Dr. Jai Maharaj

Obama Still Has Big Advertising Edge

By Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, February 16, 2008; A11

Since emerging from a coast-to-coast slate of presidential
contests on Feb. 5, Democrat Barack Obama has significantly
outspent rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on television
commercials, providing a crucial edge that helped push him
to a rapid succession of primary and caucus victories.

Obama's ability to blanket the airwaves -- and repeatedly
start statewide television ad campaigns a week ahead of
Clinton -- has been the defining advantage to emerge from
the commanding fundraising lead he staked out in January.

In the nine days following Super Tuesday, the senator from
Illinois spent about $13.5 million on television ads,
compared with Clinton's $8.3 million, according to a media
consultant not connected with any campaign who collected
the figures and shared them on the condition of anonymity.
In Wisconsin, which will vote on Tuesday, Obama ads
monopolized the airwaves for six days before Clinton
responded with her own spot.

"Since the beginning of this race, he's always relied on
getting that big head start, and he continues to do that,"
said Evan Tracey, the chief operating officer of Campaign
Media Analysis Group, which analyzes political advertising.
"It's hard to make up for that."

Signs are emerging, though, that the Clinton team
recognizes the strategic disadvantage the advertising
imbalance has created. In Ohio and Texas, two crucial
contests set for March 4, both campaigns began advertising
at the same time and have been spending about $50,000 a

Clinton has invested in several new ads -- including one
that directly attacks Obama -- that will air in small and
large markets in Wisconsin. And while Obama has purchased
television time in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio,
Clinton has made large advertising buys in virtually every
Texas market, from Amarillo to McAllen.

That advertising onslaught is now possible, key Clinton
supporters said, because the campaign's fundraising has
rebounded since January, a month in which Obama raised $32
million to Clinton's $13.5 million.

"At this stage of the campaign, they're back on equal
footing," said Mike Stratton, a Denver political strategist
and Clinton fundraiser.

In recent days, the Clinton team has described an online
fundraising resurgence that is putting $1 million a day
into the coffers of the senator from New York. The campaign
has also pressed into service former president Bill
Clinton, holding a rapid succession of fundraisers in
Washington, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, New York and Florida
over nine days this month.

"We're in the unique situation of having a spouse who is
capable of bringing in dollars on a very aggressive basis,"
said Hassan Nemazee, a New York financier who is one of the
Clinton campaign's finance chairmen.

Several media analysts and campaign advisers said yesterday
that Obama's substantial advertising edge played a critical
role in his ability to rack up wins in the contests that
followed Super Tuesday voting on Feb. 5.

Kenneth Goldstein, a professor at the University of
Wisconsin at Madison who monitors political advertising,
said television ad campaigns are the most effective when
one candidate is on the air and the other is not. Obama has
regularly had the chance to define himself to the
electorate without competition.

That was critical for Obama, Goldstein said, because he is
not nearly as well known as Clinton. Alan Solomont, a top
fundraiser for Obama, said the campaign has always
recognized that Clinton's near-universal name recognition
is a daunting challenge.

"We're running against a quasi-incumbent who's known
everywhere," he said. "In virtually every state, we start
from a standing position. We essentially start behind.
That's why being able to advertise is so important."

Robert Zimmerman, a New York public relations executive and
key Clinton supporter, said that any assumption that
Obama's advertising advantage will prove decisive moving
forward represents "an inside-the-Beltway mind-set."

"There are so many ways the messages are getting through,"
Zimmerman said. "With free media, news coverage, Internet
ads, rallies, direct mail -- I think this whole notion that
the number of ads you have up determines one's viability,
it's obsolete thinking."

Clinton's latest advertising push has for the first time
included negative spots. Two ads have knocked Obama for
declining to debate her in Wisconsin. Obama responded to
the first negative ad with a spot that said, "After 18
debates, with two more coming, Hillary says Barack Obama is
ducking debates? It's the same old politics of phony
charges and false attacks."

