Office 2010 installation error "user canceled install due to MSI service being busy"



I'm rolling out Windows 7 Professional 64bit with software deployed via group policy. Office 2010 (32bit) is being installed as a startup script in the Microsoft recommended way but I'm finding that while all msi packages are deployed on first reboot after joining the domain, Office requires two or three reboots to complete.
I've set SETUP_REBOOT=AutoAlways in the config.xml file, but this doesn't help. Looking at the log file after the first reboot, it looks like some of the setup has completed OK, but then I get:
Executing chained package: OfficeMUI.en-US
Error: User canceled install due to MSI service being busy. Type: 90::UserCancel
This suggests to me that the Windows Installer service is busy. Is there a way around this, for example a setting that instructs the installer to wait and retry? As I said, the installation eventually completes OK, but it's not perfect and I like things to be just so!

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