He determined that this was the right decision for him and his family at this time,? said the administration official.

Rattner?s move, a day before Obama makes his first trip as president to Michigan, comes as two of the Big Three auto companies, General Motors and Chrysler, try to chart a new path out of bankruptcy and government support.

Read more:
Ron Bloom to replace Steve Rattner as car czar - Jonathan Martin - POLITICO.com


After only a few months, and a probe into his methods of "Chicago type politics" and negative results, he's replaced.


Go ahead and deny it, it's just one more sign that the Obama administration plan is ******** up industries all over America.



Active Members
We will see what Government motors turns into, my guess is it will be like every other Government controlled thing ever produced.

Crappy, filled with waste and corruption, and doomed to never being able to get off the Government ***. I am really interested in seeing the new designes and stuff they come up with now that it is controlled by Washington buracrats and unions.

Ron Bloom, now there is a real gem for the Democratic party. Is there a single liberal big contributor who has not been rewarded big time by Obama with jobs they do not deserve and are not qualified for?

I believe this whoe "Czar" thing is getting out of hand, almost like Obama is figuring out ways around his own congress.

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