Of course people view Muslims as Terrorists


New member

O.K. Muslims say why are you condeming us for a minority of muslims who are terrorists? Well it's because they use "your ***" as their reason. How do you explain this? Why is the Quran (I think that is how it is spelled) so easily mis-interpreted? This is what is causing all your turmoil. If they did not use their terrorism acts in the name of *** then Muslims would not be judged. The acts would not be associated with religion. It is exactly because they use *** as their reason that ALL muslims are met with suspicion. What do you suggest for people that do not understand the Muslim faith? How can people seperate the religion from the terrorist attacks? I know it is a small minority, but I hope this shows you why people link Muslims to terrorism. There needs to be more education. If your *** and his writings are good, why do so many kill in his name? *** (all faiths) help us. Help us not to lower ourselves to the terrorist vision - for if we condemn Muslims for the few that have gone astray then we too become evil.



New member

O.K. Muslims say why are you condeming us for a minority of muslims who are terrorists? Well it's because they use "your ***" as their reason. How do you explain this? Why is the Quran (I think that is how it is spelled) so easily mis-interpreted? This is what is causing all your turmoil.

The Qu'ran is very easy to understand,but most prefer not to try and understand but just judge it as they see fit.As for the terrorists they misinterprete it on purpose to draw people(children) into their web of hate and make them carry out what they themselves can't achieve(cowards)

If they did not use their terrorism acts in the name of *** then Muslims would not be judged. The acts would not be associated with religion. It is exactly because they use *** as their reason that ALL muslims are met with suspicion.

Yeah I know!This propaganda/media even makes me scared of muslim men.I find myself looking suspiciously at my own fellow muslims on the bus.LOL

The media exaggerates things so much that everyone is in a frenzy in no time.

What do you suggest for people that do not understand the Muslim faith? How can people seperate the religion from the terrorist attacks?

I suggest that people go and try to learn more about Islam,and I ain't talkin' about reading an english translated Qu'ran then immediately jumping to conclusions.Try and learn about the Biggining of Islam,and about the Prophet(pbuh),he was such a gentle man who was very truthful and trustworthy even the christians and jews of that time came to him to settle any disputes between them.

MRIH,just made up his username coz he doesn't know the full facts.Infact he don't know anything about Islam.

I know it is a small minority, but I hope this shows you why people link Muslims to terrorism. There needs to be more education. If your *** and his writings are good, why do so many kill in his name?

I understand why people link muslims to terrorism.It's coz you won't find anywhere in the media were they don't use the word MUSLIM/ISLAMIC before the words terrorists/extremists.What other choice do people have but to believe it.

*** (all faiths) help us. Help us not to lower ourselves to the terrorist vision - for if we condemn Muslims for the few that have gone astray then we too become evil.

AMEN.and O Lord,clean away our heart's disease and make our heart's pure and free of all kinds of evil.

I like the fact that more Good people are biggining to show on this site.My two favourites(crazywumbat and You).



New member
Well, if I was a muslim, I would be ****** as **** at these terrorists and condemming them with all the voice I have from every rooftop I could find. True the **** is exagerated, but that does not dismiss the general lack of condemnation by the muslim community for those using the name of Allah to commit such hideaous acts. Regardles of how ignorant it sounds, this lack of action by the muslim community leads the world to believe that muslims support these acts and understand their justification by terrorists. When someone does something stupid that makes me look bad I am going to shout my disgust. ****, I am constantly speaking out against actions that create hate against the US because those actions make people hate me as an american. Screw this passive "not condoning" **** and use what voice you have to collectively condemn terrorist actions that are done in teh name of your religion


