Dr. Jai Maharaj

Why John F. Kennedy is the Last President Barack Obama
Should Try to Emulate

By Asher Smith
Thursday, February 14, 2008

The day before the Washington state caucus, the Obama
campaign landed a major coup. The popular governor,
Christine Gregoire, had agreed to endorse the candidate and
to not only campaign for him in the key caucus state, but
also to appear in a national television advertisement for
Obama. This was a crucial victory, as it helped to
demonstrate the Illinois senator's increasing support among
female voters, Hillary Clinton's supposed base.

The ad is noteworthy for how well it fits the narrative
that the Obama campaign is trying to establish. Says
Gregoire: "I was inspired to pursue a career in public
service by John F. Kennedy . . . like President Kennedy,
Barack Obama is inspiring a new generation of young people
to get involved.:

As the primary season roars on, Obama is doing all he can
to imprint in the American subconscious that Barack Obama
is Jack Kennedy reincarnated. It was the theme of the
Kennedy/Shriver love-fest in California leading up to Super
Tuesday. It's even the design of new batches of campaign
pins produced by the campaign and its supporters, which
picture the ex-president's face prominently behind that of

This amounts to an unspeakably sad kabuki theater of
degradation. Not because Barack Obama can't measure up to
Jack Kennedy's legacy, but because Barack Obama shouldn't
want to.

To put it bluntly, John F. Kennedy was a moral retrograde,
an unaccomplished fraud, an indifferent, callow heir of
ill-gotten privilege and literally the spawn of Satan
(Jack's father Joseph could have given Lucifer a run for
his money). His footsteps should not be ones that any
contemporary politician should be seeking to follow in.

A couple months ago, Barack Obama's campaign put out a new
pin seeking to emphasize the candidate's values. It
features Barack, his wife Michelle and his two daughters
embracing and looking happily out at the viewer. The
caption above the picture reads "America's First Family," a
title first bestowed upon the Kennedy's. Yet not only was
Jack Kennedy a noted womanizer, his treatment of his wife
and children suggest a personal morality bordering on
sociopathic. In a story related by award-winning historian
Robert Dallek in his authoritative biography of Kennedy,
Jack was informed of his wife's 1955 miscarriage during a
yachting trip in the Mediterranean with Senate buddy George
Smathers. After little deliberation, Kennedy elected to
continue his island-hopping instead of returning to
Hyannisport. His bereft wife could wait -- he had to finish
sampling the women of the various Greek Isles.

In the grand scheme of things, Kennedy's moral failings
pale in comparison to his failings as a public servant, and
it is this that really should have precluded Obama's
embracing of Kennedy as a role model. Barack Obama has gone
to great lengths to frame himself as the candidate of big
ideas, of "change we can believe in." Yet on the biggest
issue of his time, the defining cause of American history,
Jack Kennedy was guilty of extreme cowardice and
pusillanimity and, as the 2006 book by noted civil rights
historian Nick Bryant explained, was nothing more than a
mere "bystander" to the drama raging around him. Kennedy
had no moral commitment to civil rights. Instead, he
possessed an intellectual understanding of the need for
reform, but he lacked the ability to empathize with the
yearnings of black America, which is what made white
politicians such as Hubert Humphrey and Lyndon Johnson able
to stake their careers on the altar of equality.

The biggest gulf between Obama and the man he misguidedly
seeks to emulate is one of accomplishment. Barack Obama is
the epitome of the ideal self-made American man: Hard work
and commitment to excellence allowed him to gain admittance
into elite universities, and his dogged work as a community
organizer is what propelled him into elected office.

In stark contrast, Jack Kennedy was a creation of his
father. Any sense of accomplishment that Kennedy may have
had was false. Joseph Kennedy's money placed Jack in
Congress and then the Senate, Ted Sorenson's pen placed him
on the best-seller list and Joseph was not above using
indiscreet bribes to further his son's career (he offered
$1 million to Lyndon Johnson in 1956 to run for president
against Eisenhower with Jack as his vice presidential
nominee). Even when John Kennedy ascended to the Oval
Office, he wasn't out of his father's influence. Brother
Bobby was appointed as attorney general on daddy's orders,
over Jack's meager and brief protest.

Barack Obama is the man John F. Kennedy pretended to be.
For the Illinois senator to try to glom onto turpitude-
stained coattails, striving to be worthy of the Kennedy
inheritance, is a fool's errand. He already exceeded it
long ago just by conducting his life with dignity and

Asst. Editorials Editor Asher Smith is a College freshman
from Great Neck, N.Y.


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Pretty complete evisceration of the Kennedy mythology
subscribed to by most of today's liberals

1 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:07:36 by NYIslander

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- To: NYIslander

This is a nice argument, but the sheeple don't care. Facts
don't matter, only appearances and what they are told by
the media. Kennedy was gods gift to the American people and
the Presidency. Second only to the great FDR. I fear an
extreme liberal Obama Presidency. BLOAT.

2 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:13:40 by CollegeRepublican

Reply to 1

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- To: NYIslander

> Asst. Editorials Editor Asher Smith is a College freshman
> from Great Neck, N.Y.

The Youth vote

3 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:15:14 by byteback

Reply to 1

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- To: NYIslander

'cept he skipped the part how JFK served with honor during
and Obama served....where?

4 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:16:04 by stylin19a

Reply to 1

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- To: stylin19a

and he forgot about JFK cutting taxes
...and Obama cut taxes where? when?

5 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:17:23 by stylin19a

Reply to 4

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- To: byteback

Ain't it grand they're rockin' the vote?

6 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:27:40 by informavoracious

Reply to 3

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- To: NYIslander

My sister said Obama is like a reincarnation of Abraham

= (

7 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:43:17 by wastedyears
(This is my BOOMSTICK)

Reply to 1

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- To: stylin19a

I believe he was in the same unit as Mitt Romney's sons.

Kidding aside, that's a good point. Despite all the
misgivings I have about McCain, I'm proud that someone with
his record of service will be on the ballot for president
in the general election.

8 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:43:31 by NYIslander

Reply to 4

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- To: NYIslander

I was pre-teen under the Kennedy administration and don't
remember much; but was there any major legislation passed
when Kennedy was president?

9 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:43:43 by RexFamilia

Reply to 1

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- To: RexFamilia

no, Kennedy's relationship with congress deteriorated
pretty quickly. Johnson is the one who passed his tax cut,
and then the civil rights bill.

10 Posted on 2/14/2008 10:50:38 by NYIslander

Reply to 9

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- To: NYIslander

Your post expresses the truth. JFK was a charismatic
president and a mythological personality cult has been
carefully constructed by his acolytes. Of course, people
didn't know at the time the true character and limited
ability of the man. A recent article in "Commentary"
magazine says that the best that can be said of his short
tenure of office is that it was "thoroughly mediocre."

11 Posted on 2/14/2008 11:01:03 by T.L.Sink

Reply to 1

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- To: RexFamilia

some major legislation JFK proposed was enacted after his

those making 400k a year or more were taxed at 91%. He had
that reduced to 70%.

in 1963 he finally initiated civil rights action, which was
also passed after his death.

other than that...not much

12 Posted on 2/14/2008 11:05:38 by stylin19a

Reply to 9

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Jai Maharaj
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There's nothing really wrong with Obama, or, for that matter the

The real problem is that the average American isn't fully
participating merely by casting a vote.

Obama needs to come out and say "every American has a share of power
determining the national economic policy of the United States."

"Every American should be deciding the discount rate."

"Every American has freedom of speech on vital economic issues."

Until he says that I'm voting for Hillary.

Bret Cahill