Obama sing along


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The superintendent of a New Jersey school where students were videotaped being taught to sing the praises of President Obama issued a statement Thursday saying the taping was unauthorized, but failed to address whether the the lesson -- taught durnig Black History Month -- was approved.

A YouTube video shows nearly 20 young children being led in a song overflowing with campaign slogans and praise for "Barack Hussein Obama," repeatedly chanting the president's name and celebrating his accomplishments, including his "great plans" to "make this country's economy No. 1 again."

The video has set off families in Burlington, N.J., who say that politics shouldn't be forced on young students.

Song 1:

Mm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said that all must lend a hand

To make this country strong again

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said we must be fair today

Equal work means equal pay

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said that we must take a stand

To make sure everyone gets a chance

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama

He said red, yellow, black or white

All are equal in his sight

Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama


Mmm, mmm, mm

Barack Hussein Obama

Song 2:

Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!

For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"

Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!

The first black American to lead this great nation!

Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans

To make this country's economy number one again!

Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!

And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!

So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick

So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----

Hip, hip hooray!

Hip, hip hooray!

Hip, hip hooray!

I have one question, what would Liberals say if a few years ago school teachers were forcing children to sing the same exact songs but with Bush inserted in place of Obama?



New member
Wowee wow wow...that song is lame!

This song is peppy though!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vw9bxJb--3c]YouTube - Goodbye George Bush: "Not a Political Song" by Holmes[/ame]

In my opinion...the sing a long is inappropriate, but I wouldn't go crazy over it.



Active Members
Is that not the problem though?

Lots of "little" things that are inappropriate can turn into a major problem. This is all part of the double standard I point out in hundreds of ways. Not one tiny speck of this would be allowed for a conservative, but for some reason, this stuff is perfectly okay for a Liberal.



New member
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aqMTD5UFmU&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - School kids taught to praise Obama[/ame]

If you look at the video closely you can see that the sign says "I am Barack Obama." (I understand this to be the title of a book - however, its inclusion near the kid's choir is kind of fukked up.)

Ann Coulter wrote a book about the Church of Liberalism. Seems pretty clear to me that no Judeo-Christian teachings can take place in schools on the basis of separation of church and state. However, isn't this "hymn" to Obama juxtaposed with the "I am Barack Obama" sign eerily similar to Christian doctrine that one should become like Christ - indeed, "one" with Christ?

Some parents make a big deal that their children “have” to stand and say the pledge of allegiance in the morning, so they fight against it. But this drivel in school is OK?



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Some parents make a big deal that their children ?have? to stand and say the pledge of allegiance in the morning, so they fight against it. But this drivel in school is OK?
Because the religion of liberal politics is the only allowed religion.

Every Teacher in America would refuse to do this if it was for a conservative President, but every teacher in America is purely radical Liberal themselves and feel it is okay to brainwash little children to be brainless little robots for their political beliefs.



New member
Every Teacher in America would refuse to do this if it was for a conservative President, but every teacher in America is purely radical Liberal themselves and feel it is okay to brainwash little children to be brainless little robots for their political beliefs.

You don't have the proof to back that up. Every single one...really? Let's not exaggerate here. :rolleyes:



Active Members
You don't have the proof to back that up. Every single one...really? Let's not exaggerate here. :rolleyes:


All of the teachers Unions have never supported a single Conservative for President that I have ever heard of. Teachers are part of the Government circle pushing for socialist reforms. Some groups really are completely radical Liberal, teachers are one of them.

What is the difference between *** and Obama?


*** does not think he is Obama........



New member
There's a big difference between all teacher's unions, and all teachers.

To say all teachers are left wing, child indoctrinating wakko's is just ignorant.

That's like saying all teamsters are "mobbed up".



Active Members
There's a big difference between all teacher's unions, and all teachers.
To say all teachers are left wing, child indoctrinating wakko's is just ignorant.

That's like saying all teamsters are "mobbed up".
Do the exceptions make a difference in the overall application of the Liberal agenda in our schools IWS?


So why consider them as relivant? It seems to me too many people want to waste time talking about the 1% in a situation and ignore the 99%. No, "all" teachers do not do this, but they may as well be because their tiny dissent from their professions overall agenda is like a speck of sand on the beach......unnoticed and insignificant.



New member
Do the exceptions make a difference in the overall application of the Liberal agenda in our schools IWS?