The Clinton team fired back yesterday with a commercial
that says, "Barack Obama still won't agree to debate in
Wisconsin. And now he's hiding behind false attack ads.
Maybe he doesn't want to explain why his health-care plan
leaves out 15 million people and Hillary's covers

Goldstein said he was surprised that Clinton has only now
started to aggressively attack her opponent. He compared
the circumstances to the 2004 contest between President
Bush and John F. Kerry. Bush was far better known and used
his ads to attack the senator from Massachusetts. Kerry ran
mostly positive spots, Goldstein said.

"At this point, this campaign is really about Barack Obama
now. He's still not as well known. Her job really is to
define him," he said. Until now, Obama's financial edge has
not allowed her to do that.

More at:

Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

Hindu Holocaust Museum

Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy

The truth about Islam and Muslims


o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
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considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
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owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
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your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
copyright owner.
do we know if saudi money is making its way into obama campaign via

<usenet@mantra.com and/or www.mantra.com/jai (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20080216Jv0X4W7u6X5Zq0UQ533AHz4@TNj62...
> Obama Still Has Big Advertising Edge
> By Matthew Mosk
> Washington Post Staff Writer
> Saturday, February 16, 2008; A11
> Since emerging from a coast-to-coast slate of presidential
> contests on Feb. 5, Democrat Barack Obama has significantly
> outspent rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on television
> commercials, providing a crucial edge that helped push him
> to a rapid succession of primary and caucus victories.
> Obama's ability to blanket the airwaves -- and repeatedly
> start statewide television ad campaigns a week ahead of
> Clinton -- has been the defining advantage to emerge from
> the commanding fundraising lead he staked out in January.
> In the nine days following Super Tuesday, the senator from
> Illinois spent about $13.5 million on television ads,
> compared with Clinton's $8.3 million, according to a media
> consultant not connected with any campaign who collected
> the figures and shared them on the condition of anonymity.
> In Wisconsin, which will vote on Tuesday, Obama ads
> monopolized the airwaves for six days before Clinton
> responded with her own spot.
> "Since the beginning of this race, he's always relied on
> getting that big head start, and he continues to do that,"
> said Evan Tracey, the chief operating officer of Campaign
> Media Analysis Group, which analyzes political advertising.
> "It's hard to make up for that."
> Signs are emerging, though, that the Clinton team
> recognizes the strategic disadvantage the advertising
> imbalance has created. In Ohio and Texas, two crucial
> contests set for March 4, both campaigns began advertising
> at the same time and have been spending about $50,000 a
> day.
> Clinton has invested in several new ads -- including one
> that directly attacks Obama -- that will air in small and
> large markets in Wisconsin. And while Obama has purchased
> television time in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio,
> Clinton has made large advertising buys in virtually every
> Texas market, from Amarillo to McAllen.
> That advertising onslaught is now possible, key Clinton
> supporters said, because the campaign's fundraising has
> rebounded since January, a month in which Obama raised $32
> million to Clinton's $13.5 million.
> "At this stage of the campaign, they're back on equal
> footing," said Mike Stratton, a Denver political strategist
> and Clinton fundraiser.
> In recent days, the Clinton team has described an online
> fundraising resurgence that is putting $1 million a day
> into the coffers of the senator from New York. The campaign
> has also pressed into service former president Bill
> Clinton, holding a rapid succession of fundraisers in
> Washington, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, New York and Florida
> over nine days this month.