New member
What can be done to stop this hatred? Who can we 'encourage' to speak out? I agree that the word must get out. No one group is responsable for the 'crazy ones'. There are bad people in every religion - people who choose to twist words to their twisted views. But HOW can we stop this connection between Muslims and terrorism? There must be a way. Everyone must speak out. The words must be heard. Right now the words are not loud enough! Even myself from a Catholic/Irish descent for a short angry moment thought - get rid of all the muslims - that will solve all the terroists attacks, send them all back to where they came from. We are a civalized country - we cannot allow them to bring their crazy ideas to our Country. You want to live here then blend in - be grateful. But then I came to my senses quickly. How stupid I feel for thinking that. No one in this entire world should be judged but for how they behave. No matter their skin color, or religious believes. Bottom line - you live your live with love. You respect ALL people regardless of their believes, color - their past. ALL of us are searching for the same thing - acceptance, love, respect. If we can treat everyone that we meet with those 3, then the world would be a better place. Do NOT condemn many for a few desperate and mis-guided. I feel SO angry right now! Message to all Muslims - please speak out LOUD - speak to everyone who will listen. Speak to the media - get your message out. If I were not a person of passion - I would....hate! PLEASE help me, help all *** loving people (regardless of religion) to know that you - MUSLIMS - are good people - not a violent people. Write to your political rep's, write to the newspapers - take the time. It is SO imporant. I hope and pray that the world can find peace for all.


New member
It quite simply relies on reaching out to the ones causing the terror to have them make the first move. Just like Sadr backed down.. He wasn't REALLY an enemy PER SAY, he simply decided to give the OTHER WAY a try.. If extremists would do this, then maybe a peace truce can happen. Its just a matter of convincing them it is the right thing to do. And this takes THERE OWN PEOPLE, not America and allied forces to accomplish. Even though Muslim from that region may hate American troops, I think they need to understand that the troops will not strike against them if they do not strike at others.

Look at all the bombings that have happened in JUST THESE LAST COUPLE DAYS... Sure they may kill 2, or 2000, but all this does is insure that the troops will just stay longer. Its a quagmire that CAN be ended if EXTREMISTS make the first move to peace. It just WILL NOT happen the other way around.





New member
kill them... take off the gloves... untie our hands, and put on some armour! let's settle this once and for all! eventually it's going to have to get done anyway... two cultures cannot occupy the same space without fighting, and last time I checked Islam is growing at a phenominal rate... right now we can win this... in 50 years... who knows....


New member
kill them... take off the gloves... untie our hands, and put on some armour! let's settle this once and for all! eventually it's going to have to get done anyway... two cultures cannot occupy the same space without fighting, and last time I checked Islam is growing at a phenominal rate... right now we can win this... in 50 years... who knows....
So that's it?Let's start a war and go on a killing spree?That's your answer to everything?I thought you had more brain fullo.

So that's it?Let's start a war and go on a killing spree?That's your answer to everything?I thought you had more brain fullo.
The war is already started, islam has been "at war" with everything non-muslim since around 800AD. fullauto just wants to give your ****** up religion a little credibility!


New member
The war is already started, islam has been "at war" with everything non-muslim since around 800AD. fullauto just wants to give your ****** up religion a little credibility!

You really need more than Jesus to save you with the things you say.

Try ENKI,Fullo is lookin' for new recruits!



New member
So that's it?Let's start a war and go on a killing spree?That's your answer to everything?I thought you had more brain fullo.
I have more of a brain than I let on... That's exactly why I would do what I would do... A thin line separates brilliance from insanity... What side of that line do you think I'm on?



New member
I have more of a brain than I let on... That's exactly why I would do what I would do... A thin line separates brilliance from insanity... What side of that line do you think I'm on?
I wouldn't call you insane,but you gotta start thinking in a more humaine way.To say all muslims should be killed is insane though!



New member
I wouldn't call you insane,but you gotta start thinking in a more humaine way.To say all muslims should be killed is insane though!
I would NEVER kill ALL the muslims... You can never kill EVERYONE and with that in mind, the ideology that you are trying to eliminate would live on... But Why should we try to kill NONE of them... They don't seem to have a ******* problem killiing us... Christ, they ******* film it and send it to the news agancies! Why do we care at this point what Islam thinks of us? Kill every muslim with a gun, explosives, jihad propoganda, or anything else that leads you to believe that they are into or support terrorism in some way! say about 1 million or so... That would certainly put a stop to the immediate threat... Then you wait and see what pops up next! Maybe Islam will learn it's lesson finally and just be a religion instead of state policy...