So why consider them as relivant? It seems to me too many people want to waste time talking about the 1% in a situation and ignore the 99%. No, "all" teachers do not do this, but they may as well be because their tiny dissent from their professions overall agenda is like a speck of sand on the beach......unnoticed and insignificant.

You have exactly zero proof that it's an exception or at least not at large number of teachers that don't fall in the liberal mind of teachers unions.

Many people, teachers included, enter trade unions based on what the union can do for them, i.e. legal coverage in lawsuits, negotiations on benefits and salary, and there is absolutely no connection to the politics of the overall union.

You have a real knack for throwing out numbers and statistics with no basis in fact other than your own bias.

So, to completely generalize the entire profession is ignorant. If you can't back it with any kind of factual basis, it's irrelevant to the argument.

You're just as bad as those who paint all conservatives as Timmy McVeigh types.



New member
There's a big difference between all teacher's unions, and all teachers.
To say all teachers are left wing, child indoctrinating wakko's is just ignorant.

That's like saying all teamsters are "mobbed up".

Absolute qualifers.....best used with discretion.



Active Members
You have exactly zero proof that it's an exception or at least not at large number of teachers that don't fall in the liberal mind of teachers unions.

Many people, teachers included, enter trade unions based on what the union can do for them, i.e. legal coverage in lawsuits, negotiations on benefits and salary, and there is absolutely no connection to the politics of the overall union.

You have a real knack for throwing out numbers and statistics with no basis in fact other than your own bias.

So, to completely generalize the entire profession is ignorant. If you can't back it with any kind of factual basis, it's irrelevant to the argument.

You're just as bad as those who paint all conservatives as Timmy McVeigh types.
The general swing in all schools is something I would not expect you to understand, most people are blind to it but if you look closely enough you can see this trend by looking at the examples.

Take in consideration how things like dodgeball have been removed from most schools and even many sports because to the school administrators, they have to protect the weaker kids from the stronger kids. Hundreds of schools have already stopped publishing Honor student lists becuase it hurts the feelings of those who don't make the list. \consider how even the grade system has been changed y teachers to make it easier to get better grades, an "A" used to be a 96 or higher, now it is 90 all to create a false sense of accomplishment in children that they did not earn. Consider that in cases like this, a child can't be forced to recite the 'pledge of allegiance' to our Country, but they were just forced to pledge allegiance to Obama......and nobody cares.

There are stories like this happening almost every day in America:

Upset Mom Picks Up Daughter On Horse

Mother Wanted To Prove Point To School About Sitting In Long Lines

POSTED: Friday, August 28, 2009

UPDATED: 7:03 pm EDT August 28, 2009

Mother On Horseback

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Deidre and her daughters enjoy riding horses.

"Both my kids compete. My 3-year-old and my 8-year-old, they both compete in junior rodeos," she said.

That's why Deidre saw no harm in riding to pick her daughter up from school on horseback, especially since she was trying to prove a point.

"I don't have the funds in my budget to sit in lines for an hour to two and a half hours to wait for my daughter," she said.

Deidre and some other parents are up in arms about a new parking policy at the Crystal Springs Elementary School. Parents are made to line up in their cars and their children are retrieved by the staff one at a time.

Deidre said it's a lot less expensive to wait on a horse. But when she arrived at the school, she was ushered off the property by police.

"Our first priority is the safety of our children, and during our arrival/dismissal, their safety is first and foremost a priority on campus," said Principal Jaime Johnson, who is new to the district.

Johnson said the reason she didn't want Deidre and her horse on school property was that it posed a safety issue, but Deidre said horses are gentle and wouldn't harm anyone.

"(Johnson) would not turn loose of my daughter's hand," Deidre said. "She proceeded to pull my daughter back and squeeze her hand."

An officer drove Deidre's daughter home, where she waited alone until her mother arrived.

The school and parents have yet to resolve the issue.

Deidre is most upset that her daughter wasn't released to her, but Johnson said that given all of the construction around the school, she didn't think it would be safe for the student to ride horseback on these streets.

Sure, the parent was protesting the new pickup policy in a crazy way, but does that give the school administrator the right to proclaim the horse was unsafe and refuse to allow the parent to pick up her own child? Why can't the parent decide if riding a horse is safe or not?