> "We're in the unique situation of having a spouse who is
> capable of bringing in dollars on a very aggressive basis,"
> said Hassan Nemazee, a New York financier who is one of the
> Clinton campaign's finance chairmen.
> Several media analysts and campaign advisers said yesterday
> that Obama's substantial advertising edge played a critical
> role in his ability to rack up wins in the contests that
> followed Super Tuesday voting on Feb. 5.
> Kenneth Goldstein, a professor at the University of
> Wisconsin at Madison who monitors political advertising,
> said television ad campaigns are the most effective when
> one candidate is on the air and the other is not. Obama has
> regularly had the chance to define himself to the
> electorate without competition.
> That was critical for Obama, Goldstein said, because he is
> not nearly as well known as Clinton. Alan Solomont, a top
> fundraiser for Obama, said the campaign has always
> recognized that Clinton's near-universal name recognition
> is a daunting challenge.
> "We're running against a quasi-incumbent who's known
> everywhere," he said. "In virtually every state, we start
> from a standing position. We essentially start behind.
> That's why being able to advertise is so important."
> Robert Zimmerman, a New York public relations executive and
> key Clinton supporter, said that any assumption that
> Obama's advertising advantage will prove decisive moving
> forward represents "an inside-the-Beltway mind-set."
> "There are so many ways the messages are getting through,"
> Zimmerman said. "With free media, news coverage, Internet
> ads, rallies, direct mail -- I think this whole notion that
> the number of ads you have up determines one's viability,
> it's obsolete thinking."
> Clinton's latest advertising push has for the first time
> included negative spots. Two ads have knocked Obama for
> declining to debate her in Wisconsin. Obama responded to
> the first negative ad with a spot that said, "After 18
> debates, with two more coming, Hillary says Barack Obama is
> ducking debates? It's the same old politics of phony
> charges and false attacks."
> The Clinton team fired back yesterday with a commercial
> that says, "Barack Obama still won't agree to debate in
> Wisconsin. And now he's hiding behind false attack ads.
> Maybe he doesn't want to explain why his health-care plan
> leaves out 15 million people and Hillary's covers
> everyone."
> Goldstein said he was surprised that Clinton has only now
> started to aggressively attack her opponent. He compared
> the circumstances to the 2004 contest between President
> Bush and John F. Kerry. Bush was far better known and used
> his ads to attack the senator from Massachusetts. Kerry ran
> mostly positive spots, Goldstein said.
> "At this point, this campaign is really about Barack Obama
> now. He's still not as well known. Her job really is to
> define him," he said. Until now, Obama's financial edge has
> not allowed her to do that.
> More at:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/15/AR2008021503321_pf.html
> Jai Maharaj
> http://tinyurl.com/24fq83
> http://www.mantra.com/jai
> http://www.mantra.com/jyotish
> Om Shanti
> Hindu Holocaust Museum
> http://www.mantra.com/holocaust
> Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
> http://www.hindu.org
> http://www.hindunet.org
> The truth about Islam and Muslims
> http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate
> o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the
> educational
> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may
> not
> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> fair use of copyrighted works.
> o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name,
> current
> e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
> o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others
> are
> not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the
> article.
> FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with
> Title
> 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the
> included
> information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more
> information
> go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
> If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> copyright owner.
"harmony" <aka@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> do we know if saudi money is making its way into obama campaign via
> surrogates?