I would NEVER kill ALL the muslims... You can never kill EVERYONE and with that in mind, the ideology that you are trying to eliminate would live on... But Why should we try to kill NONE of them... They don't seem to have a ******* problem killiing us... Christ, they ******* film it and send it to the news agancies! Why do we care at this point what Islam thinks of us? Kill every muslim with a gun, explosives, jihad propoganda, or anything else that leads you to believe that they are into or support terrorism in some way! say about 1 million or so... That would certainly put a stop to the immediate threat... Then you wait and see what pops up next! Maybe Islam will learn it's lesson finally and just be a religion instead of state policy...
I can't believe I'm agreeing with a satanist, but... your 100% correct on this post, fullauto man!



New member
don't respond with anything insightful, or that might prove your point... That would only server to better your position... Just keep posting quotes and oppinion untill we die of natural causes, and than you can say you killed for Allah in your own personal E-Jihad....

PS: Yes, I rip on ya... But it's not because I hate you, I don't hate you, I disagree with you... But you need to learn that your position is ONLY backed up by opinion BLIND faith, and only serves to make things worse... If your going to take that position, learn to defend it, not just take **** for it... What you do now is E-Martyrdom... Don't die for Islams sins...



New member
don't respond with anything insightful, or that might prove your point... That would only server to better your position... Just keep posting quotes and oppinion untill we die of natural causes, and than you can say you killed for Allah in your own personal E-Jihad....
PS: Yes, I rip on ya... But it's not because I hate you, I don't hate you, I disagree with you... But you need to learn that your position is ONLY backed up by opinion BLIND faith, and only serves to make things worse... If your going to take that position, learn to defend it, not just take **** for it... What you do now is E-Martyrdom... Don't die for Islams sins...
OK you've lost me what's with the E's?

Fullo,everyone has a belief and everyone thinks their belief is the correct one.

I disagree with you too..but our arguments hardly get anywhere,coz you don't agree with my faith and I don't agree with yours.Plus I still don't understand your belief.



New member
I would NEVER kill ALL the muslims... You can never kill EVERYONE and with that in mind, the ideology that you are trying to eliminate would live on... But Why should we try to kill NONE of them... They don't seem to have a ******* problem killiing us... Christ, they ******* film it and send it to the news agancies! Why do we care at this point what Islam thinks of us? Kill every muslim with a gun, explosives, jihad propoganda, or anything else that leads you to believe that they are into or support terrorism in some way! say about 1 million or so... That would certainly put a stop to the immediate threat... Then you wait and see what pops up next! Maybe Islam will learn it's lesson finally and just be a religion instead of state policy...
Because then you would be something worse then a terrorist. If you hate these terrorists so much, why are you so quickly trying to be one? Not to mention, that would only produce more hate towards us, and give the remaining Terrorists, as well as any other groups that hate us even more reason to try to bring us harm.



New member
Because then you would be something worse then a terrorist. If you hate these terrorists so much, why are you so quickly trying to be one? Not to mention, that would only produce more hate towards us, and give the remaining Terrorists, as well as any other groups that hate us even more reason to try to bring us harm.
CW... You and the rest of your grape-nut eating friends are obviously too immature, or to frightened to deal with the fact that we are in the first mile of a ******* LIFE OR DEATH MARATHON!

GROW THE **** UP! We are not trying to be terrorists... We are trying to remove the threat before it removes us... And since what time did people have to like us? They are going to try to kill us for as long as Islam remains! You and all people like you are treating this like a ******* saturday morning cartoon... When they bomb us, we don't turn black and the orchestra pipes up with morose music... people are DEAD! They lose thier arms, legs, and life... Children lose thier parents, and parents lose thier children! THEY WILL NEVER STOP!

You, Tizz, and any other self-diluted person on this server needs to realize that being nice will not solve this problem... We are not dealing with rational people!

Do you not remember what the past 50 years has been like with these people? How nice it must be to go through life thinking that nobody want you dead! To be able to dilute yourself into thinking that 'if we just extent our open arms, than everything will be ok.' sooner or later you people are going to get a large wake up call... probably when they let off a fission bomb of in a populated area, but when that day comes, you should understand that others knew before you, and that you should listen before you speak... you are obviously not that bright

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