Oddest thing you done


New member
The oddest thing you done as child on a BIG BIG Trampoline...?

for me i think so far i was odd

i was the odd ball i think....i use to be on one alone and just run around in circles like i was running through a neighborhood and then act like i ran into a pole or something and fall back onto my back and such appearently i had to much hyperness or sugar doing childhood

i also would play Dragonball z with my older brother on the trampoline

and pop corn and air and rocket..

pop corn (for those who dont know of it )

is were one person curls up into a ball and sits in the middle of the trampoline and then others jump around the person to unpop them..

air Is fun

3 or 4 people stand across from each other and at the count of 3 everyone jumps at the same time the one who gets the highest air


for rocket its simple one person stands in teh middle while one person jumps really close them sending them up into the air like a rocket

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