Whores like cowardly "harmony" <aka@hotmail.com> are very destructive

> <usenet@mantra.com and/or www.mantra.com/jai (Dr. Jai Maharaj)>
> wrote in message news:20080216Jv0X4W7u6X5Zq0UQ533AHz4@TNj62...
>> Obama Still Has Big Advertising Edge
>> By Matthew Mosk
>> Washington Post Staff Writer
>> Saturday, February 16, 2008; A11
>> Since emerging from a coast-to-coast slate of presidential
>> contests on Feb. 5, Democrat Barack Obama has significantly
>> outspent rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on television
>> commercials, providing a crucial edge that helped push him
>> to a rapid succession of primary and caucus victories.
>> Obama's ability to blanket the airwaves -- and repeatedly
>> start statewide television ad campaigns a week ahead of
>> Clinton -- has been the defining advantage to emerge from
>> the commanding fundraising lead he staked out in January.
>> In the nine days following Super Tuesday, the senator from
>> Illinois spent about $13.5 million on television ads,
>> compared with Clinton's $8.3 million, according to a media
>> consultant not connected with any campaign who collected
>> the figures and shared them on the condition of anonymity.
>> In Wisconsin, which will vote on Tuesday, Obama ads
>> monopolized the airwaves for six days before Clinton
>> responded with her own spot.
>> "Since the beginning of this race, he's always relied on
>> getting that big head start, and he continues to do that,"
>> said Evan Tracey, the chief operating officer of Campaign
>> Media Analysis Group, which analyzes political advertising.
>> "It's hard to make up for that."
>> Signs are emerging, though, that the Clinton team
>> recognizes the strategic disadvantage the advertising
>> imbalance has created. In Ohio and Texas, two crucial
>> contests set for March 4, both campaigns began advertising
>> at the same time and have been spending about $50,000 a
>> day.
>> Clinton has invested in several new ads -- including one
>> that directly attacks Obama -- that will air in small and
>> large markets in Wisconsin. And while Obama has purchased
>> television time in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio,
>> Clinton has made large advertising buys in virtually every
>> Texas market, from Amarillo to McAllen.
>> That advertising onslaught is now possible, key Clinton
>> supporters said, because the campaign's fundraising has
>> rebounded since January, a month in which Obama raised $32
>> million to Clinton's $13.5 million.
>> "At this stage of the campaign, they're back on equal
>> footing," said Mike Stratton, a Denver political strategist
>> and Clinton fundraiser.
>> In recent days, the Clinton team has described an online
>> fundraising resurgence that is putting $1 million a day
>> into the coffers of the senator from New York. The campaign
>> has also pressed into service former president Bill
>> Clinton, holding a rapid succession of fundraisers in
>> Washington, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, New York and Florida
>> over nine days this month.
>> "We're in the unique situation of having a spouse who is
>> capable of bringing in dollars on a very aggressive basis,"
>> said Hassan Nemazee, a New York financier who is one of the
>> Clinton campaign's finance chairmen.
>> Several media analysts and campaign advisers said yesterday
>> that Obama's substantial advertising edge played a critical
>> role in his ability to rack up wins in the contests that
>> followed Super Tuesday voting on Feb. 5.
>> Kenneth Goldstein, a professor at the University of
>> Wisconsin at Madison who monitors political advertising,
>> said television ad campaigns are the most effective when
>> one candidate is on the air and the other is not. Obama has
>> regularly had the chance to define himself to the
>> electorate without competition.
>> That was critical for Obama, Goldstein said, because he is
>> not nearly as well known as Clinton. Alan Solomont, a top
>> fundraiser for Obama, said the campaign has always
>> recognized that Clinton's near-universal name recognition
>> is a daunting challenge.
>> "We're running against a quasi-incumbent who's known
