Office 2010 Pro Plus won't activate properly



One of our users computers has an installation of Office 2010 that is saying it is not activated. I have taken steps to try and fix this to no avail.

-When I click on the "Activate Now" button it takes me to a screen to input the Key. I paste the key in, and the I get the green check mark saying it is a valid key.
-I hit OK, and it takes me to the next page asking if I want a full installation or custom one. (Note: Office is already fully installed on their machine and has been in user for the past 3-4 weeks already, theoretically with the key inputted at install.)
-I hit Full Install and it takes about 30 seconds to do some configuration changes (not sure what)
-When I return to Word (or Excel, or Powerpoint, etc.) it says I may have to restart the client for changes to take effect.
-I've restarted both the program and computer multiple times, and the activation will never take.

I've attempted these steps multiple times to no avail.

This is a multi-volume license that is being used on at least a dozen other computers with no problems. It has been installed on machines before, as well as after, this machine with no issues.

Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.

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