Oh, did you know that John McCain is a lying warmongering? Yup. He is.


Harry Hope

Thousands upon thousands of dead people and hundreds of billions of
dollars later, a comprehensive Pentagon study has concluded that
despite the Bush administration's repeated claims to the contrary,
there were never any ties between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

Oh well.

But Iraq is so 2003 - what about Al Qaeda's ties to Iran?

During a jaunt through the Middle East last week, presidential hopeful
John McCain boldly asserted that Iranians are "taking al-Qaeda into
Iran, training them and sending them back."

Which is obviously completely wrong.

As the Associated Press notes:

Iran is a predominantly Shiite Muslim country and has been at pains to
close its borders to al-Qaida fighters of the rival Sunni sect.

But as John McCain has learned, if you want to bomb a country (and he
does) then step one is to follow the Bush Administration playbook.

Regardless of the facts or the evidence, simply claim that the country
you want to bomb is in cahoots with Al Qaeda, et voila!

Eat my JDAMs, brown people!

McCain is so desperate for war with Iran that he made the same false
claim three times last week.

On Monday 17th he called in to Hugh Hewitt's radio show and said, "As
you know, there are Al Qaeda operatives that are taken back into Iran,
given training as leaders, and they're moving back into Iraq."

Then, in Amman, Jordan, on March 18th, he told reporters that "It's
common knowledge, and it's been reported in the media, that Al Qaeda
is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back
into Iraq from Iran."

Then, in a written press release on March 19th, he stated, "Al Qaeda
and Shia extremists -- with support from external powers such as Iran
-- are on the run but not defeated."

Yes, John McCain is catapulting the exact same propaganda that Bush
used to drag us into the Iraq quagmire.

And why not?

It worked so well the first time.

By EarlG
Democratic Underground