>> everywhere," he said. "In virtually every state, we start
>> from a standing position. We essentially start behind.
>> That's why being able to advertise is so important."
>> Robert Zimmerman, a New York public relations executive and
>> key Clinton supporter, said that any assumption that
>> Obama's advertising advantage will prove decisive moving
>> forward represents "an inside-the-Beltway mind-set."
>> "There are so many ways the messages are getting through,"
>> Zimmerman said. "With free media, news coverage, Internet
>> ads, rallies, direct mail -- I think this whole notion that
>> the number of ads you have up determines one's viability,
>> it's obsolete thinking."
>> Clinton's latest advertising push has for the first time
>> included negative spots. Two ads have knocked Obama for
>> declining to debate her in Wisconsin. Obama responded to
>> the first negative ad with a spot that said, "After 18
>> debates, with two more coming, Hillary says Barack Obama is
>> ducking debates? It's the same old politics of phony
>> charges and false attacks."
>> The Clinton team fired back yesterday with a commercial
>> that says, "Barack Obama still won't agree to debate in
>> Wisconsin. And now he's hiding behind false attack ads.
>> Maybe he doesn't want to explain why his health-care plan
>> leaves out 15 million people and Hillary's covers
>> everyone."
>> Goldstein said he was surprised that Clinton has only now
>> started to aggressively attack her opponent. He compared
>> the circumstances to the 2004 contest between President
>> Bush and John F. Kerry. Bush was far better known and used
>> his ads to attack the senator from Massachusetts. Kerry ran
>> mostly positive spots, Goldstein said.
>> "At this point, this campaign is really about Barack Obama
>> now. He's still not as well known. Her job really is to
>> define him," he said. Until now, Obama's financial edge has
>> not allowed her to do that.
>> More at:
>> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/15/AR2008021503321_pf.html
>> Jai Maharaj
>> http://tinyurl.com/24fq83
>> http://www.mantra.com/jai
>> http://www.mantra.com/jyotish
>> Om Shanti
>> Hindu Holocaust Museum
>> http://www.mantra.com/holocaust
>> Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
>> http://www.hindu.org
>> http://www.hindunet.org
>> The truth about Islam and Muslims
>> http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate
>> o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the
>> educational
>> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post
>> may not
>> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion
>> of the
>> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the
>> exemption for
>> fair use of copyrighted works.
>> o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be
>> read,
>> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name,
>> current
>> e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
>> o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by
>> others are
>> not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read
>> the article.
>> FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the
>> use of
>> which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the
>> copyright
>> owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance
>> the
>> understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
>> democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is
>> believed
>> that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material
>> as
>> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance
>> with Title
>> 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed
>> without
>> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving
>> the included
>> information for research, comment, discussion and educational
>> purposes by
>> subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more
>> information
>> go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml
>> If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for
>> purposes of
>> your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from
>> the
>> copyright owner.

