Obama/global warming


Active Members
Portions of address to the UN:

A failure to address climate change could create an "irreversible catastrophe," President Obama warned Tuesday in a speech at the United Nations in which he promised a renewed American commitment to the problem and urged developing nations to do their part in reducing emissions.


"No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change," the president said.


Obama said time is "running out" to fix the problem but that, "we can reverse it."


"We understand the gravity of the climate threat. We are determined to act. And we will meet our responsibility to future generations."

So how is it with more and more hard science proving "man caused" global warming is a myth, the radical Liberals are still behaving like it is real?



New member
For President Barack Obama, this week is all about international affair. While the United States is focused on healthcare, the rest of the world seems to be focused on another issue: global warming.

Now why do you suppose that would be? No great mystery here ... After decades of looking, global warming has developed into the best scheme that the left has been able to concoct to effect the worldwide transfer and redistribution of the wealth.

World leaders are preparing for their climate change/wealth redistribution conference in Copenhagen in December. There is, though, a fly in the ointment.

The first is the US debate on healthcare. The international community is not all that thrilled that Obama decided to push forward on healthcare reform and leave climate change legislation by the wayside. Doesn't the president realize that redistributing huge amounts of wealth from the United States to undeveloped and despot-controlled countries is far more important then whether or not granny is going to get her hip replacement? They don't care about granny. They want our money; and climate change is the best chance they have right now. They're not thrilled that the Senate may not even get to climate change legislation by the end of this year.

The other roach in the ointment may be reports that the earth is actually cooling. While any world leaders attending these summits won't pay attention to this news, the people back home are. For years they've been hearing people telling them that variances in the sun's heat output account for whatever climate change we're experiencing - now they see the data that conclusively shows the earth is actually cooling down, and has been for about nine years now. And ... guess what? They're also learning that solar activity is diminishing! Hmmmmm. Maybe the preachers of hate were right on this one!

Also, we received some more information last week that we would pay an additional $1,700 a year if cap-and-trade legislation is passed. That went over like a ... er ... let's say like a mouse in a punchbowl.

Stay vigilant folks. The world's nations are congregating in Copenhagen. They want your money. Don't turn your back.



New member
From an email....

Last May 22 I was out at wunderground and noticed something really scary.


May 22, 2009 Rise: Set:

Actual Time 5:50 AM EDT 8:20 PM EDT

Civil Twilight 5:19 AM EDT 8:51 PM EDT

Nautical Twilight 4:41 AM EDT 9:29 PM EDT

Astronomical Twilight 3:59 AM EDT 10:11 PM EDT

Moon 4:03 AM EDT 6:38 PM EDT

Length Of Visible Light: 15h 31m

Length of Day

14h 30m

Tomorrow will be 1m 30s longer.


Tomorrow will be 1.5 minutes longer!?!??!

Well, I quickly put together a computer model and discovered that before long,

if this trend continued, days could be weeks long.

I checked back the next day and sure enough the day was longer and the next

day was forecast to be longer too. Oh my gosh. This was going to play heck with my flexible work schedule!

Well, I tracked it for several weeks then saw my predictions weren't matching

the outcome. Days were not becoming more than 24 hours long.

I saw my mistake. Nights were getting shorter in the same amount!

So I modified my model.

And I discovered that before long there would be no night at all!

This was terrible. All nocturnal life would be threatened.

I've tracked the data since then and, while the days have not progressed at

the rate I expected, I can only attribute this to random fluctuations in an

extremely complex system.

At its core, I know my model is sound. After all, I run it on a super computer.

We must act NOW to prevent this catastrophe. I contend that this phenomenon

of global spinning is a product of people walking more forcefully when they go

westward than when they go eastward. I've commissioned a study and found that

many houses have doors facing westward and people leave their houses

energetically in the mornings and return more wilted in the evening.

I propose, nay demand, a moratorium on building any houses with west facing

doors. East is best. Or towards the equator, if east is really too hard, but

you'll need a gov't waiver for that.

Won't you please join this effort?

For the children...



New member
Portions of address to the UN:
A failure to address climate change could create an "irreversible catastrophe," President Obama warned Tuesday in a speech at the United Nations in which he promised a renewed American commitment to the problem and urged developing nations to do their part in reducing emissions.


"No nation, however large or small, wealthy or poor, can escape the impact of climate change," the president said.


Obama said time is "running out" to fix the problem but that, "we can reverse it."


"We understand the gravity of the climate threat. We are determined to act. And we will meet our responsibility to future generations."

So how is it with more and more hard science proving "man caused" global warming is a myth, the radical Liberals are still behaving like it is real?
If there's a dollar to made from anything, man will find a way.

All I can say is, the view from my cave is getting a little hazy, and the filtered water from the rocks above is tasting more and more like rock candy.

Where can I get my carbon credits for sequestering so much of the stuff in my beard?

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