The teacher refused to release the child because they wanted to punnish the parent for daring to question the school's policy and to make it worse, the teacher had the officer drop the child at her home "ALONE". Is leaving an 8 year old all alone "SAFE" in the teacher's mind? There was no way for the school to know how long it would take for the mother to get home and leaving an 8 year old all alone was again, more punnishment for daring to buck the system.

I can offer examples all day long about how schools and teachers are pushing a Nation wide Liberal agenda, but I can't find any examples of the opposite, I base all of my comments on hard facts and provable trends, not bias.



New member
And I wouldn't expect you to understand that ALL those from the south are toothless, stupid, rednecks.

If needed, I'll provide two or three examples to prove that my ignorant blanket generalization of a group of people is a fact.

Dumbass. :rolleyes:



New member
And I wouldn't expect you to understand that ALL those from the south are toothless, stupid, rednecks.
If needed, I'll provide two or three examples to prove that my ignorant blanket generalization of a group of people is a fact.

Dumbass. :rolleyes:
Hey! I'm not stupid!



Active Members
And I wouldn't expect you to understand that ALL those from the south are toothless, stupid, rednecks.
If needed, I'll provide two or three examples to prove that my ignorant blanket generalization of a group of people is a fact.

Dumbass. :rolleyes:
lol, I am a dumbass because you want to blind yourself to the truth? There are many thousands of examples just like this in this year alone and if you want me to I can show you much of them but the point is not any one example but the general liberal agenda in our schools that is being driven by teachers.

You know what, even the teachers who are not this bad are still themselves not speaking out against these things so they are still part of the problem. Look at this case for example, the only reason we are talking about this situation is because the author of that book was using it to generate chatter and sell more books. Every teacher in that school knew what was happening and none of them complained, so that means they were all part of the problem.

Consider this, you agreed all of ACORN was corrupt but at best we have only a few examples of corruption:

Obama knows of the shady practices of ACORN and SEIU and has had them in the White House helping to make policy decisions.
ACORN and SEIU includes hundreds of thousands of individuals, but you have no problem calling the entire agency bad based on a few examples.....as am I.

But for some reason you feel it is wrong for me to apply the same concept to schools and teachers with many thousands of examples, much more than we have against ACORN.

Me thinks you are only complaining because it is me saying it.



New member
Blissful times comes by way of ignorance. It is not one of a time actions that cause change, it grows over many years by subtle acceptance to actions such as this.

Moreover, it is human behaviour to accept in passing situations like this; get annoyed this time but next time it doesn't have the same resonating effect, thereby the cultural envelope is extended ever so more to acceptance...a little bit at a time. Then as the heads are eventually elevated from the sands of time, we ask "how did we get here?"

Our youth illustrate our culture!

What ever happened to the American ethos that made this country the beacon on the hill?

Answer: spoiled youth and our celluloid (entertainment) infactuation.

I hate to see, no, I loathe to see our children singing praises of any leader other than of our Founding Fathers. America does not need to be saved by any one leader, but by consorted efforts of all parties adhering to the parameters of our Constitution.



New member
lol, I am a dumbass because you want to blind yourself to the truth? There are many thousands of examples just like this in this year alone and if you want me to I can show you much of them but the point is not any one example but the general liberal agenda in our schools that is being driven by teachers.

You know what, even the teachers who are not this bad are still themselves not speaking out against these things so they are still part of the problem. Look at this case for example, the only reason we are talking about this situation is because the author of that book was using it to generate chatter and sell more books. Every teacher in that school knew what was happening and none of them complained, so that means they were all part of the problem.

Consider this, you agreed all of ACORN was corrupt but at best we have only a few examples of corruption:

ACORN and SEIU includes hundreds of thousands of individuals, but you have no problem calling the entire agency bad based on a few examples.....as am I.

But for some reason you feel it is wrong for me to apply the same concept to schools and teachers with many thousands of examples, much more than we have against ACORN.

Me thinks you are only complaining because it is me saying it.

No. You're a dumbass because I said that these institutions are intrinsically nefarious, but understand that not all those involved with them are bad and nowhere did I generalize all the people involved.

You said EVERY teacher in America would refuse to sing a song about a conservative president because EVERY teacher is "purely radical liberal" and are to stupid to know what was wrong with your statement and the difference to what I said.

Every, none, all, never, always, everyone and no one, rarely are.

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