There's no question about it. Arab cash is
driving opinion in US schools -- please visit:

Saudi Money Buys Influence on U.S. Campuses


Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

In article <47b9f7bd$0$4077$bbae4d71@news.suddenlink.net>,
"harmony" <aka@hotmail.com> posted:
> do we know if saudi money is making its way into obama campaign via
> surrogates?
> http://www.mantra.com/jyotish (Dr. Jai Maharaj) posted:
> > Obama Still Has Big Advertising Edge
> >
> > By Matthew Mosk
> > Washington Post Staff Writer
> > Saturday, February 16, 2008; A11
> >
> > Since emerging from a coast-to-coast slate of presidential
> > contests on Feb. 5, Democrat Barack Obama has significantly
> > outspent rival Hillary Rodham Clinton on television
> > commercials, providing a crucial edge that helped push him
> > to a rapid succession of primary and caucus victories.
> >
> > Obama's ability to blanket the airwaves -- and repeatedly
> > start statewide television ad campaigns a week ahead of
> > Clinton -- has been the defining advantage to emerge from
> > the commanding fundraising lead he staked out in January.
> >
> > In the nine days following Super Tuesday, the senator from
> > Illinois spent about $13.5 million on television ads,
> > compared with Clinton's $8.3 million, according to a media
> > consultant not connected with any campaign who collected
> > the figures and shared them on the condition of anonymity.
> > In Wisconsin, which will vote on Tuesday, Obama ads
> > monopolized the airwaves for six days before Clinton
> > responded with her own spot.
> >
> > "Since the beginning of this race, he's always relied on
> > getting that big head start, and he continues to do that,"
> > said Evan Tracey, the chief operating officer of Campaign
> > Media Analysis Group, which analyzes political advertising.
> > "It's hard to make up for that."
> >
> > Signs are emerging, though, that the Clinton team
> > recognizes the strategic disadvantage the advertising
> > imbalance has created. In Ohio and Texas, two crucial
> > contests set for March 4, both campaigns began advertising
> > at the same time and have been spending about $50,000 a
> > day.
> >
> > Clinton has invested in several new ads -- including one
> > that directly attacks Obama -- that will air in small and
> > large markets in Wisconsin. And while Obama has purchased
> > television time in Austin, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio,
> > Clinton has made large advertising buys in virtually every
> > Texas market, from Amarillo to McAllen.
> >
> > That advertising onslaught is now possible, key Clinton
> > supporters said, because the campaign's fundraising has
> > rebounded since January, a month in which Obama raised $32
> > million to Clinton's $13.5 million.
> >
> > "At this stage of the campaign, they're back on equal
> > footing," said Mike Stratton, a Denver political strategist
> > and Clinton fundraiser.
> >
> > In recent days, the Clinton team has described an online
> > fundraising resurgence that is putting $1 million a day
> > into the coffers of the senator from New York. The campaign
> > has also pressed into service former president Bill
> > Clinton, holding a rapid succession of fundraisers in
> > Washington, Milwaukee, Los Angeles, New York and Florida
> > over nine days this month.
> >
> > "We're in the unique situation of having a spouse who is
> > capable of bringing in dollars on a very aggressive basis,"
> > said Hassan Nemazee, a New York financier who is one of the
> > Clinton campaign's finance chairmen.
> >
> > Several media analysts and campaign advisers said yesterday
> > that Obama's substantial advertising edge played a critical
> > role in his ability to rack up wins in the contests that
> > followed Super Tuesday voting on Feb. 5.
> >
> > Kenneth Goldstein, a professor at the University of
> > Wisconsin at Madison who monitors political advertising,
> > said television ad campaigns are the most effective when
> > one candidate is on the air and the other is not. Obama has
> > regularly had the chance to define himself to the
> > electorate without competition.
> >
> > That was critical for Obama, Goldstein said, because he is
> > not nearly as well known as Clinton. Alan Solomont, a top
> > fundraiser for Obama, said the campaign has always
> > recognized that Clinton's near-universal name recognition
> > is a daunting challenge.
> >
> > "We're running against a quasi-incumbent who's known
> > everywhere," he said. "In virtually every state, we start
> > from a standing position. We essentially start behind.
> > That's why being able to advertise is so important."
> >
> > Robert Zimmerman, a New York public relations executive and
> > key Clinton supporter, said that any assumption that
> > Obama's advertising advantage will prove decisive moving
> > forward represents "an inside-the-Beltway mind-set."
> >
> > "There are so many ways the messages are getting through,"
> > Zimmerman said. "With free media, news coverage, Internet
> > ads, rallies, direct mail -- I think this whole notion that
> > the number of ads you have up determines one's viability,
> > it's obsolete thinking."
> >
> > Clinton's latest advertising push has for the first time
> > included negative spots. Two ads have knocked Obama for
> > declining to debate her in Wisconsin. Obama responded to
> > the first negative ad with a spot that said, "After 18
> > debates, with two more coming, Hillary says Barack Obama is
> > ducking debates? It's the same old politics of phony
> > charges and false attacks."
> >
> > The Clinton team fired back yesterday with a commercial
> > that says, "Barack Obama still won't agree to debate in
> > Wisconsin. And now he's hiding behind false attack ads.
> > Maybe he doesn't want to explain why his health-care plan
> > leaves out 15 million people and Hillary's covers
> > everyone."
> >
> > Goldstein said he was surprised that Clinton has only now
> > started to aggressively attack her opponent. He compared
> > the circumstances to the 2004 contest between President
> > Bush and John F. Kerry. Bush was far better known and used
> > his ads to attack the senator from Massachusetts. Kerry ran
> > mostly positive spots, Goldstein said.
> >
> > "At this point, this campaign is really about Barack Obama
> > now. He's still not as well known. Her job really is to
> > define him," he said. Until now, Obama's financial edge has
> > not allowed her to do that.
> >
> > More at:
> >

> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/02/15/AR20080215033
> 21_pf.html
> >
> > Jai Maharaj
> > http://tinyurl.com/24fq83
> > http://www.mantra.com/jai
> > http://www.mantra.com/jyotish
> > Om Shanti
> >
> > Hindu Holocaust Museum
> > http://www.mantra.com/holocaust
> >
> > Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy
> > http://www.hindu.org
> > http://www.hindunet.org
> >
> > The truth about Islam and Muslims
> > http://www.flex.com/~jai/satyamevajayate
> >
> >
> > o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the
> > educational
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